The Light In The Dark (Blake...

By Neo-Rewrite

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Not everything can go as eventually my past will catch up to me, but I hope that at least i'... More

When Enemies Come To Play
The Promise Made
Curse Bloodline or Bad Luck?
The Bull's Anger and a Dark Power
Distrust and Dark Whispers
Visions and Marron's Mask
The Unexpected Partnership
One Step Back Two Step Forward
Approaching Darkness and Doubts
Self Isolation and Deceit
Unrestrained and Breaking the Script
An Echo of Your Real Self
The Light In The Dark

True Feelings and Untold Story

1.9K 29 6
By Neo-Rewrite

"My love?" said everyone with varying degrees of shock, but Blake was frozen stiff at her words.

"Oh, you don't know about me?" said Sapphire with a confused look everyone turn to look at you for an answer but Yang was definitely not happy in hearing Sapphire's words especially how misleading they were.

You grit your teeth in anger, "This is always what she does she phrases sentences like that on purpose and let people come up with the worst conclusion" you thought furious.

"(F/N) what is she talking about?!" growl Yang and you look at her in surprise at how quickly she became angry at you until you saw the betray look in Blake's face and you pale seeing what Sapphire was doing, but how the hell does she know about Blake?

"Wait, wait nope time out this is not what it looks like and you stop phrasing things like that?" you said pointing at Sapphire and she cowers in fear? And you blink in surprise.

"The hell why is she acting like that? Sapphire is many things, but someone who's scare easily she isn't" you thought in confusion.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean it like that please forgive me" she said bowing her head slightly, and now you're definitely getting creep out with the massive change her personality did since you last saw her.

"What the hell?" you heard Neo said and he look just in shock as you, but why? Do they know each other?

"Umm can someone clue us in into what's going on? I'm kind of lost" said Jaune raising his hand nervously.

"Yes, I will like to know what (F/N) has to do with her" said Yang with her eyes turning red and you nervously swallow. Things can turn ugly real fast if you let Sapphire say the wrong thing here.

"She used to be my Ex-girlfriend!!" you said quickly making sure that Sapphire couldn't twist this to her advantage and you definitely don't believe she has change since you left her, so what's her game?

"Ex-girlfriend?" said Blake both in surprise and relieved and you let out a sigh since you dodge a bullet because you definitely wouldn't forgive Sapphire for causing things to go sour between you and Blake. Although Blake was relieved you didn't notice the way she look at Sapphire with trepidation and worry.

"Yes, I was his girlfriend once until I did something I could never take back" said Sapphire with a sad smile. You try to think of all the things she had in store for acting so....nice right now but you don't know why. There is no reason for her to act nice around you anymore so why?

"Something you could never take back?" said Ruby confuse and intrigue. Considering that most of them don't know much about your life before coming to Beacon Ruby is interested in learning more about her friend.

"Yes I.....cheated on him" she hesitated but eventually said it causing all of your friends to give her both a shock and angry look.

"You cheated on him?!" Hiss Blake angrily and you gave her a worry look since you only seen Blake this angry before when Weiss and her fought in the docks about Faunus.

Sapphire looked at Blake, "Yes, I did and by how angry you are I'm guessing you're close to him?" she said smiling.

"Close? No I'm more than that I'm his girlfriend" she angrily said causing Sapphire to freeze and you saw something in her eyes that you couldn't decipher, but whatever it was it made you feel very worry and very uncomfortable.

"What possess you to do something so horrible?!" said Pyrrha both confuse and angry. You look at everyone's reaction how at this point they are angrier about the cheating than you at the moment....maybe since you had plenty of time to get over it. Oh you still hate Sapphire, but you try to live your life like she never existed and being angry means you're still thinking of her even when is hard not to.

"I'm not too sure..... I know that what I was doing was wrong but I couldn't stop when I started" said Sapphire with tears in her eyes. While you try so hard not to yell at her considering that she didn't need a reason since she never loved you she just wanted to keep you like a pet.

