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By jugsjones

233K 6.8K 2.5K

โ›Scars have the strange power to remind us that our past is real.โœ RIVERDALE SEASON 1 JUGHEAD/OC E... More



11.4K 352 206
By jugsjones


THE NIGHT WAS SPENT IN HYSTERICS. Nancy was sobbing and comforting her sobbing daughter simultaneously. They still couldn't believe that Clifford was the one who killed his own son. Who tried to kill Sloane.

It was a lot to take in. Nancy still isn't up to going out in public just yet.

Sloane finds herself at the police station. She enters just as Jughead's leaving but he stops her.

"Whoa, what are you doing here?" Sloane raises at brow at his question.

"I'm just going to say a few words to your dad. Then I'll be on my way."

"Why?" He asks warily.

Sloane sighs. "Regardless of what happened, I don't want to walk around feeling like I don't have all of the facts. So, I'm clearing it up."

"You're . . . you're serious?" Sloane rolls her eyes and continues into the station. Jughead follows her. "Do you want me to come with you?"

"I appreciate your concern, Jug, but I think this is a discussion that needs to be between the two of us," She says. She stops and faces him, placing a hand on his shoulder. "I'll let you know if I need emotional support later. Okay?" With that, she turns on her heel and approaches the desk, asking for the Sheriff.

FP doesn't seem surprised when Sheriff Keller lets Sloane into see him. He just looks at her neutrally.

"I told Keller that you saved me. If not for you, that guy would have killed me." After a beat of silence, she speaks again. "What, nothing to say?"

"What do you want me to say?"

Sloane shrugs and paces slowly in front of the cell. "I want to know what my uncle asked of you, and what he told you about me."

"Shouldn't you be at school?" FP mutters, leaning back against the wall.

"This is more important." She answers sharply.

He raises an eyebrow. "You sure you wanna know, trouble?"

"Talk. You owe me that much."

FP takes a breath. "He told me he had sent you as a last chance for Jason to stop on his own. He said if you failed, Mustang could feel free to shut you up, or go after your mother later. Uncle of the year."

Sloane just stares at him.

"It's not easy to hear that you're related to a monster, is it?"

"I imagine it would be harder if I actually liked the guy. But yes," Sloane admits, "It's difficult."

FP looks at her. "I'm sorry this happened to you, kid."

"I'm not," Sloane mumbles, looking down at her shoes. She's wearing the black flats again. "In spite of the terrible experience, if it hadn't happened, I don't think I would have made the friends I did. They . . . care about me. I don't know why but they do. I wouldn't be living as authentically me if I hadn't nearly died." She says. "Your son was a friend to me when I thought I was alone. He didn't just pull that out of his ass. He learned it from someone. Whether it was you or his mom, I don't know. But I do know . . . I don't want this weighing on your conscience."

"Thank you," He says quietly, looking to the floor. "Not many people would do that."

"I'm not most people. At least, that's what I tell myself," Sloane smiles. Her face turns serious. "Don't tell Jughead about . . . this. Can't have him thinking I actually give a shit."

FP laughs. "Sure."

"Good day, FP Jones," She gives him a salute.

"See you later, trouble." He says as she leaves, shaking his head to himself.

Sloane decides it's in her best interest to skip school. Instead, she spends most of the day at Pop's. It's nice to have some peace and quiet for once. No looming murderers or unrequited feelings. Just Sloane, a chocolate shake, and a basket of fries. She smiles a little at the deja vu.

She lets herself reflect over the past few months. Everything is different now. She's found new friends, something to keep going for. Sloane normally doesn't care much for the warm, fuzzy feelings. But this time, she doesn't mind it.

Sloane knows she did a good thing by coming clean to the police about FP. Even if he fucked up, he saved her life. Nobody is completely bad and nobody is completely good. The people of Riverdale need to accept that.

She doesn't consider the trouble that lying may get her into later.

The next day at lunch, Sloane chills with Jughead at their usual table. She isn't sure where Archie and Betty are, but she spots Veronica headed their way.

