Masked Hearts » Parker

By acreativeblur

1M 37.6K 47K

❝ and even as we fall, my eyes will still be on you ❞ ✧ ✧ ✧ four identities two teenagers one love ✧ ✧ ✧ | pe... More

playlist + prologue
part one
just your average teen
the magic school bus
a super ladybug
itsy bitsy spider
dynamic duo
raindrops on roses
friday night lights
brooklyn bridge is falling down
unknown love
part two
things just got real
watch your back
third wheeling isn't cool
earth wind and fire
a heart unmasked
teacher's pet
calm before the storm
the new nancy drew
give me liberty
we aren't pen pals
part three
little miss hero
call me a criminal
paxton protection program
how to be a heartbreaker
super soldier spotting
cuter version of barnacle boy
with great fanart comes great ideas
conspiracies with captain
panic! at the airport
secret secrets are no fun
write it on the skyline
electric siren and the seven dwarves
part four
empire state of mind
superhero support group
another day another crisis
let slip the dogs of war
does whatever a spider can
dangerous woman
party in the usa
wrong day for a romantic boat ride
no one else but you
happy homecoming
we're a package deal
the avengers that never were
part five
death's waiting game
the rise of the setting sun
si vis pacem, para bellum
thanos's weakness
wherever you are
as we fall
caught in the crossfire
balancing the universe
the aftermath
the return
part six
revival of the storm
a world turned upside down
when i was older
sinners and the saints
back to the future
the rise of scout paxton
whatever it takes
new york, 2012
what she's made of
the final fight
end of an era
(1) renaissance

you stabbed me, mr. stark

13.1K 509 1K
By acreativeblur

» you stabbed me, mr. stark «

SCOUT PAXTON SAT IN A RED PLUSH BOOTH WITH A VANILLA MILKSHAKE ON HER LEFT AND A BASKET OF FRENCH FRIES ON HER RIGHT. The fifteen year old was most definitely a believer that food could cure all of the soul's problems. Her mother had been a fan of the same philosophy as well, part of the reason the woman always wished to take over Nani's bakery. She always said a good meal, or even a good snack, was a temporary cure all. After all, you couldn't make reasonable decisions when you're hungry, and there should be no condemnation for those who indulge themselves with sweets and savors.

Two days had passed since Scout's return to school, and her friends had given up on pestering her about where she'd been. In their minds, there was no where Scout could've been that would be completely out of the blue; the possibility that she was a superhero fighting alongside Captain America in Europe was a thought that would never cross their minds. And so they all moved onto other things, lighter topics, such as homework and freshmen drama and speculating how many unibrow hairs the algebra teacher had.

It was now a Wednesday afternoon, and the group sat in their favorite diner, Metro. It arguably had the best fries in all of New York, and it was one of Scout's guilty pleasures. She felt like it had been forever since she was able to sit down with her friends and simply enjoy her time as a teenager. This past year, her life had been filled with so much fighting and heartbreak and discovery, she hardly felt like a regular high school student. It was nice to occasionally step away from the masks and the criminals and the overlying pressure of the world around her to grab a milkshake with her friends.

Across from Scout sat Gwen and Harry. Over the course of the past several weeks, the two had grown more and more close to each other. Scout never would've thought that two of her best friends would fall for each other. She had known Gwen for as long as she could remember, having grown up with her since their first day of kindergarten. And she had lived across the hallway from Harry, being not just neighbors but also friends until she had to move in with her grandparents. Gwen and Harry's intimacy had started off small, but grew as time went on. It was so obvious they liked each other now, telling from the way Harry had his arm around her waist as they sat in the booth, but Scout had nearly missed the early on signs. She faintly remembered Gwen mentioning him here and there as more than just a pal, but Scout was too caught up in her own personal problems to truly notice their budding relationship.

Next to them was Mary Jane, who Scout had also missed dearly on hanging out with. Mary Jane and Scout met in sixth grade art class, and both girls shared a passion for oil pastels and water colors. She became friends with Gwen, Harry, and Scout very naturally, and was the voice of reason and realism in their small group. She kept everyone in check and was honest, truthful, and loyal. Best of all, she focused on the important things; keeping herself and others happy.

