found love in the cold | just...

By BookOfBandz

137K 6.7K 1.8K

a very shy young black woman takes a homeless guy in for the winter, where she fixes his heart, gets him back... More

FLITC | Serving The Homeless
FLITC | An Edible Package
FLITC | The Bitter Cold
FLITC | Warm Car Heaters
FLITC | Before The Blizzard
FLITC | Day One Together
FLITC | 21 Questions
FLITC | Keeping Me Warm
FLITC | Connect Four
FLITC | Unexpected Encounters
FLITC | Grateful For You
FLITC | You're Worth Something
FLITC | You're All Mine
FLITC | On Christmas Day
FLITC | A Wonderful Night
FLITC | More Than Help
FLITC | The Heart Accelerations
FLITC | Crazy Beach News
FLITC | Cherished Wedding Day

FLITC | Lost & Found

6.2K 352 97
By BookOfBandz

FLITC | Lost & Found

Ever since the blizzard came Ayana's restaurant has been closed in hopes of not putting their employees in risk, but since the snow is melting away then the restaurant will be re-opening again. That meant that Ayana had to work a ten-hour shift until she could come back home to Justin. She really didn't want to leave but she knew that she had too if it meant keeping her bills paid. Even though she wanted to quit and fill out an application to become a teacher she was just too scared to ever fall through.

So as if right now she had to keep working to support herself and Justin. Ayana really wanted to be working at any school at the beginning of the year without her nerves getting the best of her. Everytime she wanted to fill out an application she would back out and tell herself that she would do it another time. It has been going on since the summer and she knew that she had to put on her big girl panties soon. This was her absolute dream job and she already had everything she needed but she lacked some courage.

Unfortunately, her alarm had gone off which signaled her to put her bookmark in her book. It was 10:00am and Ayana was in her room while Justin was knocked out in the living room still trying to recover from yesterday. He had a blast with Ayana's siblings and ate a lot of food that he put himself in a food coma. It was adorable how he slept with one hand on his stomach and one hand behind his head. Ayana knew that he hadn't eaten that good in a long time.

The fact that they almost kissed yesterday was resurfacing her mind as she was getting ready for work. She remembers him pulling her closer to his body and looking at her like she was the most precious thing in the world. Ayana felt butterflies in her stomach just thinking about it. She knew that Justin wanted to kiss her and she wanted the same thing too. If only her rowdy siblings wouldn't have interrupted them then maybe it would have happened.

Even though she didn't want to leave she knew that she had to. Ayana made sure to leave a note to Justin telling her that she would be gone today. And before she left she placed a tender kiss on his forehead as she made her way out the door.

Her restaurant wasn't too far from her house. Actually, it was just a couple of blocks down from her favorite cafe. She worked a ten hour shift from 11am to 9pm. Ayana would work as a waiter or even cook. But today, she wanted to get it all over with so she could come back home to Justin.

Probably a hour later Justin started to wake up. His eyes fluttered open to see that he was alone in the living room. Usually, the TV would be on and Ayana would be watching the weather on the couch next to him but he didn't see her nor was the TV on. Justin wondered where she could be, but before he could get up he saw a small yellow sticky note on the coffee table in front of the couch.

I'm at work so I'll be back around 10pm or so. Help yourself with anything. There is an extra key just in case you leave.
- love Ayana

Justin smiled just thinking about Ayana and her beautiful self. He couldn't help but to feel so giddy everytime she pops up in his mind. She was such a wonderful girl, and he appreciated her for everything she has done for him in the past few weeks. There's not a better feeling than knowing that someone cares about you the way you care about them. He loved the passion that they both had.

Sadly, he was going to be by himself until she got back later on this evening. Justin didn't know what to do without Ayana being here. He really liked her company. And now since she's gone he felt almost incomplete.

Well, since Ayana wasn't around then he had to manage himself. He decided to get up and do something productive to occupy himself.

He placed all the leftovers in the fridge and organized the house so it would look neat. Somehow, he managed to find Christmas lights and decided to hang them up around the apartment. Justin wanted to do something special for Ayana. And if he couldn't spend money on her than he would do something completely different.

It was around 2pm when Justin was done with the place. Christmas lights were on the walls and by the windows. He was sure that Ayana would be pretty happy when she came back.

So after that he went to get dressed into some black joggers, and a dark yellow jacket with his new white Converse shoes. Justin took the extra key and made his way out the apartment.

Ever since he landed on the streets things has changed around him. Like new small businesses and some reconstruction on the roads.

Justin walked around, looking at the city around him and thinking about how he could finally change his life. Ayana already brought him a few steps ahead, and for that he was grateful of her helping him out. There was different stores that was hiring and if he snagged a job then maybe he could take action into being better.

It was around 5pm when Ayana clocked out. She was able to get off early and she was glad. She placed her apron away and told her co-workers to have a good evening before she left. Ayana got into her car and drove to her apartment. Instantly, she thought about Justin and wondered what he could have done when she was gone. Now, all she wanted to do was spend time with him and probably watch a good movie.

"Justin?" She called out when she walked in her apartment. Ayana noticed the Christmas lights that he hung up, and she also noticed that he cleaned up pretty good too. But, she didn't see him. "You can come out now."

When there was no response she slowly started to freak out. She checked the balcony, her bedroom, the guest bathroom, and the kitchen but he wasn't here in the apartment.

"Fuck," Ayana grabbed her keys and rushed down the stairs until she made it to her car. She got in and rolled out of the parking lot to find Justin.

Her chest was becoming tight and her heart was pounding out of her chest. She had no idea where Justin could be and it scared her. Ayana drove around town, looking out of both windows until she finally spotted him sitting on the bench looking out into space. She found the nearest parking spot and got out.

"Justin!" She yelled, snapping him out of his daydream and earning a few stares.

Justin looked up seeing Ayana walking towards him and she did not look happy.

"I-I come back home and y-you're not even there Justin," Ayana spoke rubbing her temples as her eyes watered. "I..I w-was scared that y-you left me."

"Hey now, I'm right here," Justin stood to his feet and took her shaking hands in his own. "Calm down, okay?"

"I c-can't," Ayana croaked. "Here I am on the edge of having a panic attack because I—," and before she could finish she felt Justin's lips pressing against hers.

They were in the middle of the sidewalk but neither of them cared. Justin pulled Ayana's waist closer and cupped her cheek with one hand. She melted by his touch and slowly kissed him back. Even though it was cold they felt like the air around them was on fire. The passion and the love was showing as they kissed underneath the stars.

Justin pulled away and looked into her dark brown eyes, "Let's go home."

"Home?" She repeated his last word, feeling butterflies flutter in the pit of her stomach. Him saying that made it sound really good to her ears.

Justin nodded and laced their fingers together, "Yeah..let's go home."


they cute ☺️☺️ ; but on a side note im really sick .

& on another side note - im almost to 1k followers !!! wowza .

- BookOfBandz

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