Korn & Knock - Destiny (Toge...

By Kramdrof

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Destiny, some people believe in her, some people don't. For Korn and Knock, the hidden power that control... More

Chapter 1. Locked Metal Box
Chapter 2. Over Hearing
Chapter 3. Beach Days
Chapter 4. Bedtime Stories
Chapter 5. Full Steam Ahead
Chapter 7. Queen Yihwa
Chapter 8. Testing the Waters
Chapter 9. All Aboard
Chapter 10. Nightime and Stars
I could write a whole chapter just about this photo.

Chapter 6. Filling in the Blanks

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By Kramdrof

It flew right over Songkarn's head...  

Knock had picked Cho up at the bus station and was carrying his bag for him.  They stepped into the living room and were greeted by his father,  Bright and Farm.

After the hellos,  Knock smiled sweetly at Farm.  "I know this is a really big imposition Nong but,  I thought that since you and P'Bright have become good friends,  you'd be kind enough to let Cho have your room for a few days.  You wouldn't mind sleeping with P'Bright would you?"

Knock looked at Bright now.  "P',  can you make some room for Farm?"

Seeing both the nodding heads,  Knock touched Cho's arm.  "Good then,  come Nong, I'll show you to your room."

Cho put his hand on Knock's shoulder.  "P'Knock,  I feel bad,  I don't want anyone to be put out because I'm here.  I could sleep anywhere really.  The sofa or some other room.  I'd even share the bed with Nong'Farm if he didn't mind,  or you P'Knock."  Cho looked at Farm and smiled.  "Really Nong whatever is easiest for you."

Bright grabbed Farm and put his arm around the boy's back.  He smiled at Songkarn who was busy adjusting the collar of his shirt.  

Back to Cho,  "Oh no Nong'Cho,  that's not necessary,  we want you to be comfortable.  Farm and I don't mind sharing at all,  we both stay up late at night anyway.  Really,  his room is yours for as long as you like.  Right Nong'Farm?"

Farm was nodding furiously.

Knock tugged on Cho's shoulder,  "See,  it's all good. C'mon."

Farm ran right behind and then past them,  "I'll get my stuff out right now P'Cho."  

Songkarn never noticed how happy Farm was to oblige.

That evening at dinner,  Knock announced that he and Cho were going to Bangkok the next day.  He told his father that he was bringing Chop and Per for a visit.  

As narcissistic as Songkarn was,  he loved his grandsons and was happy that Knock had invited them.  "Ah wonderful,  that's why you asked the boys to double up,  the twins will stay with you in your room,  right?"

Knock nodded.  "That's right Dad."

Bright almost gave himself away when he asked with such glee,  "How long will the little guys be staying Knock?  A week or two?"

Knock sputtered,  "Ah,  I don't really have a schedule P',  but not likely that long.  Phubet is going home soon, and I've spoken with Mew's doctor, Mew will be heading home himself in a day or two.  With Mew back,  they will want to see him."

Bright drooped.


...Knock left early for Sathorn to get the twins...

Her rusty, beat up tin can of a car, sputtered as it limped up the street. She knew that if she timed this out right, when she got there, Knock would already be gone. What she wasn't looking forward to, was sitting on the side of the road in a dead car and, the way it was acting, she wasn't sure it would survive the short trip.

Fortunately, the bucket of bolts made it, and when she pulled in and shut it off, it back-fired.  A big black cloud of smoke barrelled out of the exhaust.

She watched as the cloud drifted up and thought: "Great! KaBoom, I'm Heeere! So much for the quiet entrance."

Unknown to her but, a boon nonetheless, Songkarn was out of the house early.

When she knocked on the door, she was met by the cutest school-boy face she'd ever seen. 

"You must be Nong'Farm."

Farm pulled the door open, he was smiling, nodding and making a wai, all at the same time. "Yes, I'm Farm. Please come in."

He stepped back and let the beautiful girl walk in.

She was glancing around at the richly over-decorated foyer and snapping her gum. 

She put her attention back to the boy. "Ah, I'm sorry, let me introduce myself, my name is Yihwa."

She didn't make a wai, instead, she reached out and shook his hand. It was firm and friendly, then,  she bent the fingers slightly in the fashion of one expecting a kiss.

Poor Farm, he half bent and was ready to do it. His lips were puckered before she let him off the hook and pulled her hand away.

"I bet you're wondering how I know your name."

Farm giggled. He already liked her, whoever she was, she was funny. "Yes, how did you know?"

"I'm Knock's friend, I've known him forever.  And, you're Nong'Farm his neighbour in Sathorn, your dad is a real estate broker. See, I know all about you."

"Oh." Farm looked amazed. She reached and pinched his cheek with a friendly smile.

His own smile disappeared from his face. "Oh no,  P',  I'm so sorry,  P'Knock left over two hours ago, he's not here."

She felt bad for Farm, he seemed so concerned that she'd come to visit and, the person she was there to see was gone. This also meant that her timing wasn't that great. Knock could be back any minute.

"Don't worry Nong'Farm, I'm not here to see Knock, I'm here to see Bright, where is he?"

Farm thought, the "don't worry" part,  came with a kind voice.

The "where is he?" part,  sounded like business.

"He's just upstairs, P'Yihwa, I can get him for you." Farm was smiling at her again and already moving.

Yihwa slung her handbag over her shoulder and removed her sunglasses.

"You do that cutie, I'll wait right here."

