The Pen is Mightier than the...

By TheKiligStories

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Yamada Taro. Upperclassman, book-worm, chick magnet. Yamada Taro. Bland, boring, plain, but has an appeal to... More


Chapter One: Phone Call

27 0 0
By TheKiligStories

Ch 1: 電話

There are a lot of things where a 'ringing' sound can be heard. It can come from an ambulance, the deafening silence, or maybe an alarm clock.

In my case, it's my little sister imitating a ringing phone.

Early morning I felt like my insides were being pounded over and over. The bed was squeaking with such force as my ears hurts from her ever high pitch voice, chanting continously.

"RINGRINGRINGRINGRINGRING!" Hanako shouted over and over in a joyous tone as she kept bouncing up and down on my stomach.

I think I'm going to be sick.

"Nope! You're going to be late for school!"

Eh? Did I say that out loud?

"Come oooon! You're going to be late!" Hanako whined as she kept on bouncing on my stomach. God, it hurts now. "H-Hanako-chan, can you please get off my stomach? It's s-starting to hurt..."

She stopped bouncing, thank God. But she didn't stop chanting--or rather ringing--in a high-pitched voice. My fingers curled inside my ears, face squinting. "Haanakoooo..." I moaned in despair. She stopped. My head is still dizzy so I laid there for a while. I opened my eyes and looked at my sister who is still sitting on my stomach.

Hanako had her hand resting on her cheeks. She had a wide smile on her face, black eyes twinkling. She's giving me a cute look. Oh God...that could only mean one thing.

"You want pancakes on the way to school, don't you?" I guessed. Hanako puffed her cheeks. "How'd you know?"

"The look on your face." I tried to sit up. I picked Hanako up and set her down on the floor. I yawned, stretching my back before I hear my bones popping. Dang, I slept like a log. Hanako was already dressed in her school uniform. White blouse, red ribbon bowtie, black suspenders and skirt, I say she's ready to go to school.

"Wait, did you eat breakfast already?" I asked with a brow raised. She looked at me with a hum and shook her head. "Nope! I was waiting for you to wake up!"

I groaned. "Hanakooo..." I muttered. But it did soften my heart. It was kind of her to wait for me, and responsible too! I don't want her burning our only house. That reminds me...what time is it? I looked over to my bedside and spotted the small clock. Red numbers flashed on screen. 7:20 AM. Huh.

HUH 7:20??

"HANAKO!" My sister flinched, dropping the rabbit plushie. "Why didn't you wake me up earlier than seven?!" I know shouting at your sister is bad, but she could've atleast woke me up earlier than that!

Hanako giggled and shrugged. Sigh. Osana is probably waiting for me. She always do. We usually walk together to school that's why we have a schedule when waking up. As childhood friends, it's normal. She probably went to school without me.

"Anyways, Najimi-senpai came by and I told her you're still sleeping." She said with a smile, picking up Mr. Hoppers from the ground. I felt sweat build at my neck. I nodded, standing up to fix my bed. I'll just assume she's pissed as usual.

Osana likes to be punctual. As annoying as she is, I don't blame her. Being punctual is okay. I just hope she's not mad when I get to school.

I tousled Hanako's hair after fixing my bed. "I'll make breakfast. Wait for me at the table."

She smiled widely before nodding, running outside my room.

The sun peaked through my windows. Little beams of light under the nooks of the frame. The fresh smell of tree leaves wafted through my room. When I opened my window I got the view of the peaceful neighborhood I learned to grow with. A cat meowed and another replied. The bell of the newsboy dinged softly. I saw him speeding on his bike, tossing a fresh roll of newspaper at every doorstep. I sighed in content.

I better take a quick shower then get dressed before cooking.

I'm Yamada Taro. Upperclassman of Akademi High and an older brother to Yamada Hanako. I guess I'll be the first to say that my life is pretty boring if I'm not behind books. That's about it.

I set my bag at a chair and tied an apron around my waist. Hanako was reading a girl's magazine as she sit crossed leg, elbows resting on the table. I cooked our usual breakfast: riced, miso soup, chopped vegetables, and eggrolls.

We said our graces before eating. I'm not a great cook but I'm not bad either. Hanako enjoys my cooking which makes me happy.

This is how it usually goes. Normal. Domestic. It's quite peaceful actually.

Hanako took initiative to pick the bowls and plates to the sink. She looked at me expectantly. Right, the pancakes. I checked the clock. I only have a few minutes. Pancakes are easy to cook so hopefully they'll be finished, saving me a few more minutes to walk to school.

