Spidey Meets the Avengers (A...

Por MolMcN

249K 6.9K 3.5K

The Avengers accidentally step onto Spider-Man's turf when they try to take on the Sinister 6. Spidey steps i... Mais

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10

Chapter 2

28.8K 745 763
Por MolMcN

"No!" The villains instantly stopped. That voice... "Say it isn't true!" they frantically looked around the room until they saw an open window "So you all are fighting other heroes now." Spider-Man jumped onto the ledge. "No that's fine. I see how it is. Did I get too boring for you?"

"Spider-Man!" the villain's faces all lit up with evil smiles. Now the Avengers were confused. Did Spider-Man know these guys?

"No don't try to make up for it." Spider-Man jumped down to the ground "I'm not mad but I am hurt. I thought we had a thing. You know! Spidey versus the Sinister Six! We made headlines together! But I understand. The Avengers are more popular than me..."

"Oh quit your blabbing web head!" Scorpion attempted to blast him with venom.

Pete jumped back with plenty of time thanks to his Spidey Sense "What? And now you don't like my puns and witty banter?! But that's my best feature!"

"Well it won't be for long cuz we've been sent to destroy you!" Rhino charged him but Spidey just jumped onto his back.

"Sent huh?" Peter grabbed a head piece from behind the villain's ear then jumped off. "Hello? This is your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man I would like to order a pizza."

"Spider-Man..." Peter held off attacks from left and right as he talked to the man.

"King Pin is that you? How have you been?" Punch to Shocker.

"I will end you wall crawler." Jump over Doc Oc's arms.

"End me? Well I'm sorry You're going to have to take a number." Block Chameleon's kick. "You see a lot of people want to end me at the moment." Web Rhino's face. "I'll try to fit you in though. Let's see... tomorrow I'm fighting the Green Goblin..." Dodge Scorpion's acid. "Um... Wednesday I think Venom wanted to meet up down town. Thursday's Hobgoblin. And Friday's Vulture." Crack Mysterio's fish bowl. "Sorry it looks like I'm all booked up until next Monday! I like to keep my weekends free for the smaller criminals. You know muggers and such."

King Pin growled "Get him!!!"

The villains attacked from all sides but Peter kept his cool. This was by no means his first rodeo.

Steve had had enough! " We've got to help him!" He threw his shield at Doctor Octopus and was about to punch Chameleon when Peter knocked him to the ground. He watched as one of Shocker's blasts passed through right where he had been standing.

Spider-Man helped him up "I appreciate the assist before I got here gramps, why don't you leave these jokers to the professional web slinger around these parts. Trust me, I fight these guys enough to know them like the back of my hand." and before he could even protest Peter had run off and thrown himself back into the fight. This left the Avengers to just awkwardly stand in the doorway hoping that they might be needed eventually.

~line break~

Spider-Man had tied up all of the Sinister Six. But luckily King Pin still had one more trick up his sleeve. "Release... The Lizard!"

~line break~

Peter dusted off his hands "Well that was easy! You guys really need to be more creative with your attacks! I'm starting to get board!" He was about to call the police when suddenly his Spidey Sense started tingling. He looked over and saw one of the walls starting to disappear. One of Mysterio's tricks! When the illusion faded there was "Doctor Connors?!" The Lizard was free. While caught off guard he swung his tale at Peter and knocked him into a wall.

"Now's our chance!" Tony cheered as the rest of the Avengers got ready to take down this massive monster. He held up his hand to fire a repulser blast at it but...

"Stop!" Webbing suddenly covered his hand. Spider-Man started to stand up "He didn't mean to. Don't hurt him." Peter jumped back in front of the Lizard. Lucky for him ever since his last attack Doctor Connors asked Spider-Man to always keep some of his antidote on hand.

"Look Doc it's me!" Spidey held his hands up in defense. "You remember me. It's Spider-Man. I helped you the last time remember?" he swiped his tale at him again but missed "If you could calm down for a second I can turn you back to normal. Then you could go home to your family. Do you remember your wife? And your son Billy?"

The creature stopped his attacks for a moment "Billy?"

"Yes Billy!" he said excitedly as he held up the serum "All you have to do his take this and you can turn back to Doctor Kurt Connors again."

"Connors..." the creatures face darkened "Connors... is weak!"