Bright was completely clueless as Farm described the girl waiting for him downstairs. The lad was tugging at his arm. "C'mon P', don't make her wait, she's really nice."

Farm could feel Bright's hesitation when they walked out to the landing and he looked down to see her standing there.

Since Bright seemed to be slow, Farm let go and hurried down. "P'Yihwa, can I get you something cold to drink?  Or maybe you would like tea,  we have cookies too."

He'd stepped right up in front of her. Yihwa smiled, bent slightly and kissed his cheek. "You're sweet, thank you, but no. Nong, please don't think I'm rude, but I want to talk to your boyfriend alone for just a minute, I won't keep him long, I promise sweetie. Is that ok?"

Yihwa's tone and voice were sugar-coated with the adoration of his cinnamon brown eyes.

"Ah, um, my boyfriend?"

Yihwa used her thumb to brush the bright red lipstick she'd just planted on him. It mixed in with the pink that was already there.

Bright gagged a bit on his own tongue. He was still navigating the stairs and could see that Yihwa had charmed Farm completely. The boy looked like the cobra in the basket, and, the piper playing the flute was Yihwa. Farm was simply entranced.

He was smiling into her face like a sap. "Ok P'Yihwa, I'll go upstairs so you can talk."

Farm ran past Bright and up the stairs, he kept looking back at the fashionable girl.

Since Bright was moving so slow, Yihwa headed toward him.

He stopped at the bottom of the stairs. The look on her face frightened him, he took one step backwards.

Bright had only met her a couple times before and, the last time he did, he got an ear-full he'd never forget. This unassuming girl bitch-slapped him like no one ever had. He had the distinct feeling he was about to suffer once again.

She was just an inch from him when she started.

"I know that Knock has gone to Sathorn this morning and, I also know that he will be back soon."

Her voice was all seriousness, with her hand on her hip.

"The last time you and I met, I told you how much you screwed things up for Knock and I'm here today to tell you, don't do it again."

"What are you talking about?"

Yihwa got even closer, if that's possible.

"Well, let's just say, things are going to be happening soon. In the past, you went out of your way to discourage, no wait, not discourage, you completely fucked it up!"

"I still don't know what you're talking about."

She stepped back. "Don't play stupid Bright.  You have no idea how much effort I went through to bring Knock and Korn together back then, and now, I'm going to do it again."

Yihwa held her finger up to his face. "Korn has everything that you and Knock's father whined about." Yihwa wobbled her head and the finger in stereo, "this time there is nothing you can use against him. In fact, Korn could buy you both."

She looked around the tacky room. "When it comes to money, you're both pocket-change."

She was so primed for a fight, but, Bright's words stunned her.

"Yihwa, I would never get in Knock's way again when it comes to love. Never."

She rocked her head to the side. "Hmm, forgive me if I'm a bit sceptical."

Bright looked bona fide when he spoke. "You have no reason to believe me I know.   I can't say I have any idea how Knock's father thinks but,  I know what it feels like to be in love now. Seriously Yihwa,  if anyone tried to take Farm away from me, I'd..."

Stunned again, Yihwa knew what Knock had told her but, she thought he meant that Bright was sleeping with this very young man, just sleeping.  From what she knew, that was his modus operandi.  Bright didn't do boyfriends. When she spoke earlier to Farm and used the phrase, it was just a tease.

Yihwa was happy to glean this little tidbit of information but, she must have still looked dubious.

Bright was holding the bannister. He was looking down into the face of his bold and ferocious but, unintentional adversary. "Tell you what Yihwa, I'll go a step further and say, if I can help in any way, just ask."

She took another step back. Yihwa had her arms crossed on her chest. Her bag was looped over her arm and the sunglasses dangled from her fingers. Her eyes were narrowed. 

"What about Knock's father?" 

"What about his political crap?" 

"Are you telling me that his Dad won't object this time?"

His face was utter confusion, Bright scratched the back of his head. "Nong, when you say you're going to do it again, do what,  exactly?"

Bright's offer to help still didn't ring right with Yihwa. Trust was something she felt had to be earned and this man had not done that yet. With this bewildered cast in his eyes, she started to wonder if he knew anything at all.  

Knock never said whether he was divulging his thoughts and feelings to Bright.  When he was younger he certainly did.  That was how Bright knew everything about his relationship with Korn.  It was also the information that was used against Korn.

What Bright and Knock's Father would do was really the reason for her trip across town.  One of the two major themes that kept coming up when Korn stayed with her,  was,  his fear that even if Knock did love him, (which he was far from convinced of,) the two older men would still hold influence over Knock.  Korn lamented that if he put himself out there again, only to find Bright could sway Knock, his heart would not survive it.  

The second thing Korn was troubled with was the possibility that what he'd overheard with Mew and Phubet was true.  Someone named Knot might be his biggest hurdle.

Because she knew the truth to that,  she worked like a bee on that subject.  Yihwa used all the proverbial phrases,  it was a bridge he could cross later, good things come to those who wait,  absence makes the heart grow...  

After using all the metaphors she could think of,  Yihwa was ready to break her own rules.  She was careful,  with a single wink and the emphasis on the word "I",  she went as far as she could without forsaking Knock.  

"What I'm trying to say, Korn,  is that,  "I" believe that if you offer yourself to Knock,  no one else will matter." 

"I'm trying to get them back together."


...Let's be honest with ourselves, Farm is a teenager, he had his ear pressed to the crack in the door the whole time. He heard every word Bright and Yihwa said to each other...


