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❝Our story is about a town, a small town, and the people who live in the town. From a distance, it presents itself like so many other small towns all over the world. Safe, decent, innocent. Get closer though, and you start seeing the shadows underneath. The name of our town is Riverdale.

ON A COOL SUMMER MORNING, Sloane Sullivan is unconscious on the ground by the river's edge. Her hair is a red halo around her head and the skin of her throat is turning purple. Her crimson lipstick is smudged and the mascara that was supposed to be waterproof has dried on her face like tears.

Her eyes flutter open. She first sees the sky and is confused. Why is she outside? Sloane pushes herself up, her arms trembling under her weight. Everything hurts and it's oddly painful to breathe. She brushes her fingers against her throbbing neck, flinching at the contact.

Her forest green dress is filthy and torn up one of the legs. Her shoes are missing. Funnily enough, Sloane doesn't recall wearing shoes, or the dress. She doesn't even remember leaving her bed this morning.

Sloane looks around her and realizes that she hasn't been by this spot of the river. Looking back towards the trees, there's a trail down the slope of the hill where it's clear that something rolled down. Or someone.

There's a commotion nearby. Sloane can hear people and vehicles. She stands on unsteady legs and moves toward the sounds, cringing and whimpering when sticks and rocks stab into her feet. It's oddly chilly for a summer morning and Sloane's body trembles violently when the wind hits her. Soon it becomes constant.

When she breaks through the forest edge, Sloane is confused by what she sees. There are police cars, an ambulance, boats, and citizens spectating, feigning concern, as they always do. Clifford and Penelope Blossom, Sloane's aunt and uncle, are by the river's edge yelling at an officer. Cheryl nor Jason are nowhere to be seen, however. Betty Cooper's parents are watching from afar, Mrs. Cooper's expression set in her permanent scowl. Sloane and Alice Cooper have never gotten along too well. Sloane figures it has more to do with bloodlines than personalities.

The first person to spot Sloane by the tree line is a boy with dark hair and a weird hat. She's seen him in school before. Sloane can't remember his name, only that it's a strange one. He's cute in that dark douchebag kinda way.

The boy's expression morphs into one of shock and he taps the shoulder of an officer nearby and points to Sloane. The officer is immediately alarmed, walking towards her with caution.

"Miss Sullivan? Are you alright?" The officer asks, and Sloane just looks at him. She can't quite seem to connect her thoughts into words. What is going on?  "Miss Sullivan?"

"I . . . what's—what's happing?" She says, glancing around. "What time is it?"

"Eleven a.m., ma'am."

"That—That's not right . . . " Sloane trails off and looks towards the river. The officer tilts his head slightly, confused. "What happened?"

"There was an accident, Miss Sullivan. We have received word that Jason Blossom drowned in the river," He explains, empathy etched on his face. Sloane wants to believe he gives a shit but she is fairly certain that he's just doing his job. Then he'll go home and sit on his couch and watch Family Feud while feasting on soggy pizza rolls.

𝐀𝐌𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐈𝐀, 𝐣𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝 𝐣𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐬. [1]Where stories live. Discover now