Distance Disturbs Me~ *Cody Carson X Reader*

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Band practice was over and now I could crawl into my bed and video chat with the most perfect person in the world. I just hated, despised it even, that it had to be over video chat. They lived several thousands of miles away to me and I hardly ever got to see them.

I wish I never saw your face

Then I wouldn't need a place to frame you in my mind

Hanging on the wall

My memories and all

But you're not tangible

"Hey, Cody." I smiled at their warm greeting, though my heart hurt like heck.

"Hey Y/N. How've you been? How's (city) been treating ya?" I tried to laugh it off, but it sounded a little too forced to me.

They laughed too, but theirs sounded more real to me. "It's been good. A little stressful, but everyone needs a little stress in their life, right?"

"Heh, yeah." I smiled again.

"What about the band? How have you guys been holding up?" They asked.

"We've been good. We're about to release a new album soon, hopefully." I commented, trying not to make a big deal about it.

"Really? That's awesome! I would love to hear it!" They squealed with delight.

I laughed again and looked into their eyes, trying not to cry.

Stuck on sentimental

The history we never had

Almost accidental

The way you live inside my head

And I would kill to be a mile away

Or feel the breath you'll take

But fate won't let me

"Hey, you alright? You seem, off. Are the boys giving you trouble, because I swear, I'll-"

I cut them off. "Nah, it's not that. I'm-" I'm in love with you and I want to be with you. "I'm just tired. We just got done with band practice."

"Ah, I see. Well, I should go and let you get some sleep. This is Y/N, si-"

"NO!" I shouted and winced. I shouldn't have done that. "I mean, I'll be fine. I don't get to talk to you very much and I miss being able to talk whenever."

"Me too." They whispered and if my heart would ache anymore, it did.

Distance disturbs me

Now I wish we never met

I wish I could forget who you are

Distance disturbs me

'Cause we just can't connect

I found my one regret and it was you

Distance disturbs me

"So what else have you been up to?" I questioned, trying to lighten the mood. Our conversations have seemed to be getting sadder and sadder.

"Hold that thought. I ordered pizza earlier and it's here." They left the frame and I sighed.

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