This Girl - Richie Tozier x R...

By Yuki_Yookie

437K 9.8K 25.8K

Richie was your first friend in Derry. He made you laugh, he saved you, and loves you. And you love him. Bruh... More

Here's the New Book
I know I know another Book!?


12.3K 302 391
By Yuki_Yookie

It had spiderman and its Wednesday^^

My friends were worried I guess.
Its just that I seen her with Stan my own friend. I've never felt so many feelings before.

I laid there in bed until I fell asleep.

I wake up early and look in the mirror. I changed my clothes and decided to act different.

I got to school put stuff away and went to class. Eddie was there writing, probly finishing work.

"Hey Eds" I say and he looks up "What did I say about calling me that" he says "well what do you prefer? Eds or babe" I say "neither your creep" he says and looks down

"What was with you yesterday?" Eddies asks "off day I guess" I say and he looks shocked "you never have off days" he says

"You felt mad and sad,
didn't you?" He asks "you could tell? Huh" I say "were you sad/mad about Stan and y/n" he says and looks back up

"How did you know and why are you acting like some wizard??" I say "well you were staring at her, A lot" "and your point is???" I asks and he shakes his head

"Talk to her" he says
"I can't" "yes you can" "fine" I say giving up

Skipping to lunch (for the 90th time)

I walk up to y/n
"I need to talk to you" I say trying not to get nervous "oh ok" she says and we walk to the hallway

"What do we need to talk
about?" She asks "I need to get my feelings out, but y/n I like you. No, I Love you" I say trying not to freak out

"Richie...I..I love you to but" she stops "I know your with Stan" I say and she nods "but if you ever do leave him, just know I'm always here"

(This sounds nothing like Richie but ok)

"I dunno if I will but we'll see" she says and hugs me as I hug her back the she leaves.


(I'm not going to write about you and Stan's date cause I to lazy)

Stan and y/n had their
first date. Stan set up a nice setting in his backyard and treated her with her favorite food and gifts

That was two weeks ago

Two weeks ago Stan gave me
the most lovely date ever.

I was on my way to class
when I seen Stan talking to
Sally Weigshaar.
(Its a real girl at my school)
Sally had long brown hair, glasses on her hazel eyes, and
her sketch book in her arms that she carries everywhere.

I just stood there but walked away. I sit down as the bell rings and listen to Mrs. Bessers give a speech about 'growing bodies'
Ew..I barely listen yet I knew so much

I catch Richie staring

The announcements turn on
"People who signed up for servant of evil, Meet in the music room to see your roles you got"

The bell rings and I head to the music room. "Paper is on the wall over there" I hear her say

Many students complained about the roles they got. I read and got the Role 'Kings Servant'.
"Yes!" I say and walk out the too. To see Beverly

"So did you get the part you wanted?" "Yes" I say and she smiles "I'm so proud!" She says and hugs me.

I walk home. And see my mom sitting on the couch without a bottle. "Hi mom" she looks over "hey" she says

"I auditioned for a play" "do you get in?" She asks sounding much much different "yes I did" I say and she smiles "I'm proud"

I walk up to my room and sit on my bed. And just read a book cause I'm bored.

I ate dinner and it got dark out so I climbed in bed and thought about my instant life change from

Sad/alone to Happy/not alone
Then thought about Richie
How he told me he loved me.

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