Lastly, sitting beside Scout, was Miles Morales. Ever since the day Scout met Miles, she knew he was a good person. Their friendship started with him asking her for help on homework and sitting at the lunch table with everyone, and grew to being included in every conversation and event that was within their little group. He was shy and cheerful, optimistic and kind.

Her friends were the distraction that Scout desperately needed. When she was with them, she felt like her ordinary self. Scout Paxton, the girl who loved drawing and paints and literature and coffee. Who liked to spend her time creating art pieces of reading or watching movies with her little sister.

And so sitting in the booth with her friends while they dipped their fries in their shakes and talked about anything and everything going on at Midtown, Scout felt content and calm. Lately she had been caught in the eye of the hurricane, and now she felt like the clouds were finally parting.

It was the beginning of April, and the weather in New York was slowly becoming less gray and a little more lively. The temperature was rising into the sixties, and blue skies were making a grand reappearance. It was one of Scout's favorite times, for she didn't need to worry about bundling up like an eskimo every time she had to run to the grocery or drop something off at the post office.

Her boots padded along the pavement and she pulled her cardigan tighter around her body. Her thumb mindlessly ran across the smooth, metal ring on her right hand, twisting it around her finger as if it was her safety blanket. Inside the bag resting on her shoulder were her gauntlets and her mask, which she now carried most places just incase. That day was the first day in a long time that she didn't feel paranoid while walking down the street; in fact, crime had been pretty silent since she'd been back in America, and she wouldn't take it for granted.

She reached her desired destination, going inside the apartment building and making her way to the elevator. She went to the fourth floor and walked down the hallway, planting her feet in front of a familiar door and knocking three times in a particular manner. She heard several locks being undone before the door opened, revealing Derek standing there in a Yankees cap and sweats.

The two bid a quiet and slightly awkward hello as Scout made her way in, and her eyes instantly scanned the perimeter of the small living space. Like most days, Jerry was planted at the table working on some invention, safety goggles pulled over his face and shoulders hunched. He waved a hello to Scout and then continued working. But she was surprised to see that Michelle wasn't there, which made her believe this was more serious than she was anticipating.

"Come here, I want to show you something," Derek ushered her over to where his computer sat on the couch, and she took a seat, picking it up and placing it on her lap. He sat next to her and pressed a key, causing a picture to appear. "Recognize this?"

It was a photo from Bucharest taken from a helicopter view. It was of four figures on a roof of a building; Captain America, the Winter Soldier, Black Panther, and an unnamed fighter in a metallic blue suit. Scout shook her head and shrugged, "No, I've never seen that picture before in my life."

Derek chuckled sarcastically. "Okay, fair enough, hold on." He reached over, pressing another key, and the photo zoomed in. At first, it was very pixelated, but then with one more click of a button, it cleared up, and revealed a close up shot of Electric Siren fighting the Winter Soldier.

Her suit shimmered in the light and her stance was steady and strong, lighting erupting from her hands, aiming for Bucky. Scout let out a deep breath, meeting Derek's eyes. "This is actually a really good picture of me, can I have it?"

"No." He snatched the laptop away from her, shutting it briskly and setting it aside. He stood up, beginning to pace the room. "God, Scout. You were across the Atlantic Ocean and you didn't even bother telling us?"

"What was I supposed to tell you?" Scout asked, trying to defend herself. "It was confidential."

"It was illegal." He stated. "Captain America was outside the law, against the United Nations! The United Nations, Scout! The military was shooting at you, you were fighting an assassin who's killed hundreds!"

"I was fighting alongside him, thank you very much," Scout stood as well, crossing her arms over her chest and standing her ground. She didn't regret anything she chose to do. "I was there to save Bucky, to turn him back into his normal self before Task Force took him and locked him in a box for the rest of his life. Or worse, before the wrong hands found him."

"And how successful were you in doing that?" Derek questioned, raising an eyebrow.

