
By despiteous

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**MATURE CONTENT & COMPLETED** A smart-mouth 23 year old girl looks normal, but is anything but that. She's a... More

Author's Note


400 31 16
By despiteous

"We almost- he wanted us to kiss," she awkwardly rubbed the back of her neck. The sound of her voice making her feel even more weird as she tried to collect herself and her thoughts.

Everest now visibly fuming ignored her, not caring what she had to say. He wanted to fight something, not caring of his responsibility to babysit. This type of security for a human in a reinforced cell was pointless.

"Are we not gonna talk about this?!" Orion yelled, regaining some sense of herself to get his attention, "helloOo?!" She yelled again to snap him out of his daze, "I know you're just as confused as I am right now."

"What could you possibly need to talk about? And why do you assume I would confide in you?" He was growling back through the cell, gripping the metal bars. The silver sizzling against his skin, but he kept squeezing, un-phased by the pain.

"Um maybe the fact that he'd much rather see us get it on than him rubbing all up on me himself. That makes absolutely no sense unless he's punishing you too," she huffed, "dumbass."

"Just shut your mouth for once. Try not talking at all." He shook the bars, rattling the cell door. Furrowing her brows she stepped forward. "That'll never happen unless you make me," her eyes narrowing, threatening him.

"You're in no position to even try to intimidate me. Did you forget that hunter?"

In a fast motion she delivered a strong punch to his face through the bars. Her hand instantly breaking from the impact as she was able to inflict some sort of pain for Everest in his nose as a single drop of blood fell. Slowly wiping it, he twitched trying to contain his temper.

Grabbing her hand she held it to her chest and turned around. Breathing harsh through her teeth, trying to ease the pain. Ignoring everything around her she focused on her hand as she slightly rocked her body back and forth. She barely noticed Everest opened the cell door and was reaching for her in a non threatening way after collecting himself.

"Don't touch me!" She attempted to shove him away with her free hand. He looked at her broken hand with a ghost of a smirk, "how many times do I have to tell you that?"

"You knew that wasn't going end well for you, so why do it?" he continued reaching for her injured hand, trying to heal it. Semi-glad she punched him. It was as if she smacked some control back into him and distracted him from trying to figure out Orpheus' game.

"Because you need to understand that I'm not some fragile little human. I'm a hunter: a damn good one and I hate you. Everything about you I despise," she spat before silence fell between them as he regarded her with boredom, "and I couldn't help myself since you deserve it." He finally snatched her hand away by her wrist while she rambled.

Inspecting it carefully, neither of them had realized how suspiciously close they were standing to one another as he began the process of trying to heal it.

"Ask me," he offered as he turned her hand around, making sure it was healing properly.

She sharply inhaled and without hesitating began, "why did that feel like a punishment for you instead of me?" her inquisitive eyes staring up into his, "I can tell you have some sort of an idea," her eyebrows furrowed while she inspected his body language.

"No one understands him except for him," his eyes cold and distant, "you mean that being forced to kiss me is a reward for you?" He raised a brow at her, trying to flip the meaning of her question. Her hand still in his grasp, they were inches apart as they looked at one another. Gray eyes landed on her throat as she swallowed hard, unable to explain her sudden nervousness.

The air between them beginning to thicken as her breaths got more shallow. The temperature of his skin, causing goosebumps to rise all over her forearm.

The thought of doing such things with a vampire for just pleasure, let alone the one who kidnapped her, shouldn't be so vivid in her mind, or so hot. Snatching it out of his hold, she shook her head to get her sanity back. Slowly, she began taking steps to back away from him, "we both know that's not what I meant at all... bloodsucker."

Before he could fire back, the door opened and Everest used his speed to lock her cell door and sprint up the stairs, out of the cell block. Huffing she plopped down onto the concrete slab of a bed. The clicking of heels let her know it was most likely a female.

As suspected she was right, shimmering blue black hair glistened underneath the faint sliver of moonlight that spilled in. Kali stood outside her cell with a dangerous glint in her brown eyes as she stared her down.

