Criminal Minds; Stitches

By TheMadHowler

98 4 0


A While Earlier, at the BAU...

Criminal Minds; Stitches

60 1 0
By TheMadHowler

I don't own Criminal Minds.

The hunter had the victim tied, still conscious. There was fear in those eyes. Fear that the hunter ignored. The hunter had the victim with a gag over her mouth, but the screams could still be heard as the blade sliced perfectly through skin...

A girl with short brown hair covering her left eye, short and tan and semi-thin, her right eye reddish brown like bloody mud sat with her best friend on a bench. Her friend was taller, thinner and had dishwater blond hair about the same length as hers, with skin somewhere between pale and tan. She wore her hair down and had on an Avenger's shirt. Her eyes were a grey-blue.

They'd gotten back from ComiCon a while back, just yesterday. They were just hanging out now, discussing subjects such as the next Young Justice episode or the new Doctor in Doctor Who. Then they were approached by two people. They hardly even looked up. But then they were called by name.

"Are you Jaci and Hope?" Came a strong voice.

The blond one looked up, but the brunette didn't. "Who wants to know?" The brunette said without looking at them.

"The FBI." Said a smaller voice, not weak, but less powerful. The brunette froze, looking up immediately.

"No... Fricken... Way." Her mouth hung open. "Hope, are you seeing what I'm seeing or have I finally lost my sanity for real?"

"No, it's real." She grinned at Jaci's look of awe.

"I'm agent Morgan, this is Doctor Reid."

"So you are the two girls we mentioned?"

"Yes, sir." Jaci said, straightening up. "That would be us." She smiled happily.

"Do you know this girl?" Derek Morgan held up a picture.

Jaci blinked, realization sinking in. "Y-yes..." She stammered, "She was at ComiCon when we went. We hung out with her. She... She's not...?"

"She's dead." Doctor Spencer Reid said.

"No... You're not... You're not serious...?"

"We are. And she's not the only one dead."

Jaci and Hope looked at each other.

"Are... Are we... suspects?" Jaci managed.

"You were hanging out with her at ComiCon, where she was abducted. Would you mind coming in for questioning?"

"You've already spoken to our parents?"

"We have consent, yes."

"I... I guess, yeah."

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