Lovers. // It (2017) // Eddie...

By bixlerslandry

456K 12K 14.4K

"Why be a loser when you can be a lover instead?" In which he's scared of everything, and she's only scared o... More

Playlist: Lovers Part One & Two
One - "Georgie?"
Two - "Try tickling your pickle."
Three - "Why don't you kiss me?"
Four - "Open up, Kasp-bitch!"
Five - "Why do you have two fanny packs?"
Six - "Eddie, did you just hit on me?"
Seven - "I saw the clown Eds."
Eight - "We can't tell anyone."
Nine - "Well sh*t indeed."
Ten - "Romeo, huh?"
Eleven - "You'll float too!"
Twelve - "Beep, Beep Richie."
Thirteen - "He's leaking hamburger helper!"
If Lyds and the Losers Club were in high school...
Fourteen - "Eddie Spaghetti!"
Fifteen - "It got Beverly..."
Sixteen - "Goodbye Lyds."
Seventeen - "If you die, you're dead to me."
Eighteen - "If Stan dies, I'll kill everyone in this room."
Nineteen - "I think you're a p*ssy."
Twenty - "We made it."
Twenty Two - "Nothing but b*tches."
Twenty Three - "Welcome to Derry!"
Stan x Lyds Story
[BONUS] Twenty Four - A Very Loser Christmas.
• Lovers Part 2 (2019) •
Twenty Five - "New beginnings, Lyds."
Twenty Six - "Guess Stanley Could Not Cut It ?"
Twenty Seven - "Pinky promise?"
Twenty Eight - "The Clubhouse."
Twenty Nine - "Eddie... You killed him!"
Thirty - "You can't friendzone me, we're married!"
Thirty One - "We all have scars, Bev."
Thirty Two - "We're the fucking losers club!"
Thirty Three - "Let's kill this fucking clown."
Thirty Four - "You're a fucking superhero."
Thirty Five - "Eddie, I think she's dead..."
Thirty Six - "I was a sacrifice?"

Twenty One - "I'm yours."

9.3K 273 159
By bixlerslandry

There's two chapters left after this and idk how to feel :((

Only a few days passed by and the losers found themselves sat together in the early morning light beside the river.

Beverly sat silently with her copper covered hair falling around her face, almost covering the small cut etched into her cheek. Lyds could already tell how emotionally damaged the girl had become, she'd had to kill her own father after all, and so she'd spent the night at Lydia's house, both orphans spending Beverly's last night in Derry together.

Bill was tired and partly mad with himself, himself and the rest of the losers had been too exhausted to carry up the bodies of Georgie, Kim and Charlie, and so they'd left them down there. None of the children would have had an explanation for the bodies anyway, but he still couldn't forgive himself for leaving Georgie yet again. But he did keep his baby brother's yellow raincoat.

Ben was at peace with himself, he'd saved Beverly and defeated the thing that had scared him most. Sure, he didn't get the girl like he'd deserved, but he accepted that. It wasn't his time but soon enough it would be and he was okay with that. He was alive, his friends were alive and Beverly was alive, that was all that mattered.

Mike was proud of himself and his friends, although he still feared what had happened to his family, he was ready to move forward with the losers club by his side. The eight of them had formed an irrefutable bond and in the process they'd become his new family. He wasn't alone anymore.

Stan, with a bandage wrapped around his head sat closest to Lyds, he'd become plenty more attached to her after they'd shared a near death experience together, just as she had him. And the pair both knew they would share that bond for years to come. He, unlike some of his friends, was glad everything was over.

Richie acted as if everything had gone back to normal, he was still the same trash mouth that everyone knew and loved, but something about him had changed, perhaps it was his tired eyes or the fact he'd single-handedly attacked a killer clown, but he seemed older, and more mature in a sense that no one except Lyds could ever begin to understand.

Eddie was incredibly protective and attached of everyone around him, he sat as close to his friends as humanly possible and at all times he kept an arm around his almost girlfriend. The young boy had gone back home on the night they killed the clown covered in leper puke and was immediately hounded by his mother, but the brown eyes didn't spare that a single thought for his mother as he closed his bedroom door on her, all he could think about was seeing his friends and his lover when daylight came.

