This Girl - Richie Tozier x R...

By Yuki_Yookie

437K 9.8K 25.8K

Richie was your first friend in Derry. He made you laugh, he saved you, and loves you. And you love him. Bruh... More

Here's the New Book
I know I know another Book!?


8.4K 243 264
By Yuki_Yookie

"Are those cookies I smell?"

"Yes you do" I say and place the plate of cookies on the table. I sit Down and he does the same thing.

"Being nice finally?" He says "well you've been do nice to me" I say trying not to gag "aw your so pretty" he says and grabs a cookie

It was hard but I managed to keep a straight face. He took a bite a big bite. I watched as he chewed and swallowed

Didn't take long before he
started grab his neck. He was dying, I watched as his mouth foamed and he fell to the ground. I couldn't help it

I laughed as I finally defeated my kidnapper. "Bai!" I say and manages to say one last thing " h-hell" and there he laid dead.

I open the door I seen Daylight.
I walked through his hallway and out to the outside.

Finally I was free. I can see my mom and dad again. I-i..I can see Richie again.

As my eyes adjusted to the light I knew where I was. I was a block away from my house.

I started to walk back to my house. A lady had a paper and looked at me then looked back at the paper "your the missing kid" she says and shows me the picture

"Your alive" she says and I nod and keep walking back to my home.


4 minutes later

I open the door to see my mom on the couch holding onto my photo book. "Mom?!" I day startling her "Y/n?!" She says dropping the book and running over pulling me into a huge hug

"Your alive!" She says crying
"Y/n?!" I hear my dad "Dad?!" I yell and he joins the hug and he cries to

We all let go "I'll tell the police we found her" my dad says wiping a tear

"Y/n you need a shower" my mom says "yea I do" I say then head up stairs

After I'm clean I remember Richie he must have been super worried. "Mom I need to go to my friends!" I say "please please be careful!" She says and I nod and jog to Richie's house

I walk up to his door and knock. No answer. I knock again but still no answer, so I twist the knob and the door opened to reveal and Boy with dark curly hair and Glasses sitting on his couch sleeping

I walk up and notice his nose was red along with his eyes followed with tear stains going to his shirt.

"Richie?" I shake his arm "go away Eddie" he groans and he tightens his eyes. "Not Eddie" I say and his eyes slowly open

His expression changed
"Y/n?!??!!!" He yelled and pulled me into a hug followed by kisses
"I-I missed you where have you been?!?!"

"I was kidnapped" I say and his eyes widened "how did you escape?' He asked "I poisoned him" "poisoned?" He looked shocked "I know but I'm still alive" I say and instead of small little kisses

I get a long heart warming kiss.
He separated from me "I've really missed you so did the others, maybe not Eddie" "I wanna see them" I say and he nods

He calls them all and soon they all start walking up his stairs and knock on his door

"Hey Richie what was so important that we needed to come here for?" Bev asks "first of all its a her and second y/n isn't missing anymore" he says and moves aside revealing me

Their faces all turned happy and Bev started to cry "we thought your were gone forever!" She yells and they all give me a hug

They all let go and I explain to them what happened. They all were shocked by my actions but were just glad I wasn't gone forever.

Richie places his hand on my cheek and puts his for head on mine "I'm glad I didn't almost lose you a second time" he whispers "I'm glad to back" I whisper

"Ooo lovers getting it on??" Bev says. Richie just glares and she just laughs

"Well I better get home before my mom worries" i say even tho I've only been there for ten minutes

"wait" Richie say stopping me "I'm staying st you house" he says "ok" I say and he grabs clothes and we all say good bye. Me and Richie head to my house

As we were walking I asked Richie what he did while I disappeared

"Me and my friends looked every where, we thought henry had something to do with it" he said "oh henry, I'm so dead" I say remembering what I had been doing to him

We made it to my house and go inside. "Y/n and..." My mom says "Richie" he says and holds his hand out "nice to meet you but why are you here?" She asked

"He's here because he was worried and he wants to stay the night" I say and she just nods and goes to the kitchen

Me and Richie head up to my room "was that the mom that?" "Yes that's the mom that abused me" I say and he nods

"I know I've said this before but I really do miss you, I was falling apart" he says "Richie I felt the same way" I say and put my hand on his cheek

He puts his hand on mine and leans in and kisses me again. We separate and I just look into his dark brown eyes

"I love you Tozier"
"I love you more L/n"

"Baby I love you I never want to let you go" he starts to sing "the more I think about the
more I want to let you know
that everything you do, Is
super fucking cute and I can't stand it"

"Since when can you sing?" I ask "since I could remember" he says "well everything you do is super duper cute" I say and his face goes light red

We then lay down on my bed and soon drift to sleep

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