my miracles. || knb fanfic

By celestial_xox_

33.4K 937 882

GOM is the most popular Kpop band in South Korea and in the entire world. Known for their crazy loud fan chan... More

EXTRA: Kuroko in Wonderland
f i v e
Tagged :)


3.1K 88 93
By celestial_xox_

GOM's Schedule:

6:00 am - Wake up {done}

6:30 am - Get ready, Wear Casually clothes with Mask and hat {done}

7:00 am - No breakfast, Drink 2 bottles of Water {done}

7:30 am - A driver will pick you up taking you to the trainee. {done}

8:30 am - Arrival time {done}

9:00 am - Kuroko begins training with the trainee, while the other GOM practices the choreography for the concert.

12:00 pm - {lunch} 15-minute break, Drink 5 bottles of water, Crackers and cheese, and 1 snack of your choice

12:15 pm - Continue Training

3:00 pm - Training the trainee ends ~ Driver picks up GOM bringing them to XXX stadium.

4:00 pm - Arrival Time @ XXX stadium

4:30 pm - Change clothes to Concert clothes

5:00 pm - Get hair and make-up done

6:00 pm - Everyone practice the choreography

8:00 pm - End practicing, make sure receive all musical equipment. {Ex: Drums, Mics, Guitar}

8:15 pm - Make sure ALL equipment work, also practice singing the songs

9:00 pm - Concert begins - Take it from there

11:00 pm - Concert Ends - Don't forget to say your farewells to fans

11:30 pm - Help clean up {If needed by staff} {if not just rest}



"Kagami-kun? Are you ok? Maybe you shouldn't eat that many cheeseburgers your face is all red." Kuroko said worriedly while putting his hand on Kagami's forehead checking for a fever making Kagami blush even more.

"N-No I-I'm ok Kuroko."

Kuroko noticed Kagami's stuttering but trusted Kagami's words.

"Alright then... Let's begin training shall we?"


Third Person POV

Kuroko and Kagami began training. Kuroko taught him the basics in dancing. Kuroko wasn't as good as Aomine, Kise, or Midorima but he knows what to teach them to make them the best. Kuroko was surprised that Kagami got the hang of the training so fast, but he still had a long way to go.

"Ah, Kuroko! I'm tired!"

"Kagami-kun it's only a few hours before our rest time, you can wait."

Kagami only groaned in response.

Kuroko would usually show Kagami whatever dance he would want Kagami to learn, but this particular dance move made Kagami turn red.


{A Little bit of BTS to bless fellow ARMYS souls}

{Kuroko danced Jimin's part! The one with the red cloth covering his eyes if you don't who he is!}

{Jimin dancing starts at 0:33}

Kuroko grabbed his phone began playing the music. {Aka: BTS Lie & Boy meets Evil} Kuroko started to dance to the music. The way Kuroko danced was very focused and precise, but also very seductive. Kuroko doesn't really like dancing fast like Aomine & Kise, but he prefers how Midorima dances, MIdorima dances very slow, similar to ballroom dancing but with a touch of funk, in a way it's more elegant to him. What made Kagami blush, even more, was when Kuroko grabbed his c***** area and thrust up while his other hand covers his eyes.

Even the GOM stopped dancing to see Kuroko's mini Performance, but suddenly the music stopped. Kuroko looked around to see the culprit.

"Akashi-Kun why did you stop the music?" Kuroko said as he was panting trying to catch his breath. Wiping the sweat from his face with the back of his hand.

"Tetsuya isn't time to take a break now?" Akashi said with the other GOM members nodding in agreement.

Kuroko looked at the clock.

{12:00 pm}

"Don't push yourself too hard Tetsuya."

"Of course Akashi-Kun"

Kagami stood there awkwardly not knowing what to say.

"Hey! How 'bout me and Tetsu go get the food and water while you guys rest?" Aomine said trying to break the tense atmosphere.

"I'm ok with that Aomine-Kun."

"Tetsuya, Daiki make sure to make a list of what everyone wants."

"Yeah yeah Let's go Tetsu! Everyone text us what you want!" Aomine yelled while grabbing his iPhone and jacket.

Kuroko grabbed his black hoodie and followed Aomine.

Kuroko and Aomine exited the training room.


Aomine Daiki's POV

"Aomine-Kun did you bring your mask and hat?"

"Duh, I'm not like baka Kise."

While we walked to the grocery store Kuroko called Murasakibara asking him what everyone wanted from the store.

"Murasakibara-kun what do you want from the store?"

"Aka-chin said he will text it to you."

"How about Kagami-Kun?"

"He said he already ate."

I heard Tetsu sigh and end the call.

"Aomine-Kun what do you want to eat?"

"I wanna eat a teriyaki burger." I said while walking.


"Ah, I think that's Akashi-kun now." Tetsu said while looking at his phone.

Out of my curiosity, I asked Tetsu a question.