I was wrong. I was HECCING wrong.

The moment I checked the clock for the end time, my body went to rush mode--

A h h h Hhh fuCk--


"Ah--eh uh bye big brother!"

I nearly tripped over our gate. My bag was slipping from my shoulder and I'm pretty sure my water jug is spilling. Fuck me fuck me fuck meeee--

Do you know what happens when you're late? You get sent straight home. Straight home! And it's my first day being a third year student!

Fuck me fuck me fuck meeee--

Hell no I'm not gonna be late! Not now not ever!

Fuck me and my stupid lazy lookin ass--


Next thing I knew my breath getting caught in my throat. I fell hard on my bottom. Dang, that impact was strong. I feel like it's going to sore for a while...

Though who bumped into me?

I looked up and saw a schoolgirl (second year maybe?) on the concrete, rubbing her head. That impact must've buzzed her mind.

I tried to stand up, wincing, but walked towards her. "Hey, are you okay?"

Actually, brain, can't you think of something else that's...I don't know...has MORE common sense?

"E-Eh?" The girl gingerly raised her head. Color rose to her cheeks as her eyes lit candles in the dark.

I offered her a hand. "I'm sorry about that," I smiled. "I was in a hurry that I didn't saw you."

Her stare lingered for a moment. Her hands slid into mine. I'll admit, her skin was smoother than mine I can feel my rough palm against it. I think she felt it too judging by the colors deepening on her face.

I helped her stand up. She still haven't spoke a word. When I noticed her staring, her eyes frantically looked everywhere. She must've been embarrassed.

I bowed politely, "sorry again!" I ran off as fast as I could. I still don't want to be late! Though for some reason I can't shake off the feeling that she's still staring at me.


I can feel the tension filling up the auditorium. The room was quiet. Dead quiet. My back is straining from being straight, my knees are sore from kneeling, and my breathing was turning ragged from my too-fast beating heart. Sweat trickled down my nape.

Attendance. Possibly every Japanese student's fear. Attendance in my country is very strict. Not only do you need to be punctual, but there are a series of checklist that need to be assessed.

Dresscode, hair, shoes, nails, etc.! I remember seeing a girl get sent home because she wasn't wearing her school tie.

Every Akademian was kneeling in straight posture on a blue mat, all aligned in straight rows and columns. All are arranged alphabetically and according to their year level. Now you see how strict this is--

My nose twitched. Fuck.

I hastily scanned the auditorium. Rows of black and colored hair stood out. My nose twitched again. I feel...I feel it coming.

A figure moved in my peripheral. A teacher--Kanon-sensei I think--had a clipboard in her hand. Her face was serious. No one looked at her but I know that they're screaming inside.


What the f u c k.

I can't sneeze now! Wrong timing! Wrong timing! If I sneeze, it'll be an embarrasment!


I sharply inhaled. Then it was gone. Then it was back again. Kanon-sensei moved towards our aisle.

I began to curse inside my head, begging not to sneeze. But my nose was twitching and twitching, causing me to sharply inhale then slowly exhale.

Kanon-sensei is close. She's moving closer. I closed my eyes, accepting my fate.


The sneeze echoed throughout the auditorium. Silence fell again. My eyes opened wide. I was in the middle of my sneeze then it was gone. Someone else took it for me! Holy shit!

All the students swerved their head to the sound. We instantly composed ourselves upon hearing the loud snap from the principal.

Despite looking scraggly and old, he's still terrifying. No one dare to cross him.

The sneeze was unidentified and attendance continued. I let out a deep exhale when sensei finished with our aisle. And before we knew it, attendance was over.

But...that feeling was still there.


"You overslept AGAIN!" 

You're probably wondering where that high pitched voice comes from.

"I'm not your personal alarm clock you know!"

Yep. You guess right. It's Osana Najimi, my childhood best friend.

"Honestly Taro you should be more responsible!"

Early in the morning and she decided to let her blood levels rise higher than my life expectancy. And did she just say I should be more responsible...?

"Are you even listening to me?!"

I blinked my eyes at her and sighed. "Yes, and I'm sorry Najimi-san." I bowed. Osana puffed her now-red cheeks and crossed her arms. She turned her nose, still pissed. Man, if it bothers her so much maybe I should just walk by myself. It could save both of us from her ranting.

