my miracles. || knb fanfic

By celestial_xox_

33.8K 937 882

GOM is the most popular Kpop band in South Korea and in the entire world. Known for their crazy loud fan chan... More

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EXTRA: Kuroko in Wonderland

2.8K 68 9
By celestial_xox_

{This is a EXTRA chapter. Please keep in mind that any events in this chapter does not deal with the plot of the story}

Kuroko POV

Where am I?

I opened eyes to see a beautiful scenery.

Bright green grass tickling my skin.

The sun's warmth enveloping my body.

I'm sitting on a grassy hill.

My back was leaning on the rough bark of a large oak tree.

Looking forward to the view I was amazed.

My eyes widen in awe looking at the breath-taking view.

I saw a lake filled with animals stretching as far as I can see.

The light of the sun reflecting off the water making the blue body of water sparkle like diamonds.

Looking to my left I see another young man about the same age as me leaning right next to me.

He was enjoying the view too.

His hair was so red like a rose.

He had bunny ears sticking up from his head.

How peculiar?

I couldn't fully see his eyes.

I was curious, he looked so familiar to me.

"Excuse me, sir?"

His bunny ears twitched. He looked at me surprised, but not responding.

Ah, his eyes are very pretty.

We lost eye contact, he looked at his watch and spoke.

"I might be late Tetsuya, please wait for me."

He got up and ran off.

How did he know my name?

Did he just smile at me?

Why did he look so sad?

"Wait! Mister!"

I ran and tried to follow him.

He was too fast.

I reach out my hand trying to grasp something or someone.

I grabbed nothing.

Desperate and in need.

Please don't leave.

I don't want to be alone again.

I ran and ran.

It felt like I ran in circles.

I saw the man again.

He noticed me and ran even faster.

"Wait! Please don't leave me."

He looked back at me with eyes of sadness and regret.

"I'm so sorry Tetsuya."

I tripped and fell into a hole.

The darkness enveloping my body with a cold touch.

I whispered desperately.

"Please, Seijuro don't leave me."

"I love you."



Where am I?

I looked around to see a forest.

A very colorful forest.

Remembering the past events.


I grabbed my blue hair locks in frustration.

Until I heard a noise.

Sounds like teacups clinking together.

Following the noise, I find myself at a table.

I see a group of very colorful people.

Another red-haired man with bunny ears.

A tall man with green hair and a hat.

They look so familiar.

Who are they again?

Who is Akashi?

My head hurts.

I decided to sit down with the strange men.

"Excuse me?"

They didn't respond.

They were too busy bickering.

Speaking up louder.

"Excuse me?"

Their heads turned.

The green haired man spoke first.

"Would you like some tea?"

I nodded not seeing any reason to refuse.

It became unreasonably quiet.

The tall red-headed bunny was looking at me.

Well, more like glaring.

Looking up at both of them I asked:

"Do you know where to find a red rabbit with a small pocket watch?"

Both of them remained quiet.

The other red rabbit refused to talk so I turned to the green haired man.

He looked at me and huffed.

Taking off his glasses.

He facial expressions changed.

He looked happy?

He seems like a stubborn person with his glasses on.

But without them

He smiled.

The other tall red rabbit was shocked at the green-haired man's actions.

But still said nothing.

The green haired man asked a riddle with a smile:

"Why is the raven like a writing desk?"

I tried to answer to think of an answer but failed.

The tall red rabbit looked at my face and laughed.

His cheeks were blushed.

He looked at yelled:

"She's stark raving mad!"

His laugh echoing throughout the forest.

I sat there confused.

"I'm mad?"

I said aloud.

The green haired man looked at me with another smile.

"Indeed you are."

"The mysterious rabbit you're looking for is somewhere in the Queen of Heart's Castle."

"Look for the caterpillar he may know where it is."

He pointed at a certain area in the forest telling me to go there.

The green-haired man looked at me weirdly as he put back on his glasses.

He had the same expression as the red rabbit with the small pocket watch.

Was he sad?

I followed the path he told me to go to.

The tall red rabbit that barely talked to me gave me cookies?

I wonder what the cookies are for?


I reached the end of the path to see a very tall man.

He had purple hair and he was smoking.

"Kuro-chin you're finally here."

He said as he blew smoke in my face.

"How do you know my name? And stop smoking its bad for you"

He looked at me in the eye lazily and walked slowly towards me.

He leaned towards me and hugged me.

"Hey, Kuro-chin I'm hungry.~"

Not showing his face.

"Do you know where the Queen of Heart's Castle is?"

He stood there quietly hugging me but suddenly hugging me tighter.

I didn't see his face.

While he was hugging me I went to grab the bag of cookies the tall red rabbit gave me.

"Do you want a cookie?"

He nodded slowly taking the cookie.