Scout pursed her lips. "I did what I thought and what I still think is right. Hell, how do you even know about all of this?"

"I helped you hack into Tony Stark's most secure files, would you put it past me to not do the same thing with the government when I saw that picture of you on some Romanian news page?" Derek walked over to the kitchen, opening the fridge and grabbing a water bottle.

She let out a deep breath. "I was fighting for the safety of the world, for justice for Bucky, for understanding of Steve Rogers. I was Captain America's team and I refuse to apologize for that."

"And Jerry and I are on Team Scout," Derek frankly said. "And so are your friends, so is Michelle. So is your grandparents and your sister, even Peter for God sake!"

"Peter? You think Peter's on my side?" She shook her head, scoffing. "You know, he was in Germany the same time I was. Are you gonna give him the same lecture you're giving me?"

Derek gave her a hard stare. "Not yet, but I guess now's a good time," Scout was confused as he made his way over to the bedroom door and tapped lightly on it. "Get out here, Spider-Boy."

The knob turned and the door creaked open, a brunette boy with nervous eyes popped his head out. The color drained from Scout's face, knowing he probably heard every word she said. She hadn't spoken a word to him ever since the decathlon meeting, and she didn't really want to. She assumed that he told Derek and Jerry what the situation between him and her were, judging by how neither of the adults were freaking out about them being there at the same time.

Part of her was annoyed that Derek invited Peter over at the same time without her knowing. Scout didn't realize that she couldn't just ignore Peter forever. Derek pointed next to where Scout was, directing Peter to go and stand next to her. He kept his lips pursed, standing to her right and awkwardly holding his hands in front of him. He snuck a glance at Scout, whose eyes remained on Derek. Peter thought she looked like she wanted to kill him, he knew it was a mistake to mess with Scout when she was mad. He was still not over the fact that she was The Electric Siren, but seeing her in Derek and Jerry's apartment sealed the deal for him. This was something he would have to accept.

Derek took a deep breath as he stared at the two teenagers in front of him. He rubbed the bridge of his nose, thinking through his words before speaking. "Listen to me. Scout, I could care less that you went against the law. I don't know the full situation and circumstances, but I know you're a smart girl and that everything you do is with good reason. But the point is that both of you did something extremely dangerous. You don't even know how worried I was. Just ask Jerry."

"He was very worried." Jerry confirmed form arose the room, half listening to the confrontation taking place. He was more focused on his engineering. Honestly, he wanted to take a closer look at Scout's new gauntlets that Tony made her, wanting to get a hands on experience with Stark technology. But he figured now wasn't the best time, not when Derek was trying to be firm with the teens.

Derek pointed at Scout. "You left the country to try and capture the Winter Soldier. You had Task Force officers trying to shoot at you. You fought half of the Avengers in an airport. You could've died, Scout, and no one would know how or when or where," He sighed, placing his gaze on Peter. "And although you did less, don't think you're off the hook with me either. You left the country as well and fought against the Avengers too. I don't know which ones-"

"Hawkeye. Falcon. Scarlet Witch. Ant Man. Winter Soldier. Captain America, I stole his shield," Peter interrupted, slightly proud of the names he could list off. He pointed at Scout. "Apparently, I fought her too, but I didn't know it at the time because she kept her identity hidden from me for five months. But I won."

"Oh please," Scout rolled her eyes. "Who's the one who put your ass on the ground. It wasn't Sammy, I'll tell you that."

"At least I stopped both Sam and Bucky. All you did was shoot firecrackers at people and stop a few fires." Peter shot back.

Scout glared at him. "Remember when Sam's little drone knocked you out the window? Or when Ant Man sent you flying to the ground? Or when-"

"And this!" Derek cut their argument off, both Peter and Scout looking back at him. "This bickering has to stop. I don't give a hot shit about what went on in the love life between you two. This fighting and resentment between you is so petty and childish. Listen to me," He gave them both a stern look. "You two are heroes before you are exes. Fight as much as you want in school or over the phone or while subtweeting on Twitter; If you were ordinary kids I wouldn't care. But you aren't ordinary kids, and if you hate each other, it will affect the relationship between Electric Siren and Spider-Man. Scout and Peter can not get along, but you better put aside you high school drama when it comes to watching out for the well being of New York. You don't have to be friends, but you sure as hell are going to be allies. You have no choice but to work together when it comes to saving people, to have each other's backs. Do you understand?"

