Once In The Fire

By _BrokenChronicles_

813 32 4

Copyright ©️ 2017 Lynx Aales is the daughter of Seth and Icelyn. Lynx is the only hybrid of a werewolf and ma... More

Part II
Dictionary of Spells


16 2 0
By _BrokenChronicles_

Raindrops fall from the sky like teardrops rolling down slowly. A misty air above the frozen ice. The countless tears blur the vision. Smoke rises into the atmosphere from the fiery flames. The sparks of fire crackle softly with warmth from the heat. The fresh breeze whistles in the wind. The grass glistening with frost.
Eira had collected all the letters and clues Lynx had given to them. Eira places all the evidence into a little crafting book as she looked at the poem Lynx left in her room when she was in the guild. Oliver had picked it up in the library when cleaning up the guild. Oliver knew his parents were keeping secrets from him but he didn't care because he could discover it using the library and other members. "Eira, I found a photograph of a sword. I heard my parents talk secretly about someone named Raiden." Oliver says handing Eira another piece to add to the book. "I think we are good now. Thank you, Oliver." Eira tries to smile politely. Oliver notices his friend upset since Lynx's disappearance. "What seems to trouble you, Eira?" Oliver asked sitting in the chair across from her. "Oliver, everything has gone mad. I know for sure that after the grand ball surely something is to turn." Eira buries her face in her hands. "I am sure everything will be better in the end," Oliver said holding his friend's hand and guiding her out of the library to the training area.

Ryquin was busy enjoying the sunset at the dock as he watched the ships take off with all the boxes of supplies. "I thought I might find you here." Melvin says, "even if I was possessed I liked her but I couldn't...not with being possessed." Ryquin turns to face his friend and doesn't respond to him. Ryquin stays quiet until he figured out what to say, "I just can't like her because it doesn't feel right in my heart. We all cope differently with her disappearance..." Melvin looks at the crumbled up letter with ink writing. "What do you have there, my friend?" He asked curiously as he picked up the letter carefully. Melvin unfolds the crumbled paper and reads the letter to himself.
Dear Ryquin,
It's too late to change what has been done. I cannot wish for anything to be different for that would be selfish of me. I do hope the best for you in a friendly manner. I am safe from danger for now and so I ask of you to only attend the grand ball for me. The half moon will light up the sky and you will do as I say. Oliver and Faith shall be reunited once again in the name of love. Forget about the past for you are forgiven. However, some cannot be forgiven but consider yourself lucky. Follow fate as it guides you through rough times.
Lynx Aales
Melvin has a weird look on his face after reading the letter. Melvin didn't say anything but sighed instead. Ryquin was getting impatient with his friend because he wanted to know what he thought about the letter. "So?" Ryquin asked hoping that Melvin would give a response. "I can't decide how to feel about this letter. It has quite a mixture of moods when reading it." Melvin replies. "I am forgiven but am I really forgiven? Lynx talks about fate like always...I cannot understand if she is sincere or not." Ryquin sighs.