Mogi's hotel in Chon Buri...

Korn used a photo on his phone.  He asked one of the pool deck waiters where his friend Mongkut was...



"Ah,  yes sir,  he and his friends were just here,  they've gone down to the shop tents on the beach."  The waiter pointed to the hotel walkway.

"Friends?  He's with more than one person?"

"Yes sir,  there are three of them."

Korn handed the boy a huge tip and started running for the walkway.


...Barely half an hour after Yihwa left,  Knock arrived back with the twins and their uncle Cho...

When the boy saw that Yihwa was soon to leave,  he undressed quickly,  ran to the bathroom,  got under the water,  he faked it.  Bright came back upstairs to find Farm coming out of the shower,  wet.  He stepped into the room with a towel around his waist and one on his head as he dried his hair.

He acted as if he didn't know anything.

"P'Bright,  are you done talking with that lady?"

"Yes,  Nong,  it was just a friendly chat with an old friend.  And Nong,  we're going to keep her visit a secret ok?  She's planning a surprise for Knock."

"No problem P'."  Farm looked sad. "She didn't stay very long."

"Ah,  no,  she said she had things to do,  I'm sure we'll see her again."

Farm started to smile,  "I sure hope so,  I like her."

Bright moved towards Farm.  His eyes were burning holes in the boy's bare chest.

"P',  she said I was your boyfriend.  Where do you think she heard that?"

He started to speak again before Bright had reached him and,  before Bright could answer.

"Am I your boyfriend P'?"

Bright reached and took the corner of the towel that Farm had tucked neatly around himself.  He pulled the thick cotton loose and let it fall to the floor.  Right there in front of him,  was that silvery white skin he loved.  Farm had no scars,  no freckles,  no marks of any kind.  He was as perfect as the day he was born.  It gave Bright goosebumps.

With all the backbone he could find, Bright pulled his fully exposed and still damp body close and said:  "Well Nong,  I am in love with you,  so yes,  I'd be really happy if you were my boyfriend.  Would you like that?"

Farm was already excited when he heard Bright tell Yihwa that he didn't know what he'd do if someone tried to take him away.  Now,  hearing Bright say,  I love you,  Farm knew the wish he made the very first day he met Bright,  had come true.

Farm's answer was his standing on his tippy-toes and pushing his pale pink lips to Bright's.  At the same time he was reaching and undoing the button on Bright's jeans,  he plunged his hand inside. 

"Hey!  Where is everybody?  We're back."

Knock's voice rang up the stairs and into the room as Bright was just about to....


...The problem with busy beaches,  is that everyone looks the same... 

All the girls are in bikinis and the men are shirtless,  everyone is doing the same thing.  Swimming,  playing or lounging.

Korn scanned the beach but he couldn't see Mongkut.

He did see...



Nai was with another young man,  big,  solid and bulky.  They were holding hands and walking in the direction of a volleyball game.

Korn scanned again.

"Mogi!  Hey Mogi!"

Korn walked quickly toward the vendor's tents.  There was a long string of them.  They sold everything from beach accoutrement to baby clothes and spark plugs.   Mogi was standing on the open side of one of the tents,  he appeared to be alone.



Mongkut dropped whatever he had in his hand and started walking toward Korn.  He grabbed him and swirled him in a big hug.  "You're back.  How are you?  How was your friend?"

"I'm good Mogi,  thanks."  Korn slapped his hand on his forehead.  "She thinks I'm as big an idiot as I do."

That threw Mogi for a second.  "Your friend is a girl?"

"Yes, it's a girl, didn't I say that?"  

He didn't have time to think about it because Korn kept going. Two weeks away and he'd obviously had a tonne of weight on his shoulders.  Korn was starting to unload it fast.

"You have no idea Mogi how I curse myself for being so stubborn and stupid.  If I would have just taken my chances and grabbed Knock when he was within reach,  none of this would have happened."

Mogi felt like he was way off course now.  "Korn,  I don't follow you at all."

"I kept waiting for Knock to figure it out on his own,  I blamed him for everything.  I know now that I was only angry and bitter.  I will never know his equal,  Knock is everything I could want."

All of a sudden Mogi seemed like he was going to explode with happiness.  He grabbed Korn and hugged him tight.  

The way Korn was talking,  Mogi knew that Ter forgot to call Knock.  No surprise really.  Ter was floating on a silver lined cloud since his morning with the Noomnoi family.  He talked constantly,  he giggled and played songs on his guitar that Mongkut had never heard.  Songs that had nothing to do with misery or tragedy,  love songs.

"You are such an idiot and so is Ter."

Korn pushed Mogi back and wondered at the huge smile and sparkling eyes.  "What?"

"You didn't get Ter's message, did you?"

Korn went to reach for his phone.  "I don't think I saw anything from him."

Mogi grabbed his wrist.  "Then,  that means you don't know?"

"Don't know what?"

Mongkut took in the salty air.

"Ter asked Mew to marry him.  Mew said yes.  His parents approve.  Korn,  Mew and Ter are engaged."

The waves could have stopped splashing on the beach.  Even the birds might have stalled where they were in the sky.  Korn's face was a blank.   His eyes were moving in their sockets,  his lips were moving too.  Korn was saying Mogi's words back to himself. 

Then,  Korn said them out loud.  "Ter is going to marry Mew,  Ter is going to marry Mew."

It still took another minute to sink in.  "That means I'm free.  God,  I'm free."

