Printed // Sheriarty AU

By imsuchafangirl4

16.1K 1.2K 399

Book 2 of Photograph series Jim Moriarty is the most dangerous man in England and has been spotted entering L... More

Sneak peak
Authors Note


444 31 37
By imsuchafangirl4

* John's POV *

[ 6 months later ]

I knock on the door to 221 Baker street - my old house. I've not seen Sherlock or Mrs Hudson in a while now, and I have some exciting news to tell them!

A few seconds later, the door is opened than none other than Mrs Hudson, a large grin plastered on her glowing face.

"John! Come on in. Sherlock is upstairs." She steps to the side, and I walk passed her, the sound of a sorrowful violin echoing throughout the building. I look at Sherlock's aunt questioningly, and she rolls her eyes dramatically. I giggle at her attitude. "He's been at it all morning." She adds frustratedly. I sigh, knowing that Sherlock is brooding, and I hate seeing him like this. He used to do it all the time when we were younger - he would get beat up and then he'd brood, so I'd go and beat up the person who beat him up in the first place to cheer him up. I don't think there's anyone for me to beat up this time around.

"What brings you here?" Mrs Hudson questions, and my eyes light up. A small smile graces my lips as I imagine their reactions to my news. Mrs Hudson seems to notice my small smile, and she looks at me suspiciously.

"I actually have some news to share with you and Sherlock." I state lightly, and Mrs Hudson hums suspiciously, trying to figure out what my news could possibly be. Christ she's a lot like Mycroft!

"Well how about you come up and tell us in Sherlock's appartment. Hopefully it'll get him to stop playing that God awful song." She says and I laugh at her comment. She always has been a witty woman, even when we were teenagers she'd made funny remarks about Mycroft or my outfits. I have to admit my outfits were atrocious! I nod in agreement at her suggestion, and I follow her up the creaking steps to 221B.

The door is wide open, and Mrs Hudson and I stop just outside the door, taking in the scene that is Sherlock's bombshell of an appartment. I look at Mrs Hudson with a confused expression.

"I'm his landlord, not his housekeeper!" She whispers and I nod in understanding. Sherlock really has let himself go! Papers litter the floor, filled with cases and clues. Dust floats around in the sun rays, and I can smell the stench from his experiments. Then I take a look at his appartment wall, and I sigh sadly. There hangs a map of the world, with pins and string sticking out of it. Pieces of paper surround it, with printed articles about Jim Moriarty and where he was seen last.

I look over at Mrs Hudson with a sad smile, and she returns it.

Sherlock's music echoes through his room, and I'm glad that he's gotten into playing it again. It's just, the song he seems to repeat over and over sounds so sorrowful and upsetting, and I instantly know that he misses Jim Moriarty. As fucked up as it is, he misses the hell out of him. I have no idea if Sherlock and Eddie went along with their plan to find him, but reports on Moriarty have become almost non existent, and that must be why Sherlock is so damn depressed.

Bless him, but for fuck sake get over it.

"Do you think this has anything to do with that Moriarty fellow?" Mrs Hudson whispers curiously, and I sigh aloud.

"I think it has everything to do with him." I reply in a whisper.

Mrs Hudson finally knocks on Sherlock's door, and his violin playing halts to a stop. He turns around with an annoyed expression on his face, but it softens when he sees me.

"John." He states, putting his violin down and sitting on his chair. I take that as an invitation to come in, so I sit in my old chair, Mrs Hudson standing beside me. "It's... good to see you." He says, and I laugh slightly at how welcoming he is.

"I've got some good news that I need to tell you both. Is Tom here? I need to tell him too." I begin, crossing one leg over the other.

"I'm here." I hear from behind me, and Tom stands next to Mrs Hudson, wrapping a loving arm around her.

"What is it?" Sherlock asks impatiently, not seemingly bothered at all by the fact that I said good news. I release a breath that I didn't realise that I was holding, and a large grin envelops my face.

"Mary wanted to say it herself, but she's off telling her own friends. She's pregnant." I finish with a large, happy grin on my face. I'm so happy that Mary and I are having a baby! This is all we ever wanted, and when we found out it was one of the best days of our lives. Tom and Mrs Hudson cheer in happiness, and Sherlock reacts like he usually does... not at all.

