Chapter 1 : One last night

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" I can't leave you alone in this situation. You are not going anywhere without me. I will be coming with you."

How many times rajveer actually wished that these words would have come from naina. Wishing is the only thing he can do. There is nothing more he can do when it comes to naina.

Now when Dr Ritu Mishra knows the truth about naveen's death, she will not leave any stone unturned in telling naina about this truth. She will try to ruin rajveer emotionally. So that she can succeed in her mission of stealing triggers. She is now blackmailing him to take her to the mission.

How many times he thought of telling her the truth. But every time, he gathers some courage, she looks at him with so much trust and respect that he loses all his courage.

Ofcourse he loves her. This is the one thing he can never deny. He can never lie to himself. How much he tries to hide, he fails miserably. Maybe this is the only reason that Dr mishra, the spy, actually knows his weak point. She played really nice. And now she blackmails him so that he can take her to the mission in disguise of which he is transferring triggers from KMA.

But how can he let his personal emotions come in between his duty. He has always claimed that he is already married to his nation and uniform. Now is the time to do duty towards his nation.

How can he let his naina become a hurdle. He knows she is impulsive. He knows she will hate him forever. He knows he will lose her forever. He will ruin any chance of getting her. But he has to do this. He is determined.

Only one night and next day he will lose everything.

Tomorrow he ll go on a mission unlike others where he used to have nothing to lose. This mission will take his everything.

Another night of regret and guilt which was getting less with naina around him.

Last night to savior all those moments spent with naina. Last night to dream about those eyes where he used to see only trust and respect.

From tomorrow, everything will be changed. She will no longer want to be in life anymore.

Last night..and so many thoughts to conquer. So many wars to be lost before that final war.

Rajveer cannot overpower Captain Rajveer Singh Shekhawat.

Captain Shekhawat has to do his duty towards his nation.

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