Icelyn and Azrael are talking with the group at the guild. Aster and Glade were ordered to keep the charge of Glacial, while the queen was absence. Aster wondered when his sister would return and Glade didn't understand why she didn't write a letter to the family. Glade has suspected that Aster would receive a letter from his loving sister. "Aster, where is the heart located? It has been years now and no sign of her. I suspect you would know the location of the heart or mother." Glade speaks up in the quiet room. "I thought Icelyn would know but it seems like she is unaware the location anymore. I once knew the location but now the hidden place is gone. There is no sight of the heart nor would anyone be able to find it," Aster taps his finger on the desk, "I do not know if anyone knows. Eira was the closest friend of Lynx but she does not have a clue." Glade nods at his brother as he resumes examining the map he found, "has anyone receive a letter from her or is hiding one?" Aster looks a bit annoyed that his brother is asking many questions relating to letters. "Lynx is unpredictable but she sent letters out to her friends but not us. I assume this means that she is informing them of a reason. We, however, are doing something right that she doesn't make us change our ways." Aster says continuing to look through the old mail that was addressed to Lynx. Glade pauses from examining the map and looks over to see the mail scattered around the surface of the desk. Aster was pushing letters away from his sight as it was moved towards the end of the desk as Glade looked through the mail Aster gone through. "Prince Aster, Prince Glade, we have received new mail that was just delivered now," says Aspen. "Nobody else checked or glanced at the mail, correct?" Aster asked for an honest response. "No, Prince Aster," Aspen says placing the mail on Aster's desk and then giving the other half of the pile onto Glade's desk. "Prince Glade, you have an important envelope that I highly suggest you take a look at," Aspen says handing Glade the envelope. Glade carefully tears the envelope open to reveal a small clear ice crystal with a letter that addressed to Aster. "Aster, this letter is addressed personally to you." Glade gets up from his chair to give to his brother. "Sir Aspen, I kindly appreciate if you inform me who sent this 'special' package to us." Aster clears his throat and looking professional. "I was not given any information on that, Prince Aster. I happen to know that Eira was given clear instructions to deliver this package." Aspen says truthfully without leaving any minor details. "Sir Aspen, please request Eira to the palace immediately," Glade said, "you are excused to leave us now. Thank you for delivering the mail." Aspen bows down and gives a quick salute before exiting the office. Glade uses his desk light and magnifier to examine the ice crystal closely, while Aster reads the letter a few times before fully understanding the meaning of the letter.
My dearest brother,
I am quite aware of my disappearance but I have been storing my magic away into the heart. I must stable the heart before it shatters. I miss the days when the family was all together and I miss you the most. Send the family my love for me. I am not alone out here, thank goodness. I am afraid to say this that I will come back to go back away. It is not what I wanted but I know it will be for the best. I have given Glade a piece of the glass heart combining my magic source. I know Glade will keep it safe away from all harm until it is needed when it is time.
Your loving sister, Lynx

My dearest brother,
The grand ball is coming as I know very well. I remember when we were forced to interact and dance away but it was never me. I shall make an exception for you only. I am testing fate by asking for you to come where the barrier ends. I must see you in order to complete everything. I need Glade to come along, which I try to go against but he has something of mine. I have only short time that I am able to reach the people. I have quite a few letters inside the envelope. Miss you terribly.
Your loving sister, Lynx

Dear Aster,
The hourglass filled with frozen water represents the remaining time left for the heart. I wish I was writing you good news but I cannot lie to you, brother. The barrier froze and a cold winter was brought upon Glacial and the other kingdoms nearby. I, however, did my best to protect the kingdoms with my bare hands but no use. I went to see the heart floating with small cracks once again for the heart is not stable. He is keeping me warm and safe from the scars because the heart is affecting my health. This shall not be the last letter nor the last you shall hear from me. The next shall be the last you hear until you shall receive another message addressed to you.
Goodbye, for now, Lynx Aales

Dear Aales family and Azrael,
35 years dated in time for the weather is cold and snowy in the mountains. Trees have been frozen with no sun shining to melt away the coldness. The heart of ice is not looking good but there is hope for fate to bring goodness. Your beautiful brave daughter/sister is very ill for I am doing all I can to save her. I know she will be better but she cannot see only hear. I can feel the cold breeze as I hold her tight and asking for mercy. I ask of you please do not worry or perform actions to find her. Lynx is getting help from the best out here as I do anything for her to live. Lynx loves you all from her heart and hurts for me to see her sad that she is away from her family.
A friend of Lynx, Flint

"Queen Nova of Wyvernia and Eira of Wyvernia!"

"Queen Icelyn of Glacial, Prince Aster of Glacial, and Prince Glade of Glacial."