Mogi looked at Korn's eyes as time was still frozen in them.  "Mew's whole family is leaving to go home, Ter is going with them."

Mogi stuck his hands in the front pockets of his blue jeans.  He looked across the sand and water at the crowds.  His whole face seemed to be one huge grin.    

"So,  I'm checking out of here tomorrow too.  I'm going to Hua Hin.  I've got a really great spot right on the strip.  Perhaps you'd like to join me.  Are you coming with me, Korn?"

They both started laughing,  Korn was hopping up and down as he grabbed Mongkut.  With Mogi's hands still stuffed in his pockets and Korn's crazy clutch,  they lost their balance and landed on the sand.


Later that same day....

Korn's room had been cleaned.  There was no evidence of Phubet,  the twins or Cho ever having been there.  

His brain was in overdrive as he stripped and showered.  Korn flopped on his bed and let his arms fall out to his sides.  

As happy as he was for his friend Ter,  he was even happier at his own stroke of luck.  Now all he had to do was devise a way to get close to Knock and tell him how he felt.  The thing he should have done in the first place.  He told himself,  Knock's Father and Bright wouldn't see the Korn they'd seen before.  This time,  if they tried to persuade Knock,  he was going to fight back.  They would meet Captain Korn,  a man who backs down from nothing.

Korn was overly excited.  He couldn't keep his mind on any one thing at a time.  He didn't have Mew's family and any misunderstanding to clear up now.  This plan to get close to Knock couldn't be that complicated.  "Could it?"  

Yes,  there was still the issue of  Knot,  but since Korn didn't know any details,  for now, he wouldn't think about it.  

In the shower, he laughed at himself and thought of Mongkut.  While scrubbing himself down,  he was careful not to spend any amount of time on certain parts of his anatomy.  The chuckle was the echo of Mogi's jest.  "Don't explode,  we'll all be pregnant."


Text message from Mongkut... 7pm.

I'm going out for dinner with a friend,  would you like to join?

A friend?..  I'm not the third-wheel type...

Your opinion is important to me....  I already told him I invited you,  c'mon.

Tell me,  Is he a doctor?

Yeah,  How did you know?


...Back at the palace of tacky...

Knock had left Cho to get settled in.  He told him he was going to shower and nap.  His plan later was to take the twins out for dinner.  "I think my Dad has a party to go to.  Would you like to come with me and the boys?"

He walked past Cho's room,  Knock was yawning and still drowsy.  He'd slept much heavier than he thought he would.  Cho was sitting up and had a pillow on his lap.  He was texting.

It was well into the afternoon now.  Bright and Farm's bedroom door was closed.  

The only sounds in the house were the voices of his father and the twins.  He could hear them chatting downstairs.

Knock walked into the library.  The walls were lined with shelves and it was furnished with big leather chairs and sofas.  It smelled of that leather and the books.  It was also a well-lit room,  tall windows lined two sides of it.  

He found his father sitting in one of the chairs.  His hand dangled over the edge of the arm as a young girl,  perched on a small stool, was manicuring his nails.  Chop and Per too,  they sat on a settee, they had a matching girl.  In fact,  the girls were twins.  

The boys were giggling and squirming as they had their very first manicure.


"Hey guys,  when you're done there,  you should shower and get dressed.  We're going out for dinner remember?"

Songkarn showed he was not so blind as Knock thought he was.

"Knock,  where's Farm,  I wanted to invite him to go with me tonight."

"I'm right here Uncle."

Knock turned to see Bright and Farm.  They must have heard the voices and followed Knock,  they were right behind him.

"Ah Nong'Farm,  it's not so formal tonight,  no tuxedo needed.  I thought you might like to go with me."  Songkarn smiled.  "Nai will be there."

Bright answered for Farm and snatched tightly to him.  "I'm sorry Songkarn,  I've already asked Farm to go to dinner with me."  Bright looked at Farm with wrinkles between his brows.

Farm was watching Songkarn and moved his eyes to Bright.  "You did?"  He stuttered.  "Oh,  right,  you did."

"I'm sorry Uncle,  is that ok?  I already promised P'Bright."

Knock's father pulled his hand from the girl who was working on it.  He looked at his perfect fingers.  "No problem Nong."  He made a strange twist to his mouth.  "Poor Nai,  he'll be disappointed."

He was surprised that his father had paid any attention but,  clearly, Songkarn witnessed Nai's flattery of the boy.

The other thing that struck Knock was just how possessive Bright was.  In all the years he'd known the man,  he never acted like this with any of the dozens of young men he'd dated. He chuckled to himself. "Farm,  you've turned Bright into a jealous teenage girl."


Fine Dining in Chon Buri....

He used his phone for directions.  There are only three,  top-notch French restaurants in Chon Buri,  Korn found himself standing outside the classy,  known to be romantic and, most expensive one in the city. 

He breathed a sigh that he'd dressed appropriately.  Korn did the buttons on his jacket and adjusted himself before walking in.  "Gawd,  I really am third wheeling it."



Inside the lighting was dim,  the soft music floated over the richly dressed tables.  He was met by an immaculately dressed maitre d'.  Before Korn could state the name of the party,  he saw Mongkut raise his arm.

The young man walked Korn to the table and pulled out his chair for him.  A waiter followed right behind and asked if he wanted to share the bottle of wine on the table or if he preferred something else.

When Korn answered,  the man took the bottle already open and poured his glass.