And as for Lyds, she didn't quite know how she felt. It felt as if everything had changed in one terror filled night and she wasn't sure how to feel about it. After seeing both her Aunt's and her Father's chewed up bodies, she felt emotionally ruined, the blonde girl didn't even cry, all she could bring herself to do was walk out of the sewer clutching onto Eddie the entire time. He was the one thing she didn't feel numb over, when she looked at him all she felt was relief. Relief that he was still with her, and relief that she could still feel love for something despite losing everything else she had. Upon looking at him, clown puke and all, when when he and the others took her to Keane's pharmacy to fix her and Stan up after the final, she'd realised just that. He was her first love, she loved him. Lyds Greystone loved Eddie Kaspbrak and that was the beginning and end of their story.

Even as she watched him in the morning light beside the river, with his cast covered arm, and seemingly messy hair, her heart didn't stop beating for him for a single second.

"You stabbed me in the eye." Eddie suddenly turned to look at her, a somewhat proud smile spread across his face.


"The clown when it turned into me, you stabbed me in the eye."

"Oh yeah... sorry about that."

"You faced your fear L, don't be sorry." His body leaned in closer to hers and his voice dropped to a whisper, "But just so you know, you don't have to be scared of losing me. I'm yours."

And with that the once germaphobic shy boy looped his fingers through hers so their hands become one hand intertwined.

"T-Tell us about your dream Bev." Bill placed a hand over hers, "You don't have to be s-s-scared."

"I can only remember parts... I thought I was dead. That's what it felt like." She told them, "I saw us, all of us, together back in the sistern, but we were older, like our parents ages."

"W-What were we all doing there?" Bill asked

"I just remember how we felt, how scared we were. I don't think I can ever forget that."

With a look on his face of determination, Bill picked up a shard of glass from the ground and stood to his feet, his eyes stared between each and every one of his friends.

"Swear it. Swear if it isn't dead, if it ever comes back, we'll come back too."

One by one the losers stood, none of them even had to speak to know that everyone agreed. They were bonded by both love and soon enough blood, from there there was never going to be any way back.

Without even a look of pain, bill cut his hand with the glass before taking a step towards Richie, cutting his hand too. The boy winced and soon enough it was Eddie's turn, Bill cut his hand and before he even had the chance to whimper Lyds was beside him, nursing him through the pain.

Bill and Lyds shared one last look together. They'd felt the same pain and the same loss, and suddenly in that one look, as he cut into her hand and she made a promise they knew they were bonded for life. Not only with the rest of the losers but to each other too, their bond was stronger than their friends, it was unexplainable and incomprehensible but they both understood that, even if their friends never did.

Eventually everyone, in blood, had sworn their promise, and slowly they each grasped onto one another's hands. Cementing their unbreakable bond.

Bill to Bev, Ben to Stan, Lyds to Eddie, and Richie to Mike. They were one.

Until suddenly they weren't.

Bev was leaving and one by one so did everyone else.

"I gotta go." Stan spoke up, his hands fell from Lyds' and Mike's, and his eyes fell on Bill, "I hate you."

Bill hung his had in shame until suddenly Stan was smiling and so was everyone around him.

"I'll see you later..."

"Goodbye Stanley." Lyds quickly wrapped her arms around him, "Stay out of trouble."

"Bye Lyds, stay out of the sewers." He let out a laugh and then, he was gone.

Mike was he next to leave, and with a simple shared smile and a "see you later losers." to all of his friends, he too was gone.

"See you around guys." Richie spoke, he wrapped his arms around both Lyds and Eddie in a tight hug before he trudged away through the weeds.

"See you guys later." Ben smiled down on Beverly before he walked away, back to his old life on the same street as Lyds.

"Bye Ben." Bev uttered

"We gotta go too." Lyds was the first to speak as she, Eddie, Bill and Bev sat in silence.

