Verity's Little Book of Horro...

By Vertiline72

1.4K 54 52

REQUESTS ARE OPEN!!! Just a hodgepodge of fandom one-shots, mainly Band and Sanders Sides. But there are othe... More

It's Just a Job- *Carziger*
Uncontainable: A Retelling
Royally Engaged~ *Roman Sanders x Reader*
She's Got More Lies Than You Know~ *Fall Out Boy*
Homecoming Kiss~ *Gerard Way x Reader*
Set It Off's Diamond
One Little Song~ *Cody Carson x Reader*
Bathroom Explosion~ *OC One-shot*
It's Just a Job~ *Carziger* Pt. 2
Sophisticated Logan VS Weird Girl~ *Logan Sanders x Reader*
Just a Daycare Imagine
Something is Wrong~ *Author and Zach DeWall*
Sophisticated Logan VS Weird Girl~ *Logan Sanders x Reader* Pt. 2
Her Royal Highness is too Formal~ *Roman Sanders x Reader*
Welcome to Night Vale I: Morning Routines~ *Cecilos*
If You Had Not Been My Friend?~ *Falsettos Marvin x MALE reader*
The Hardest Letter to Write~ *Mikey Way X Reader*
The Hardest Letter to Write~ *Mikey Way X Reader* Pt. 2
I'll Build a Stairway to Paradise~ *Roman x Reader Ending*
Shall We Dance?~ *Logan X Reader Ending*
I've Got Beginner's Luck *Virgil X Reader Ending*
I've Got Rhythm~ *Patton X Reader Ending*
We Can Steal This Car if Your Folks Don't Mind~ *Gerard Way X Reader*
The Other Wedding~ *Trigger Warning*
Earbuds~ *Cody Carson X Reader*
YouTube Crush~ *Maxx Danziger X Reader*
Mini Me~ *Virgil X Reader
Distance Disturbs Me~ *Cody Carson X Reader*
Kiss~ *Ambiguous*
We Can Steal This Car if Your Folks Don't Mind Pt. 2
Welcome to, um, Somewhere!~ *Demon Bands*
That Horrible Woman~ *Mikey Way X Reader*
I've Decided to Marry You~ *Mikey Way X Reader*
Important Request Information!
Oblivious~ *Logan X Depressed! Reader* *Trigger Warning!*
These are the Games We Play~ *Whizzer X MALE Reader*
Charming~ *Brendon Urie Imagine*

'S Wonderful~ *Sanders Sides*

23 1 1
By Vertiline72

A/n Ok this needs some explaining. First off: It's a song fic. The song is from An American in Paris and I just HAD to make a one-shot for it. I also got the vaguest request ever  from ("Virgil x Reader*), so I combined both ideas. I got a little carried away and now it's a choose-your-own-ending four-part adventure. The endings will be posted when I can get to them starting with Virgil's to appease the requester. This intro sounds stupid and complicated and I honestly hate it, but I can assure you the endings will be MUCH better. Thank you and I hope you like it!

Oh and whatever's in italics is the song.


I trudged down the stairs, hood over my head and my hands shoved deep into my pockets. I was trying to hide the fact I was blushing, by keeping my eyes glued to the floor. I flopped onto the couch and tried to calm the butterflies in my stomach.

You see, I just finished talking to the love of my life. They had just texted me out of the blue and we talked for what felt like hours. When they had to go to an important meeting, I still felt like I was waltzing on Cloud 9.

"Someone looks happy." A chipper voice broke into my thoughts. I looked up to see Thomas smiling down at me.

I hid my face. "Go away."

He sat next to me. "Ah C'mon! What's got Anxiety so cheerful today?"

I turned away from him. "Nothing. Leave me alone."

Before he could pry further, a different voice interrupted. "Thomas you will not believe what a wonderful day I've been having!"

I growled as Thomas smiled up at him. "Oh? You've been having a good day as well? How so?"

"I am in love!" He shouted dramatically. "And I've decided to propose."

"Hey, congrats!" Thomas stood up to shake his hand. "I hope they say yes."

"I hope they say yes too." Roman sighed.

"I hope they say no," I mumbled to myself.

"Did I hear that one of us is getting married?" I looked up to see Patton bouncing up and down excitedly.

Thomas nodded. "Yeah. Roman's proposing to the love of his life tonight, right?"

"Right." He confirmed.

"Aww! Cute! I want to be invited to the wedding." Patton squealed.

"Of course! In fact, you'll be one of my groomsmen." Roman replied.

Patton screeched and hugged Prince Stupid. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

"Ah, good. You're all here." I groaned as Logan came up from behind me. "I have a question that I would like to discuss with you all."

"What is Logan?" Thomas asked.

"I think." He paused. "I think I'm in love."

Patton choked on air with excitement before squeezing the life out of Logan. "All my babies are growing up and falling in love!"

"I'm not in love," I muttered to myself.

"Oh, sure you are." Thomas rolled his eyes and I gave him a horrified look. "Oh please, you never smile like that. It obviously means you're in love."

"No, it doesn't." I tried to hide my growing blush but to no avail.

"Agh! Roman, Logan, and Virgil are all in love!" Patton squished his face together before sitting on the couch. "Tell me ALL about it, each of you."