"Betty's babysitting Polly, mind if I join you?"

"Are you sure you wanna sit at the social pariah table?" Jughead replies, setting down his burger. Veronica laughs and sets her tray on the table.

"I've been sitting at it for months, why should today be any different?" She sits. "By the way, I've been thinking. You and I have a lot in common," Veronica says.

"Oh, because my dad's going to prison and your dad's getting out?" Jughead offers, a small smirk on his face.

"We're dating each other's best friends, I was going to say. But yes, the prison thing too."

Sloane hears unmistakable heels click behind her and her cousin says, "Jughead," The three of them look to Cheryl, Sloane turning around on the bench to straddle it. "I'm sorry. I had no right to pummel you the way I did that day. As recompense, I'd like to give you this," Cheryl tosses him something. "My iconic spider brooch. It'll catch a pretty penny at the local pawn shop. Enough to keep you in burgers and 'S' t-shirts for years, if not decades," She speaks with a smile, but Sloane knows her cousin better than that.

"What's wrong, Cheryl?" Sloane asks, standing to face her.

Cheryl gives her a too bright smile. "Nothing's wrong. I'm fine."

"Don't lie to me," Sloane presses. "You were never very good at it. Tell me what's going on."

Cheryl's smile falls. "I'm . . . "

Kevin appears out of nowhere behind Cheryl. "Guys, hurry, it's Betty's locker. Come on, it's bad. Come on!" He, Veronica, and Jughead dart off. Sloane resists the urge.

She snaps her fingers in front of Cheryl's face, who is looking after them. "Hey. I'm not leaving. Talk to me."

Her cousin instantly brightens again. "It's nothing. I'm fine."

Sloane clenches her jaw and pulls Cheryl into a hug. She seems surprised, but returns the embrace. "You better not be doing something stupid, Cheryl Blossom. If you need anything, you better call me," She pulls away and stares Cheryl in the eyes. "I'm serious. I know we're not close but we are family. I'm here if you need me."

Cheryl just smiles. "Thank you, Sloane. I'll keep that in mind." Sloane watches her cousin walk away from her. In her gut, she knows something is wrong. But she can't force Cheryl to spill it, so she sighs and speed walks in the direction Jughead and Veronica took off.

She's startled by what she sees on Betty's locker.

GO TO HELL SERPENT SLUT! is written in . . . Sloane doesn't even wanna know. This must be about the article Betty wrote. Sloane rather liked it, but clearly not everyone else did. People are crowded around, taking pictures. Sloane glares at them and shoves them back.

"Betty . . . " Jughead says, moving in her line of sight. Betty rushes forward to rip the papers off. He holds her back.

"It's nothing, Jug. Just a jerk with a can of spray paint—" He holds her by her shoulders.

"I don't think that's spray paint, okay?" He whispers to her. He pulls her into his arms and away from the locker.

Once Betty and Jug are out of sight, Sloane walks up to the locker and yanks the papers and the hanging voodoo doll, which looks hauntingly like Betty, down. She shoves everything into the garbage can and turns around to face the crowd.

"Don't you sewer rats have anything better to do than bully a girl who is trying to help? I don't see any of you taking risks to make a change!" She grits her teeth and raises her voice even louder. "In my opinion, you're worse than the Serpents! At least they have the balls to talk shit to somebody's face!"

Deciding she's finished, Sloane shoves her way through the sea of idiots and back towards the lunch room, fully intent on finishing her food.

When Sloane gets a text from Veronica saying that Cheryl is about to kill herself, Sloane moves faster than she ever has in her entire life. She'd been at home, planning to skip again. But she throws on clothes, just a black t-shirt laying on her floor, jeans, snow boots, and a jacket her mother gave her for Christmas.

She (recklessly) drives to Sweet Water River to find the gang has just arrived. Sloane hops out of the car and runs to them. "Let's go!" She shouts and the five of them run towards the river, screaming for Cheryl.

They reach the river, all panting.

