Total Drama Action

By JessicaMarie_

107K 1.7K 1K

The campers are back - only this time as movie stars. All battling for not only one-hundred thousand dollars... More

Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
After Math I
Day 6
Day 7
Day 9
Day 10
After Math II
Day 11
Day 12
Day 13
Day 14
Day 15
After Math III
Day 16
Bonus Chapter
Day 17
Day 18
Day 19
Day 20
Day 21
Day 22
After Math IV
Celebirty Manhunt's Total Drama Action Reunion Show

Day 8

3.7K 61 23
By JessicaMarie_

Duncan Justin and I were playing soccer outside. We kept on bouncing it off DJ who was sleeping on the ground. Beth started jumped “I call this the egg salad fire work! Drum roll!!” She said as the sandwiches she threw into the air almost fell down on her.

Owen grabbed all of her sandwiches though “Owen stop stealing my Sammys!” Beth said to him.

“What are you talking about?” Owen said chewing.

"You disgust me Owen!" LeShawna said chewing.

"Yea what kind of pig are you?" Heather asked chewing hers.

“Your all stealing them?!” Beth yelled.

Duncan Justin and I were eating them too. “Chef’s food has gotten so good!” Justin said.  

“I know right? Who sent him to cooking school?” I said.

DJ started to snore really loud in his sleep. I sat on the steps of the girl’s trailer drinking some Dr. Pepper. Duncan sat next to me stealing a sip of my soda. “Mine” I said pushing him a little bit.

“Someone’s selfish” He said holding my hand.

“I have very few rules, don’t piss me off, don’t put me in the same room as Courtney, and don’t eat my food. I’m sorry I’m fat” I said.

He laughed “Your nowhere near fat missy” he said kissing me.

“Attention all Total Drama Victims! Please meet me in the north east corner of the studio plaza. Bring lausages! The screaming’s gonna hurt!" Chris said over the loud speaker.

“There is a challenge” Beth said. “Duncan helped me up and we all went towards where Chris told us to go.


“We walk all the way over here and Lieutenant Slick can’t even be bothered to show up?" Heather asked madly.

"Maybe hes racked up over time, thinking of new ways to torture us" Justin said.

I was standing next to Duncan and we all heard Chris’s scream loudly. He was pushed off the building and fell onto one of the lights going right through him. Everyone screamed and his blood went all over us. I jumped into Duncan’s chest almost having a legit heart attack.

Justin waved over Chris, “Huh guess the producers don’t like paying over time” he said.

“I’m worth every dime." Chris said picking his head up.

“Did you really just fake that? Thanks for the heart attack!” I said.

“Aw man I was gonna call dibs on your boat" Duncan said. "It’s the magic of cinema boys and girls! I’m absolutely perfectly Chris-ally fine. Wanna see how it’s done?" Chris asked.

"NO!” We all yelled.

"Our crack a jack affects team seals fake blood into a thin membrane of plastic, called a squib. This little baby burst on impact. An old fashion optical illusion helps sell that I’ve been impaled” Chris explained.

“Fascinating” I said rolling my eyes.

"Can we just get on with this?" Duncan asked.

“I can’t believe you’re so un-scareable! You didn’t even scream!” Lindsay said to Beth.

“I did on the inside, I just can’t do it on the outside” Beth said.

“Huh?” Lindsay asked.

“When I was ten and they were doing my tonsillectomy there was a freak accident and the doctor’s earring fell in my throat. Can’t scream worth a darn” Beth said.

“Get out” Lindsay said. “Serious” Beth said.

“Time for today’s totally terrifying blood curdling horror movie challenge! Too figure out which team gets which challenge, a scream off! Think of every great horror movie you’ve ever seen” Chris said.

“Oh my gosh, you guys. Did you see that one with the possessed rug that learned to walk and smothered cats?” Izzy said.

I looked at her like she had five heads. “…No” I said.

“Or did I make that up?” She said. There's really something wrong with her.

“All horror movies have one thing in common fantastic screaming from actors. And the killers who snuff them. Each team pick a serial killer, the rest of you will be the screamers. If your serial killer can make you scream the loudest, your win!!!" Chris said


We all went to one of the lost to pick the serial killer. “We have to pick Duncan of course. Have you ever seen anyone so serial killer-y?" Heather asked holding up fake blood and a hockey mask.