"Oi Tetsu what was the dance you did back there?" I said, "It was really cool." I scratched the back out my neck while smiling nervously

"The dance? It was dance by another boy-band call BTS." Tetsu said still looking at his phone.

What's bts... Never heard of them...

"Nah I never heard of them."

Kuroko looked up from his phone in surprise, "Really? I really like them. You should check them out. They're really talented. The dance I did was a dance one of the members Park Jimin perform in the MAMA awards 2016 alongside the other member J-hope."

I hummed in response, not really listening what Tetsu is saying anymore.






Meanwhile back in the training room:

3rd Person POV:

The air was tense. The only sound that could be heard was Murasakibara's stomach growling and him chewing on some snacks he found. Akashi was too busy glaring at Kagami's back. Kagami being the idiot he is he never noticed a thing. Kagami was too busy thinking about his new crush. Kise was occupied still practicing the choreography. Midorima was reading a book trying to teach himself more English in his spare time.

Kagami was dying of curiosity and self-doubt.

"Kuroko was beautiful..."

"Omg am I gay?"

"Wait I like girls."


"Does that mean I'm disgusting?"

"Wait is Kuroko even single?"

"We JUST met how is he my crush already?!"

"Damn Hormones and puberty."

"Is Kuroko even gay?"

"Do those weird color hair dudes know?"

"Is it rude to ask?"

Kagami finally grew some balls to ask.

"Hey, do you guys know if Kuroko is gay and single?" {and ready to mingle}





Back to Aomine and Kuroko:

3rd Person POV

Kuroko and Aomine were happily in the grocery store looking for the food the GOM member's wanted.


Grocery List: {Made by Akashi}

~Small Warm Tofu Soup

~Sweet Red-Bean Soup {Canned is OK}


~Vanilla Milkshake

~Terayaki Burger


As Kuroko and Aomine explored the store Aomine could hear hushed whispers saying:

"Are they gay?"

"Ew gays are disgusting."

"Wait they're very handsome are they idols?"

"I wonder who tops who?"

"Obviously the dark-skinned dude."

"Shhhh they might hear us."

Aomine's once dark skin flushed with a light tint of pink. All he could feel is the 'fangirl's' eyes glaring at his back.

"Hey, Aomine-Kun what do you think Kise-Kun wants to eat? He said he didn't say anything."

Aomine focused back his attention back to Kuroko.

"Hmmmm I don't know," Aomine said unsurely.

Kuroko looked at shelves trying to get an idea of what to get Kise.

"Hm I think Kise-kun likes Onion gratin soup..."

"We can get it at restaurant. Wanna order it?" Aomine said.

"Oh yeah, Kagami-Kun said he wants cheeseburgers too. Let's just go to Maji burger."

"Yeah sure Tets-"

Aomine was interrupted by a small feminine voice looking up at him.

"Uhm are you guys Aomine and Kuroko from GOM?" A girl said with a shy voice.

Aomine and Kuroko couldn't help but smile shyly in embarrassment.

"Yes, we are. And who may you be?" Kuroko said politely.

The girl smiled and said, "I'm a big fan of the GOM! I'm going to your concert today!"

"I look forward to seeing you there miss," Kuroko said charmingly and elegantly.

"Can I take a picture of you guys?"

"Uhh..." Aomine looked at Kuroko, Kuroko nodded, "Sure!" Aomine said in excitement because he out of all the GOM rarely runs into fans in public despite his tall muscular body structure.

The girl took out her phone. She was embarrassed because her phone case was decorated in GOM colors and with a picture of all the GOM members in the middle.

"Do ya wanna take the picture with us?" Aomine asked the girl.

The girl shook her head saying "no".

Aomine and Kuroko took posed took the best possible photo they could offer.


The girl squealed in the satisfaction at the photo she took. She showed Aomine and Kuroko the photo.

"Aomine-Kun why do you look so angry?" Kuroko said bluntly

"Hey! At least I made an actual facial expression!" Aomine protested.

The girl laughed at their bickering. "Haha I think you guys both look great!"

"Thank you." Aomine and Kuroko said in unison.

They said there goodbyes to the girl.

The two GOM members went to get the food from the grocery list that they could find. In the end, Kuroko and Aomine only found Midorima's Red Bean soup that was canned, Akashi's microwaveable tofu soup, and some of Murasakibara's snacks he listed. They bought the red bean soup from a vending machine in the grocery store.

Kuroko and Aomine started to quickly walk to Maji Burger noticing 15 minutes passed and not wanting to see angry Akashi and Midorima.


Back to the Training room:

"Hey! do you guys know if Kuroko is gay and single?" {and ready to mingle?}

Murasakibara dropped his snacks spilling the chips all over the floor.

Kise stopped dancing to stare at Kagami dangerously. His yellow eyes glowed threateningly.

Midorima dropped his phone when he was about to call Kuroko and Aomine. His glasses even cracked slightly.