Walking towards the cell door she examined her fairly skimpy outfit.

After a long time of awkward glaring, Orion decided to break the silence. "What is it with vampires and objectifying women amiright?" Orion inquired, hoping to grant herself some escape plans by getting under her skin. Lilith and Kali seemed to be the most temperamental when it came to herself. She saw it as a weakness and an opportunity.

Neither of the strongest vampires were here and her guard dog was not even in the same room.


Her conscience repeated inside her head.

"How dare you even think to speak to me?" Kali spat at her.


The hatred and anger boiling up inside as Kali stepped forward itching to rip her throat out. Her face contorting into a wicked grin as she pictured it, making Orion skeptical."Yeah, yeah, I'm disrespectful," an eyebrow raising as she watched Kali's face emote everything she pictured inside her mind, "penny for your thoughts?"

"You really wanna know?" Kali's voice began to raise as she portrayed her sharp, long stiletto nail. Lowering it to the ancient, rusty locks level and worked to pick it. It managed to stay in tact as she fought to unlock the door.

"I thought about shoving a knife in the back of your skull as you did my brother, then while your blood is gushing from the wound I'd lick some," the door slowly opened as it scraped against the old concrete. Orion stood up from the bed and backed away and nodded to play along. "Knowing you'd be unable to move but still alive. I'd use your blood as energy to be able to reach down your throat and grab your esophagus. Pulling all of your digestive organs out through your mouth," Orion's eyebrows now touching her hairline, not expecting such a vividly described encounter from someone like her.

"That's a little excessive, don't ya think?" an awkward smile formed as Kali stepped even closer. Reaching up in her hair she sifted through her hair to find one of the lost silver bobby pins. Her curls the perfect hiding place for small objects.

Slamming back against the wall she felt for anything with the bobby pin in hand. "No escape," Kali smiled as she licked her now descended fangs, "I'm sure my punishment would be more than worth it knowing you're long gone." Displaying her deadly teeth with a loud hiss, she lounged only to be stabbed in the eye by the bobby pin. Her screeches mixed with the faint, familiar sizzle making a proud grin appear on Orion's face as she used a shaking hand to find the bobby pin and pry it out before it did anymore damage. Struggling with her long sharp nails, she kept doing more damage to the small muscle.

Orion stopped watching in amusement and used the opportunity to run around her only to get her ankle pulled back by Kali. Furiously kicking with all her strength she managed to escape from her iron grip.

Standing tall she began sprinting but immediately froze when she saw Everest at the top of the stairs. "Going somewhere?" He asked, curious as to how she managed to escape.

"On my way out actually," she said never moving, trying to gauge his reaction, "if you could step aside, that'd be great. I got things I gotta do. Places to be. Vampires to kill."

Their moment interrupted by Kali sprinting full speed at Orion despite Orion having heard her scraping. She banked entirely on him intercepting the attack as she turned and watched her fast approaching. Everest lounged and did as Orion thought he would do. He gripped her throat to fling her into the bars of a cell.

Orion's heart racing as she took the much needed opportunity while they were distracted to run. Sprinting full speed down the rest of the corridor.

As soon as he snapped Kali's neck, he stood tall above her unconscious form. Turning his head he cursed when he looked down the corridor to see no one.

Using his ability he ran up the stairs to see the front doors wide open as well. "Damnit," sprinting once more he followed her scent to see her sprinting in the woods. She was working so hard to push her muscles to run as fast as she could. Behind her she heard a twig snap. Immediately her hair fanned outwards as she spun around to try and defend herself. Her last two bobby pins in each hand that she scrambled to find while running. Knowing she would need them.

Standing directly in front of her he reached to grab her when she did a strong backflip to deliver two strong kicks to his chin. Stepping back and caressing his jaw he growled and lounged. His temper getting the best of him as she once again predicted. Allowing her to mimick the same action with Kali, only this time stabbing one in each eye. Completely sinking it so it was fully submerged. Never speaking she kept running as he grunted and began fishing out the sizzling small pieces of silver from his eyes.

