Sirens Voice (Magi Fanfic)

By Lonely_Tomato

62.5K 1.5K 296

In a small village in the country of the Parthevian Empire, was two young teens waiting for an adventure to a... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
*Spartos Special*
Chapter 8
*Wedding day*
*Sham Lash*
*Sham Lash Pt.2*

*Sham Lash Pt 3*

2.2K 59 3
By Lonely_Tomato


No one's POV

"Challenge accepted"

The group spoke with each other deciding who would fight first.

"Who wants to go first?" Sin asked, he looked over at everyone's nervous face. They don't want to hurt her, but if they have to in order to save her, then fine. Mystoras looked up

"I'll go first, even if I don't beat her, I can at least weaken her out. It's my duty as a Knight of Sasan!" He reached for his lance behind him, determined to help one of his friends. Sin just nodded, walking away with the rest of the group to watch.

Jasmine stepped forward, sheathing her sword and grabbed a spear resting on a tree nearby. She must win, so she may get revenge on those who abandoned her, even if it means killing someone innocent.


Mystoras shot forward, not giving her any time to react. Strike after strike, he felt like he was getting somewhere. He felt his lance hit something, but he didn't have time to think about it, he had to win.

He jumped back after his long combo, he saw her still standing here unharmed smirking at his shocked expression.


She slowly walked forward, spear spinning in one of her hands, "Easy, you are too slow. I dodged ever strike. I bet you felt like you were winning, sorry to disappoint but you just are good enough to hit me with your lance~" Teasing him, she noticed how he looked deep in thought, he needed to at least get a hit in.

She slammed her spear down, he blocked it with his lance. He pushed her off striking again, faster this time. She was off balance but was still able to deflect the attack with her spear, and she saw an opening.

She swung her spear, slamming it into his ribs and the metal tip gave him a deep cut. "Agh!!" He jumped back, gripping is wound in pain. He panted, he was starting to get tired but he won't give up.

He stood back up shouting, "If I can't hit you physically, I'll hit you with words!" He shouted, her eyes narrowed a little before copying his move to hit him.

Mystoras was able to counter it, letting him speak, "Miss Jasmine, this isn't' who you are! You aren't full of revenge and hate. Do you remember the promise you made to my little brother? That you would come back so he can show you his skills! Would you chose this life over the promise you made to him!"

That's when Mystoras noticed Jasmine start to slow down, her attack is hesitating. She wasn't sure about what to think again, a dulling pain in her head came. She knew something was wrong but not sure what.

She started to get pissed off, her irritation growing towards the Knight. That was a promise she made to little Spartos. He was adorable, innocent, and such a crybaby when it came to his brother.

"Sp...Spartos" She muttered.

Sin and the group's eyes widen, she remembers her past, this might be the key they need to win. They know how to save her now.

Jasmine turned the pain in her head into powerful attacks, she used the end of her spear and knocked the knight down, before he can retaliate, the sharp weapon was already at his neck.

"Jasmine wins," Maki said, she was unaware how the words spoken to Jazz affect her. To her, nothing can change her most powerful experiment.

Sin drag Mystoras back, while Jafar treated his wounds. Hinahoho sighed looking at the young girl waiting to fight again. "My turn..."

He walked to the area, looking down at her dull face. Her face had more emotion since they first saw her, but it was filled with confusion and doubt.


"Jasmine, why do you hate Sin and Jafar?" Hinahoho asked. He was a father to already a few kids. Jasmine beginning one of the few his wife adopted, making him her Father figure.

She growled, eyes shining for a moment, "They gave me away! I was a fool for thinking they cared for me. They left me here for almost two months! Do any of you realize how much I endured, praying you would come! No one did!" She ran forward attacking the warrior who just kept dodging, looking at her sadly.

"I was taught here what really happened, how easily I gave myself up, how foolish it was. I thought I was loved...but I won't be fooled again!"

Her eyes glowed for a moment, she jumped back slowly rising up. Everyone was confused about her next move. What is she planning now, what's up with her eyes?

"Did you know, Siren's vocal abilities were stronger on the full moon? Normally I couldn't control a person entirely if it wasn't for this night. For example. On a normal night, I can say a few words and easily sway them to my ideas. I can't sing a song to control them though."

Her eyes went from an apple red to a blood red.

"On a full moon, I can make a person do anything I want though. I can make them sleep, dance, kill themselves, fall in love, and more. Shall we test it?"

Hinahoho's eyes widened, he was screwed now. He ran forward trying to stop her but he couldn't stop her voice in time.

My heart is weak

Tear it down piece by piece

Leave me to think

Deep in my structure

I think I still love her

But I need some sleep

You've taken my breath away

Now I want to breathe

Cause I cannot see what you can see

So easily

I thought my demons were almost defeated

But you took their side

And you pull them to freedom

I kept your secrets and I thought that

You would do the same

Leave me in peace

Caught in my memories

Lost underneath

Deep in my structure

I feel a rupture

From where she should be

You've taken my breath from me

Now I want to breathe

Cause I cannot see what you can see

So easily

I thought my demons were almost defeated

But you took their side

And you pull them to freedom

They know my secrets and won't let me go

Won't let me goI thought my demons were almost defeated

But you took their sideAnd you pull them to freedom

I kept your secrets and I thought that

You would do the same

Everyone in the area except Sin and Captain Maki was affected. Hinahoho was on his knees, hands gripping his hands, muttering nonsense to himself. The song drove him insane, playing over again and again.

"Hinahoho!!" Shouted Sin and Jafar, they ran to their friend's side trying to ask if he was okay, but he couldn't hear them. They can only hear, see, and feel whatever it was Jasmine had him watch.