Besides...she's sort of right. She's not my personal alarm clock. She's my best friend EVEN if she sounds like  an angry mother scolding her child. It was thoughtful of her to even walk with me to school. "Sorry." I said again, scratching my neck. "I made you wait for me again. If it bothers you, I think you shouldn't wait for me anymore." I offered in a quiet voice. Osana turned to me with wide eyes. 

Her guard dropped and her expression soften. "No...that's not...well I mean--" She stuttered. It's rare to see this side of her. Her soft side, that is. I really like her soft side. Sadly, she quickly snapped back and her sour expression returned. "Listen dummy! I'm the only person HERE at this VERY SCHOOL that knows what would happen if YOU walk all alone! Do you know how many d-dangers that are out there in the streets? Huh? HUH??"

I looked at her with wide eyes. Damn, she's giving me mixed signals every time I'm with her. Then it clicked. Ohhh--I see how it is.

I leaned back, crossing my arms, and gave her a knowing smirk. As expected, Osana stepped back, face red and confused. Heh. works every time. "Osana..." I teased, looking at her with half-lidded eyes. "Don't tell me you're actually worried about me..."

"W-What?!" She stammered. I inched closer to her. Her face grew bright red. I can hear her heart pounding from her chest and her ragged breathing. My smirk just grew wider. "Aww, that's so sweet of you--"

I fell back as Osana pushed my face away from hers. I regained my balance before I fell down completely. When I looked back up at my friend her face was red like cherry, steam coming out of her nose as her brows were stitched together in such a flustered state. I couldn't help but stifle a giggle.

The more flustered and angry she looked the more I let out the laughs stuck in my chest. "What the hell is so funny?!" I doubled over, laughing loudly like an idiot. But I didn't care, I enjoyed teasing her. With an attitude like Osana's, how can I not? I love her like a sister. And as an older brother teasing your younger siblings is part of your bloodline.

As I gasp for some air I felt gentle punches pounding at my chest. "Ow--ow okay--haha--okay I'm sorry please stop!" I pleaded the fiery warrior, tears brimming my eyes as I calmed myself down. Osana stopped and stomped her foot. "Meanie!"

"I said I was sorry." I smiled sheepishly, rubbing the back of my neck. Osana glared at me. I can tell that she's still pissed by the way her nose scrunches and her lips pouted to the side. "Hmp!" Her hands planted on her hips and she stepped closer. "Whatever! Just...come at the rooftop at lunch, okay?" She demanded. Though it was an invitation it gave off a different vibe because of her tone. I resisted the urge to roll my eyes. "Okay okay, I'll come."

Might as well agree, right?'s not like I have a choice.

Osana beamed at me. Her pout curved into a big grin. Is getting my "yes" an achievement?

"Good! Don't be late." She prodded a finger at my chest before turning her heel. She was pretty easy to spot in the sea of students still coming to the entrance. The strands of her long twintails fluttered as she walked. Her hair was in a fading gradient of fiery orange to a softer tone. Besides everyone, only Osana has a confident stride. I felt myself smile.

Maybe that's why I like her.


First and second period was pretty much the same. There were some new students that introduced themselves up front, writing their names on the chalkboard then proceed to introduce ourselves. When it got to us it sprouted some inside jokes. And memes. Possibly because we already knew each other since last year.

After that the teacher went on about basic grammar and biology. In separate periods I tend to space out after writing a block of notes. It happens a lot now that I have to juggle my responsibilities as a working student, a brother, and a third ranking honor roll. It was sheer luck. Luck that I don't want to take for granted.

When the bell rang, signaling recess, everyone scrambled to stand up. Bet they're eager to leave class. "Now remember to read Chapter 5 for a graded recitation tomorrow!" Kanon-sensei reminded us as she too, neatly placed her notebooks away. We all chorused an answer. I tucked my notebooks and pencilcase inside my bag when I felt someone bump my shoulder. My biology book dropped to the floor. 

I bent down--muttering an apology--and picked up my book. 

I heard a scoff then the sounds of shoes scraping the floor. When I looked up I saw one of the new students already tangled between two giggling girls. The spikes of his hair were dyed deep green, a pair of shades perched up his head as he eyed both girls the look of a typical playboy.

I rolled my eyes. It's not my business. He can do whatever he wants; it's his choice. He'll face the consequences of his actions.

"Hey Taro!" An energetic voice called behind me. I felt a slap on my shoulder nearly dropping my book. I recognized that cologne and bubbly aura anywhere.