His control and anger beginning to blur his thoughts as he grew furious. Blindly sprinting while doing it he followed the sounds of her steps, effortlessly catching up to her. He grabbed her by an arm and just threw her. Luckily for him she smashed against a tree, injuring her enough to slow her down.

In the distance he could hear others running towards them but he focused on removing the small metal objects. Kali and Lilith halting, their feet making large holes in the dirt as they fully stopped.

"What happened?!" Lilith snapped as she assessed the situation.

Kali looked at Everest with amusement as he continued to fish through his own eyes with blood gushing from both sockets. Meanwhile Orion was still on the ground, recuperating from the hard hit she took. Her back throbbing with pain.

"You little shit," Lilith growled as she grabbed a handful of Orion's hair. A smile slightly forming on Lilith's face as Orion gasped from the sensation of her hair follicles barely able to remain inside of her scalp as both feet dangled off the ground. Lilith's grip on her long hair was tight and rough as she held her up high. Orion could hear some pieces of hair being ripped as she hung there, still smiling through the pain. Ecstatic she at least managed to get this far away and delivering a good message to all of them that it'll take a lot to control her.

"Who me?" She chuckled, still in pain.

Enraged, Lilith came up with an idea to bring her back to the manor.

Everest finally removed the metal and glared at Orion the moment his vision came back. Bloody streaks now underneath his eyes. "How'd that feel brother?" Kali chuckled beside him. Swiftly he punched her without ever taking his eyes off of Orion.

Deciding not to waste anymore time they all began running back to their home, Orion being dragged by her long, thick hair through the mud, dirt, leaves, and sticks. "Enough Lilith," Everest stopped their full speed sprint back to the manor as he used his body to block her from running.

Standing proudly, she looked at him with narrowed eyes, "who are you to tell me what to do," she hissed, her thick accent coming through, "remember who's in charge here."

"She can't take this much longer," he pointed to Orion who was being dragged through the dirt by her hair at an incredibly fast speed. Kali, not even bothering to stop, continued, "she's passed out twice already."

Orion's body covered in open cuts and gashes that were full of dirt and whatever else was on the forest floor. Her caramel skin now showing dark marks and bruises.

"You are in no place to tell me what to do. Keep on boy, while I have a little chat with our dear prisoner," the threat evident in her voice. He adjusted his stance to tell her he wasn't going and in a flash Lilith slapped him, his head whipping to the side for half a second before his chest was pressed against hers.

"Touch me again and-"

"And what you dumb fool? Will you kill me over poor treatment of the prisoner?" She laughed, "go ahead before you make me angry. You better remember who I am. I can kill you in an instant," her red eyes narrowed as she looked him up and down.

If Everest was a match for Orpheus, Lilith stood no chance against him. Lilith had no idea of Orpheus and their encounter... the reason for his hatred for him.

His breaths became more rugged with each inhale and exhale. Staring down at Orion who fought to stay conscious, he knew a fight with Lilith was pointless.

Why did he even care?

If he was ordered to beat her bloody, he wouldn't have a choice. He would have absolutely no say in the matter especially if his sire commanded it. He was not even the one causing her this pain, so why did he feel as though it was unnecessary? Grunting, he sprinted back towards their home, trying to rid his mind of the thought of wanting less harm to come to the prisoner.

He always believed that humans, even hunters were less than him and deserved to be treated that way. They should know they are less than him and his kind.

But for some unknown reason he took his responsibilities to watch this particular prisoner more seriously.

And that is why Orpheus had assigned him this daunting task.

Lilith released her hair, letting it fall like waves as she crouched down low. Her movement similar to a snake, effortless and silent. "Who are you really?" Lilith's snake like voice piercing her ears as she attempted getting up. She noticed her taking off small clumps of hair entangled between her fingers.

