A While Earlier, at the BAU...

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Hotch put the picture on the board with the others. She, like the others, was cut open and eviscerated. "This killer," He continued, "Is disembowling his victims. The M.O. appears to be skinning and gutting. The kills are all centered in this part of Texas." He pointed to a map. "The latest victim was a girl named Amanda Gray. She was 17 years old and had been at a place called ComiCon. Her body was found near a river."

The team listened carefully. Spencer was paying close attention to the details of the case. "Were they all found near the river?"

"No. There doesn't seem to be a consistant pattern in the dump sites except that they're all secluded areas where most people wouldn't see them until they'd left. All have been public areas."

"So he's not afraid to get caught." Prentiss said.

"Maybe he wants to be caught." Morgan agreed.

Hotch nodded. "It's a possibility. Morgan, Reid, I want you to go question the staff at the ComiCon, see what information you can get. JJ, Prentiss, talk to Amanda's family and see if you can find any leads. I'll go with Morgan and Reid to the ComiCon and see what we can find."

They broke and went out as instructed.

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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2014 ⏰

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