"No, no, no," Sloane says, voice panicky. She grabs at her hair. "Where is she?"

Betty grasps her shoulder and points over the water. "Over there! Oh my god!"

"She's over there!" Veronica says at the same time. They all scream when they see her and run towards the river.

"Cheryl, stop! What are you doing?" Jughead shouts.

"Wait, Jug!" Archie manages to catch Jug, who in turn grabs Sloane, before they run onto the ice. The ice groans under them.

"The ice. He's right," Jughead murmurs. They all look out at Cheryl, who is pounding on the ice. "Too much weight and we'll all go under."

"Cheryl!" Sloane yells. "Cheryl stop!"

"Cheryl, please!" Veronica pleads. Cheryl stands and turns to them, face scrunched like she's been crying. Sloane's chest hurts.

"Please come to the shore," Sloane cries.

"We'll figure this out together, okay?" Veronica says to the girl. Just then, the ice cracks under Cheryl and she goes under.

"NO!" Sloane screams. Nobody stops her from running out there this time. They're all screaming with her and she can feel them hot on her heels. She collapses next to the hole where Cheryl fell in, letting out a wail when her cousin isn't there.

"The current has her," Jughead says. "Spread out, spread out!" He yells, motioning with his arms. Sloane jumps up and searches the surrounding areas, brushing through the snow.

"She's here, she's here!" Archie shouts and they rush to him. He begins to punch the ice and Sloane and Veronica yell at him to be careful while Jughead screams for help.

In moments he succeeds, breaking through the ice and grabbing Cheryl from the water. He pulls her onto the ice and Sloane kneels next to him. Archie starts performing CPR. Jughead and Betty have a hand on both of Sloane's shoulders as she prays to all of the gods she's never believed in, begging for a miracle.

Sloane sighs with relief when Cheryl coughs up water, brushing the wet hair from her face. "You idiot," She sobs. "You stupid, stupid girl . . . " Archie takes Cheryl into his arms and Betty helps Sloane to her feet as they all take off back towards the shore.

Sloane decides not to tag along with Cheryl to Veronica's home. She figures Veronica is much better with comforting someone than Sloane is, despite her hysteria at the river. Not to mention, she and Cheryl still have a tense relationship.

She goes home to change into something more . . . appropriate for the Jubilee. She chooses to not wear any makeup. She doesn't care to hide her red eyes or her skin that's more pale than usual. Sloane just slips into a dark green slip dress and her reliable flats. Grabbing a black leather jacket on the way out the door, she realizes that for this moment, everything is fine. Which means it won't be for very long.

She tries not to think about that.

When Sloane arrives at the Jubilee, she walks in at the same time as Jughead.

"Hey, stranger," He says on their way inside.

"Hemingway," She greets. "Excited for Betty's possibly ground breaking speech?"

"I'm pumped. You?"

She smiles up at him. "Me too."

They appear in the doorway and Betty smiles at them from the stage. Part of Sloane is relieved that Betty doesn't seem threatened to see her with him. She smirks back, shooting her cousin a thumbs up.

"But what is Riverdale? It's the people, right? You, me, our friends, our neighbors. Riverdale is Archie Andrews," Betty looks offstage, where Sloane assumes Archie is. A few people whoop in the crowd. "Kevin Keller is Riverdale. Veronica Lodge, she's Riverdale. Sloane Sullivan is Riverdale. But you know who else is Riverdale?" Sloane's smirk widens. Oh boy. "FP Jones, who we were so quick to blame for Jason's murder." The crowd murmurs. "Jughead Jones is Riverdale, the very soul of Riverdale. Without him, we may not have ever found out what happened to Jason. And yet, how do we thank him? By banishing him. Which is what we do when the truth gets too ugly in Riverdale. Truth being that Clifford Blossom was also Riverdale. Riverdale's at a crossroads. If we don't face the reality of who and what we are, if we keep lying to ourselves and keeping secrets from each other, then what happened to Jason could happen again. Or, God forbid, something even worse. Riverdale must do better. We must do better."

