Sharing a dorm with him...

By callmeshorty

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Sharing a dorm with him...
the mark..
do you have a euro or a doller or watever the you call it
fine looking chap
shaving cream..
on my knees !!


4.6K 116 0
By callmeshorty

LEONAS POV (crazy irish bitch)

"lets go lets go lets dhauna hurry up I neeeeed to find icecream I can smell it" *sniffs the air in the creepish way ever* ooo im so exited me and shauna are just after finished unpacking in our sexual new dorm and now I found out theres an icecream parlor on campus and ooooo I just need it. "alright alright im coming ya mad egg" shauna shouted. Shauna was wearing lightwash high waisted denim shorts with a fancy shop and its just oo and im definitly gunna steal that top...ya thats a plan. I was wearing my leggings...and there victoia secrets and you just need to no that because its just a need to no...ok. ya soo ooo icefream I almost forgot about it..almost. "eh excuse me but if im mad then im a mad sausage....not an egg." shauna was staring and my exposed belly. "fuck off staring you little weirdo" I tried covering myself up but failed miserably. "sooo you wearing that outfit hasnt got anything to do with beach boy now does it" shauna raised her eyebrow. "eh alright he is fit but like so is every other lad here so...fuck off ok cause I dont think I even remember his name properly."  shauna didnt beleive me but thats because she thinks she has this secret sense and apparently she can feel when somebody likes somebody...sychic shuna eh no more like sycotic shuana.. "if your done dreaming about beach boy then we can go get icecream" shauna pushed me out the door...bitch. "ICEEEEECREEEEAAAAMMM" I screamed running out of the dorm get strange looks from people...pfft there just jelly of my swig...well thats what I like to think anyway. "dude with the very attractive face do you know where the icecream is"  he smirked and shook his head but he propaply knew and was just trying to wind me up...prick. "this way lo" shauna grabbed my ponytail and pulled me the other way. "you need to calm down these poor lads arnt used to your freakishness (yes im aware that thats not a word but most words in this come from my own personal dictionary so deal with my swig)  so calm your shit" I just knodded..ya ill never calm my shit.


"ok we have been walking around this shit hole for a half hour and still havnt found the icecream place" I groaned while banging my head against leona. "yano I bet if I had spongebob for a best freind he would be able to find me my icecream" " well spongebobs bestfriend is dumbass patrick so you would probably be suitable for that position" shuna glared at me and I just smiled at the thought of being a squigy star that always looks down his pants..."well im no spongebob but I do know how to get to the icecream parlor" its...him..beach boy.or whatever his name was shit what was his name again

"aww babe you didnt remember my name that stings" ...did I really say that aloud. "ya you did" shauna grinned "so whats your name beach boy" "cameron or cam whichever you prefer" cameron and shauna were having a nice conversation while I continued banging my head against the wall. "well its nice seeing you again leona well the back of you actually its very nice seeing the back of you" I grinned and wiggled my ass before turning back around to a smirking cameron.

"well are you gunna bye me icecream or continue stateing the obvious of my amazing ass" shauna made a gagging sound and started walking. "so cameron you got a twin brother by any chance" shuna questioned cameron while he brought us to the icecream parlor. "no but I do have friends" he grinned "most people do.." a voice broke in "hey leona its great to see you again whos your freind" it was that girl Arianna from the beach. "oh hi..arianna..?? this is shauna my friend" I smiled. "bestfreind..." shauna muttered.

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