Azrael waited for Icelyn at the bottom of the stairway and then Aster and Glade followed behind the mother. "Eira, how are you holding up?" Glade asked politely knowingly to be careful about speaking of Lynx's disappearance. "It is quite hard to keep moving. I miss Lynx so much that I wonder if she will ever return." Eira said trying to put her emotions into proper words. Aster puts a hand on Eira's shoulder, "we all miss her terribly for I think about her constantly. Lynx and I have always been close since we were young." Glade sighs as he scans the ballroom with people dancing in the center. "I suppose I shall go explore this fine palace in search of clues," Aster said ignoring the fact he was expected to dance with young maidens and Glade followed behind. Eira went the opposite direction of Aster and Glade as she spotted Misty, Aspen, Ryquin, and Faith but Oliver wasn't seen with the group. Faith saw Eira walking towards them as she waved out to her. "Eira, I actually didn't expect you to show up so soon." Aspen lightly chuckles as Misty elbows him to stop. "I am aware of my arrival time. Lynx was the one that made us arrive later since she also had to do something to hold us back or give her an excuse not to go...but their crazy ideas didn't really work as she hoped." Eira said laughing at the memories of Lynx trying to persuade her mother not to make her go. "Where is Oliver?" Ryquin asked coming back with a filled glass of apple cider. "Love you too, Ryquin, you're so kind, you didn't bother to get us a drink," Misty said taking Ryquin's drink from his hand and drinking half of it. "That wasn't really needed, Misty!" Ryquin crosses his arms as Misty gave the glass back to him. "I guess you'll have to get another fill. Oh, could you give us some drinks too? Thank you, Ryquin, you're such a gentleman." Faith said with a hint of sarcasm in her voice as Aspen laughs. Ryquin rolls his eyes at his friends and then went to get drinks at the bar.

"Aster, what are we doing outside?"

"Shh! Follow my lead and you'll see."

"Are you going to kill me?"

Aster rolls his eyes at his brother being dramatic. Aster ignored Glade's mild rant about why he shouldn't kill him. "We are here," Aster said finally as he held the letter in his hand. "You have something of mine and it is time to return it." A female voice said that sounded very familiar to Aster and Glade. Glade made a fist trying to deny that could be who he thinks it is. "It cannot be...Lynx." Glade said shaking his head. "Oh, I think you know," Lynx said appearing out of the shadows with her revealing deep cuts and scars that have been tearing her down. Lynx is covered in bandages to cover the rest of the bad wounds. Lynx's hood is covering her whole face and only her side braided hair can be seen resting on her shoulder. "Lynx!" Glade says raising his voice in excitement to see his sister as he up to her. Glade hugged Lynx tightly with tears forming in his eyes. Teardrops falling into the palm of Lynx's hand as her touch freezes the teardrops. The frozen teardrops form into a shape of a diamond but made out of ice. Aster comes closer to Lynx and gives her a long hug before letting go. Lynx took a step back as Glade stood beside Aster. "I shall test fate and risk it all," Lynx speaks as she takes off her silver cape her cloak to reveal a beautiful icy blue ball dress with a simple sequin design on the ball dress to complete the look. "I-I think this belongs to you..." Glade says placing the ice tiara made of clear crystals and diamond gemstones on her head. "Who is Flint, Lynx?" Aster begins to start his list of questions for her to answer. "Flint has been keeping me alive. If you haven't noticed then you must be blind since he has been the one delivering the letters for me and has been my eyes. Flint tells me what is happening that I am missing." Lynx chuckles at her brothers with shocked faces. "How is Flint able to teleport there and from?" Glade asked not understanding Lynx. Lynx spoke one word, "magic!" "And how are you able to be here now? Why at the grand ball and not early?" Aster asked feeling hurt. "I have to keep a close eye on the heart. If the heart is gone then I am gone too for I cannot survive without the heart, Aster." Lynx said trying to explain best she could. "Write us more often because I enjoy hearing from you," Glade said with puppy eyes. "Flint still has to be careful because people could get suspicious and nobody can know," Lynx said letting out a short cough. "Are you sick?" Glade asked a dumb question and Aster gave him a 'are you seriously asking that question' look. "Glade, we are literally the same blood meaning we all have ice powers, which comes to the conclusion that the cold cannot affect us quickly," Lynx says shooting an iceball at the leaves on the tree, which instantly is freezes. "Wait...is Flint here? Who is watching the heart in absence?" Glade asked another question but more reasonable than the previous one. "That is for me to worry about not for you. I wouldn't leave the heart unattended in my absence." Lynx says walking towards the castle with her brothers by her side.