"Bullshit!" snarl Neo making everyone turn to look at him in surprise since they all forgot that he was there.

"I'm Sorry what?" said Sapphire and you saw genius surprise on her face. Neo walk closer to her and she back up in surprise.

"You heard me I know you're true nature Sapphire considering what I know I can't believe you're standing here spouting all this bullshit about being sorry" Neo said spitting those words out causing you to believe that he somehow knew about Sapphire but how?

"Rewrite why are you being so mean? I know you still think I'm the old me, but I swear to you I've change I'm no longer the girl I used to be aren't you my childhood friend why can't you trust me?!" she said making you freeze they were childhood friends?!

"Whoa you two chill out" said Yang separating both Neo and Sapphire and you saw the still angry Neo glaring at her while Sapphire was already shedding tears.

"Yeah I mean you two are childhood friends aren't you? There's no need to fight" said Ruby looking at them in worry.

"The moment she betrayed our trust was the moment she stop being my sis....friend." he said before cutting his words and saying friend instead, "Sapphire I have no idea what happen to you, but you crossed the line that day. You broke the promise we made back then and I will never forgive you" said Neo glaring at her causing her to freeze.

"Broke my promise?" she said hollow and you and Neo froze at her tone. While everyone was getting uncomfortable at how personal this was getting.

"That's rich coming from you I wasn't the one who broke our promise first you two were" she said glaring at you and Neo with true genuine hatred in her eyes.

You look confused and worry to what she was hinting at, but Neo's eyes open in surprise before they were filling with the same hatred as Sapphire and he lunge at her causing Yang to restrain him.

"HEY WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" Yang scream surprise that Neo was about to attack Sapphire.


"(F/N) this might sound a little out there, but what Sapphire said........wasn't a lie at least not about the childhood friend part anyways. You, Sapphire, and I.......... used to live in the slums back in Mistral" you saw the Neo in the vision tell you and you felt like throwing up Why do you keep seeing this visions that never happen, "What is happening to me?" you thought feeling scare.


Then when the pain was so bad that you felt like your head was going to split open you remember everything.


"protect......I will......protect them" he heard someone say behind him and saw you looking at him with a demented smile that cause him to back away in fear.

" WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU?!" he screams in fear and saw you walk towards his goons with the smile and the rest of his entourage try to run but once Rewrite touch their legs they couldn't move them.

"Sorry (F/N) is not here right now HAHAHAHAHA" he heard you laugh and he try to run away. But he felt something hit him from behind and he screams in pain when he got him by something that you couldn't make out

" (F/N) take Sapphire and run.....GO FORGET ABOUT ME JUST ESCAPE THERE'S BOUND TO BE MORE I'LL HOLD THEM OFF" Screams Rewrite as he pushes Sapphire to you and was trying to knock out as many people as he could with punches and kicks.

"Hehehehe where is the fun in that how about you two leave is about to get ugly and I don't want you two to get time to finish this" you said with a big smile pushing Sapphire to rewrite ordering them to leave.

Rewrite hesitated, " Fine I'll be back when I hide Sapphire and I don't know what happen to you but we will always be best friends no matter what, so you better not lose" he said before taking Sapphire and running away.

"Now let me show you what happens when you try to take what's mine(his)"the guy heard you said, but he swore he heard two different voices talking.


You felt to your knees clutching your head and you didn't notice that Neo and Sapphire clutch their head in pain as well.

"(F/N)!!" scream Blake but you couldn't answer since you were in so much pain, but you finally remember. They were your're family Neo.....Saphie but if that's true your parents are not your real parents nononNONONONONONONONO.

"(F/N) what happen?!" said Neo running towards you ignoring that weird thing he saw in his head it look like a replay of what happen when they were kids.

You shakily lift your head to see the concern faces of all your friends especially Neo and to your surprise you thought you saw some concern in Sapphire, " Neo.....Saphie" you said causing both of them to freeze and their eyes widen in surprise and shock before you pass out.

