Backseat shenanigans

By FutureQueenofErebor

714 55 7

has a major crush on Dean but is afraid to tell him because she feels he still sees her as the 14 year old he... More

What a Dream
Drinking the Dreams Away
Never Drinking Again
Small town West Virginia
So It Begins
Dean's Resolve
Some Hope At Last
Romantic Gesture
About Time
Meeting Crowley
Pain and Anger
Justice Delivered
New Plan
Real or Hallucination?
O' Death
Icing The Devil

What's up With Dean?

24 4 0
By FutureQueenofErebor


     It had been a week since Dean surprised me with the bubble bath and I still wasn't sure what to think. I wanted to talk to Sam about it, but I felt that would be betraying Dean's trust; plus Sam would just gripe at me to tell Dean again and I was tired of the conversation. I knew Sam's intentions were well placed, but he also knew that I wasn't going to just tell Dean how I felt so you'd think he would have gave up by now. I wish I could muster up the courage to tell him especially with all the things he's done lately: watching over me while I was drunk, sleeping with me because he was worried, not eating so he could get me food, telling me I was the exception to the chick flick moments, and the bubble bath. All these things had left me surprised and now I didn't know what to think. I kept going over all mine and Sam's conversations and him telling me Dean felt the same way. I wanted to believe it with my whole heart, but I was still afraid of rejection.

       Sam had found a case earlier today, possible crossroads demon collecting early and we were heading there now. While we were on the road heading to the town I had fallen asleep in the backseat. It was just so easy to relax in the Impala as she rumbled down the road, Motorhead playing softly.  Dean had shaken me awake once we got to the motel. And when I had fully woken up I noticed Dean's precious leather jacket had been laid on top of me as a blanket. It was another gesture by him that had surprised me. He kept doing all these things making me fall even more in love and I wasn't sure what his motive behind them were. Was it because he saw me as sister or did he return my feelings? My mind was all over the place and I hated it. I had my heart and Sam telling me to do one thing while my mind was telling me another. And let me tell you when those two are at war with one another it is exhausting.

     Once we checked into the hotel and got settled Dean suggested checking out the local bar. Going to the bar wasn't really that big of a surprise Dean liked to drink and hit on woman, it was part of who he was and another reason I felt he didn't feel the same way. Plus if it was a crossroads demon maybe we could find some information there. The bar wasn't that special and there really weren't that many people in there; just a few guys drinking and playing pool, the hot bartender I was sure Dean would flirt with, and a group of friends. I had gone with Dean because the one time I had chosen not to go with him on a hunt I had got kidnapped. So we left Sam at the hotel to see if he could find anyone that had possibly made a deal.

     I walked up to the bar along side Dean. The bartender was checking him out, but he didn't seem to notice which was another surprise. What was going on with Dean? "What can I get you hotness?" the bartender asked Dean completely ignoring me. "A beer and a coke," Dean told her. I wasn't a big drinker and I had told Dean since we were on a case I wasn't going to drink. He didn't know the real reason behind me staying sober though and I planned to keep it that way. The bartender seemed a little upset that Dean hadn't noticed her and while it surprised me it also made me extremely happy. Maybe Sam was onto something when he said Dean had the same feelings I did. When the girl returned with our drinks Dean and I went over to shoot a game of pool.

     The game was pretty even seeing as we both played so much and knew all the tricks in the book. "So Dean I'm surprised you didn't hit on the bartender what's up with that?" I asked. He took his shot before looking at me and saying, "I'm already sharing a bed with one hot chick I think two would be a crowd." I blushed remembering the fact we weren't able to get two rooms so I was going to have to share a bed with Dean. It was kind of odd because the only times it had happened before was after a nightmare or when he was worried about me a little over a week ago. I had never actually just shared a bed with Dean. I was super nervous that I would end up having one of my dreams and I wasn't sure how I was going to explain that. "Haha Dean you're hilarious," I told him. He gave me a cute smile and said, "I think I'm adorable." Yes you are, but that is completely beside the point.

   However before I had the chance to say something I overheard the group of friends talking. "I can't believe you already got promoted to executive manager. You've only been there two months," one of the girls said. I looked at Dean thinking this could be our next victim. "Yeah Terry it's almost like you made a deal with the Devil," another girl said. Dean and I continued our game while listening in on the conversation. "Something like that Kristy," Terry said. Well it's clear that we were definitely after a crossroads demon. The only question was why he was collecting early. We finished our game and went back to the hotel to let Sam know what we had found.  "I just don't get it Dean. Making deals for money and jobs it's all petty crap that doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things. If you're going to make a deal at least make it something worth while." I said as we drove back. "I agree these people have no idea the pain in store for them just because they wanted a little extra money or to lose a few pounds." Dean replied.

    It wasn't long and we had pulled back into the hotel parking lot. I got out as Dean shut the Impala off. He had the key so I knocked on the door and Sam let me in. "You guys are back earlier. Did you find something?" Sam asked. I nodded my head and told him what we had overheard. "Yeah I found the girl you're talking about, Terry Wilkins. She went to school to be an editor at a prestigious publishing company. She started two months ago as an assistant to the assistant manager. But get this two months later and she's running the show." Sam explained. When will these people ever learn? "That sounds like our girl," Dean said sipping his beer. "What I can't figure out is why the demon is collecting early," Sam said. I sat there and thought for a second. "Demons are evil douches do they have to have a reason to kill?" I asked. Dean pointed his beer toward me. "She has a good point Sammy," he said.