"I’m terrified of him on daily bases" Harold said.

"Plus he nailed the other acting challenges!" LeShawna said.

"I guess but I don’t know if I could scare Alex that much” he said taking the mask.

“Nah its cool, I don’t get scared that easy” I said.

“Oh yeah? Didn’t look that way when Chris faked his death. You should have seen your face” DJ said pretending to be me.

I laughed shoving him. “Shut up! I thought there was real blood all over me, that's nasty” I said. Chef took the hockey mask from Duncan "DJs gotta do it!”

"But it’s the first time our teams ever agreed on anything" Harold said.

"DJ. Is doing it!" he said.

"Listen Chef, maybe you can stick to your expertise with the sandwiches and I’ll stick to mine" Duncan said.

Chef picked up Duncan by his head and held his arm behind his back. I heard a small cracking sound and Duncan groaned a little. "Do you like having your arms attached to your torso?" Chef asked holding him still.

“Okay Chef, let’s not break his arms!” I said. Chef threw Duncan over to the side, sending him crashing on the ground. I helped him up giving his hurt arm a kiss and we walked over to everyone else.

As we were walking I stared at Chef and kicked him on a pressure point on his leg. He didn’t fall but he but I knew he was in pain. He grabbed DJ and gave him the mask. "Since when does Chef interfere in challenges? Smells kinda funny to me" LeShawna said.

"Oh that was me sorry I was saving them for later” Harold said taking one of the sandwiches from before out of his pocket. “Harold gross!” I said.


We all went to the set. Chris explained to us that their screams would be measured on the Scream-o-meter. First up were Harold and Justin. Beth tried to scare Justin, but he told us that his couldn’t hurt his voice. Girl. But Harold was scared shitless and got a fifty on the Scream-o-Meter next were Lindsay and LeShawna.

They were being scared in porta potty. Lindsay went first she screamed like all hell getting an eighty-five and peed a little. LeShawna wasn’t scared at all though by DJ. So now it was tied.


This next scene I was in a little. But I didn’t like how it was played. It was Duncan Heather and I vs. Izzy and Owen. Like I said, this really sucked. Heather gasped.

“No. No, no, no I would rather die!" Heather said

“That makes two of us lady” Duncan said. I picked up the script reading it. “Oh hell no, no way is that happening. How do I even play out in this scene?” I asked.

“Angry girlfriend?” Chris said.

“I refuse to let this happen” I said. Sorry. I say Courtney kissing Duncan is enough girls that aren't me on his lips.

“Don’t forget kiddies, it’s a million bucks!” Chris said.

We all looked at each other. Duncan looked at me and I stopped him and said. "Only for the money"

They kissed pretty awkwardly and pulled away quickly they were both wiping there mouths. “Ugh!! You taste like street!" Heather yelled.

“That better have won you million bucks” I said to Duncan.

“Trust me that wasn’t the best kiss of my life either” He said drinking water trying to get the Heather taste out of his mouth.

“Ugh! My lips may never recover!! How can you even kiss him?" she yelled and asked me.

DJ tried to scare us but failed cause Heather was ranting. "Cause I’m not you! Look did I ask you opinion on my boyfriend?" she looked away. We all sat on the couch grumpily.

Then out of absolute nowhere Chef came up wearing a hockey mask and carrying a chain saw. It caught us all by surprise and we screamed like all hell. DJ fainted afterwards. “Well looks to me like DJ and the well named Screaming Gaffers have won this one, seeing as they buried the needle” Chris said.


We all crowded around a still unconscious DJ. "Is he breathing?" Beth asked.

"Wait I think hes saying something!" LeShawna said.

“Mama?” He said.

“Deej? DJ its Alex, come Deej wake up” I said tapping his face lightly.

“You’re not doing it hard enough” Heather said.

She took my spot. “DJ…hey DJ” She said then swung her hand back and slapped him hard.

“Heather!” I said.

“He’s up isn’t he?” She said.

I rolled my eyes. “You okay Deej?” I asked.

“I need to see Chef!” He said. Heather slapped him again. “Heather!" LeShawna said.

"What? He’s still talking crazy” Heather said.

“He just woke up, leave him alone” I said.

“It’s okay DJ whatta ya need to see Chef for?” I asked.

