A Lady unlike any other (four...

By ashmita1321

719K 35.7K 2K

HIGHEST RANKING #1 in historical fiction. Rosalyn is living her life. She's reckless, stubborn, unladylike a... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapeter 21
Author's note
Author's note

Chapter 14

24.9K 1.4K 156
By ashmita1321

Later that night.

Theo made his way to Brooks's. Drinking himself into oblivion seemed like the easiest way to forget his misery.

He was happy to find Gavin at a cards table.

"You used to be much more entertaining before Lady Rosalyn walked into your life," Gavin grumbled as they settled down with their respective tumblers of whiskey. Well, Theo had a bottle really.

Theo had declined Gavin's offer that they visit their favourite widows that night.

He was correct though, Theo used to be different before he met Rosalyn. He was still a rake, no doubt there. But he only wanted to charm one woman now.

"Why don't you just marry the lass and put us all out of our misery? I'm tired of watching you mope around like a lovesick puppy," Gavin said, his Scottish burr suddenly prominent.

"I told you. I'm not marrying. Anyone," Theo replied, staring at his friend.

"Alright, tell me something. Why don't you want to marry?"

"My parents had a very happy marriage. It nearly killed mother when my father died. I don't want to go through that pain," Theo said, feeling like a ninny.

And much to his annoyance, Gavin began to laugh.

"I have a piece of advice for you, my man. Grow a pair," he said still chuckling.

Theo said nothing.

"Do you love her?"

"Love?" Theo laughed.

"Yes, love," Gavin said a little forcefully. And for the first time, Theo saw something deeper in his friend. There was more to Gavin than than that cheery exterior.

"I don't know, Ker."

"Close your eyes and imagine her face. Try seeing yourself married to her. Imagine the faces of the children you'll have together. Imagine yourself growing old with her," Gavin said.

"Really Ker, that's something I'd expect to hear in a drawing room filled with debutantes and not in a gentleman's club," Theo replied, appalled.

"Do it. It won't make you any less of a man."

Theo groaned but then closed his eyes.

The vision before him was surprisingly vivid. When he pictured Rosalyn, she was wearing breeches. She looked the way she had on the first day he'd seen her. Her loose hair spilling over her shoulders. But instead of the disdain on her face, there was something else when she flipped back her hair and smirked at him. 

Her eyes were filled with mischief and...love?

He imagined her heavy with his child and it was so beautiful that it made his heart clench with that bittersweet ache.

Their children were absolutely perfect. His little girl looked just like Rosalyn, jauntily sitting on her mount as he taught her how to ride and his son creating all sorts of trouble while Rosalyn chased him around.

As they grew older, he imagined their house filled with laughter and love. It was almost unbearably perfect.

Theo pried his eyes open, unable to believe it.

"I think you have your answer," Gavin grinned, looking enormously pleased with himself.

Bloody hell. He did love Rosalyn.

Theo got up from his chair as if to leave and then sat back down.

"What now?" Gavin groaned.

"What if she doesn't love me back?"

"There's only one way to find out," Gavin smirked.

Theo merely raised a brow.

"Jealousy. Make her burn with it," he grinned deviously.

"That sounds like a workable plan," Theo grinned too.

"Where did you learn all this?" He asked Gavin after a while.

"I grew up with female cousins," he shrugged, trying very hard to look like he wasn't embarrassed.

"And I had no idea you were such a romantic."

Gavin just shrugged again, clearly uncomfortable.

Theo decided to let it go. He was in love, for God's sakes.

And he realised he didn't just want her body anymore, he wanted the entire package. That included her heart, her fiery spirit and her sharp mind.


"I'm dying," Alice groaned, her voice vaguely nasal.

"You're not dying," Sarah rolled her eyes.

"It's just a cold. Stop overreacting, will you?" Rosalyn grumbled as she placed another pillow beneath Alice's pillow.

"I can't believe you woke us all up in the middle of the night for a cold," Sarah was saying.

"Not all of you. Vanessa is still sleeping," Alice grumbled, her voice beginning to annoy Rosalyn.

Alice was the worst when she was sick. Her eyes grew puffy and her nose swelled up in the most unattractive fashion. Not to mention, her voice.

"You're being a big baby, Alice. Cook got up in the middle of the night to prepare this for you."

"I am not drinking that. It's very bitter," she said, all her ts sounding like ds.

Vanessa appeared at the doorway then.

"What's all this commotion about?" She asked, squinting at them.

"Alice is sick again," Rosalyn supplied.

"God help us all," Vanessa muttered.

"I heard that," Alice snapped, wiping her snot with her handkerchief.

"She won't drink cook's herbal tea," Sarah complained.

A secret look passed between Rosalyn, Sarah and Vanessa.

"What is this about?" Alice asked, looking at their faces panicked.

"Oh nothing darling," Vanessa cooed, making her way to Alice's bedside.

Before she had a chance to reply, Vanessa and Rosalyn were on her, tickling her mercilessly.

"Please stop," she gasped between shrieks.

"Will you drink the tea?" Rosalyn asked, not stopping.

"I will."

Another shriek.

"I promise."

And then they let her go.

Alice was still breathing hard when Sarah brought the cup to her lips.

She threw them a dirty look as she drank, but it didn't bother them in the least.

A few minutes later, Alice was asleep. Even her breathing sounded normal.

"I'll stay with her," Sarah offered.

"Good night," Rosalyn and Vanessa said in unison and escaped before Sarah could reply, lest she changed her mind about staying there.

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