"Congratulations!" Tom says happily, patting my shoulder twice. "Send Mary my love." He adds and I nod my head, telling him that I would. I stand up and walk into Mrs Hudson's open arms. She's rubs my back lovingly.

"That's wonderful!" She places her arms on my shoulders. "Who knew that that strange teenager with anger issues would have a life like this huh?" She laughs and I laugh along with her. "We all thought you'd end up marrying Sherlock!" Mrs Hudson laughs and Tom joins in. Sherlock sits there unamused. I sigh annoyed.

"How many times Mrs Hudson? I'm not gay!" I say annoyed, but slightly playfully.

"Live and let live, that's our motto." Tom and Mrs Hudson say in unison with playful grins on their faces. They really have been spending too much time together! I frown, not enjoying the teasing at all. I turn around and I look to Sherlock, hoping he can save me from these two lunatics. I smile sadly when I see him staring off into space, a small frown on his lips.s

"Sherlock? You got nothing to say?" Mrs Hudson questions Sherlock, and he looks at the three of us confused. Did he listen to a word that was just said? Unbelievable! He looks at my expectant face and then realisation hits him.

"Oh! Good effort." Sherlock compliments? Tom let's out a snigger at the innuendo Sherlock didn't intend to say. I sigh aloud, knowing that it was the best I was going to get.

"My nephew can be a real plonker sometimes." Mrs Hudson mutters and I smile at her comment, knowing too well what she means. I've experienced his 'plonkerness' too many times in my life.

"I heard that." Sherlock mutters to himself, and we all roll our eyes in unison.

Despite Sherlocks attitude, it's been a rather good day. I told a few of my friends that my wife and I are pregnant, and we are so happy. I'm so glad that I have friends to live through the experience with me.

Although I wish Molly were here too.

I wish Molly was here for a lot of things. My graduation. My 18th birthday. The day Jim shot up the school - that was a day to remember. My wedding. And now this. I wish she knew that she wasn't alone in the world. I wish she had the same experiences that I did. I smile a small sad smile, knowing that those wishes will never be granted.

"Anyway, I should probably leave. I've got to catch Greg and Eddie at the station to tell them as well." I state, and Tom and Mrs Hudson nod their heads in understanding. I hug them both and I wish them a good morning, before I leave 221B and I head for Scotland Yard.


*Sherlocks POV *

I watch the sun set through my curtain. I haven't felt this empty in a long time. I miss Jim so much that it hurts. My chest feels like it's burning and aching every second of the day, and my mind feels so empty but so full at the same time. It's so quiet but it is also so noisy! I just wish this pain will stop. I just wish that Jim will finally return to me.

It's been six months and five days. Jim doesn't answer any of my calls or texts. He probably got a new phone. I thought he would've contacted me by now. I've not heard his name mentioned once on the news for months, and so I am now left with no trace of him. Nothing.

So I've been searching.

I've looked up leads and articles or where Jim could possibly be, but none of them seem real. They all say different places at different times, and from what I've been finding he's been all over the map. It just isn't possible! I should probably tear it down, but it's my last grasp on him. It's the only thing of him that I have left, so I won't have the heart to tear it down.

My phone buzzes in my pocket.

I grab my phone as quickly as possible, hoping that it's Jim who has just messaged me. I look down at the glowing screen, my heart jumping in my throat, as the name of the messenger comes into focus.

Unknown number

I unlock my phone, and I hold my breath. I read the text.

'Did you miss me? JM x'

My heart leaps out of my chest, and a large grin appears on my face. I've not smiled in months.

' where are you? SH x' I text him with sweaty hands as quickly as possible.

'Look up. JM x' I stare at the text confused, but I do as he says.

There standing in front of me is Jim Moriarty wearing a grey checked suit and his favourite sunglasses. I gasp in shock. I did not hear him come in! That sneaky bastard! He removes the sunglasses from his face slowly, and places his phone in his pocket. His famous smirk is plastered on his face.

"Jim." I gasp out, and he stretches his arms out to his side.

"The one and only." He shouts and my eyes widen.

"Shhh Auntie Hudson could here you! Or Tom" I whisper cautiously, and he laughs at my cautious nature.