     Now that we knew who the next victim was going to be we had to come up with a plan. "How about we just go talk to Terry. Tell her the demon she made a deal with is collecting early. She might listen to us," I suggested. Sam looked at me and I could have sworn he thought I was crazy. "How many times have the people we tried to save honestly listened to us?" he asked. Okay good point they normally don't listen to us, but still we had to try. "Yeah they normally don't cause what we're talking sounds crazy. But this chick knows demons are out there so maybe she will." Dean said. I smiled glad he was taking my side. We headed back to the bar to keep an eye on Terry for the night knowing she was too drunk to listen to us tonight. When she left the bar we followed her home and took turns keeping an eye on the place. I had taken a nap on the way here so I took first watch.

    Nothing happened that night thankfully so when morning rolled around I went and knocked on her door. "Can I help you?" she asked. She was still in her pajamas, but I could smell coffee so I knew she had been awake for a least a few minutes. "Terry is it okay if I talk to you for a moment?" I replied. She looked at me funny probably wondering how I knew her name. "Who are you?" she asked. Now came the hard part. "Cris Donavan and I know you made a deal with a demon," I told her. Terry's eyes widened in fear and she looked around outside before ushering me in. "How do you know about that?" she asked. I sat down on her couch as she sat down across from me. "My friends and I, we uh hunt the Supernatural. And well the demon you made a deal with he's been collecting early. That's why we're here." I said.

    All color drained from her face once the words reached her ears. "That means he's after me. I'm going to die, but I'm only 23 and I haven't even got to enjoy my job," she said almost in tears. "Not if we can help it. The guys are outside demon proofing the house right now," I told her. While I thought the girl was dumb for making a deal in the first place I wasn't going to let her die. I sat inside trying to console her until Sam and Dean came in. "No demon is getting in this place anytime soon," Dean said. I smiled at him and truly hoped he was right. Our plan was to wait on the demon and his hellhounds to show up so we could kill him and end his early collecting. All of us made small talk while we waited trying to make the situation a little easier. Sam sat next to me while Dean went to check the upstairs.

   "So Cris you seemed a little happy when you came back from the bar. What happened?" he asked. I looked at him and almost didn't answer. "Dean ignored the hot bartender. And well I've just been thinking over all the nice things he's done lately and it makes me happy," I replied. Sam gave me a knowing smile and I wanted to hit him so bad, but I didn't because Dean chose that moment to come back downstairs. I went to ask him if everything was good when I heard a growl. I looked at Sam and Dean before we walked toward the door our guns raised. The hounds scratched and growled at the door trying to get in. We knew they wouldn't be kept out for long at this rate. The door blew open after the dogs heavy breathing got rid of the salt lines. Sam, Dean, and I went flying backwards.

    Dean helped me up and we faced the demon. "Well if it isn't the Winchesters and Mrs. Donavan or should I call you Winchester too?" the demon asked. Dean stepped in front of me in a protective manner. "You leave her out of this dickhead," Dean growled out. The demon smirked and said, "Well isn't that sweet. Get 'em boys." The hellhounds came at us; fortunately they were on hardwood so we could hear their nails clicking. We all fired our guns and heard a whimper letting us know we hit the target. Before we could celebrate the demon flung me into the wall. I let out a whimper of my own and tried to stand, but the demon held me there. Dean turned to help me, but the demon flung him into the opposite wall. I didn't see Sam and was worried the other hound had got him.

    The demon walked up to me and leaned real close. "Hey get away from her you asshat!" Dean yelled. His words were ignored the demon leaned down and whispered in my ear, "I see the way you look at him. I could give you what you want." I snarled at him pissed off because no matter how bad I wanted Dean to be mine I wouldn't make a deal. "Go screw yourself jackass," I told him. He moved back with a smirk on his face. "Maybe I'll just tell him how you feel. How's that?" he asked. Before I could answer or him tell Dean I saw a bright glow come from his chest. I was now free to stand and when I did the demon's body dropped to the side revealing Sam with the demon blade. I smiled at him before running over to Dean making sure he was okay.

    Once we knew all of us were mostly okay we went to check on Terry. "You guys saved me," she cried as she came over to hug us. I awkwardly hugged her back and then saw Dean do the same. After Terry thanked us we climbed back into the Impala and returned to the hotel. Sam was the first one in the door followed by Dean then me. We all took turns getting ready for bed as it was late and we needed sleep. I climbed into bed with Dean and prayed I wouldn't have any dreams tonight. I fell into a fitful sleep that lasted maybe an hour. I gently climbed out of bed hoping not to wake Dean and went to the bathroom. When I came back out Dean was awake and I hoped it wasn't because of me. "Can't sleep?" he asked. I shook my head no. "Well here come with me," Dean said handing me a jacket and my jeans before putting his own jeans on. I put my clothes on not knowing what Dean was up to since he was so full of surprises lately. When I was dressed he grabbed his keys, the room key and my hand walking toward the door. We got in the Impala I was even more curious as to where Dean was taking me. What was gonna happen?


I actually planned to work on my other book Finding Love Amidst Chaos, but this popped in my head and I just had to write it. Hope you guys enjoy it. Please comment and vote if you do.

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