The Jeweled Spider (RWBY - Sp...

By NiceGameEh

178K 1.8K 2.5K

What happens when team RWBY of Beacon Academy is sent to deal with Roman Torchwic and finds it already taken... More

A/N Start of Something New
Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man
A New Job
Two Sides, Same Coin Part 1
Two Sides, Same Coin Part 2
Two Sides, Same Coin Part 3 (Venom Arc Finale)
Final Notice - Voting
Awkward Explanations
A/N Decisions
The Black Cat
Family Problems
Sorry A/N Note
1K Read Special!
Greed and Pride
Wrath and Vain
The Doctor
Doc Ock
A Fight With An Octopus
The Goblin
The Vytal Tournament
A Hero Falls
Happy Halloween!

The Demonstration Disaster

3.7K 50 40
By NiceGameEh

A/N: Hey guys! So I'm back here again! This chapter is the demonstration that makes Otto, Doc Ock. Next chapter will be the end of his time, but then you can get more lovey dovey with Blake. 

Yami: Are you selling your soul here too?

A/N: Uh, well... Hehehe...

Yami: *sigh* 

A/N: Hey! I haven't said anything! I was going to say not unless they want me too!

Yami: If this is confusing you, Y/N, A/N is saying he'll make a lemon in a few chapters if you really want him too. Like the Dark Souls story!

A/N: Don't remind me! I'm working on it, ok!

Yami: *mumbling* Maybe I should make one about us...

A/N: What was that?

Yami: *blushing* NOTHING!

A/N: Alright... Enjoy!

3rd Person POV

Y/N was walking with Lisa to the demonstration. He was excited to see the fusion reactor be put into action. The idea of a self sustaining energy source was one that scientists had been talking about for years. Otto was the only one to find a sway to actually pull it off though. 

Lisa: Nervous?

Y/N: A little. He'll pretty much be making a sun in there.

Lisa: Wow, that's something.

Y/N: I talked with him the other day about it.

Lisa: You did?

Y/N: Yeah, my old friend, Terry Ironwood, took me to meet him.

Lisa: You sure know some important people!

Y/N: Well, are you nervous about talking to Octavius?

Lisa: Absolutely, but I can't let this opportunity slip by me! This'll make a great story! Maybe you can introduce me to him?

Y/N: Haha, I'll try!

We kept walking until we bumped into Terry.

Y/N: Hey Terry!

Terry: Y/N! How are you? 

Y/N: I'm good. You uh, on your way to the demonstration now?

Terry: Yeah, I was. Oh? Who's this?

Lisa: Lisa Lavender of the VNN. A pleasure to meet you Mr. Ironwood.

Terry: Pleasure's all mine. I hear you're Y/N's boss?

Lisa: That I am.

Terry: He's a handful, always getting into trouble. Keep him out of it for me will ya?

Lisa: Will do. Y/N's quite the photographer.

Terry: I see some things just don't change.

Y/N: Yeah, I'm still just as good as when we were younger at getting pictures at just the right moment.

Terry: How could I forget... It's like you were able to quick draw you camera, snap a pic and put it away in the blink of an eye!

Y/N: Well, I've been doing it a long time.

Lisa: I hate to break up this brotherly bonding session, but shouldn't we get to the demonstration?

Y/N: Oh, right! We only have a few minutes before we can go in.

We continued walking with Terry until we reached the building. We entered and saw a few reporters there and the machines all set up at the front of the room. Also, there was something covered by a tarp closer to the entrance that I hadn't noticed before. Otto started walking over to us and I gave him a wave.

Y/N: Well, you wanted to meet him?

Lisa: Right! Mr. Octavius, I'm Lisa Lavender from the VNN. I'd like to ask you a few questions about the demonstration.

Otto: I see no harm in it. Y/N, I see you made it.

Y/N: I wouldn't miss this! No way! Plus... I kind of have to be here. Job and all.

Otto chuckled a bit before turning to Lisa as they had their little interview. I talked with Rosie and Terry for a bit before the rest of the reporters pooled in. Otto went up to the front of the group and began the demonstration.

Otto: Welcome everyone, to the first ever fusion reaction demonstration. Now before we begin, has anyone lost a large roll of twenty dollar bills in a rubber band? Because we found the rubber band.

Everyone laughed a bit at that before Otto continued.

Otto: Ah, it's a terrible joke. Anyways, I'd like to start us off with the key to making this fusion reaction controllable.

He walked over to the object close to us, covered by a tarp. He pulled away the tarp to reveal a machine of some sort that had four limbs on it. He stepped up to the device and pulled a part of it around his waits, fastening it to his body before typing some things into a key pad. The machine then fully closed around his body and clipped in the back. 

A long, metal device went up his back and and a light turned on at the top before pins went into his back. The crowd cringed at the sight as Otto winced in pain a bit before looking up. After a few seconds, one of the limbs came free of the stand and opened up, the other three following suite. He held up his arms along with the mechanical arms.

Otto: These smart arms are controlled by my brain through a neural link. Nanowires feed directly into my cerebellum allowing me to use these arms to control fusion reaction in an environment no human hand could enter.