"Don't worry she won't. She's asleep with ear plugs in. And Tom is out with Eddie." He says casually, and I decide not to question how he knew that. "Where's my hug?" Jim laughs, and I realise that I haven't moved from my armchair. I leap up and I run towards him, pushing him against the wall and attacking his lips immediately.

He moans as his back hits against the wall, his tongue dancing along with my own. He grips my hair tightly, and I slide my hands around his waist. I've not seen him in half a year! I've missed him with the whole of my being,  so I pull him as close to me as I can, wanting to familiarise myself with every crevice of his. He pulls away and gasps for breath, his lips swollen and his smile lazy.

"I guess you really did miss me." He whispers,  and I take his lip between my teeth softly, dragging it. He looks into my eyes lustfully, and I can tell that he has missed me as much as I missed him. I take his mouth onto my own again, kissing him sloppily and hungrily, as Jim moves his hands all over my body. My hair, my neck, my shoulders, my back. He eventually cups my ass, and gives it a small squeeze. I yelp in surprise and he just laughs against my lips. He pulls back again. I wish he would stop doing that.

"I've come up with a plan. We can steal the crown jewels soon and then we can finally leave." He pants out, as I continue to leave a trail of wet kisses down his jaw and neck. I don't want him to be away from me ever again. I release my lips from his skin.

"Shut up Jim." I whisper, my pupils blown wide like Jim's. His mouth folds into a smirk.

"Whatever you say boss." He whispers back to me, and I chuckle at the nickname that he gave me. Our mouths are together again, and I don't want to ever stop. I want to carry on until we're nothing but rotting corpses. I move my hands up to his hair, and I brush my fingers through it, making it messy. I've always loved seeing Jim with his messy hair. I place a knee between his legs to get closer to him, and I notice that Jim gasps. I pull back and I look at him confused. He's biting his swollen lip, and his eyes are hazy and blown.

"You have no idea what you just did do you?" He states, his voice shaky as he pants from loss of breath. I furrow my brows confused, and a small humorous smile appears on Jim's lips. I look down at my knee between his legs as that seemed to be the factor that caused him to gasp, and realisation soon dawns on me. I look back up at his eyes, with a flush beginning to rise on my face. He laughs and shakes his head in disbelief.

"My virgin." He chuckles, and my face flushes red. I pout, which makes him chuckle more. He kisses my pout softly, a chuckle still in his throat.

"I don't want to be your virgin anymore." I whisper, and his chuckling dies down. My face is as red as the sun, and it's as hot as it is too. His blown pupils look deeply into my own, and I can feel his hot breath on my lips.

"You're sure?" He whispers lustfully, and I nod my head in reassurance. He leans off of the wall, and I pout because I really liked our position. A small, soft smile graces his lips, as he cups my chin. "Don't pout." He chuckles. "You'll love what I've got for you." He bites his lip, and he tangles his fingers with my own, as he slowly drags me down my hallway and towards my bedroom.


I wake up when I feel a shuffling beside me. I open my eyes slowly, only to be met with the brown ones that I love so much. A small smile rises to my lips.

"Morning angel." He whispers, whilst stretching his limbs. I laugh at the face he makes when he stretches and he pouts. He looks so beautiful like this - his messy hair covering his eyes, and naked... I like seeing him naked.

"Morning." I whisper back, placing a lazy kiss on his swollen lips. He kisses me back softly, but I can tell he's absolutely exhausted, especially after last night.

"You look sexy with those bruises." I look down at my body to see small, purple bruises littered all over my collar bone and neck. I press a finger into one of them, testing to see if it hurts like a normal bruise. "The marks show that your mine." He continues, and my heart hammers in my chest. There goes his possessive streak again, but I wouldn't have him any other way.

"We should probably discuss the plan. That's why I came over last night, until I was so beautifully interrupted." Jim chuckles and a faint blush rises to my cheeks. I wish I would stop doing that! Jim leans in and places a chaste kiss on my flushed cheeks. I guess he apparently loves them! Great!

"I love you." I whisper, not having told him it since the day in the bookshop.

"I love you too."

Hey guys! Well rip my emotions. Comment if you want me to do a third book. I do have an idea and I need to know your guy's opinions so I know how to end this haha!

Hope you enjoyed this update!


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