Truth unfolds

By Naina2511

34.4K 1.5K 948

This is a fanfiction on my favourite couple rajveer naina. This story belongs to the most refreshing serial l... More

Chapter 1 : One last night
Chapter 2 : Let the mission begins.
chapter 3 : One war lost.
Chapter 4 : Naina is my strength.
Chapter 5 : And the mission begins.
Chapter 6 : Is this the end?
Chapter 7: Will she come back?
Chapter 9 : Come back for him
Chapter 10 : A friend or a foe.
Chapter 11 : Let's have a talk Captain.
Chapter 12 : I trust you much more than I love you.
Chapter 13 : My lady!!!
Chapter 14 : Who is your mentor?
Chapter 15 : Let's get the secret out!!!
Chapter 16 : Uninvited guest
Chapter 17 : A piece of past
Chapter 18 : Let's face the truth!!!
Chapter 19 : And the final battle starts!!!

Chapter 8 : She means so much

1.5K 83 46
By Naina2511

" Please god, i have never asked for anything, but dont take her away from me. She is the only family i am left with. I promise i will leave drinking but please don't take her away."

Alekh offers a barter deal to god. Its true he has never asked for anything from god. Since his mother died, he never had a family. But naina is close to one. Naina has always considered him as a responsible and reliable person. She has seen the innocent alekh across the cover of a rude man. He was never a kaidi for her.

She is the only one who wishes to see the old alekh. She helped him everytime. She helps in his studies and wants to make him a gentleman. She is his only family left and he loves her like his own sister. Of course nobody can take naveen's place for naina, but he has always been close to her. That's why she trusted him with her biggest secret. That trust, love and affection was bringing back the old alekh.

But now with naina inside the ICU, he feels like he is losing another important person in his life. He is losing his anchor, his sister.

" Kaidi, nothing is going to happen to our phoolan. She is a fighter. If she can fight with me and win, she can do anything."

After rajveer informed KMA, Brigadier didn't allow anyone to leave. But our cadets dont need any permission. Alekh and huda sneaked out.

Huda loves naina. But she never fell for her. Infact she always wanted to make him a better person. She tried to find out the real amardeep huda behind his hudagiri. Maybe he had never been her best friend, but she always supported him in right things and scolded for his bad things. Thats why he loves her crazily. He has always known that she is a brave soul. This is just a trailer of how much brave she is. Her bravery, her determination and her pure heart with so much love for everyone makes him fall for her everytime.

He looks across the waiting room and finds rajveer sitting silently and looking upwards occasionally. He wonders whether he is sad for his protegee or there is something else. But he puts a pause to his thoughts. Because last time he tried to blame their relationship, he almost lost naina. This time he will support her.

His chain of thoughts are broken by the doctors announcement.

" We have taken out the bullet. However, due to blood loss, she is in a critical condition for next few hours. If she survives next hours, she is going to live. Lets hope for the best."

Everyone leaves their breath which they have been holding for so long.

" Please go sir, get her back. I know she listens to you the most. Tell her with all your heart, that you need her back in your life. She can never disobey you."

Alekh whispers to rajveer. Rajveer looks surprised. Alekh always knew everything. But he never expected him to directly talk like this. Desperate times call for desperate measures. He sadly thinks.


Inside ICU.

Rajveer looks at naina's face, which used to show so much dedication and determination, is now pale. He looks at all the wires attached to her body. He curses himself for being responsible for everything.

" Naina, please wake up. Come back to me soon. I want you to question me. I can tolerate your anger and your hatred but your silence kills me. Please wake up."

There is still no response from her. This is not a movie where he will call for her and she will wake up that very moment. He sadly thinks.

" Naina, I believe god. I have faith in my love. No-one can take you away from me. I haven't loved you to lose you at this early stage. I am yet to tell you my truth. Please come back."

He feels a hand on his wrist. He opens his eyes to look at naina whether any miracle has happened, but to his disappointment naina is still asleep. It is Dr shalini.

" Captain, you cant stay here for so long. You have to leave."

With one last look at naina, he says

" Naveen left me alone to fight. Now you can't leave me alone. Trust me, if you're going anywhere i am coming with you. And this is not captain Rajveer talking, thats your rajveer speaking. Come soon. I have been waiting since so long for you."

And he leaves.

She is so much to him. Even words can't describe how much she means to him. She is his support his motivation. He is a perfect soldier but she showed him how to fight for your belief. Her dedication makes her different. He fell for her because she is unlike girls of her age.

She is everything he ever wanted to have. He feels she is his family his home he has been waiting for. How can she leave him when he is ready to accept his love.


Thank you so much everyone for all your support. It feels really great when you appreciate my words.

If you guys want any improvement in the story line, please tell me. I will try to improve it.

This chapter got too long therefore i had to break it in halves. I will be updating next chapter in the night.

Thank you so much for all appreciation and support. Keep reading and keep voting.

Naina 💕

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