Something Good || 2Jae

By xbygmygx

330K 19.3K 13.6K

"What are you hiding?" "I'm not hiding anything." "Then just say it's a rumor." ---- In which Youngjae become... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51

Chapter 43

5.8K 302 144
By xbygmygx

The next morning Youngjae was the first to wake up. For the first few seconds of being awake he was trying to remember where he was seeing that he forgot. That is until he saw the posters that Jaebum owned hanging on the walls of the room. Last night came flashing back to him and he froze, remembering that he told Jaebum that he loved him too. Not to mention that they kissed!

The memory turned a shocked Youngjae into a flustering Younjae. The boy felt his cheeks turn red and pressed his face in a pillow, silently screaming because he really thought that it had all been just been a dream. He paused and wondered if Jaebum was asleep or upstairs. He sat up and looked to his right, his eyes widening in surprised when he saw a sleeping Jaebum next to him. The older had his face shoved in a pillow with one hand supporting his head while the other was covering his eyes. He looked so peaceful that Youngjae pulled out his phone and turned it on, waiting for a minute so the device could start up.

After the device was fully started, Youngjae went to his camera and quickly snapped a picture of Jaebum, realizing that he didn't turn off the flash when the older groaned. Jaebum stirred in his sleep but didn't awake, which made Youngjae sigh in relief. It was bad enough that Jaebum had an extremely hard time sleeping. Youngjae didn't want to disturb whatever little amount of sleep Jaebum could manage to get.

All of a sudden the bedroom door burst open and startled Youngjae. "Jaebum! Wake your ass up now!" A deep voice hollored throughout the room. Around the corner came three men, who looked to be in their twenties. Youngjae didn't know who they were and felt scared. "Oh, shit, Youngjae's here," said one of the three men with blonde hair.

"Then get out!" Shouted a familiar voice. Seconds later came Younghyun running in and turning the other men around, pushing them towards the door. "He needs his rest! He's pregnant!"

Meanwhile Jaebum had awoken due to the noise, which Youngjae wasn't too happy about. He looked down at the father of his unborn to see him pushing himself up to look around the room. "What time is it?" Jaebum asked in a raspy voice before laying his head back down and closing his eyes.

Youngjae checked his phone and said, "Ten after eleven."

"Then why are they here?" Jaebum groaned in annoyance. "Oh, yeah, I have work today," he then grumbled, not sounding too thrilled.

Curious to know who the men other than Younghyun were, Youngjae asked, "Who are they?"

"Family friends," Jaebum answered. He then lifted his head up and looked at Youngjae when he said, "Wait, you know Nichkhun, Wooyoung and Taecyeon." Youngjae furrowed his eyebrows in confusion because he couldn't recall any of those names. "You know, the ones that came on that camping trip both of our families had that one summer?"

It was quiet for a bit because Youngjae was trying to remember. At the time he had only been seven. A few memories of that summer came back to him and he gasped in surprise. "Holy, is that really them?" He asked and looked back at where the men had left. Jaebum hummed in response and laid his head back down on a pillow. "What are they doing here?"

"Let's say that they're my bodyguards."


Jaebum chuckled lightly and said, "They act like it so they might as well," before bringing an arm up to cover his face. He then opened one eye to look at Youngjae and asked, "Are you hungry?" The brunette was rubbing his belly and staring in the direction of the door. Youngjae only shook his head. "Then what's wrong?" Jaebum asked, knowing that there was something bothering Youngjae just by the younger's facial expression. He rolled on his back and pushed himself in a sitting postion, staring at Youngjae with concerned eyes.

A couple of seconds went by before Youngjae shrugged. He then climbed off the bed and said, "I have to go pee. Be right back."

Leaving the room, Youngjae stopped and listened carefully to the noise in the house. He could here male voices chatting and laughing upstairs, one of them being Jaebum's mother's. Youngjae then went to the bathroom down the hall, locking the door before doing his business. While he was washing his hands Youngjae look at his reflection in the mirror, pausing when the kiss with Jaebum last night flashed in his mind. It brought him back to that one night. Everything that Jaebum had said that night kept repeating in his head. It wasn't even about the sex. It was before and after it happened that flashed through Youngjae's mind. He then stopped when he remembered that currently, he and Jaebum were still just two teenagers having a baby. They weren't official, let alone even a couple for that matter.