He took the cookie but didn't eat it.

He stopped hugging me and said:

"The Queen of Hearts Kingdom is over there."

He still didn't show his face, but he was crying.

He hugged me again and whispered in my ear "Goodbye Kuro-chin"

I wasn't sure what to say, but something in the back of my head told me to say this.

"I will see you soon Mura-Mura."

The tall man fell to his knees crying with his hands covering his face with his hands.

I didn't want to leave him just yet.

I sat down with him for a few seconds until he finally showed his face.

He took out the cookie I gave him and ate it while still crying.

When he swallowed the cookie he became smaller and smaller.

He looked like a crying lost child.

I took off my jacket and gave it to him and left.

His eyes never stop staring at me as I left him alone.

Why was he crying?


As I walked the path I came across a blonde haired man with cat ears smiling at me.

He asked me while shaking lightly.

"Am I beautiful to you Kuroko-cchi?"

I didn't ask how he knew my name.

I walked closer to the blonde.

"No, you are not beautiful to me."

He looked at me shocked.

I walked closer to him standing on my tippy toes and I grabbed his cheeks and pulled them.

"You should smile when you want to more often. Fake smiles are not always charming."

He looked at me as I left.

Narrowing his eyes slightly.

He cried silently.

No one else could hear nor see.

Only he and I could see it.

He was crying on the inside.

But only his smile was visible.


I reached the end of the path and I see the Kingdom.

Knocking slowly on the big doors of the castle.

A young man and young woman answered my call.

"Tetsu you're here."

"Tetsu-kun you're here!"

Again I didn't ask how they knew my name.

"Follow us Tetsu-kun! We'll lead the way!"

I followed them to see yet another big door.

The pink haired girl urged me to go through the door while the navy blue hair man stayed silent.

He reminds me of someone.

As I open the door he told me quietly:

"Good luck Tetsu and I'm sorry."

He pushed me into the room

The look he gave me was the same as the others.

What did I do for them to create such a face?

No, What did we do to become like this?


I look around the room.

Lights were aimed at me.

Everyone was looking at me.

I see the purple haired man and many others who I talked to.

Upon looking at the eyes and faces of the people staring at me I heard a voice.

"Kuroko Tetsuya! You have come here today to confess your sins! If you don't... off with your head!"

"I don't understand! What sins have I committed?!"

Hushed whispers surround me as I yelled.

I stared at the woman who spoke.

She must be the Queen of Hearts.

I saw someone right next to her.

It was the red-haired man with rabbit ears and the pocket watch!

The Queen ordered 5 people to stand in front of me.

I recognized them.

"You broke these 5 young mans' heart."

I stared at the 5 men.

These are the men I came across coming here to find the rabbit.

"I don't understand. I don't even know them!"

"But they know you."

I don't know them.

I don't know why they know my name.

All I know is the find the rabbit carrying the pocket watch.

"I don't even know why they even like me."

I heard the queen chuckle in amusement.

She grabbed my chin and made me look into her eyes.

I was shaking with fear.

Until I heard a voice.

I saw the red-hair man again with the pocket watch.

He grabbed my hand and made me run with him.

I saw the other colorful people grab the Queen pulling her away from me.

Me and the red rabbit ran and ran to find the place we were before when we met.

Through the castle and passing through the rose garden, we ran.

Until I don't even know how we got back to the tree where we first met.

I let go of his hand and went towards the tree.

I leaned against the rough bark of the tree.

And the red-haired man with rabbit ears did the same.

I sighed, "Mister rabbit what's your name?"

"My name is A....."


"Tetsuya wake up."


"Come on Kuro-chin wake up we're here."

"Kuroko you don't want to be late now nanodayo"

"Oi Kuroko whats the hold up!"


I opened my eyes to see all the GOM members looking at me.

Akashi tried to move his hand towards my face.

I annoyingly slapped it away and got out the car.

"What's wrong with Kuroko-cchi?"

"I don't know, I heard him whisper something along the lines of  'rabbit bullshit' "

"Kuro-chin probably cranky because he has to train another trainee."

"No I don't think so, Tetsuya probably had a weird dream again."

"Everyone get out the car we can't be late nanodayo!"

Everyone sighed knowing they will never know who Kuroko was dreaming of.






"Bakashi always ruining my dreams."





Word count: 1909

Hey! Its the author here! Here is just a little filler chapter because I'm still working on Chapter 3: Concert part 2, but don't worry the chapter is otw soon! This chapter was about Kuroko's dream in the car when they were driving to the place where they had to train Kagami.

See you in the next chapter!



All photos and art belong to their respective owner. If you are the owner and do not wish for the image to be here please tell me. I will take it down immediately. The characters from this fanfiction belong to the creator of Kuroko no Basket. I do not own Kuroko No Basket.

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