"No one," she groaned back. Her voice strained from the pain.

Roughly grabbing her chin she forced her to look up, Orion's head throbbing from the tenderness. "Watch that tongue. I don't find it as charming as everyone else seems to," her eyes burning holes into hazel ones, digging for her entire past.

"You think that's why Orpheus wants me all to himself?" She smiled up at her with slightly blood stained teeth. Lilith's clawed fingers digging into the soft flesh of her face.

"Don't you ever address him in such a way. Learn respect if you are to be one of our blood slaves," her nails digging even deeper, "what is your last name?"

"Just bring me back like you're supposed to pet," the nickname burning Lilith as she squeezed harder, the pain spreading all over Orion's face as she attempted to pry her hands off.

"Last. Name."

"Johnson," Orion gave in, saying anything to rid herself of the pain, but it got even worse causing her to let out a groan.

"Lie." Skinny fingers squeezing tighter and tighter as the silence rose between them. Orion beginning to give in, hoping she wouldn't know. "If you think I was sent here to only retrieve you; you are wrong. Last. Name."

Orion's eyes barely prying open as she spoke, "Stewart," her eyes locked on the ancient's red. A broken jaw is not a sensation she'd like and yet she couldn't imagine giving Lilith what she needed. A grunt barely escaped her lips as Lilith gripped her hair and slammed her face into the dirt. Orion felt her nose crack as a muffled yell slipped.

"I warned you!" The scent of Orion's blood making her control dissipate into thin air, "I'm not going to play your games," she hissed as she slammed Orion against a tree. Having to hold up her entire body by her neck as she felt weakened. A strong hit to her stomach making her sag even more as she felt ribs crack, "I'm waiting girl," another hit.

"Never," she purposefully spit blood at the vampire who stared deep into her hazel eyes as she used her tongue to lick any blood around her mouth. A bloody grin making Orion squeeze her eyes shut.

"Does the name Gates ring a bell?" Lilith whispered lowly into her ear, knowing Orion's consciousness was wavering. The long pause she took, gave Lilith the confirmation she had been waiting for.

"Wrong," she coughed. She realized then, that they already knew who her family was. They just wanted her to say it.

Despite her negative thoughts, Orion hoped that with them knowing her family were famous hunters would sway them in the direction of letting her go before shit hits the fan.

Smirking Lilith released her grip, allowing some of the pain to disappear as she brought her hand to her face. Sucking each finger as if there were Cheeto dust on them, making Orion cringe at the similarity. "Your blood is quite intriguing. It has a slight burning affect. Easily addictive I'm sure..." her eyes somehow smiling, "that's why Everest has taken a liking to you." She tilted her head as she looked down at a still defiant Orion.

"That thing has nothing to do with me. I hate all of you things."

"I'm sure you do. Now who are your parents? That last name sounds so familiar," she smirked as she theatrically tapped her chin.

"Kiss my ass," Orion spat, her heart beat steady, letting Lilith know that's one answer she'll never get even with more torture. Happy with just a simple confirmation of her last name she re-gripped her hair and continued on their path back towards the manor.

As soon as they arrived, Kali was no where to be seen, meanwhile Everest stood behind Orpheus who, for once, was outside. The sun beginning to rise.

Orion's exhaustion and survival mechanism cut in as her brain shut down from the pain, leaving her fully unconscious by the time they arrived.

The only two pieces of clothing in tact were her corset, and barely her panties. Leaving her even more exposed as she laid beside Lilith as she released her hair. Slowly removing more curly clumps from it she gracefully ascended the stairs attempting to walk past Orpheus and Everest with no problems.

The moment she got close to them Orpheus' hand roughly gripped her throat. Her dramatic reaction audible for all of them to hear as she struggled to breathe.

"If you were unable to get any useful information and she is in this state for your own personal vendetta, your punishments will be amplified," his voice never faltering as it remained a calm threat.

Everest wasting no time in assessing the damage like he was informed to do.

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