It's just these stupid hormones, Youngjae thought. He gave a small pout before deciding to wash his face to wake him up faster. When he was done he left the bathroom and returned to Jaebum's room to see the older playing on his phone while being wrapped up in the comforter with one leg sticking out.

"Who you texting?" Youngjae asked, curious to know, as he sat down in the giant bean bag chair that was a couple feet away from the bed. He got comfortable and placed a hand on his belly, rubbing his hand in circles out of his newest habit.

"My Uncle," Jaebum answered. He glanced at Youngjae and furrowed his eyebrows in question. "Why are you so far away?" He asked af Youngjae examined the distance there was between them. He then shrugged.

"Don't you have company upstairs?"

Jaebum hummed in response and said shortly after, "I only want you." Hearing those four words caught Youngjae by surprise. He looked at Jaebum, who was staring at him with adoring eyes, and Youngjae looked down in a blush. Jaebum smirked and pushed himself out of bed, walking over to Youngjae and held a hand out for the younger, who took it and allowed Jaebum to pulled him to his feet. He was surprised when Jaebum pulled him into a kiss that Youngjae immediately melted into. Feeling the gentle touch of Jaebum's hand on his baby bump made Youngjae smile into the kiss.

With one last peck to the lips, Jaebum and Youngjae broke a part. They both pulled back a little and locked eyes with each other, holding the stare and becoming lost in each other eyes. Jaebum brought a hand up and caressed the side of Youngjae's face, gently brushing his thumb along Youngjae's cheek. "Damn, how'd I get so lucky?"

The brunette giggled and said, "You knocked me up, remember?" He then stepped back and turned around, walking towards the door.

"Of course," Jaebum said and began following Youngjae. "How can I forgot that wild night?" He asked with a grin. Youngjae groaned in annoyance and turned around, lightly hitting Jaebum in the arm. "You can act like it was nothing all you want but you and I know damn well it was something," Jaebum said in a chuckle and before Youngjae could react, he smacked the younger boy's ass then darted out of the room and up the stairs.

Meanwhile, Youngjae stared after the elder in surprise only to look down in a blush and could feel the heat rising in his cheeks. He was glad that Jaebum had left to go upstairs. He then stopped and took a deep breath, pulling himself together. After he was successful in that he left the room and went upstairs as well.

"No, we're going to stay out of sight but you two are going to be in our sight," a voice said in a serious tone. Youngjae was just walking down the hallway that led to the kitchen, where he assumed everyone was. "Younghyun will go in with you guys but is going to stay in the waiting room."

As he rounded the corner and leaned against the entrance frame, Youngjae stuffed his hands in his pajama pockets and listened carefully. Nobody was paying attention to him. Jaebum and his friends were all sitting in a chair at the kitchen table, talking about today's plan. He found it interesting. "I don't get why we're doing this today when he hasn't been spotted in weeks," Jaebum said, covering his mouth afterwards to muffle a yawn. "He's not going to do anything in broad daylight anyways."

"No, but he'll find out that you have a kid on the way and could use Youngjae to get to you," Wooyoung, a muscular man with blonde hair and a broad face, said. He leaned back in the chair he was sitting in and nodded at Jaebum. "Who knows what extent he'll go to."

Jaebum sighed but nodded. He turned his head and noticed Youngjae standing in the doorframe. He smiled and motioned for the younger to join them, which Youngjae did. He bowed in respect to Jaebum's friends first then was startled when Jaebum took hold of his wrist and pulled him closer to him. The brunette felt awkward with the older men being in the room. He sat down on Jaebum's lap though when the older tugged at his shirt to do so. Though he was paranoid about crushing Jaebum because of the amount of weight he's gained while being pregnant, Youngjae was enjoying the moment. He smiled a little when Jaebum wrapped an arm around his waist and pulled him closer.

"Am I still drunk or are you two together?" Taecyeon asked. He nodded over at Jaebum and Youngjae and everyone looked. Jaebum chuckled lightly and nodded his head in response. "Aww, JaeJae finally gave in?" Taecyeon asked in a teasing tone and Youngjae rolled his eyes, looking down shyly and nodded. "It's about time."

Just then Youngjae looked up when Younghyun laughed and said, "Bad decision."

"And why is that?" Jaebum asked in offense. He tilt his head to the side and narrowed his eyes at his best friend, silently daring him to say something negative.