Blake clutches your unconscious body in fear and Neo's and Sapphire's yelling attracted a crowd, "What's going on?" said a voice and everyone turn to look at the person coming and it was Professor Goodwitch. When the professor saw your unconscious form she quickly came closer to you.

"What happen?!" said Glynda in surprise and worry.

"We're not sure he was clutching his head like he was in pain and he pass out" said Weiss looking at your body scare for your health.

"His head was in pain?" she said and look at Neo and Sapphire before she sucked in a shock breath realizing what happen.

"Mr. Alexandrite did he behave abnormally? anything at all" she said nervous if that came out here...

Neo snap out of his trance before shakily shaking his head, " N-No he wasn't but Ms. Goodwitch I-I think he....remembers" he said happy causing everyone to give him a look of confusion.

Glynda's eye open in surprise before nodding, "Everyone go back to your business classes will start soon I don't want you to be late and Mr. Alexandrite I want a word with you" she said making him nod and everyone one looking starter to scatter, but everyone could hear the chatter this incident cause and Glynda hope this wouldn't cause weird rumor to spread among your peers.

"Wait what about (F/N?)" said Blake still clutching your body and wasn't letting go anytime soon.

"Ms. Belladonna you and everyone else take Mr. (L/N) to the infirmary he needs to be check out just in case" she said and she and Neo walk together out of the halls and all your friends carry you to the infirmary.

Sapphire just stood there looking at the spot you were she definitely heard you say her nickname," that does mean he remembers?" she though detach

"Well that was interesting" she heard someone say and she closed her eyes in annoyance hearing her teammate.

"Shut up.......Mercury" she growl looking at him and he just smirk at her.

"What happen back there?" Emerald say confuse since she never saw Sapphire break character before.

"Nothing just baggage from my past" Sapphire said bitterly remembering what happen back then.... Whatever that flashback she saw was it reminded her of why she hates them she will never forgive her so called "family".

"Will this become an issue for you?" Cinder said narrowing her eyes at the blue hair girl.

"No...It was a onetime thing it will never happen again trust me as long as I get my revenge nothing will stop me" she growls remembering both you and Neo.

"Good I don't need a worthless companion you three know the plan we can't fail here" said Cinder and all three nodded before walking towards their dorm.

"I swear upon my name (F/N) (L/N) and Rewrite Alexandrite you will rue the day you two betrayed me" She thought in anger ignoring the dark chuckle in her head.

-----Ozpin's Office------

"Are you saying that Mr. (L/N) has regained his lost memories" said Ozpin looking at both Glynda and Neo.

"It's a pretty safe bet considering that he called out Sapphire's nickname that's a name only he and I knew and no else" he said rubbing his forehead.

"You're also positive that didn't manifest did it?" Ozpin said to Neo and Neo shudders remembering how insane you look when you fought those assholes when you guys were little.

"No I'm sure trust me Professor if that happen again I would of notice the difference" he said shaking his head and getting rid of the image of your crazy smile.

"I see that's good news for sure, but we can't relax just yet if what you told me was right anger triggers that but were not 100% sure. It could be any extreme negative emotion and now that he regained all his memories he'll have many questions to ask you and those two" Ozpin said drinking his coffee and thinking on what to do.

"For now will let him rest before seeing how much he remembers and Ms. Goodwitch can you call those two I'm sure Mr. (L/N) will have things he'll want answer and having them present as quickly as possible will hinder any negative emotions towards them to fester and grow" he said and Glynda nodded before walking away and dialing a number in her scroll.

"As for you Mr. Alexandrite look after Mr. (L/N) and if you see that manifest report to me immediately" he said and Neo nodded before sighing and walking away to the elevator and leaving.

"Things so far have been going well, but one wrong move will cause this whole house of card to fall" Ozpin said before taking another sip off his coffee.
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..............Yo......Wi.......SuF.......Ma.......My WoR........

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