The table was in a far back corner of the restaurant.  It was probably considered the best in the house.  It was shrouded in privacy by large potted plants and its position,  far from the kitchen and traffic,  it made the isolation complete.

The corner where Mogi and his guest sat was a curved bench style seat,  they sat shoulder to shoulder.

"Korn,  let me introduce you to my friend.  This is Barry, Doctor Kugimiya."  Mogi rubbed Korn's upper arm.  "Barry,  this is my best friend and fellow Captain,  Korn."  Mongkut went further with his introduction.  "Barry and Knock went to medical school together."

Barry spoke.  "Ah,  so this is Korn,  Knock's...."

Mogi stopped him.  "Yes,  Knock's friend from grade school."

Korn recognized him right away.  It was Mew's doctor,  the man that Knock spoke with every day.



...Barry,  Mongkut's taste in men...

Barry's smile was as charming as his face.  They both greeted each other politely.  "I'm so happy to meet you Korn,  Mongkut talks about you all the time."

Korn blushed a bit and sipped his wine.  "It's nice to meet you too Barry,  Mogi has kept you a secret."  Korn was teasing his buddy now.  

"It wasn't a secret,  you've been away and distracted lately."

Barry put his hand on top of Mongkut's,  he tapped it.  "Mogi?"

"Ah,  that's Korn's special nickname for me,  he used to be the only one that called me that,  now everyone does."

Barry smiled and moved his face closer to Mongkut's.  "Mogi,  I like it.  You don't mind if I steal that from you,  do you Korn?"  He didn't look at Korn when he asked.  Barry's attention was fully on the face of his handsome dinner date.


...Family Fare in Hua Hin...

It was family dining,  Italian style for Knock, the twins and Cho.  The restaurant was loud and busy.  The kids picked it out of the many along the strip.  Knock and Cho walked with them for half an hour before they chose one.

In the middle of their meal,  Knock kept finding himself alarmed at young Chop's ability to constantly say things so close to home.  The boy was some kind of medium or prophet.

With a mouthful of cheese bread,  "P'Knock,  P'Korn is coming here, right?  Per and I want to play soccer with him again.  This time we can all play,  you too."

"I don't think so Nong,  Korn is still in Chon Buri with his friends,  Mogi and Ter,  you remember them."

Chop grinned at his Uncle Knock like he was a mental patient, and spoke with a sarcasm that a seven-year-old should not possess.  "I know that P'."  

He rolled his eyes and held up two greasy little hands.  "But,  I don't think P'Korn can stay away from you too long,  he's coming back."

Knock didn't know what to say to this kid.  He wished that Cho would pull his head up from his phone for a second.  He needed someone to talk to besides this lil'monster who kept bringing up a name that hurt so much.


 ...French food at Auberge de Pierre...

After the deliciously sweet dessert,  Creme Brule',  Barry excused himself and went to the washroom.

"So,  what do you think?"  Mogi was leaning in toward Korn,  he was anxious to hear his friend's opinion.

"I have to say Mogi,  he's really nice to look at.  I can see that he really likes you."

Mogi sighed.  "I like him too Korn.  I haven't felt this way about anyone in a long time.  You're not the only one who can find a handsome doctor."



"I'm happy for you buddy."  Korn peeked through the plant that hid him,  he was looking toward the bathroom to see if Barry was returning.  "You'll have to tell me all about this,  how it started and stuff."

"Oh, I will."

They stopped.  Barry came around the corner and took his seat.

"Hey, when I asked at the hotel today where you were,  the waiter told me that you were with friends.  He said there were three of you."  Korn looked at Barry.  "I didn't see you there either Barry."

"My beeper went off.  I had to run back to the hospital.  I left Mongku..  Mogi there by himself."

"And the other two."  Korn was looking at Mongkut.

"You're talking about Knock's cousin Nai and his boyfriend Knot."

Korn choked on the wine he was sipping.

"Knot?  "The." Knot?"

"Yes,  Ter and I met Nai at the hotel poolside while you were away.  He and Knot just got together.  It's a brand new relationship."

Mogi watched as Korn seemed to lose a hundred pounds.  Again,  another stroke of luck.  That was Korn's only other concern.  Knot and the possibility that he might be dating or interested in Knock.  This news wiped out the last barrier in Korn's way.

Korn raised his arm and was immediately attended to by a waiter.  "I'd like a bottle of champagne please,  your very best."  

Barry questioned him.  "What's the occasion, Korn?

Korn winked at Mogi,  "Why you, of course,  let's celebrate you."


text message from Cho...

I don't think this is very nice..  I should tell him...

NO,  don't say anything yet...

Why?  I don't get it..

Please,  Cho,  just do as I say,  it's important...  there are some things I need to be sure of before we go ahead...


Don't call me that you little shit..  


What's he doing right now?  

He's wiping spaghetti sauce off of Per's forehead...

Forehead?  how the hell...

Don't ask...

g'night ...


...On the front step at the Castle of Garish...

Knock and his posse of pasta stuffed kin arrived at their door to discover they had guests.  They had just pulled in the driveway.  He opened the house to see that his father,  Farm and Bright were still out.

"Please come in,  Aunt,  Uncle,  How are things in Sathorn?"

The Admiral picked Chop up and lifted him into the air.  "I didn't know that you were here son,  you're visiting your Uncle Knock?"

Cho excused himself and went to his room.  Chop and Per asked if they could play x-box and,  when Knock said: "Yes,"  they were gone.

