
By mrsmellarkable

436K 9.9K 5K

5 years after the rebellion, Katniss and Peeta are together and living in district 12. They are both happy al... More

New District 12
Happy Birthday!!
Wedding Planning
Wedding day
Authors Note
Honeymoon part1
Honeymoon Part2
Snow Day
District 4
The Accident
Don't leave me
I love you
Coming Home
Phone Call
Authors Note
Prep Team
The Scan
Will our lives ever be normal?
New Story - Please Read
Bed rest
Birthday Party
Merry Christmas!
Not the only one
Long nights, exhausting days.
Haymitch? Effie?
We couldn't be happier
This is our life now
Not an update//Sorry
District 10
The funeral
The Big, Big, Big Day!
Crashing Down
Without You
A Mellark Christmas
All good things

Train journey

9K 197 87
By mrsmellarkable


I stand at the train station looking down the foggy track that goes on for longer than my eyes can reach. Peeta's arm wraps around me as my body shivers from the freezing temperatures, I can't wait to get to District 4 so I can feel the hot sun on my face again.

Everyone stands at the train station waiting for our train to District 4 to arrive. We did have the chance to take a hovercraft to District 4 which would only take 4 hours, instead of a 24 train ride but we all agreed to take the train as the hovercrafts reminds some people of the games, including me.

I finally see the trains bright lights break through the thick layer of fog. Once the train brakes at the station we all walk on and find our rooms. The train is huge! Even bigger than the one that took us to the games. I suppose it would have to be big if 9 rooms are needed.

We all walk towards the end of the train which is the biggest carriage as all of our rooms are there, it looks like a hotel corridor as there are 5 rooms on each side facing each other.

On the right side there are family rooms and on the left are normal rooms with double beds.

Mine and Peetas room is on the left next to Haymitch, then there's Annie and Finn, Johanna and Mitch, then Effie who is on the end. On the right side opposite our room is the Hawthorne's, Pollux and his family next to them, Delly and her family then Thom's family opposite Johanna and Mitch.

It was 1 o'clock and nobody had had lunch so we all agreed to meet in the food carriage at 1.30pm.

Peeta and I walked into our room, thankfully it doesn't look like the one we stayed in on the way to the Capitol. It's wonderful, the walls are pale blue and there is a king sized bed with a red duvet.

The bed looks so nice! Peeta and I only have a double bed at home. I set my suitcase on the floor and run and jump onto the bed flat on my stomach. I can hear Peeta chuckle from behind me. I sit up and stretch my hand out towards him, he takes it and I pull him onto the bed with me.

"We have to get one of these for the house!" I say, completely in love with the bed.

"I love it!" I say stretching out across the bed. Before Peeta can reply I say quickly, "But not as much as I love you!" I tell him as I crawl on top of him and graze my lips across his saying "I could never love anything or anyone as much as I love you."

Our lips collide and we kiss gently but passionately, Peeta runs his tongue along my bottom lip asking for entrance and I accept, returning the favour. The kiss deepens every second.

I'm brought out of my dream world by the opening of our door and Haymitch's voice booming through our ears "I'm taking your mini bottles of alcohol from you fridge as you do--" he's cut off by the sight of Peeta and I on the bed, basically eating each other's faces.

"Oh god you two, we've only been on this train for 15 minutes and your already at it." He growls, unimpressed.

By this point Peeta and I are laying next to each other, laughing at him.

"Urh, anyway I'm taking these." He grunts, shaking the bottles and stumbles out of the room. I can tell he's already drunk his mini bottles of alcohol.

"Come on, we better get ready, we are meeting everyone for lunch in 10 minutes. " I say and Peeta nods his head and we both get up to get ready.

Peeta and I walk into the food cart together, where everyone else is waiting.

"Look who it is. I didn't know if you two would show up and we'd be greeted by the banging and moaning from your room while we eat." He says, and laughs at himself.

I glare at him and feel my cheeks heat up.

"Mummy what does he mean?" Bryony questions her mother, Fleur.

"Oh nothing sweetie, an adult joke." She says trying to cover it up as she's only 9.

I take a seat next to Dellys 4 year old daughter Ivy and Peeta sits next to me.

"AUNTY KATNISS!" She squeals.

"Hey Ivy! Look how big your getting! You'll be as big as Bryony is soon." I say, poking her stomach as she laughs.

I reach over and grab a cheese bun. I take a bite and my mouth bursts with flavour, they aren't as good as Peetas but they'll do.

Thoms 1 year old daughter Calla begins to get restless and starts to cry so his wife Flora takes her back to their room for a while to get her to calm down.

I begin to think how hard it will be if Peeta and I have a baby, all those late nights and non stop crying. It'll be worth it though, that's what everyone says.

I feel Peeta's hand run up and down my thigh, it's quite relaxing actually. He carries on doing this for the rest of lunch.

After we had all finished eating we all go into the television room. The boys put sports on and Finn, Bryony, Ivy and Gales twin sons, Noah and Hunter play a board game in the corner. Gales wife Rose, Pollux's wife Fleur, Effie, Annie, Johanna and Delly drink tea and chat on the other sofa while Flora and I sit on the floor and play with Calla.

"You and Peeta had any luck yet with the baby?" Flora asks looking up from Calla. I shake my head, no.

"I'm sorry. You know it took 3 months for me to get pregnant with Calla. Don't give up hope, it'll happen." She smiles.

"Thanks, we just want a child so bad. you've seen the way Peeta is around around the kids, I just feel so bad for him, he's always wanted a family." I say letting Calla play with the wedding ring on my finger.

She smiles, "you'll make a great mum you know." she says.

I just smile at her.

We talk for a little longer, until Calla starts to cry again.

"I'm gonna take her back to our room." she says rocking Calla back and forth.

When she leaves I get up and go to sit by Peeta. He wraps his arm around me and kisses my forehead as I lay my head on his chest.

I watch the children play their board game in the corner of the room. It doesn't really look like a good game but they are all so amused, even Noah and Hunter who are 2 and don't really now what's going on.

Bryony the eldest at 9 has her mothers ginger hair with her fathers features. Noah and Hunter, Gales twin sons and identical and the spit image on Gale, they have some of their mother, Roses features to though. Ivy, Delly and Ansels daughter has her mothers kind, bubbly personality, but her fathers dark hair. Then there's Finn, identical to his father Finnick, I don't know how Annie stands it. Calla, although she's only one she has straight blonde hair like her mother that's sticks up in all directions. Looking at them all reminds me of how much I really want a family of my own with Peeta.

It's getting late now and the children are getting tired so we all decide to head to bed.

Peeta and I get dressed into our night clothes, Peeta just in boxers as usual. He looks so gorgeous! Why does he do this to me!!

We both snuggle up close to each other, even though we have loads of room in the bed as it's king sized. Peeta holds me close as I lay my head on his chest as usual.

After a while of just laying there, I turn to him and look his dead in the eyes.

"I love you." I say

"I love you too." he replies

I lean in to kiss him and our lips move in slow motion together, not roughly. The complete opposite, it was full of love and passion.

I really do love my boy with the bread.


Sorry about not updating in a week, I've been so busy! I'll try and update more, I promise. I just wanted to remind you about the children in that chapter because there are a lot of them and I hadn't mentioned them in a while and I didn't want you to get confused.

The next chapter will be exciting I promise, for those of you who might want some excitement in the story! Please comment you opinion on this story.

Love you and May the Odds be Ever in you Favour!



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