This rendered both Peter and Scout speechless. They nodded their heads, not daring to make another peep. They both knew Derek was right and that they were being immature. They couldn't help the fact they were both upset and hurt and angry, but they were going to have to learn to put aside their feelings and work together to keep the city safe.

Peter figured that even though she was mad that Scout kept her secret from him for so long, they needed to make amends. He turned to her, getting ready to try and find a common ground. As he opened his mouth to speak, he was cut off by a ringing sound.

Scout's attention turned to her bag, and she fumbled her hand around in it until she pulled out her phone, turning her alarm off. She looked up, blowing a breath out of her mouth. "I have to go." She said.

Derek furrowed his eyebrows. "Where?"

"I'm meeting with Tony." She answered. She looked at Peter, whom she didn't know was a little hurt by the fact that Tony wanted to speak with her and not him. After all, he was the one who fought on his side, and Tony said he would call Peter for more missions and whatnot. Why didn't Tony want him?

But, Scout didn't know this. All she knew was that she technically stole a suit from Tony and then proceeding to attempt to fight him halfway across the world, and now he wanted to meet with her to discuss who knows what. And she had to go. "Bye, Peter." She said quietly and tenderly, and Peter's heart sunk a little at the sound of her voice when she said his name. He missed it.

With one last look at them, she turned and went to the door, leaving the apartment and making her way to the street of New York. She waved a cab down, getting inside and telling the driver her destination. She heard him chuckle when she said she was going to Avengers Tower. She heard him mumble a skeptical "Okay, kid" under his breath before driving off, and she sat back, resting her head against the window as she stared at the back of his seat, wondering what was about to be in store for her.

With a half hour taxi ride and a couple of spent dollar bills later, Scout arrived at Avengers Tower. She had only passed the large building once or twice, the rare times she found herself in Manhattan. It was a gargantuan size, intimidating to look at and newly updated ever since the Battle of New York eight years ago.

She entered through the tinted glass doors, putting on a brave face and trying to come off as if she was truly meant to be there. Scout thought she looked like a badass, but she didn't note her quivering lip and shoes slightly dragging on the marble floors. In fact, she looked quite nervous, as if Loki were about to pop out from behind a pillar and send her ass to Asgard and back.

Scout looked around at the people milling about. Most were dressed in nice suits or pencil skirts with blouses, carrying metal briefcases or clipboards. The smooth, leather benches and couches were a habitat for people conducting less formal conversation and interviews, and everyone was an adult. She felt so out of place standing there in her leggings, cardigan, and converse; a fifteen year old girl who simply looked lost.

It seemed like everything was worth ten thousand dollars in and of itself. Large pillars protruded from the ground to the white, high ceilings, where a crystal chandelier hung down. The place even smelled expensive, if that was possible. Scout made her way to the large, glass desk in the center of the lobby, approaching the woman who sat in the center chair. She stood in front of it, waiting a few seconds for the woman to pay attention to her.

After a little more waiting, Scout cleared her throat, catching the woman's attention. Her dark brown eyes shot up to meet hers, the right bun on her head not moving at all with the sudden jerk of her head. "Hi, how can I help you?"

"I'm Scout. Scout Paxton, um, Mr. Stark asked me to come by." Her voice was just a bit shaky and filled with uncertainty. What if Tony changed his mind? What if the woman thought she was lying, just a desperate attempt at meeting the one and only Iron Man?

She began typing on her hologram computer, her acrylic nails creating a satisfying tapping sound against the keys. Scout saw a calendar of events show up, and she tried to read the lettering backwards. Before she could, the woman pressed a key and the image disappeared, leaving Scout speechless. She had never encountered a hologram before.