"Where is Flint?" Aster asked calmly as he placed black colored paint on the desk. "You didn't notice?" Lynx giggles, "why you must be oblivious to that fact he's been at the ball since it started." "I thought I saw something suspicious but I wasn't going to make assumptions," Aster said watching his sister paint a demon mark design on her cheek. Lynx wanted to make sure nobody could recognize her instantly because they would ruin her plans or could disrupt fate. "Bad is good to yin and yang. I shall change the color of its eye." Glade cast the eye change spell on Lynx. Lynx places the brush in the small glass jar and turns to face her brothers. Glade changed the color of her eyes to light hazel. "We have hurry now because they are introducing the royal families to all the guests. And I thought just coming in was enough." Aster rolls his eyes. "Smile big because it's going in the news throughout the kingdoms so don't do anything stupid." Lynx laughs looking directly at Glade. "We do it a second time to show that we honor and represent our kingdom with a good reputation." Aster reminds Lynx and Glade. "And the first time, our father isn't here with us but Azrael is here," Lynx said lowering her voice. "It will be alright and besides our mother is happy again. Azrael keeps her in one piece and not go insane since your disappearance" said Glade. "The last photo as a family is in the guild..." Lynx said getting up from her seat and walking to look at herself in a more clearer mirror. Lynx stares at her icy blue hair with light white streaks. Lynx's brothers' hair was more visibly platinum blonde with light white streaks.

"And now presenting, the royal family of Glacial with King Noah of Magix and Alpha Azrael." Nova and Eira waited for Icelyn and her family to walk down the long red carpet on the stairway. Aster and Glade didn't see their sister walking down the stairs with them or get her named called. "Did she seriously left us hanging?" Glade said rolling his eyes because it sounded like something she would do in the past. "Please hold your applause, folks. I am now present you, Prince Flint of Nethers and Princess Alzora of Ioclya!" People started whispering at the shock that someone came from the outside. Ioclya was the area in the forest, which the glass heart of ice was located. "Oh no, this cannot be true." Icelyn said realizing everything once she heard the word 'Alzora' because that was supposed to be Lynx's real name. Azrael told Icelyn when they were younger to name her daughter Alzora in his family but Seth changed it quickly so she could be named after a star. "Icelyn, why didn't you tell me you fulfilled my dying wish?" Azrael said unhappily. "Azrael, if you listen to me first then we won't have to fight." Icelyn said feeling nervous her life would repeat again." The people didn't notice Azrael walking out of the ballroom into the large hallway of the castle. Icelyn sighs as she tries to hold back the pain and her sons come to comfort her. Lynx looks down below to see what just happened and she notices it was her turn to walk down the giant stairway.