Thomas sat next to Patton. "I'd like to hear this too."

We all looked at each other before Logan spoke up."Life has just begun; Jack has found his Jill. Don't know what you've done, but I'm all a thrill." He mumbled to himself. I would never have pegged him as the sappy romantic type. That was Princey's division. But I guess love changes people.

Before I could stop myself, I added, "How can words express, your divine appeal? You can never guess, all the love I feel." I then hid under my hood again.

Roman cleared his throat before adding, "From now on lady, I insist. For me, no other girls exist."

Patton nodded enthusiastically until he realized we stopped. His shoulder sagged slightly before saying, "Ok, ok, now what? Tell me more! I need to know more!" Thomas nodded with him.

Roman stepped up to the front and, clearing his throat again, sang, "'S wonderful. 'S marvelous. She should care for me. 'S awful nice. 'S paradise. 'S what I love to see. She's made my life so glamorous. You can't blame me for feeling amorous. Oh, 's wonderful. 'S marvelous. That she should care for me."

Roman's POV

Meeting Y/n was the happiest day of my life. It was almost a year ago when they ran right into me because they were late for some important meeting. They wouldn't stop apologizing until I kissed them on the hands to get them to stop. Since then we would talk every day about anything and everything. It was pure bliss.

The day I asked them to be my significant other was just marvelous. I invited them out to lunch and asked them at a small cafe. They agreed and kissed me on the cheek. Since then we had been practically inseparable. We would do everything together and we always had fun doing it.

It was just last week I decided to propose to them. I just KNEW they were going to say yes, so I was already planning the PERFECT fairytale wedding. It was going to be glorious! Everyone was going to be awestruck and jealous of its splendor.

Virgil's POV

After Roman explained his relationship with the mysterious person, he started tapping on his phone. We could only assume he was talking to them. Patton turned to the two of us. "And you two? What about your love lifes?"

"Yeah, spill," Thomas added with a smirk.

Logan adjusted his glasses and took his place up at the front. "'S wonderful. 'S marvelous. She could care for me. 'S awful nice. 'S paradise. 'S what I love to see. She makes my life so tinglish. I'll even overlook her English. Oh, 's wonderful. 'S marvelous. That she should care for me."

Logan's POV

I was doing some research at the Capitol library when I reached for the next volume in my search. Our hands touched as we were trying to obtain the same book. When I first laid eyes on them, I felt sick, which I can only assume were the side effects of love. So I dropped my hand and my gaze and let them take the book. The thanked me and handed me a paper with their number on it so if I absolutely needed it at that exact moment, I could contact them. Eventually, they found where I was sitting and gave it to me.

After that, we started conversing about many thought-provoking topics. They mentioned that they were an heir from a powerful country and I've been engrossed in their culture ever since. They're highly intelligent and proved to be a worthy companion. Every time we spoke, there would be a fluttering in my chest and sweat on my palms. I would blush and stutter every time they laughed or smiled at me. I've been falling ever since.

Virgil's POV

"What are you guys doing in my song?" I asked, scratching the back of my head.

"It's my song!" Roman objected.

"We all must be in love," Logan suggested.

"Yeah, Logan has got himself an heiress." I nodded.

"An heiress no less!" Roman's eyes widen in disbelief. He probably didn't hear Logan explain that earlier. "And mine accepted my proposal." He waved his phone around triumphantly.

"Hey! Congrats." Logan smiled.

"I didn't even have to make it," Roman added.

I looked at him in disbelief. "What?"

Roman gave us a confused look, but Logan tapped me on the shoulder before I could continue. "What about you?" He asked, one eyebrow raised.

I blushed and stuttered out, "Um, yeah, I met someone too. But, I ain't telling you bums who it is, no!"

"You have to! It's the rules!" Patton scolded.

"C'mon Virgil," Thomas added, pressing me to confess. "Play along."

Everyone stared at me until I groaned, giving in. "Fine. I'll tell you." I took a deep breath before continuing. She's made my life so glamorous. You can't blame me for feeling amorous. Oh, 's wonderful. 'S marvelous. That she should care for me."

I had met them through Thomas. He was friends with them from a trip to another country and one time they came over when Thomas wasn't around. They said they wouldn't mind waiting or just chilling with us. So I let them and went to my room to try and control my rapidly beating heart.

About half an hour later, I worked up the courage to go back downstairs and I saw them sitting on the couch alone on their phone. I almost couldn't do it, but before I could stop myself, I had cleared my throat. They looked up at me and smiled and asked if I was going to join them. I could only nod and they patted the couch next to them. I sat down quickly and eventually they got me to calm down by telling stupid stories about things that made them laugh.

Before we knew it, we had wasted three hours just talking and they were late for an important meeting. As they left, they gave me a kiss on the cheek and left in a rush. It was then that I knew, I wanted to be their one and only, forever and ever.

"Aww! You're all so cute!" Patton sighed.

Thomas nodded. "Yeah. But none of you mentioned a name? Who are these mystery people you three are enamored with?"

"Yeah! Tell us!" Patton squealed with delight.

"Y/n." We said at the same time. Well, this can't be good...

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