Mr and Mrs Atitarn took seats in the main living room.  Knock asked the houseboy to make tea.

"What brings you to Hua Hin?"

Mr Atitarn answered. "Nong'Korn was here and did some investing for me son. I have to go to the bank and sign some documents." He smiled at his wife, "We thought we'd make a time of it, stay a few days, take in the sights."

"Very nice, this is the right time. It's really busy here."

The girl came and set the tray down,  she offered to pour,  Knock said he would do it.

Kannika reached into her handbag.  "Nong'Knock,  I almost forgot,  your sister Mai sent a note with me.  I took some cookies over for the twins before we left there.  I didn't know the boys were here with you."

Knock took the note and tucked it in his pocket.  He stood and poured the tea,  he handed Kannika her cup.

"Aunt, how is the house, the staff, P'Jin is still treating you well?"

"Oh Nong, we still love the house and, the best thing we ever did was keep your staff, they're wonderful."

She sipped the tea.  "Of course all the talk in Sathorn is of the marriage."

Knock was pouring for the Admiral,  the unforeseen shaking of his hand made it difficult.


"Yes,  your Nong of course.  Mew."

Knock didn't even try to hide his shock.

"You mean to tell me you didn't know?"

Knock shook his empty head for a moment.  "No,  I heard there was to be an engagement,  but nothing about marriage so soon..."

Knock stopped speaking.

Kannika smiled and sat back with her cup.  "Oh well then,  that must be what your sister's note is.  I'm sure it contains a full report of the news."

Knock was thankful that he'd already handed the Admiral his cup and sat down.  The problem now was that he might be sick to his stomach.

The words came out of Knock's throat like dust.  "I'm so happy for Mew,  he's a good boy and I know he has chosen well."

The Admiral spoke up.  "Oh yes,  he's a fine man,  for sure."

Kannika started to giggle and, set her tea down,  it looked like she was afraid she might spill it.  "No matter what Nong'Korn says,  Mew has no fear of being the husband of a Navy man."

The pasta Knock had for dinner was right there at the top of his throat.  One more mention of how happy Korn and Mew would be together,  would surely see it spew.

"I must say,  It did come as a surprise."  The Admiral bit his cookie.

"Really?  He didn't give you any indication of his intentions?" Knock was talking about Korn.

Both the Atitarn's were shaking their heads.  "No,  not at all.  Not one word."

Knock was sitting across from them,  he didn't dare drink his tea,  it would surely come back up.

The Admiral went on.  "No,  we were so sure that Korn liked Mew but,  he didn't seem to mind at all.  He said that he hopes Mew and Captain Ter are happy,  no one deserves love more than Ter."

Now Kannika added, saying it in a curious voice and looking at her husband.  "In fact,  the way Korn talked,  you'd never think that he ever had any attachment to Mew.  None whatsoever."

Knock couldn't breathe.  Knock couldn't move.  He looked back and forth between them half a dozen times.

"Ter?  Ter?"  That was all he could force from his throat.

Kannika looked puzzled.  "I beg your pardon Knock."

"Am I to understand that it's Captain Ter that is marrying Mew and, not Captain Korn?"  Every bit of his strength went into forming that sentence.

"Is everything alright Nong?"  Kannika was ready to stand,  she could see that Knock was pale.

"You mean you didn't know?"

Knock shook his head.  "No."

The Admiral was smiling,  "it's true,  we heard it from Korn this very afternoon,  he was in Chon Buri at the beach, he sounded excited for his friend."

The Atitarn's stayed for a full half hour more.  Knock remembered them speaking,  but he couldn't tell you a word they said.  There was only one thing ringing over and over in his ears.  "Korn is not getting engaged,  Korn is not getting married."

The second they were gone.

My New Best Friend....

You come from a long line of brothers,  each of them so dear to me.  

You, my friend, are the beginning of a new day.  

I have so much to tell you.  I don't know where to start.  

I don't know what to write first.

I'm shaking.


...Filling in the Blanks...

...1.  That Tuesday Morning... Phubet's plan was underway...



Mew was lying down,  but awake.  He had his little television on,  the volume was barely audible.

When Knot stepped in,  Mew pushed the television away on its swinging arm.  He used the palms of his hands on the mattress to push himself up.  Knot watched him clench his teeth.  It was clear that he was struggling and it hurt.  He ran and stuffed Mew's pillows behind him and helped him get adjusted. 



"Nong,  I'm sorry I'm here so early. Phubet told me to come before you had breakfast."  Knot smiled,  "it's not even visiting hours,  but nobody stopped me."

"It's ok P'Knot,  I'm really glad you came,  Phubet said you would."

It took at least thirty minutes for either of them to come around to what they both wanted to talk about.  The case was for both,  they really did care about each other and they both cared so much for Phubet,  each was concerned about hurting him and his hopes for them.

Knot started first.  He said he was sorry to Mew,  and,  he hoped that when he told him his thoughts,  that Mew wouldn't be harmed.

"I've fallen for somebody Mew,  fallen really hard."

Mew said the same thing had happened to him,  how he'd so unexpectedly found himself in love. He told Knot that he felt guilty and,  he didn't know how Knot felt.  "I would never want to hurt you P',  if I did,  Phubet would be upset too."  

They talked and talked.  Mew described Ter and his smile.  He told Knot how the way they looked at each other changed, it happened slowly.  Mew described how they sat close to each other every day for hours and that at one point he realized that Ter's visit was the thing he looked forward to the most. 