"I cannot believe you, Icelyn, Ice, Kasey, why?" Azrael lists the names she goes by. "I told you Seth changed her name, which I didn't know about because I was visiting your grave!" Icelyn said speaking the truth. "You should have kept her name close to you without letting it into the wrong hands," Azrael growls as his wolf is gaining some control. "Azrael, my soulmate, you promised to me long ago...we wouldn't be like this. I wouldn't have to live through the pain again...but you also couldn't keep something up too." Icelyn points out that they both are at fault at the moment. "Don't try to pull the guilt on me. I watched over you but I couldn't do anything to stop Seth...I just have-" Azrael stops himself. "You should have what? What should you have done, Azrael? Do not keep it all from me." Icelyn said trying to keep calm because she could hurt someone if she lost control. One thing Seth had done right was helping Icelyn control her powers when her emotions were rising. "Fine. Explain to me this...why was she named Lynx?" Azrael asked for an explanation. "Seth wanted to name her after a star...he didn't want her name coming from your family name. I wanted to fulfill your dying wish but I failed," Icelyn begins to cry, "in order to try I cheated my way by having it as her middle name...but we had agreed to Lynx being her middle name though it looks like he lied to my face." "I made you a promised and I should keep it...I am sorry." Azrael apologizes as he hugs Icelyn. "I am sorry I couldn't-" Azrael cuts Icelyn off with a short passionate kiss on the lips. "We should get back to the ballroom and talk with Noah and Nova. I don't want to leave Micah with Collin acting like an overprotective father." Icelyn laughs as she drags Azrael back to the ballroom.

"Nethers and Ioclya together? What?" Ryquin says confused scratching his head. "This is quite new to me," Aspen said wrapping his hand around Misty waist and pulling her closer to him. "They look happy together at least." Glade jumps into the conversation. "Nobody asked you, Glade. Go take your dumb questions and brain somewhere else." Eira said sourly. "Eira, please behave yourself. I don't mind you teasing my nephew but talk sour somewhere that's not around other high-class people. I don't want them thinking you're rude because we all know you're a very strong girl...wait what am I saying you are stronger than Aspen but you and Lynx combined to beat Oliver or Ryder." Noah laughs as Nova steps on his foot purposely. "Now, now, Noah, you know if Micah heard you talking then she'll cast a nasty spell on you." Nova warns him, "be nice to your Icelyn's friend. Icelyn can be a real ice queen when she's actually mad or worst the evil snow queen if you get on her bad side." "I beg to differ on that case, Queen Nova," Ryquin said, "Lynx is a real ice princess because she froze Oliver." "I mean Icelyn and Lynx are blood-related so it would make sense they can be really icy," Eira said nonchalantly. "Aster!" Shadow waves to his adopted family and runs over to him. "Shadow, it has been long. I am glad to see you doing well." Aster said hugging Shadow and his family. Shadow introduced his wife and son to the group. "Aster, where is Lynx? We've received letters from her saying she's fine. Lynx wrote that she was traveling with a pirate crew." Flare said happily that Lynx was doing well. Glade frowned sadly knowing that they were being lied to through letters. "S-Shadow, sir, care to have a little family reunion?" Glade asked in a more forcing way by pushing Shadow and Flare towards Icelyn and Azrael dancing together. Casper stood there in front of the group awkwardly. "Oh, it's you..." Eira said coldly as she gets a glare from Misty and Faith. "I apologize...do we know each other?" Casper asked confused trying to remember if he saw her before. "Lynx's childhood friend," Eira snorts, "it's Eira." "I do remember Lynx talking about you before. I don't think we met in person until now." Casper says. "That would be correct but I have seen photos on Lynx's wall before so I know," Eira says in her sour mood. "Be nice to my cousin, Eira. I don't know how my family or Lynx can put up with your sour attitude." Glade shrugs. "Oh, trust me, Glade. I know things you don't know about Lynx. If you haven't noticed then you are still probably dumb but her madness mixes well with my sourness. How else do you think we got along, we were forced for many years?" Eira gives him a 'gosh you are so dumb and more oblivious than I remember' look and pushes him so there is a bigger gap between them. "You two fight like a married couple. I don't think I could tell the differences if you were friends, dating, or married." Aspen laughs at his own joke but nobody else was laughing with him. "Aspen, dancing now. I was giving you warnings but you failed so now punishment." Misty says pointing to the center of the ballroom. Suddenly, the music started to slow down as it turned into a slow dance. "I swear you did this on purpose, Misty. This is not fair." Aspen says childishly. "I will get one to freeze you and throw you into the cold water," Misty said looking very serious that Aspen didn't say anything else. "We will be back." Misty smiles as she pushes Aspen to the center of the ballroom. "I am leaving now, bye." Eira snorts as she walks towards the indoor garden but Glade grabs onto her wrist. "I am not suffering only so I am going to make you suffer as well. And this doesn't mean I like you...I just want to see you suffer more than me." Glade said dragging Eira to the center of the ballroom, where Misty was dancing with Aspen. "Faith, run while you can. I wish you best luck." Eira mouths out to Faith. Faith watches the two of them slow dancing and Glade teaching Eira how to ballroom dance. Faith giggles at Eira purposely stepping on Glade's feet when she has the chance to. "Care to dance?" Casper asked looking into Faith's calming eyes.