"Chefs in a meeting with the producers, a disciplinary meeting! Hes in troubbbbllllle! Not allowed to mess with the challenges!" Chris said.

"I knew something was up!" LeShawna said.

"You’re like Albert Einstein, with better hair and girly bits!" Harold said. There's reallllyyyy something wrong with that boy.

"Moving right along, it’s time to pack up those overnight bags loser Grips. You and  your sleeping bags are spending the night in the dining hall. Gaffer’s winners, back to the trailers for a little r and r! I’ll see you there in half an hour!" Chris said.


We all waited by the fire pit until Chris came out. “The Killer Grips are in the craft services tent like sitting ducks, your task is to make like special effect gurus and frighten the pants off them. Haha, or at least scare them enough to get them outta the tent before dawn" Chris said.

"How are we supposed to scare them?" Heather asked.

“It’s your call, but you get them out and your team wins invincibility and nobody goes home. Oh, just so you know, I told them some cocka mami story about a security guard that died on set” He said walking off.

“How are we gonna pull it off?" DJ asked.

"Just turn off the lights Beth’s afraid of her own shadow" LeShawna said

"Chainsaws, I love a good chainsaw!" Duncan said.

“I got it! Harold said. We all shrugged and followed him.


Harold brought us to the craft services tent to get through with his plan. “Thank you my lovely assistants, now the Magnificent Harold is ready to scare our opponents into submission with the phantasm ball!” Harold said.

“I can’t believe we’re putting our team’s fate in the hands of the great dork-o” Duncan said.

“You will quake mortal! For all I’ve learned at Magic Steve’s Magic Camp, behold!” Harold said throwing his ‘phantasm ball’ in the air.

DJ had it on a fishing line to make it float. We threw it into the craft services tent scaring the Grips. Well except when Lindsay stopped them. “Nice Harold” I whispered. Lindsay took the sheet off reveling to the Grips Duncan’s soccer ball.

Duncan walked over to him and kicked Harold in his shin making him fall. “You stuck a hook in my soccer ball?” Duncan said angrily.

“It was all in the name of magic! You have to admit it was quite-” Duncan pushed him away again.

“Zip it Harry-Hood-Weenie. I’m taking charge now” Duncan said.

I cleared my throat stepping in next to him. “We’re taking charge now” I corrected.

“Sure you can handle it?” He asked smiling.

“Who helped you make the cops think you were bleeding to death?” I asked smiling back.

“Nicely played co-captain” He said putting an arm around me as we went in the kitchen.


Duncan and I were busy making fake blood with everyone. This plan was fool proof. Duncan stuck his finger in the blood tasting it. “Hmm, needs more corn syrup, it’s not quite scabby enough” He said.

“I’ll get you some” DJ said.

“Respect guys! It really looks like blood!” LeShawna said.

“Devil's Night, my brothers and I used to wait outside kindergarten with this goop dripping off us. Ha! One year I gave a dozen five year olds seizures” Duncan said. They looked at him like he was crazy.

“The few days we had off in between seasons, back home Duncan visited for a few hours, and of course we got into all kinds of fun trouble. We made some of this stuff real quick put it all over Duncan and said he got hit by a truck. The cops believed us too and took us to the hospital letting us off with a warning, suckers” I said smiling high fiving Duncan.

“That's my girl” He said.

“And, respect deleted” LeShawna said.

DJ came back and handed Duncan the corn syrup. “You really know your way around the kitchen huh?” Harold said to DJ.

DJ shrugged smiling. I narrowed my eyes a little. I love DJ to death and all but lately, he's been acting weird.


Heather and I were all ready to make the blood look like it was seeping through the wall. Duncan checked to see what the Grips were doing. Duncan nodded, Heather and I stood on a table and poured the blood threw some cracks in the wall till we had none left. We high fived and heard the Grips scream. But Lindsay stopped them. Again.

“Anyone else have any brilliant ideas? Anyone who’s not Duncan? Or Alex” She said looking at us.

“DJ hasn’t said anything, and anybody that quiets gotta be thinking something” LeShawna said.

“I don’t like scaring people. Mama said it’s not gentlemanly” DJ said.

“Well Mama ain't here is she?” LeShawna.

“And Papa Duncan wants to win and go to bed! So” Duncan said.