Lisa: Doctor, if the artificial intelligence in the arms is as advanced as you suggest couldn't that make you vulnerable to them?

Otto: How right you are. Which is why I developed this inhibitor chip to protect my higher brain function. It means I maintain control of these arms, instead of them controlling me. And now onto the main event. Give me the blue light, Rosie.

Some of the scientists moved the machinery away and we saw the device that would create the fusion reaction. A light shone on it as Otto approached it, using one of the arms to grab a small ball.

Otto: Precious tritium is the fuel that makes this project go. There's only 25 pounds of it on the whole planet. I'd like to thank Terry Ironwood and the Atlas Military for providing it.

Terry: Happy to pay the bills Otto!

Otto released the ball as it spun in the center of the device. Rosie came up to him and handed him some tinted goggles. He put them on before addressing the group once again.

Otto: Ladies and gentlemen... Fasten your seat belts.

He typed some things into the keypad on his right before several lights shot through the small ball. The ball glowed brightly for a few moments, tension building in the room, before the fusion reaction took place and a miniaturized sun was created.

Scientist: Doctor, we have a successful fusion reaction.

The crowd began to cheer and clap, Otto turning to Rosie who held a pleased and proud look on her face. I could tell this was very important for Otto. 

Scientist: We're producing a thousand-megawatt surplus.

Otto used the arms to keep the small sun under control, pushing down any rings forming. He continued to manage little spikes and the fusion reaction seemed like a complete success.

Otto: The power of the sun... In the palm of my hand.

I stared in awe at the magnificent machine in front of me, before my Spider Sense went off. I looked down and saw a paper clip buzz around before flying towards the fusion reactor. I looked up at the lights as they seemed to be pulled towards the machine. It was as if the fusion reaction was creating a magnetic field around it, dragging in anything it could. Otto typed some things into the pad, before pieces of jewelry and my camera started to drag towards it, still in the case around my neck.

Otto: Keep calm! It's only a spike! It'll soon stabilise!

The group suddenly got worried and started murmuring to themselves. I knew I had to do something, so I ran off to change into my suit. I've been avoiding using the symbiote too much so I can get better at using my own strength.

3rd Person POV

Terry: Y/N? 

Terry looked around the room as Y/N was nowhere to be seen. One of the assistance told everyone to leave the room with the spike. An alarm suddenly started blaring as the metal from the walls was ripped away and the scientist next to Otto turned to him.

Scientist: We have a containment breach!

Otto looked up at the machine as a ring of fire broke free of the device and destroyed a part of the ceiling over top of where Rosie was trying to get to Otto. Terry then came out of the panicked crowd.

Terry: Shut it off, Otto! Shut it off!

Otto: It will stabilise! It's under control!

Terry: I'm in charge here! It's my money! I'm in con-

Terry was stopped as Y/N swooped in as Spider Man and took him out of the way of a machine being dragged to the fusion reactor. Terry and Spidey looked at each other for a moment before Y/N swung over to the power for the machine.

Otto: What are you doing?

Y/N: Pulling the plug!

Otto: No!

Otto swung the arms at Y/N and slammed him into a wall away from the power. Finally, the power became to great and the windows broke and came flying at Otto and the machine. Rosie was out in the open, in the way of the sharp, thick pieces of glass. She screamed as the glass made contact, killing her almost instantly. Otto was saved by the arms, but looked over at Rosie's body as it fell to the floor. Otto called her name before a breach from the machine fried the inhibitor chip on the device. As he was being electrocuted, Y/N got up and jumped to the power. He stood on the wall as he pulled, ripping the wiring away from the wall and shutting off the machine. Otto dropped to the ground, unconscious. The fusion reactor pulled in on itself before imploding.

Y/N rushed to Otto, seeing he was still alive. He turned around and saw Rosie laying there. Police sirens filled the silence and Y/N picked up Otto, bringing him outside. He laid him out front and went back in, coming out with Rosie's lifeless body in his arms. The police arrived and stepped out of their cars. Y/N laid Rosie on a stretcher and she was carried away with Otto. Y/N looked down at the ground before swinging off.

Y/N: Dammit, I wasn't fast enough... I won't let this happen again. No matter what!

A/N: Hey! Thanks for reading! Sorry it took so long, but I'd say this long chapter should make you feel better! I'd expect another break though... 

Yami: Yup, after all, you've gotta finish another chapter for your other stories before you get started with the Christmas special!

A/N: Aye!

Yami: By the way, what is the Christmas special?

A/N: A special type of Ice Dragon Slayer and Weiss get together!

Yami: Special?

A/N: Ya! He not only has Dragon Slayer magic, but he can also use the magic of others! I guess he's a generation 4!

Yami: So, he was trained by a dragon, had the lacrima infused with his body, and he can use other magic?

A/N: Yes! And the magic he uses with his Dragon Slayer Magic is gonna be god damn AWESOME!

Yami: Is he gonna be like Sting and Rouge? 

A/N: Yeah, he can tap into Dragon Force at will. Anyways, I'll explain properly in the actual story! Signing off!


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