With a smile I turned to him, bag already ready. "Hey Budo." I greeted. Budo grinned widely at me. With the way his white teeth gleamed, I might as well be blinded by it. He looks like he's the type to endorse Colgate or something.

As I shouldered my bag he followed me out of the classroom. The chatters from the hallways filled the school with life. I always loved this atmosphere. Laid back, calm, lively.

This is normal for me.

Budo kept his hands inside his pocket. His spiky hair stuck at all ends but it still makes him handsome. "You considered joining the Martial Arts Club?" There it is. The usual invitation. He grinned sheepishly at me when he saw my expression.

"For the last time, Budo. I'm not joining." I answered as politely as I could. I didn't want to offend him. Budo let out a childish groan. "Awe, c'mon tenshi! You can't just sit alone during break time completely defensless!"

I nearly winced at the nickname. Despite the warm blood rushing to my ears, it's cringey in a way. I glanced at him with a brow raised, "actually I can."

"How so?" He tilted his head. "You're there to defend me." I smirked, walking way ahead of him as he gathered his thoughts on what I just said.

Hey, it's not my fault that my brain conjures a bunch of nonsensical, dumb, and even smooth answers!

"Why you!" I heard Budo's rambling get thinner as I walked towards the center of the school. A smile stayed on my lips. Typical Budo.

Besides Osana, Budo was one of my best friends. Maybe not childhood best friend but still. He wasn't wrong about the vulnerability part. I could barely defend myself, much less hurt a fly!

As I walked to sit at my usual spot, my mind wanders off to the past. I reminisced the times when I was the target for the bullying. Usually it's Osana whenever it goes too far. But when it got physical...that ravenette was there for me.

"And never show your face again! Unless you want a taste of this!" The young boy kicked his foot in the air and curled his fist in an attempt to be intimidating. This made the bullies run away with tear stained cheeks.

When they were gone, he turned to sobbing girl all curled up on the ground. The boy knelt and cradled her face. "They're gone now." He assured. She hiccuped as tears continued to fall. "H-How can you be s-sure?"

He grinned. His pearly white teeth tugged at the corners of her lips. "As long as you stick with me, I'm sure."

"My name is Budo. And you are?" Budo asked politely. The girl wiped her tears before answering in a timid manner.



"Wh-huh?" I blinked, snapping out of my trance as I wondered where I was. Oh yeah, I'm in my spot.

And Osana is right in front of me. Fuming. Okay maybe fuming might be an overstatement. She glared down at me with her hands planted on her hips. "You were spacing out. What are you thinking about, hm?" She squinted suspiciously at me. My lips turned into a line as I looked up at her.

I swear if she thinks I'm thinking about that chapter in "Pleasure Me" I'm—

"Are you thinking about Yuki and Kara in Chapter 15 of Pleasure Me?"

—going to put my sandwich down. In which I did. "No, Osana. I wasn't thinking of that." I groaned, cheeks pink. The red-head in front of me only smirked. She took her place beside me, taking out two slices of egg sandwich and taking a bite.

"Then what were you thinking of?" She muttered between bites. I only shook my head. Honestly after that "flashback" it all faded back to the depths of my brain. I only remember snippets of it but's indescribable.

"Nevermind that. How was class?" I asked, forking a piece of pancake. Osana scrunched her nose and rolled her eyes. "It could be better. We have a new classmate by the way."

Huh, looks like there are a lot of new students here. I swallowed a bite. "Well what are they like?"

A pair of chopsticks nearly poked my eyes. Osana's lips were curved into a suspicious pout, eyebrows arched and eyes narrowed. "Why are you interested? Are you going to court them? Ask for their number?!"


Honestly where does she get her assumptions? Can't I just be curious? The look I'm wearing gave it off because she backed away and turned her nose, resuming her meal. "Whatever. I didn't even pay attention."

"Now look who's rude," I muttered, eating my pancakes. "What was that?!"



My phone vibrated in my pocket, tearing my attention away from our conversation. Now what could that be? "It must be Hanako." I told Osana, excusing myself as I stood up.

I fished my phone out of my pocket and looked at the messages.

My throat caught my breath. I blinked, squinting, making sure what I'm seeing is real.

[Visitor-San sent 3 messages]
[Visitor-San sent a message]
[Visitor-San: ...]

No way...after a month of silence she's still alive! I can't believe it! I can already feel some of the students giving me a glance from my small dance. My fingers moved as if they have minds of their own.