Akashi being the worse of them all. One of his red eyes flickered gold as he gripped the scissors in his pocket.


Meanwhile... at Maji Burger:

"Yes, I would like one large vanilla milkshake, one cheeseburger, medium onion gratin soup and one teriyaki burger too, please. Oh, wait. Aomine-Kun! What do you want to drink?"

"I want some Sprite," Aomine said lazily.

"Oh and one medium Sprite"

"And yes I would like it to go."

"achuuu!" Kuroko covered his mouth so germs won't spread.

"Bless you," Aomine said while grabbing a tissue for Kuroko.

"Thanks, Aomine-Kun."

"I wonder if someone is talking about me?" Kuroko thought.

"Hey, Tetsu! The foods ready already! Let's go back now! I don't want to face angry Akashi!"

Kuroko snapped out of his thoughts and began following Aomine.

"Aomine-Kun I could've paid for the food you know?"

"Nah it's ok Tetsu."

Aomine and Kuroko kept walking towards the Teiko Entertainment building and after a few minutes of walking and occasional side conversations, they arrived in front of the building. They went inside greeting all the employees. They started walking through the large building passing other training rooms to find one specific room. Kuroko specifically had an uneasy feeling in his stomach he couldn't describe.

Room: 843

Aomine taking a deep breath finally opening the door...

Kuroko and Aomine had no words to describe what they saw.

Kise had Kagami head-locked in his arms. Midorima had tied his hands and feet with his scarf, his luck item of the day. Murasakibara put a large chip bag over his face. As Midorima and Murasakibara held Kagami down and Kise helped keep his head in place while Akashi was about the throw a CRAP TON of scissors at Kagami until he heard a soft angelic voice coming from a blue-haired angel.

"Ano... What are you guys doing to Kagami-Kun?" Kuroko asked in the politest way possible trying not to anger anyone.

"Nothing Tetsuya. Nothing at all. Just disposing of some trash." Akashi responded in a "matter-of-a-fact" tone.

Kuroko sighed and began walking towards the group of people. He took off the potato chip bag and gave it back to Murasakibara. Finally revealing Kagami's face. He didn't seem harmed anywhere on his face or body thankfully, but he is probably internally scared of Akashi. Kuroko untied the scarves and handed them back to Midorima much to Midorima's displeasure.

Kuroko had to kneel down on the ground to talk to Kise face-to-face.

Kuroko kindly asked Kise, "Could you take Kagami-Kun out of a headlock?"

"But Kuroko-cchi!!! Kagami is trying to take your innocence away!!! Kise cried

Kuroko noticed he didn't add -cchi to Kagami's name.

Looking back at Kise.

"I assure you Kise-Kun, I still have my innocence," Kuroko said softly so that Kise could let go of Kagami.

Kuroko had placed an invisible smile on his face as he saw Kise unhand Kagami.

Kuroko got up and began walking to Akashi. Kuroko stood face-to-face in front of Akashi. Looking into Akashi's eyes he asked:

"Akashi-Kun can I borrow your scissors? I need to open a chip bag."

Akashi unconsciously handed the scissors to Kuroko. Kuroko quickly grabbed the scissors from Akashi's hand. Kuroko took a quick glance to Aomine he appears to have seen a ghost of sorts. Kuroko walked back to Kagami giving him water.

"Aomine-Kun shouldn't we all be eating? We don't have much time on our hands. Please hurry." Kuroko said to Aomine.

Aomine snapped out his thoughts and grabbed the food he realized that he dropped looking a the horrific scene. Aomine handed everyone their food no one complaining except a blonde.

"No thank you Aomine-cchi I'm on a diet," Kise said trying to lower his voice a little so no one could hear.

Aomine huffed in protest. He practically almost threw the Onion gratin soup at the blonde almost spilling it.

"Tetsu said you like this," Aomine said without looking at Kise in the eye.

Kise smiled at Aomine's and Kuroko's kindness

"Also you're too skinny. Almost like a toothpick." Aomine bluntly said without a care in the world.

"Not Truuu Aomine-cchi!!! Right Kuroko-cchi?!?!?" Kise said looking at Kuroko for backup support.

"Kise-kun sometimes does look like a toothpick." Kuroko plainly said.

"No Kuroko-cchi!! You know what Aomine-cchi?!! I'm going to eat a lot of food and them who's going to be a toothpick NOW!??!" Kise practically yelled.

"No, you can't." Aomine protested.

"Yes, I can!" Kise yelled.

This repeated another 10 times in a row.







"Ugh these people are crazy." Kagami thought







Word Count: 2490





Hey everyone! Sorry that this update took so long. Also! Thanks for voting and commenting on my past chapters I appreciate it very much. There may be alot of spelling and grammar errors in this chapter since it was a pretty long chapter for me to write, but I hope you enjoyed the chapter to the fullest.




Chapter 4: Concert part 3 otw!

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