"Excuse me, coming through!" Lynx says pushing through to get closer to Oliver in the corner. "Miss, can I help you?" Oliver asked looking disinterested in wanting to dance with someone. "I happen not to need the help but surely someone does," Lynx smirks as she adjusts her mask. Oliver sighs as he looks down at the pocket watch in the palm of his hand looking at the time. Lynx took this moment to quickly drag Oliver towards where Faith was awkwardly trying to get rid of Casper. Lynx uses her force to push Oliver towards Faith and taps her foot lightly on the floor to make an invisible ice path. Oliver feels the floor getting slippery as he crashes into Faith and her almosts falls down but Oliver gained his balance and caught her in his arms. "Fate needed a little push anyways. And I thought I was slow...actually that would never happen." Lynx laughs it off. Suddenly, Lynx feels a hand on her waist as she feels her back against someone's body. Lynx looks up to see Flint standing there as he gives her a smile. "Talking to yourself again? I thought I told you that ghosts are dead." Flint chuckles as Lynx takes his free hand and wrap his hand around him with her full force leaning against Flint.

"I am so sorry about running into you. You see um...someone pushed me....No, I mean the floor is slippery." Oliver said not wanting to sound crazy. Casper could tell Faith wasn't available to dance now that she was talking to someone else so he left to see his parents."That is quite alright, you saved me from having to dance with my friend's cousin. My friend is great but I don't really know her cousin that well." Faith said looking relieved. "The party has just started so grab your date or partner and let's dance the night away!" Faith felt like she could hear Eira cursing or being sour to Glade and Aspen pouting like a child. "Care to dance because I am afraid this crazy lady has mad ideas that I don't want to found out," Oliver says nervously. Faith giggled as she nods her head in excitement. The music resumes and plays more musical pieces that are very slow and a steady tempo. Flint and Lynx watch everyone making sure everything was in place. "I think we did a good job finding that perfect dress for Faith and that mask looks great too since it really hides her face," Lynx says feeling proud that fate hasn't objected to her pushing fate a little. "Look at those two couples near the center of the ballroom. They are quite amusing to watch as they suffer." Flint says closely into Lynx's ear as he points to them. Lynx instantly recognizes her brother and childhood dancing together along with Misty and Aspen. "Flint...the one with the white streaks like me is Glade, my brother, dancing with Eira, my childhood friend. The other pair is Misty with Aspen, a guard in Glacial." Lynx says pointing the people out with their matching description. "So they aren't couples? Wait, they're both married?" Flint looked surprised, "aren't they not ready for marriage...I mean with their ages, perhaps?" Lynx rolls her eyes as she laughs, "Glade and Eira are like 'enemies' but Misty and Aspen are dating." "Oh!" Flint says realizing his mistake, "why don't we become a couple?" Lynx gives him a look, "keep trying, lover boy. You'll get there." Flint gives her a smirk as she kissed him on the cheek. Flint drags Lynx towards Glade and Eira as they begin to dance away.

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