The woman looked back at her, plastering a fake yet sufficient smile on her face, confirming that Mr. Stark did in fact have a meeting with the girl. The woman didn't know who she was, she just managed this computer, but she figured Scout was important. "Yes, I see your appointment," She reached up and tapped a button on her head set. "Ms. Paxton is here. Is Mr. Stark ready? Okay, great. I'll send her up," She began speaking to Scout again. "To your left are the elevators. If you go the 34th floor, Mr. Hogan, Mr. Stark's assistant and chauffeur. He'll take you to Mr. Stark."

Scout nodded and walked over to the elevators. She got inside one along with another man, who pressed the button for the tenth floor. She pressed for the thirty fourth, and the two rode in awkward silence, the overly giddy music playing through the speakers of the moving box. He got out at his floor, and she went through two more rides with other people getting on and off before she made it to her destination.

The elevator dinged and she stepped out, immediately greeted by a man in a black suit and a scowl on his face. He stood in front of a large, metal door. "You must be Scout," His voice reminded her of Eeyore, and he seemed like he did not want to be there. She guessed that's what working for Tony Stark would do to you. He stepped forward, extending his hand, to which she shook. "I'm Happy Hogan. Mr. Stark is inside, follow me."

Scout nodded and let a breath out through her nostrils. Happy swipes his identification card to open the door and led her inside. The room was large and modernized, everything either stainless steel or made of some other expensive material. There was a seating area and then a smaller space in the back that was marked off with glass walls.

Her gaze fell on a single figure laying on the lush couch, wearing a suit and tie and everything. His legs were propped up on a pillow, hands resting behind his head. She could see through his red tinted sunglasses that his eyes were closed, lip slightly twitching here and there as if he were dreaming. Happy loudly cleared his throat, causing Tony to sit up quickly.

"Oh, look, you're here," Tony said when he saw Scout. He stretched his arms out, making a weird groaning noise as he popped his back and then stood up. Happy rolled his eyes as Tony took his sweet time. "Very nice of you to join me," He looked at Happy. "I see you two have met. Happy, are you going to stand there the whole time? Give me some space, let me talk to her."

"I'll be outside the door. Please don't blow anything up." Happy said in a monotone voice. He gave Tony a warning look, Tony cheekily smiling in return, before exiting the room.

Tony turned back to the girl, taking his sunglasses off and tucking them onto the collar of his shirt. Scout saw that he had a black eye and cuts along his face; she could only imagine what happened between him and Steve after she left. "I'm glad you came.  We have many things to discuss. Would you like a snack? Almonds, blueberries? I don't have any here, but I can make Happy go get them, he needs the exercise."

She shook her head. "I'm fine, thank you."

He shrugged. "Your loss. Anyways, first things first, I want to hear about you. Come, sit," He pointed to the chair across from him, and they both took a seat. "Let me say, that little shpeel you gave me at Task Force about heroism struck a few of my heart strings. I told Sam and he cried, I promise. But, I hardly know anything about you Scout, except that your hands sparkle and you've got a knack for drawing."

Scout was about to tell him he also knew her address, family status, birthday, and other personal information, but she bit her tongue because she wasn't supposed to know that. "Well, it all started with Barracuda's attack in June..." Scout went back over in detail everything that happened that afternoon, how she got her powers, and what came after. How she constantly accidentally electrocuted herself, how the water would pile up in her hand while she was in the shower, how the lights flickered whenever she entered a room. She described to him that when she learned what she could do, she wanted to help people. To keep people from going through the same heartbreak she did. It started with small things, but when Barracuda came back, she knew she had to do something.

Tony thought about her biography carefully, tilting his head as he listened closely to everything she said. When she was done, he nodded his head, now having a clearer picture of how the Electric Siren came to be. "How exactly did you stop Barracuda?"

Scout had now relaxed a bit, was a little less nervous. She knew Tony was genuinely interested in hearing what she had to say, in understanding who she was. "I discovered that he had somehow harvested energy from the Tesseract, probably from the Battle of New York. It must have been a very small amount, and so he charged it with electricity to create a full force with to. It basically was a more intense version of electrically charged nuclear energy, if that's possible," She took a deep breath, and then continued. "As long as he had that energy in his suit, he was nearly untouchable. Except for a couple of openings in his armor. I figured that if I couldn't get rid of the electricity, I could charge it up so much that it would have an extreme affect. It would deteriorate, explode."