Mew's eyes glistened when he spoke about Ter's voice,  it was so soft.  

Knot's heart was beating fast when Mew told his next tale.  When Ter thought he'd fallen asleep,  he'd touch his hand and cover him with a sheet.  "P'Knot,  when he thinks I'm sleeping,  he always says the same thing when he leaves me.  "Get better soon beautiful."

Knot could only see the skin of Mew's chest through the V-shaped opening at the top of his pyjama's.  It was a rosey-pink,  the same as his whole face.  Mew fiddled with the sheet across his lap when he talked about Ter.

In Knot's eyes,  Mew had everything he wanted.  He told Mew that he was in love too,  but,  the person who his love was for,  didn't even know he existed.  "I work in his office,  he comes and goes,  but I'm sure he doesn't even know my name."


...Filling in the blanks...

...2.  that concert night on the beach...  weeks ago...

Nai and Farm were only thirty feet from the bands front-man.  It felt weird to sit in the sand wearing tuxedoes.  Nai had bought a six-pack of beer.  They were sipping and talking.  Nai was still sweet and flattery but, he had other goals.  

"Nong'Farm, how well do you know Knock and his family?"

"Ah,  pretty good P'.  They're super nice people."

"What about Knock's sister and her husband,  Phubet...  I think that's his name, do you know them too?"

Farm was curious where Nai's questions were going.

"I know them,  that's the right name,  it is Phubet, but I don't know him as good as I know Knock."

"Oh,  I see."

"Why P'Nai?  What's up?"

Nai downed half a can of beer and set the empty in the sand.

"Don't tell anyone this Nong,  please,  but that family has a relative that works for me.  I think he's related to Knock's sister's husband...  I'm not sure."

That was just too much for Farm to get straight in his head.  He looked utterly confused.

"Don't let it bother you Nong,  it's ok,  I'm determined to find out one way or another.  Even if you don't know,  somebody does.  I'm gonna try finding out from Knock next."

Farm's face got weird.  Nai turned and got close to him.

"P',  you were kinda flirty with me,  I, um,  I thought that you liked me,  I'm feeling pretty stupid right about now."

"Oh Nong,  I'm so sorry,  that's just the way I am,  I've always been like that."  Nai smiled and chuckled under his breath.  "I am a politician you know."

Farm made the cutest and shyest face.  "Nong,  you are very handsome and I didn't mean to lead you on,  but it's how I get what I want,  and right now,  I want that man from my office and I'll do anything to find out about him.  You watch me,  I'm going to do the same thing to Knock.  Hell,  I'll romance Phubet or his wife if I have to."

Farm didn't breathe a word of his thoughts.  Strangely, he understood Nai very well.  He felt like that about Bright,  he was using all his wiles,  everything he could think of, to secure the older man,  Farm wanted him,  it was as simple as that.


...Filling in the blanks...

...3.  When Mew's breakfast arrived.....  Phubet's plan succeeds...

The boy's breakfast was Knot's signal it was time to go.  Phubet said that there were other people who come to visit Mew early and that his parents might be there too.

When Knot walked out into the hall,  one of the chairs had seated in it,  the most beautiful man he'd ever seen.  

...Nai peered up at the most alluring pair of eyes on the planet. 



The man they belong to, Knot, looked like he might fall over.

It took a while to get everything figured out.  The pair shared how it was they both ended up at Mew's room so early in the morning.  

Nai told Knot that Phubet came banging on his suite door.

"How do you know Phubet?"

"I don't,  he asked at the hotel reception if I was in the hotel and they gave him my room number."

Knot is not the kind of guy people would think shy, but,  he turned a dark red when he asked Nai.  "How did Phubet know I liked you?"

"I have no idea."  Nai cocked his head,  "Actually,  I'm not sure he did,  but he seemed to know that I like you though."  It was Nai's turn to blush.

The hallway of a hospital is not what most people would think of as an enchanting place to meet the love of your life.  No one would think it romantic but,  the white walls and the aseptic smell went unnoticed as Nai and Knot talked, and more,  got to know each other.

They left the hospital together,  they spent that night together,  and,  every moment since.


...Filling in the blanks...

...4.  that night,  ages ago when the Atitarn's had their housewarming party...

text message...

Cho,  are they both there?...


are they talking?...



do something.....


I don't know...  Talk about Knock,  tell Korn's sister how smart he is....

he plays music and sings, you know,  stuff like that....

ok,  whatever!  facepalm...

you little shit....


...One more blank to fill.... 

...5.  Men don't gossip...

Farm couldn't hold the information he'd learned about Nai and his wanting to know Knot.  Weeks after,  he told Bright.  Bright told Farm he should tell Knock,  he didn't,  instead,  the morning that Cho called the house in Hua Hin and asked for Knock,  Cho told Farm that he was coming to stay.  Cho revealed to Farm that he wanted to be away so that Phubet could work on his plan with Mew and Ter.  

Farm was fangirling,  he thought it was so romantic. The pair were all agawk as they shared their juicy stories.  Cho mentioned Knot and Phubet's original desire for him and Mew to be together.  Farm wasn't sure who Knot was and when he inquired,  he learned that Knot worked for Nai and that he was Phubet's cousin.  The bells were ringing,  the lights were flashing,  Farm put two and two together and spilt the beans.  Cho took what he now knew and passed it to his brother. 