"Looks like we're going to have to do this the hard way!" as The Lizard charged Peter quickly started wrapping him in webbing. Once he was immobilized he injected him with the antidote and sighed. "Finally..." he then radioed the police on his police communicator. (That he may or may not have stolen when he used to date Captain Stacy's daughter.) "Your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man here! I would like to report both the sighting and capture of the Sinister Six. They are currently made up of Doctor Octopus, Chameleon, Shocker, Rhino, Mysterio and Scorpion. I have them tied up in a ware house on first street and they are ready to be picked up. Thank you!" the officer on the other end just sighed.

"Um... Mr. didn't you forget to mention someone?" he looked over at Tony who was pointing to the Lizard.

"No." Peter walked over to his friend. It usually took him a few minutes to change back. "He's my friend. He's not going to the police."

"What?!" Clint was about to blow a fuse "Just cuz he's your friend doesn't mean he gets a 'Get out of Jail free card'!"

Peter stood up and faced them "Doctor Connors is not in control of his actions while he is the Lizard. In fact..." he turned to Bruce "He's a lot like your friend Mr. Banner."

"Yeah but..." Tony was in his face now "Bruce doesn't hurt people when he's the Hulk!"

Bruce looked down "I used to..."

Peter stood his ground "Doctor Connors is a good man. I can vouch for him. He just needs to change back."

"Yes..." Tony put his finger on Peter's chest "But who's going to vouch for you? Why should we trust you?"

Peter was about to say something when his Spidey Sense started blaring. "Get down!" He pushed Tony out of the way as the Lizard's large claws pierced into his side. Tony's eyes went big. Those things would have ripped his head off for sure if not... Peter coughed a bit but stayed standing.

Luckily the Lizard chose that moment to fall to the ground. Peter quickly went to his side as he started to change. His skin turned back to normal and he shrunk until all that was left was a one armed man, with dark hair, wearing a lab coat. "S-Spider-Man?" the man's eyes started to blink open.

"Right here Doc." He got closer so that he could see him "You had another attack. Can you remember what happened?"

Peter helped the doctor slowly sit up "Vaguely... I was at home. Alone. When these armed men attacked me. They injected me with something and the last thing I remember was turning into the Lizard."

Peter helped him stand up "That was probably King Pin's men. I'll come by the lab tomorrow and we can try to figure out what they injected you with. But for right now you need to go home. I'm sure you're wife's worried sick."

He nodded "Yes thank you." He then noticed that Spider-Man was holding his hand to his side "You're injured... my god... did I do that?! I'm so sorry I..."

Peter shook his head "You're good Doc. I got clumsy and Rhino got me with his horn. It's really not that bad. The red suit just makes it look worse."

"Are you sure? I could treat it for you..." He really wanted to help.

"No all you need to do is get back home to your wife and Billy." Peter smiled under his mask "Let me take care of the rest. Now get going!" Just like that the doctor walked out of the building. And the Avengers didn't make a move to stop him.

Spider-Man looked around the rest of the building to make sure that none of the other villains would be waking up. He then heard the distant cries of police sirens. "Well I think I'll be going then. I don't usually stay for the pick up." He was about to swing of when...

"Spider-Man wait!" Tony grabbed a hold of his arm.

Peter pulled his arm free "Try to arrest me if you want but what I did was right. Doctor Connors did nothing wrong."

"I-I know..." Tony looked down "I'm sorry I was wrong. His secrete is safe with us. I also must thank you for saving my life. Without my helmet on he would have killed me for sure." He held out his and Peter shook it. That's when he noticed the blood slowly dripping to the floor. He then realized it was coming from Spider-Man. "My god! You're losing blood like crazy! You need to be treated right away! You're coming with us!"

Peter held up his hand in protest "No really I'm fine! I can treat it myself thanks! 'Tis but a flesh wound! Or however the line goes!"

"Nope! Thor!" before Peter could protest Thor had scooped him up and they were flying towards Avenger's tower with the rest of them in tow. Peter tried to break free but the wound was quickly sapping his energy.

"Do not worry Mr. Spider!" Thor's laughed burst his super hearing ear drums. "Mr. Bruce will fix you up in no time!" Peter sighed. This was going to be a long night...

(A/N - Hey guys! :) Thanks for reading, and remember 'With great power comes great responsibility!' :) Bye!)

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