"Like a battery." Tony confirmed.

"Exactly," Scout didn't feel like a dork while talking about scientific related things. Tony was a genius, and she knew that, and so she felt completely comfortable. "When I did that, his suit lost so much power that he could barely fight. He's nothing without his suit. And it isn't waterproof, and we were above the ocean, so..."

Tony nodded, thoroughly impressed. "I knew you had it in you," Off of her confused expression, he added, "I was paying attention to you, Scout. We all were. The Avengers were overseas, we couldn't come, but it seems as if you handled yourself. It made you stronger, perhaps I should say I left you alone on purpose just to have credit for that."

It was true. Just as Tony had a file of pictures and videos of Peter swinging from skyscrapers and stopping cars with his bare hands, he had a file for Scout too. He's seen nearly everything she's done in the public New York eye; Brooklyn Bridge, stopping the tsunami, the final fight at the Statue of Liberty. In fact, he had shown a couple of pictures and videos to Steve, Natasha, and Rhodey, who all had agreed that she was quite the force to be reckoned with. Tony had figured that she could possibly be an excellent member of the Avengers, but he wanted to have a little more experience watching her. So he had hired the people in black to test her, give her a couple of easier challenges so he could determine how she was on a day to day basis.

Her joining with Steve and helping him and Bucky Barnes wasn't part of his plan. In fact, he was quite angry with Steve for plucking her away from her normal life to help him with his illegal antics. She was technically a criminal now, but with the connections that Tony had, he made sure she was safe from being arrested and placed in jail. After all, she was just a teenager. She didn't deserve that.

He was even more surprised when he met her face to face, talked to her, saw her fight. He thought the fact that she could easily hold her own against some of the most powerful super beings in the world was extremely impressive, unbelievable for someone of her age. It made him finalize his decision of recruiting her, but she still needed more time. Training, experience, development. But her time would come, he was sure of it.

Scout sat up straighter in her chair. "You really we're watching the whole time?"

"Yes, I was. Even now. I'm always watching. You know they call Clint Hawkeye, but I'm literally a hawk's eye. I have a hawk eye," He stood up and walked over to the window, looking outside at Manhattan below. "For example; those men in black that refused to leave you alone? Fake."

Scout furrowed her eyebrows. "Wait, what? What do you mean?"

"What I mean is, faker than my Aunt's ass and nose. Those men and women are paid by me. Kind of like a test, to see how you were on a day to day basis. A little pop quiz, it's fun!" Tony explained, glancing over his shoulder and smirking.

Scout wasn't as amused though. "So that was all a hoax? A lie? No offense, Mr. Stark, but that's stupid as hell."

Tony smiled to himself. He loved how blunt Scout was, it wasn't often that someone told him how they really felt. He knew he could be an ass, an idiot, and he admired when someone could point that out to his face. "I thought it was pretty smart. No harm, right? They didn't kill anyone."

Scowling, she argued, "It cost me worry, anxiety, a knife to the leg! I think it's fair to say that you're the one that stabbed me, Mr. Stark, considering you were paying these people."

"Ouch," Tony muttered. "Honestly, I've been stabbed so many times I've lost count. Part of the job, I guess."

"Tony!" Scout shouted, causing him to turn around.

"Okay, okay, I'm sorry," He walked back over to the couch. "You can consider siding with Cap your payback."

"That's childish," Scout countered, slightly rolling her eyes and looking at her nails. "Do you even know why I was with Steve?"

Tony debated a few options in his head. "Um-"

"I was there not to spite you, Mr. Stark, but to reverse the effects of his super soldier serum." Scout cut him off, answering for him. When he asked her how, she sat back, taking a deep breath and explaining. "I learned ionized radiation can be produced by my electricity, destroying the super soldier tissue and muscles."