Younghyun shrugged and lifted his head up to lock eyes with Jaebum. The two boys held the intense stare for a couple of seconds until Younghyun said, "You cheat on everybody."

Because that was the reason why Youngjae hasn't really asked if he and Jaebum were official, he nodded his head in agreement. He knows how much of a player Jaebum was. The older has told him a bunch of stories of how he cheated on what are now his exes. "I'll be back," Youngjae said and got off Jaebum's lap. He ignored his name being called by Jaebum and made his way out the back door to get some fresh air.

"Why must you make my life so complicated?" Jaebum asked and stared at Younghyun with irritated eyes.

Younghyun shrugged. "It's the truth."

Jaebum scoffed before standing up and heading after Youngjae. He wasn't surprised to find the younger outside, leaning against the house and staring off in the distance while rubbing his growing belly. "I cheated on everyone else because I never really liked them," Jaebum began and stood in front of Youngjae. "I only liked a couple but they were the ones to cheat on me," he added while Youngjae stared at him with unreadable eyes. "It's fucked and there's no excuse for being disloyal but if I'm with you, none of that is going to happen, JaeJae. I promise."

It was quiet for awhile because Youngjae was thinking about what Jaebum said. He appreciated the fact that Jaebum was admitting the reason but was it the truth? Jaebum was a good liar, even fooled Youngjae more than once.

"Youngjae, I'm not going to do you wrong in any way," Jaebum said in a desperate tone. "I know we're young but I'm telling the truth when I say I'm down for you a hundred percent."

Sighing heavily, Youngjae tilt his head back and stared at nothing in particular. "Let me think about it cause I swear it was just the hormones that have me feeling this way," Youngjae said, sounding stressed and upset. Hearing what Youngjae had to say hurt Jaebum but he understood and wasn't going to push it with the brunette for the sake of the baby.

After awhile Jaebum nodded his head in understanding and said, "Okay." He then took a step towards Youngjae, only a few centimeters between their faces, and took hold of Youngjae's face. Youngjae's breath hitched and it felt like his heart skipped a beat. "One last kiss though because who knows when I can kiss them again," Jaebum said in a deep voice and crushed his lips against Youngjae's before the younger could protest. The kiss was only for a brief moment but it was deep and passionate. It left Youngjae in a daze, which Jaebum took the opportunity to go back in the house so Youngjae could have time to start thinking. He really wanted to be with the brunette and hoped that Youngjae felt the same.


The car ride to the medical clinic was quiet other than the music that played on the radio and it was awkward. Youngjae was relieved to get out of the car once they arrived. When he got out he looked and saw Younghyun's car parked behind Jaebum's. He shut the passenger door and waited for Younghyun to be out of the vehicle before he made his own way into the clinic. He knew that the other would engaged Jaebum in some type of conversation. Youngjae didn't want to talk to Jaebum at the moment because of the current awkwardness there was between them.

It's not that Youngjae didn't want to be in a relationship with Jaebum because he does. It's just that he's not sure if it's really his feelings telling him this. He's always loved Jaebum as a brother until a couple months before that one night. But after that one night, the feelings changed and it was because Youngjae found out he was pregnant with the elder's baby and because of the relationship Jaebum had got into right after. He and Jaebum finally began to get along until Youngjae started to get jealous over things he would never get jealous of before. The jealously would make Youngjae accuse Jaebum and drove the older away, which is when Youngjae began to miss Jaebum.

The one thing that was stopping Youngjae from being with Jaebum is how the older is well known for being a player. He doesn't even know why he fell for a player. He didn't want to really fall in love with Jaebum only to find out the older cheated on him either.

Pushing the thoughts to the back of his mind, Youngjae approached the main desk at the clinic and told the secretary about his appointment with Dr. Kim. She told him go to a room and that's what he did, signalling Jaebum to follow right after. He had half the mind to invite Younghyun to come along but he didn't want a guy he barely knew to be at his ultrasound.

When Youngjae was in the room and sitting on the patient's table, he pulled out his phone and unlocked it. He went to the group chat between him and his friends and began messaging them. To be more specific, he was telling him about the recent events with Jaebum.

Don't do it!

If he wasn't a player then I'd be supportive
But he is
So... No.

They're having a baby!

K, and what's ur point?
Jaebum is a straight up fuckboy!!