"What did you do to him Jazz!" Sin yelled, he walked straight towards her, gripping her shoulder. Her eyes still cold and dull as ever. She only scoffed, slapping his hands away,

Sin was shocked, how much changed about her. What happened to his love, to the woman who was so excited to travel the world with them. What happened!! Before she could walk away, Sin pulled her back catching her lips with his own.

Jasmine's eyes widen, slowly she glared trying to get away, but he wouldn't let her. He won't give up on her!

"S-sin..." Jafar muttered, after dragging Hinahoho back to where Mystoras was. Sin's kiss wasn't soft or gentle, it was angry and aggressive, almost possessive.

He pulled away when he realized Jasmine stopped struggling. He looked into her eyes, Golden meeting red.

Her eyes were glossy as if about to cry. One thing Sin has noticed about her, her eyes betray what she tries to hide. Her eyes always tell people what she actually feels, it's one of her best qualities.

Sin took a step back, He glared at the woman behind his girl, "I won't lose her to you"

Sin walked back to Jafar who looked worried, 'Sin... I want to try next. I got her here, I'll get her out." Sin smiled and patted the boy's head. He's grown since they first met, he's becoming a strong young man.

Jafar stood upon his sister, he felt guilty for what they did to her. But he won't let it continue. He flicks out his daggers, and Jasmine pulls out her sword, the spear was starting to crack from the fight with Mystoras.


"I'm no sister to a traitor"

Jafar's grip tightened, he looked away ashamed, but felt himself get a little confidence from the nod Sin gave him. It was a hidden message, 'You can bring her back'

He glared back at Jasmine shooting his string towards her, she used her sword to deflect it. She ran towards him, sword slashing upwards cutting his face a little.

Jafar didn't give it any thought as he maneuvered his daggered wrap her arm, swinging her into a tree. The first hit.

"Heh, you got her. What can I expect from an ex-chief..." Maki muttered, arms crossing watching the fight progress.

From what seemed like an hour, within 30 mins, both Jasmine and Jafar were tired and had cuts all over.

Little did the Siren know, her brother had a plan.

"I'm sorry Jazz, as soon as I woke up, I tried to find you to bring you home. I did everything I could! All of us, even Vittel and Mahab. We spend hours and days trying to discover where they were keeping you. I fail you, as a brother and a comrade!" Jafar yelled, lightly flicking his hidden wrists.

The tired girl, narrowed her eyes, "It took you two months to find me? That's hard to believe."

"I know it is, but I can promise you something. We would never leave you here! You are precious to all of us! We love you, Hinahoho and Mystoras do as well. They fought you to try to bring you back to your sense, to make you realize we haven't given up on you!" He pointed at the two men who were watching, Hinahoho was released from his trance and he looked tired.

"..." She looked over at all the boys in thought, Maybe...I'm really not worthless to them...

Captain Maki, gripped her fists. If they kept talking, she was going to lose this bet. She was going to lose her prize experiment! "Small Fry! Finish the job! Or you'll be punished again!"

Jasmine went stiff, her eyes revisited all the days she was dragged and tortured for something stupid or reckless.

(If you guys haven't read the story Reckless, you so should!!! Every time I see the world reckless in a Magi Fanfic, I think back to the book! It's amazing!! It's by @LeonaBot she's is magical!)

"N-no...I'll get it done Captian." Jasmine tried her best to glare at Jafar. She looked at his hurt expression, she thought back to all the memorable times with him they had. It was like a Dam broke in her mind, and it was flowing into her memory.

She started to remember all the good time, bad times, funny, cute, amusing, and everything time she had with him.

"Agh!" She gripped her head, it felt like she was back at the electric current room. Her eyes widen...she was forced to feel this way.

"J-jafar...?" She muttered. She fell to her knees, eyes shut closed. Jafar slowly walked towards her, "Sis?"

In an instant, She ran for him with a sword to kill him. He prepared for it though, he pulled back on his dagger, the string was completely surrounding her, tying her up unable to move an inch.

"What is happening!?!" She screamed, her throat felt dry and in pain. He was seeing so many things at once, it's too much to take.

"Jasmine!" Sin yelled, running forward since Jafar was busy keeping the restraints on her.

Sin hugged her, trying to calm her down. "Jasmine, calm down! We aren't going to hurt you! Please come back to us!"

She shook her head vigorously, "N-no! You left me, I was left alone!"

"We didn't! He never left you! You were taken to replace Jafar, and they made you think we abandoned you! We never stopped looking for you! We are here to take you home!!" She stopped screaming, looking him in the eyes. He memories are back, finally calming down.

She started to cry, her head fell onto his shoulder crying, "I...I was so scared..."

Sin shushed her, rubbing her head. Signaling to Jafar, the rope was take off and returned to their owner. Jafar looked at his broken sister, it's going to take time to heal from this but she can do it.

"Noo! HOW DARE YOU!" Captain Maki screamed, she ran forward to attack the couple. Jafar blocked her path though.

"You...If you want her you have to get pass me first!" His eyes turned into snake-like, glaring at her as if she was just prey.

Capt. Maki just shook in anger, she looked over at Jasmine before sighing.

"Hm, this isn't the last you'll hear from me, Jafar. I'll be back to get my prodigy, and to finally kill you." She slowly back away into the night, never to be seen again.

Jafar sighed tiredly before walking back to the group who was watching the emotional girl slowly pass out from crying.

Sin and Jafar shared a look and thought, Let's go home.


OH MY GWAD!!!! FINISHED! Finally, I finished this book!!

I'm already working on the next book called, The siren and the Sailor.

Please comment and vote! I love to see you're thoughts and stuff!

Just be nice and friendly, please! Even though I can take criticism, lol

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