"That's..." Tony tried to think of something to rebut her, or a loophole that could be utilized to prove her irresponsibility. But he he couldn't find anything. Caving, he said, "That's brilliant, actually."

She smiled a bit; that was a high compliment, especially coming from Tony Stark. "Thank you," She picked at her fingernails, a nervous habit of hers. "Did Steve and Bucky ever stop the doctor?"

Tony's jaw tensed, thinking about what had gone down between him and Steve and Bucky in Siberia. He didn't know where the two were now, but he knew the doctor was in the hands of the government now. "T'Challa did." He answered, and simply left it at that. He changed the subject, "Alright, let's talk about your suit. Are you finding that it works nicely?"

Scout nodded her head. "It's amazing."

"It's made of vibranium, which is what Cap's shield is made of. It's flexible yet durable, waterproof too," He asked for her to pull out her mask, which she did, holding it in her hands. He told her to put it on, and so she placed it on her face, latching it to make it stay. "Right now, it may seem like it's simply to accessorize. But, if you run your finger along the right side-you feel it? Press that little button. I've unlocked some new features for you to try out."

It was a button that Scout had tried accessing before, but every time she had pressed it nothing happened. This time, a bunch of different holographic images popped up, settling along the perimeter of her gaze so she could still clearly see her surroundings. There were graphs and lenses and little things circled, so much information at once, similar to what Tony saw inside his own suit.

"You can explore everything individually on your own time. There's charts depicting temperature and time. The red waves are to show you exactly where the most electromagnetic energy is, the purple is radiation. Every circle can show you where weakest points are on opponents and your surroundings to help you while you fight." Tony listed off, Scout quickly becoming overwhelmed yet mesmerized at everything. "Just a few tools to extend your resources."

"This is incredible," She held her hand out and began feeling around for electric energy. She felt it vibrating profoundly on her palm, the red waves moving to spots in the room around her, telling her exactly where it was coming from.

"Now, put on your gauntlets," She took them out of her bag and slipped them on, listening to Tony. "I didn't change much with these because your abilities are quite capable on their own. These are just to enhance, you might say. Basically, the technology in them follows the movement of your fingers and traces your pulse to wield the electricity in a stronger and more precise manner. Essentially, you can mold your powers to do whatever you want to do," He stood up and pointed to the back of the room, where the enclosed set of glass walls were. "Care to try them out?"

Scout immediately jumped out of her seat, nodding excitedly, and Tony led her over. He pressed a button on one of the walls and a bunch of holographic people appeared, preparing to fight her. Tony stepped outside the glass and turned the difficulty of the fighters high up. She pressed the button on her ring and let the suit form across her body, the room she was in turning black so all she could see were the holograms.

She took a strong stance, feeling the electricity warm up and begin to form static in between her fingers. It was time for her to show Tony Stark what she was made of, and she wanted to prove to him she was worthy, strong enough to fight even the most dangerous people.

But what she didn't know was that Tony already had his mind made up. It was simply a matter of time.

hi guys! I hope you enjoyed this chapter. it's not really my favorite because there's so much dialogue and I tried to balance it out but idk if it really worked. the ending kinda sucks too. oh well. it was crucial that scout and tony meet. peter and scout won't get back together automatically, peter is pretty hurt by what scout did. sure, he kept his identity from her initially, but he came clean when the time was right, yet she kept it hidden for months longer. I'd be pretty mad if I was peter too, he feels like he doesn't even know the real scout anymore.

also, my amazingly fabulous friend SHIGEZANE has a new book out called "a thousand needles" and it is sooo good!! like for real i'm not just saying that because i'm her friend, it's actually so great. so if you want a fantastic read, go check it out!

just for shits and giggles, here are some of my favorite funny marvel posts that I want to share:

there's only one more chapter of part three, and so see y'all in the next chapter! bye!

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with great power, comes great responsibility. 【 status discontinued 】 【 civil war - no way home 】 【 peter parker ✘ male!oc 】
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Peter Parker/ Tom Holland short stories and imagines :) Mostly Peter Parker, if it's Tom it will say in the chapter :D I also don't use "You" or "Y/N...