“I do have something in mind” DJ said.

“Well come on, don’t think of it as scaring them” I said getting off the table and going over to DJ. “Think of it like this. We’re all directors to a scary movie. Now our main goal is to scare them but after we do they’ll all realize it was one big joke, so you shouldn’t feel bad right?” I said.

He sighed “I guess so”

“That's my boy, now what's your plan?”


Everyone was in there places. “We ready?” I asked threw the walkie talkie. “Ready” Harold said.

“Ready” LeShawna said. “Ready” DJ said.

“Alrighty then” I said “You do the honors” I said to Duncan. He shut the lights out in the craft services tent.

“Night has fallen” Duncan said into the walkie talkie. “Excellent work moon and eclipse” DJ said using our code names.

“Foxy Lady you there?” DJ asked using LeShawna’s code name.

“Foxy Lady at the ready” LeShawna said. LeShawna made ghost noises towards the Grips through the mega phone, then Harold swung Heather down. She had a rope tied around her waist and was in a security guard uniform.

We were using that fake story Chris told the Grips to our advantage. “That's a go for Magic Harold and his charming assistant” Harold said. The Grips screamed and ran out.

“Yes!” I said as Duncan and I high fived. Lindsay was still all worked up on those fake ass ghost meters.

I looked at DJ. “Do something! We have them!” I whispered. He threw a fork at the meter and it turned it on making it go off. Lindsay screamed dropping it running away.

“Yes!” Heather said. We all walked out to where she was hanging.

DJ went out looking down to the ground. “DJ? Are you okay? DJ?” Heather said.

“You cool Deej? Don’t sweat scary them, we won” I said patting his back.

“Hello? Is anybody gonna help me down from here?” Heather asked.


DJ took all of us to the Gilded Chris Show. I didn’t really get why because you know we won. But he’s been acting really strange lately. Once we got there the show was almost over and there was only one Chris left. Between Justin and Lindsay.

“Stop! I'm gonna do what I should've done long ago; Make Momma proud. I'm voting myself off” DJ said.

“DJ! Hehe, why don’t you and I have a chat, before you do anything stupid” Chef said going over to DJ.

“No Chef! I’m not listening to you anymore! Chef and me, we had an illegal alliance” DJ said.

Everyone gasped. “He’s been turoting me in tough, coaching me through the challenges, I’ll miss you all” DJ said.

“Aw Deej” I said hugging him. “You don’t have to, we could vote Chef out instead” Chef glared at me.

“Or…or not” I said.

“Wait, wait, wait! You've been cooking all of the delicious food? The pizza? The cheesecake? The sandwiches?” Owen said grabbing onto him.

“Dude you can’t leave!” Duncan said walking over.

“Yeah, I’m with Alex, vote Chef off instead” Justin said. Again Chef glared.

“Sorry, but I gotta make it right, for Mama” DJ said.

“Awwwww” Izzy Beth and Lindsay said. DJ went off to the Lame-o-sine.

“Deej!” I yelled running over to him. He looked back at me smiling. “If I don’t get a goodbye hug I will be VERY disappointed” I said smiling.

He smiled hugging me. “You mad at me?” He asked.

“Nah. I’m more mad you’re not like staying, sure I can’t convince you to stay? Just for a few more weeks?” I asked hopefully.

“Sorry girl” He said. I smiled “Oh go have fun with your Mama” I said.

He smiled “Will do” he said going into the Lame-o-sine.

I watched as Owen clutched onto the car trying to make DJ stay. “Can you still send food? Pretty please, with delicious sandwiches on top?” Owen begged.

I laughed and felt arms go around my waist. “You good?” Duncan asked. He knew how close DJ and I were.

“Yeah, I’m good. Sucks though, Bridge and DJ left me here with you” I said.

“Ouch, thought that’d be a good thing” He said making me laugh.

“Nah. You’re the last person I’d want to be here with” I said.

“Well that sucks, cause I’m not going anywhere baby” he said kissing me.

“Oh well, I might as well make the best of it” I said kissing him again.

“Yes ma’am”

“Race you to the trailers?” I said.

He smiled “Your on” He said as we took off. 


Waaaaah my DJ!:( 

I love him I wish he won a season lmfao, 


this episode is fun:D i feel like its short though. Idk we'll see. 


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