"Of course, you guys go." Bill said softly

"Bev? Are you sure you don't wanna stay at my place? My Uncle Sam has a ton of space-"

"My Aunt said I could stay with her in Portland for as long as I need, don't worry about me Lyds." And then the two girls wrapped their arms around each other in a tight embrace, neither one of them ever wanted to let go of, "I'm gonna miss you so so much."

"I'll miss you too Bev... but we'll see each other again, right?" Lyds wiped the tears from her cheeks

"Of course we will." She rubbed her eyes, "All the time."

"Okay, then I guess I'll see you soon."

"See you soon Lyds." Beverly smiled for the final time that Lydia would see for years to come

"Bye Bill." The blonde quickly hugged her best friend goodbye, "I'll see you around."

"I'll see you soon Bev, Bye Bill." Eddie smiled before finally, after everything, he and Lyds too walked away.

And that's all they did for a while, walk. They didn't stop walking until they reached the rocky cove above the quarry that they'd jumped from what felt like years ago.

It was almost as if they both understood as they silently changed out of their clothes and without a single ounce of fear left within them, they dived down into the water.

Eddie was the first to rise back to the surface and as he floated there alone for what felt like minutes he began to panic, his eyes flashed all around the quarry in search of the blue eyed girl but she was nowhere to be seen.

"L?" He yelled, "Lyds? Where the fuck are you?"

"Come find me!" She called from out of sight

The brunette boy let out a frustrated sigh as he began to paddle through the water in search of the Greystone girl, it felt as if she'd disappeared. Lyds was nowhere to be seen until finally, just as Eddie was about to give up, she swam behind him and pulled him down into the water by his foot.

"What the fuck Lyds?" He pushed her lightly by the shoulder, "Why would you do that?"

"I scared you." She smiled triumphantly

"You didn't scare me."

"I did! You should've seen the look on your face Eds!"

"I hate it when you call me that!"

"Oh shut up!" She laughed, "You like-"

Before Lyds even had the chance to finish her sentence, Eddie grabbed her by the shoulders and dunked her down into the water. What was only seconds later, she came back up with her arms flailing and water dripping down her face.

"Eddie, you almost fucking drowned me-"

"Oh shut up."

And before either one of them could comprehend what was happening, their lips were on each other's. Both of them clung to the other desperately, her arms wrapped around his neck, her fingers were in his hair, and his hand was holding her face.

"Eddie..." The Greystone child was the first to speak with her eyes still lidded and her arms around him.

"I love you." the words tumbled from Eddie's lips before he could catch them.

Slowly, her forehead pressed against Eddie's shoulder and just as his heart began to crack down the middle, he felt her say those three words into the crook of his neck.

"I love you." She repeated him, her tiny arms wrapped tighter around him

"Does this mean you're my girlfriend?"

Nervousness filled Eddie's body even after  the first girl he'd ever loved had told him she loved him back, the young boy was still filled with fear and nervousness.

"Do you want me to be?"


"Then ask me." She finally let go of him and the freckled girl began to paddle backwards into the water, away from him.

"Okay, do you want to be my girlfriend?" He called out after her

"I'll think about it!"

"Are you kidding me?" He yelled

"Don't be an idiot Eddie! I've been yours this entire time!"

Lyds let out a soft laugh as she swam in a small circle around Eddie, her hands splashed water in every direction.

"So you are my girlfriend?"

"Of course I'm your girlfriend you dipshit." She stopped in front of him

"Good." He smiled

Quietly enough, the pair climbed out of the water and sat back up on the edge of the cliff like they had back in July when everything had been so simple.

Lyds sat silently, wrapped up in Eddie's yellow shirt with his cast covered around her waist. Everything was the finally the way it was meant to be.

And finally as Lydia Greystone's head fell to rest on Eddie Kaspbrak's shoulder, and they both found themselves at peace with everything they'd faced and been through, the pair knew that although they may forget the battle they'd faced and the scars they'd earned, they would never forget the love they'd felt and shared together.

"You really do love me?" He asked

She pressed a soft kiss to his cheek, "I'm yours."


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