Not only that but Youngjae, how many kids u tryin to have with Jaebum before u graduate?? 😂😏

I almost choked 😂😂

On what?? ;)

BamBam, STFU
Youngjae, don't fuckin do it!
He's playin u already!!

Woah, Woah, Woah!
We got a Jaebum hater up in the chat!
LOL jk
But fr, yugie, u on ur period or something? 😂😏

Fuck off

Rolling his eyes in response to the messages, Youngjae locked his phone and swung his legs back and forth while waiting for the nurse or doctor. Jaebum sat in a chair along the wall and messed around on his phone. Youngjae wondered who the older was talking to and why. He was going to say something until a voice greeted them.

"Well, hello, Youngjae and baby's father," Dr. Kim said in a cheerful tone. He looked at Jaebum and apologized because he forgot his name. "How are you feeling, Youngjae? How the stress level?"

While a nurse prepared the machine and such, Youngjae looked at the doctor and shrugged. "Haven't really being feeling stressed," he somewhat lied. "Have been just a little but it's not overwhelming like before."

The doctor nodded and wrote it down on the clipboard he held. "You're twenty-four weeks now. Have you felt the baby move other than the last ultrasound?"

A huge smile captured Youngjae's lips and a spark of excitement flashed in his eyes. "Yeah, he was moving last night," he said with a nod and looked back at Jaebum, who was smiling in aw. The brunette looked back at the doctor and said, "I feel him a couple times a week."

"Excellent," Dr. Kim said and sounded pleased with what he was hearing. "I'm going to have the nurse check your blood pressure and then we'll get started on the ultrasound." Youngjae nodded. He lifted his arm up when the nurse wrapped the blood pressure bag around his right upper arm. He let the nurse do her job and looked at Jaebum, who stared at him with unreadable eyes. Youngjae knew that he was paranoid though.

After awhile the nurse had finished checking Youngjae's blood pressure and ordered the brunette to lay down. Youngjae did so and lifted his shirt up, flinching at the cold gel the nurse rubbed on his swollen belly. He noticed Dr. Kim standing on the side opposite of the monitor, which his eyes were glued on. Jaebum stood beside Youngjae and watched the screen. When the joystick was pressed to Youngjae's belly and moved around a bit, a figure appeared on the screen. A strong thumping sound filled the room and both soon-to-be parents felt their heart flutter in excitement.

"Heartbeat is still strong," Dr. Kim said. Youngjae stared at the monitor and smiled when his unborn child moved. Being able to see it on the screen and feel the movement made it seem more real. "Everything seems to be good."

"What about that risk of having a miscarriage?" Jaebum asked in concern. He looked at the doctor and asked, "Is it still there?"

"It's still there but the chances of it happening is five percent," Dr. Kim answered honestly. "I'm not going to take it lightly though because that percentage could increase and we certainly don't want anything bad happening." Jaebum and Youngjae nodded in agreement. "Other than that, everything looks good."

The nurse shut off the monitor and wiped the gel off of Youngjae's belly before leaving the room. Youngjae pulled his shirt down and sat up, Jaebum helping him in the process. To the doctor Youngjae asked, "For the c-section, do I have to schedule it or...?" He had read a few things saying that a c-section had to be scheduled and he'd be induced in labor days before his child was to be expected. He also heard that the c-section wouldn't have to be schedule because he was a male birthing a baby.

"It'd be better if it was scheduled," the doctor began while scribbling something down on the clipboard. He then looked at Youngjae and Jaebum and said with a shrug, "But the c-section is more than possible if not scheduled. It'll just be an emergency c-section."

Youngjae nodded in understanding. "Okay, thanks."

After the doctor left, Youngjae slid off the table and looked up at Jaebum, who looked paranoid. "Hey," Youngjae called gently and Jaebum's eyes met with his. "Everything is going to be okay."

Jaebum stared at Youngjae with unreadable eyes for awhile. The stare was beginning to make Youngjae feel uncomfortable until Jaebum smiled and said, "I know." Youngjae knew the smile was fake but returned one anyways. "I'm going to drop you off at your place then head back to mine because I have to get ready for work," Jaebum said after a couple of seconds. He placed a hand on the center of Youngjae's belly and said in a soft, loving tone, "Want to be prepared for little guy so have to make that money."


Don't know how to end this chapter but at least it's an update!!

Merry Christmas everyone!! And for those who don't celebrate Christmas then have a great day!!


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