ᴴᵉˡˡᵈᵒᵍ || ᵇ.ᵇ.ᵖ.ᶜ

By littleebambii

282K 8.3K 2.5K

In which a helpless boy falls into the grasp of a mafia leader. More

Foreword °
Prolouge °
Chapter 1 °
Chapter 2 °
Chapter 3 °
Chapter 4 °
Chapter 5 °
Chapter 6 °
Chapter 7 °
Chapter 8 °
Chapter 9 °
Chapter 11 °
Chapter 12 °
Chapter 13 °
Chapter 14 °
Chapter 15 °
Chapter 16 °
Chapter 17 °
Chapter 18 °
Chapter 19 °
Chapter 20 °
Chapter 21 °
Chapter 22 °
Chapter 23 °
Chapter 24 °

Chapter 10 °

6.9K 292 50
By littleebambii

  ・゚  baekhyun's pov

'"Sit down, we're okay but you need to stay seated." Kyungsoo tells me, taking my hand in his own to keep me in place. I ignored his words for the time being, all I could hear were distant gun shots—screams echoing from the other side of the mansion. And it did little to ease my anxiety.

''W-What if they don't come back.." I whisper aloud, fearing what would happen if they were to die. What would happen to us?

''They wont't!" Luhan replied with a cold tone, giving me a tearful glare. Clearly we were all on edge and I wasn't helping the situation by freaking out.

''Kyungsoo..did Jongin hurt you too in the beginning..?" I dared to ask, but I needed to know. I truly couldn't understand how Luhan could look at Sehun with so much longing in his dark eyes, so much love in those orbs.

''He hurt me in more ways than one. but over time I fell for his charms--I allowed myself to feel that way because I believed he would never love me back so there was no harm in allowing it. For a while it was just a little fantasy I created to stay sane.."

''But he does love you now?" I asked, curious.

''Yes, a lot happened..but we both knew we needed each other to be happy. I only wish we had known sooner." he answered glancing at the door his fingers ringing at the bottom of his shirt, anxious.

''D-Did he ever hit you?" I whisper making both of the boys freeze.

''He did once. Only once." Kyungsoo replied, our eyes met and I saw the pity lingering in those orbs of his.

''T-Then why.." Luhan cuts me off mid-sentence.

''Chanyeol is a different man Baekhyun. He lost himself years ago, he used to be such a sweet man. You were just one of the unlucky ones to fall into his web." I stare at him with wide eyes, Chanyeol used to be kind? That I could not imagine.

''I remember when he took us to the lake, he was so cute back then. he used to fear holding a gun unless he needed to. Then everything changed when he-'' the door flew open and the room went cold. In walked Jongin, his shirt covered in blood, dripping onto the floor behind him. Kyungsoo chokes out a sob--rushing towards his lover. He held him close despite the blood now mixing in with his clean shirt. Luhan and I share a look and walk out from the dark corner of the room. Our hands were tangled, he gave me strength surprisingly. Maybe because I knew if he were beside me neither Chanyeol or Sehun would shoot.

We paused, shouting coming from just outside the door, I didn't want to see but Luhan was stronger than I and I quickly followed behind him like a weak puppy, clinging to his arm. In-front of us was Chanyeol--beating a man's face—or what was left of it.

''Stop Chanyeol!" Sehun shouts, trying to pull the beast away from the corpse.

It took almost an hour for the beast to finish, there wasn't anything left by the time he deemed it enough. Blood dirtied the floors, splattered all over his pale skin, eyes practically glowing with anger. And when those soulless orbs landed on me I knew, I just knew he was coming for me next.


My breath came out painfully, hands wrapped tightly around my throat. I did little to help, nails digging into his hands trying to rip him off of me.

''P-Please!" I wheeze, tears rolling down my cheeks.

''You ruined things, you ruined it!" He screams in my face, eyes turning red.I had no idea what he was speaking of, or if he was even referring to me. I was just a punching bag to him, I wasn't human—hell, I wasn't even a dog. I was a corpse to him, awaiting for the next beating to satisfy his growing anger.

''I-I'm sorry.." I had no idea why i was even apologizing, but i thought it would help—it would be the only thing t save me before he ended up suffocating me completely. I had no other option than to lie down and take it.

''Your only job is to please me. Nothing more and nothing less. Fucking slut." he growled, his voice sounded so raw— dead. And it frightened me. I let the tears flow freely, my arms falling limp at my side.

''If you do something like that again, I will kill you pet." He said it so calmly it hurt. Again, I had done nothing but I nodded, glancing at the sheets. I didn't make another noise that night, even when he discarded my clothes, and beat my behind until I could no longer feel my skin.

I feared I was slowly slipping away.

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