It's been a while, I missed her. Though her username says Visitor-San, she goes by Vi too.

Vi is my internet friend. I met her in the group chat of my workplace. Apparently she works there too, during the day that is. Out of everyone she was the one I chatted with the most. Although I'm wary of strangers in the internet (would it still be considered a stranger if she works where I work in?) Vi gave off an approachable vibe. I trust her (not completely).

She's an optimistic and fun person. That's why my face suddenly fell when I read over her messages.

[Visitor-San]: u there
[Visitor-San]: i need you
[Visitor-San]: inneed someoke rn
[Visitor-San]: you rpobably wont see this but still,,
[Visitor-San]: cruing rn

I'm not the type to suddenly get worried over someone through text. But I've known her for almost a year. Plus, I get to see her from my workplace from time to time. Judging from the typos, she needs help. More so...


[VeggieBoy]: where r u?
Visitor-San is typing...
[Visitor-San]: bathroom
[Visitor-San]: dyk the school name is weird

I felt myself smile as I paced around the hallway. She knows how to calm herself down. Or maybe she is calm at the moment and just needs someone to accompany her.

[VeggieBoy]: how weird?
[Visitor-San]: like,,, the name akademi and then high,,, like saying axademy high-

I froze.

[VeggieBoy]: ...what did you say the school's name was?

This can't be. If Vi meant Akademi High as in the Akadami High as IN MY SCHOOL...

Then that means...

[Visitor-San]: uh akademi high?
VeggieBoy is typing...
[VeggieBoy]: what floor are you in.

Right after I hit send I began to quickly walk upstairs. I can feel the adrenaline starting to rush, despite my breathing being steady. I dashed past students, muttering apologies as my eyes were glued to my phone.

Please let this be real...

[Visitor-San]: uh
[Visitor-San]: third floor-

I stopped in my tracks.

There was a second year student timidly peeking out of the third floor girl's bathroom. My breath hitched.

We stared at each other. Wide eyes. Breath held. My palm began to sweat as she shuffled in her feet, looking at me from head to toe.

Finally, my mouth moved. "V...Vi?"

Next thing I knew, she was in my arms.

It felt so surreal. She was in my arms, physically. I could feel her heartbeat thumping from her chest, her warm breath as her body trembled beneath mine. She was crying...but in a good way. I hope.

Something swelled in my chest. It was nearly indescribable. But I fully know what it is: joy.

I know I know, I might be overreacting with what I'm feeling. We work in the same place, have video call yadda yadda yadda. Yes, we work in the same place but we haven't gotten into any real contact before. Even when we planned on meeting up.

I am so treasuring this moment.

"T-Taro? Is this really you?" She raised her head, glasses askew. I stifled a chuckle but nodded. Vi grinned widely at me. I tucked a hair behind her ear and offered a handkerchief.

When she wiped her tears, I grabbed her wrist. My eyes could might as well be stars from the excitement. "Come on, I need to introduce you to my friends." I invited. It wasn't a problem, she happily obliged.

Her real name turns out to be Shirī Junansei. She's very short (like she's the shortest out of us three) and thin. I poked her ribs and I could almost feel the bones. Shirī told me that she's doing what she can to not be underweight. I got worried that she's not eating properly but she reassured me that she is.

I first introduced her to Osana. Though, she only eyed Shirī from head to toe before dismissing her. I told her it was rude, and that she could at least greet her.

"I already know her since she's in the same class as I am." She huffed, crossing her arms. I gave her a look but said nothing.

Budo, however, gave Shirī a warm welcome. Needless to say she was flattered. Could I blame her? That Martial Arts master have some appeal on him. I just hope he won't tell her to join his club. Not that I'm stopping him from advertising, it's just that he literally tells someone he just met to join the club.

"So you're that internet friend Taro has been telling me, huh?" Budo asked. Shirī only nodded with a shy smile. "Well it was nice to meet you! Class is starting soon, we better get back to our class."

Right, it's almost time. I turned back to her and politely bowed. Shirī was taken back for a moment but she bowed as well. She's still getting accustomed to our tradition. One mistake makes her a stammering mess.

"Bye, Yamada-san." Shirī waved and turned her heel. "Goodbye." I smiled, following Budo to our classroom.

I must admit meeting my online friend and co-worker brightened my day. Hell, she's my batchmate too!

After that it felt like I was back from where it is. Normal. Nothing too eventful. Just a normal school year...


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