Sloane smiles. She has to admit, Betty has a way with words. She and Jughead are the first ones to clap in the room filled with shock and silence. Everyone else soon follows, though, and for once Sloane is proud to be Riverdale.

"To Archie Andrews, who saved the cheerleader and saved the town," Veronica toasts, holding up her double chocolate milkshake. Sloane holds up her cookies and cream one, figuring she ought to shake things up a little . . . pun intended.

"You know what, actually I think that was Betty's speech," Archie responds.

"Here, here to Betty Cooper," Veronica says, and everyone lifts their milkshakes. Sloane sighs and sips the delightful drink next to her cousin. She groans and everyone looks at her.

"This tastes like the nectar of the gods," She grins. Betty chuckles at her. "What? It's true."

"And you always speak nothing but the truth, I take it?" Veronica inquires with a smirk.

"Obviously," Sloane sips again and looks to Jughead. "By the way, Hemingway, I made a decision. I originally wasn't gonna tell you, cause I don't need you thinking you've made an impact on my morals."

Jug raises his eyebrows. "Oh really?"

"I decided . . . to tell Sheriff Keller about your dad saving me. I think it may help in lessening his sentence."

Archie, Veronica, and Betty all smile. Jughead does too, but it seems more personal. Sincere. "Thank you, Sloane."

"Don't mention it," She makes a straight face. "Seriously. I'm not nice."

The others laugh and she does crack a smile, trying to ignore her inner conflictions. They think she's kidding. Ever since she was thrown from her pedestal, Sloane doesn't know who she is anymore. But she does know how to pretend she does.

So for the rest of the time at Pop's, she smiles and laughs with her friends. As everyone begins to split off to head home, no doubt to bump some uglies, Sloane catches the eye of somebody also leaving Pop's.

Reggie Mantle.

Sloane gives him an once over and shrugs. He's tall, dark, and handsome. Just her type.

A distraction. Just what she needs.

She approaches him, feeling the stares of her friends on her back. "Good evening, Reggie."

He raises a brow at her. "Sloane."

"Since I'm a forgiving person who is looking for fun, wanna get out of here?" She smirks. He eyes her for a moment, glancing down at her dress. She figures he's wondering how easy it is to remove.

Finally, he meets her eyes. He smirks back. "What the hell. Why not?" Sloane beams at him and grabs his hand. She buries her nerves and drags him towards the exit, which is where her friends are. She winks at them and they all stare at her with wide eyes.

"Adios, bitchachos. Have fun tonight—and wrap it before you tap it!" She calls as she and Reggie exit the diner. She hears Betty make a strangled noise of embarrassment before the door shuts.

She stops in the parking lot and yanks the giant boy down to her level to press her lips to his. Reggie doesn't object, in fact, he responds with enthusiasm. In the back of her mind, Sloane knows she's showing off.

Maybe she hasn't changed for the better.

The night is a long one. She never knew Reggie was so good with his hands, but I guess you learn something new every day.

But as lovely as Reggie is, and as nice as his hands and abs and everything is, Sloane can't stop thinking of someone else. She tries to block those thoughts out of her mind, but they keep coming back every time she closes her eyes. It's all too easy to imagine another person above you when your eyes are closed. She tries to keep them wide open. But they keep wanting to shut.

After it's over and Sloane can't seem to walk properly, Reggie tells her he's happy to do this again sometime before he climbs out of her window. Sloane agrees with the blandest "hell yeah" ever. She lays there in the early hours of the morning, wishing just for once she could figure something out. And she does.

Sloane comes to the conclusion that she is completely and utterly fucked.


the end of season 1 omfg. yall i am so proud of myself ngl. i have never made it this far with a story before. ever. and i'm so happy you guys like it, i always see flaws but that's to be expected with writers ig

the sequel will posted soon! it's called REFLECTION and i am so excited for season 2! there are many things in store for sloane and i hope you guys are as excited as i am!


So this is the finished rewrite and I'm super stoked??? This version is so much better and I'm p proud of myself ngl

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