The Black Heiress [Bill Weasl...

By SupremeIceCream

464K 7.2K 1K

HBP au. A very frazzled Molly Weasley shows up on her oldest son's doorstep in an attempt to find the reason... More

1: The one with first impressions
2: The one with family looks
3: The one with Grimmauld place
4: The one with a morning inside
5: The one with a nap
6: The one with a meeting
7: The one with a letter
8: The one with a dragon
9: The one with a discovery
10: The one with a pizza
11: The one with the Burrow
13: The one with a cupboard
14: The one with a Proposal
15: The one with 8
Not a chapter!
16: The one with a castle

12: The one with getting to know eachother

19.5K 344 16
By SupremeIceCream

Not long later, they could be found into the living room with their bellies stuffed of Molly's world famous lasagna, and completely unaware of the drama at the castle.

"That was delicious, mum." Bill concluded as he sat down on a large armchair.

There was a chorus of yes's from everyone in the room.

Amalthea walked in behind Charlie and collapsed on top of Bill.

"What do we do now?" Fred asked.

Charlie spoke up. "Since this is the first time Bill has ever brought a girl home..." He paused. "I think we should do our brotherly duties, and tell a few stories about him."

The twins looked at each other with evil grins.

Bill shook his head and sat up a little, causing Amalthea to practically fall off his lap. "I don't think that's a good idea."

"Why not?" Thea asked as she situated herself on Bill's lap again.

He shot her a look.

Molly ignored his protest. "I remember the first time Bill met Charlie." She smiled to herself and began telling the story.


The last 4 hours had been spent telling Amalthea absolutely EVERYTHING about their family and sharing many, many embarrassing stories of Bill.

They were all trying to catch their breath now.

Percy was the first to regain his composure. "Amalthea, I feel like you know our family quite well now, but we hardly know you."

"And what do you propose we do about that?" She asked.

"Well," he began.

"You let us ask you any question we want to!" One of the twins, presumably Fred shouted.

"Alright." Amalthea sighed. "Go on then."

"Is Regulus a good father?" Charlie asked without skipping a beat. "I mean Sirius made it sound like he's a complete-"

"Yes, he was a good father."

"Did you really have a governess?"

"Well," Amalthea was cut off when a large black owl flew into the room and dropped a piece of paper on her lap.

She picked it up and scanned through it quickly.

"Is everything alright?" Charlie asked.

"Yes, of course." She stood up quickly. "I have to go. I had completely forgotten about a... a meeting tonight." She collected her jacket.

The family looked around at each other warily.

"The council likes to show off." She insisted.

"I'll see you back at Grimmauld." She kissed Bill's cheek quickly and disappeared down the hallway.

A few seconds later they heard the slam of the front door and the faint pop of apparatition.

"A meeting?" Percy asked. "At 7 o'clock on a Saturday?"

"She doesn't have a meeting." Bill muttered.


Bill paced the floor in the parlor of Grimmlaud place in frustration.

"Bill, sweetie..." His mother started. "Worrying won't bring her back."

It had been 3 days since any of them had seen Amalthea.

The Weasley family, along with Sirius, and Harry were all in the 2nd sitting room watching Bill pace.

"Then what will, mum?" He asked angrily.

Molly stepped back a bit.

Bill ran a hand through his hair. "For all I know she could have gotten snatched..." He muttered. "I shouldn't have let her go out with Moldy Voldy on the loose."

"I'm sure she's alright," Sirius replied. "She is a Black, after all." 

"Kreacher!" They heard a voice shout. The shout rang through the house before they could hear faint whispers coming from the hallways.

Bill ran out the door and stood in the hallway, absolutely flabbergasted.

There she was. Standing in the hallway as though nothing had happened.

He noticed she wasn't looking at him. She probably didn't even see him.

He also noticed how tired she looked.

And that she was coming towards him.

His mind barely had time to register the fact that she had actually ran into him before he wrapped his arms around her tighter than he ever had before.

"Where have you been?!" He pushed her away gently and put his hands on her shoulders, looking her straight in the eye.

His anger faded when he looked at her and saw how red and puffy her eyes were. It was almost as if she had been... crying?

Bill had never seen her cry. Ever.

"Thea?" He asked uncertainty.

Amalthea took her small arms and wrapped them around his muscular frame, sobs beginning to shake her body once more.

"She's gone." Her voice was greatly muffled by his shirt, but Bill heard her anyways.

Her grandmother had been taken.

Amalthea was alone.


Hello again!!!!
It's been quite awhile😂

I'm sorry this chapter has taken so long, I have no excuses anymore...

If you'd like this to get updated in the future message me, y'all! I've noticed that if someone reminds me then I get it done so much faster.

(A very special thank you to my friend Amy😂)

Anyways, the next chapter just needs some editing... Soooooooo, next week♥

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