Nope,  men don't gossip.


...now that they'd agreed they were boyfriends.....

The house was way too crowded for what Bright had in mind.  With Cho and the twins,  Songkarn and Knock's ears so close,  Bright could not do with Farm what he wanted.  

That,  was to hear him sing out those sounds he made when they had sex.  The thing that struck Bright about his own feelings was,  for the first time ever,  it was about more than the sex.  He liked being with Farm,  he made Bright feel young again.  Love was a whole new experience for him and he'd never known how powerful it was.  He liked the overwhelming feeling of it.  

...He wanted to be undone by it...



He pulled Farm into their room and pushed him back onto the bed.  Bright positioned himself above the boy and looked into those rich cocoa eyes.  Bright kissed his neck,  his ear,  his forehead.  

His mouth tasted fresh and sweet, like watermelon.  "Nong,  I rented us a room for tonight,  down the strip,  would you like to go with me?"

Farm may have had zero experience before he met Bright,  but he'd been fruitful and victorious in his complete capture of the mature man.  He had Bright right where he wanted him.

"Yes P',  let's go."


...the day after the spaghetti fight....

It was completely unpredictable.  Knock got a telephone call from Nai.  He didn't know how he got his number but,  when Nai asked to meet him downtown for lunch and that he had something that he wanted to talk about,  Knock agreed.

By the end of the day,  Knock would know all about Nai's feelings for Knot and his efforts to get close to him.  He'd learn how Phubet was involved and,  how he was instrumental in bringing them together. He was so happy except for one thing. 

Phubet felt he couldn't hold things back from Mai any longer.  He let her have her moment of gloating,  she was right all along about Mew's feelings for Knot.  But,  Phubet made the mistake of mentioning his secondary plan for Knot,   ...Nai.

She flipped.

She kept insisting that her relatives were too good for Knot.  "Nai is a Pakorn,  why would he be interested in Knot?"

 They only person that Phubet could think of to help change his wife's mind was Knock.  Not that she had any real power over either of the men but,  Phubet had to live with her. 

That's all Nai wanted.  He wanted Knock to advocate on his behalf with his sister.  Nai still had great political hopes and he eventually wanted Songkarn's cabinet seat.  His career was on the line.  Phubet knew that Mai had influence with her father.  If she decided to be nasty,  she'd use it.

The way it played out, however,  was anything but helpful to Knock or Korn's crucial stage and crossroads.  

The cafe Nai chose was open to the street and the traffic buzzed by,  only feet from the tables.  Knock kept checking his phone,  Nai was late.

It happened.  For both, it was a shock.  For Knock,  because he hadn't had a chance to figure out what he'd say, and,  for Korn because,  although he thought he knew what he wanted to say,  running into Knock by accident was not his plan.

When Korn stepped up to the edge of his table,  Knock shuddered,  he looked up and saw that it was not Nai,  but instead,  Korn was standing there.

Knock stood up.

Somebody should have set a stop-watch,  a ridiculous amount of time passed as they stared at each other.  Neither seemed to be able to speak.



More time,  more awkward nothingness...

"I just saw your sister the other day Korn,  she didn't mention that you were here in Hua Hin."

"Yes,  I just arrived,  I'm staying with Mongkut at the Cape Nidhra Hotel..."

After more stalling...

"Knock,  you've heard that your nephew Mew and Ter are going to be married?"

"Ah,  I have,  I was really surprised."  Knock swallowed and nervously scratched his nose.

"So was I.  .."

They were so connected in their eyes.  Neither could move them from the others,  they were still struggling to find words.

Knock managed,  "Ah,  they're very different personalities,  but I think in time,  they will become more alike."  

Korn was frozen,  so Knock spoke again.  "Captain Ter will become lighter spirited and turn silly like Mew, and.."

Korn finished his sentence.  "And,  Mew will develop a taste for sad songs."

They laughed together.

"I hope all the best for them.  Mew is a wonderful boy."  Korn was still watching every move of Knock's eyes.  "Mogi's brother was a truly beautiful soul,  and Ter's attachment to him was profound.  Mew must have something very special..."

Korn was interrupted when Nai walked up behind him.  Nai had seen Korn before but had no idea who he really was,  so,  he stepped right in.  "Nong'Knock,  I'm so sorry I'm late,  my car is just down the street,  I was hoping you wouldn't mind going somewhere less busy,  where we can talk."

Knock introduced Nai and Korn,  they both made wai's for each other.  Nai took Knock's arm,  "come Nong,  the car is just here."  He pointed.

As he was being tugged away,  Knock said to Korn,  "There is a concert on the beach tomorrow night Korn,  I'm going..."

He was far enough away now that shouting was the only way to continue. He didn't.


When Korn got back to Mogi's hotel room he looked like he'd just been steamrolled.  Mogi thought he was sick.

Korn sat on the sofa and smacked his own head.

"What's up?"

Korn said nothing.

"Ah hello,  I'm talking to you,  I said,  what's wrong?"

"Fuck Mogi,  my tongue is made out of lead.  I was this close to him and I could hardly speak."  Korn used his fingers to show how close he got.  "This close."

"You're talking about Knock."


"But I thought you had a plan,  you were going to ask him out like a real date."

"I was,  but this was a fluke,  I was getting a take-out coffee.  I just turned around and there he was.  I was like a frightened child.  I was so not ready."

to be continued  ...

FanFiction Novel Adaptation by Kramdrof,  all rights reserved.

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