The School for Good and Evil:...

By 107awesome

33.1K 712 1.6K

(YES I'M STILL UPDATING THIS) "She spins it slightly, the warmth of the sun hitting off its velvety folds. Th... More

Author's Note
Some Brief Cover History
Part 1: A Bad Way To Start A Story
Sophie a.k.a. The Worst Chapter of This Story
Thank you!
The big mistake. Or was It ?
Part 2: The Actual Story
They Meet part 2
Uglification, Sword Class, Beautification? What are these? CLASSES?! WHAT?!
I think I wrote something sad. ( NOT A CHAPTER)
From which Ally confuses Tedros then confuses Tedros again.
Sophie is a coward but no one is surprised.
Some history of friendship. Sophie's still in denial.
For the Nitpickers and the Author Who Made A Big Mistake
Agatha Puts "Communicate to Animals" On Her Resume
Le Panda Day
Why Did I Get The Floating Blue One?
Important Author's Note
Rewind A Couple of Chapters
A Twist of the Tale
all that is gold does not glitter
Part 3: The Real Story (Actually this time)

They meet part 1

1.2K 27 27
By 107awesome

Chapter 8:    

 "AHHHHHHHH!!!" Sophie screamed as she plunged into the gray mist. 

Suddenly, she came to a stop and seemed to be floating in the air. 

Sophie, would have cringed at the smell of the school, but she was to busy having a mental break down:

What??? This is all wrong! I'm in the wrong school!! 

A scream awakened her from her thoughts. A person had been dropped next to Sophie and started to float. She saw that it was a boy, with little whiskers on his face. He looks like a weasel, Sophie thought, before stopping herself. 

The boy looked up and said, "Hi! My names Hort! Nice to meet you! Wow, you are really different though... I never thought they made witches look a good as you do..." Sophie stifled a scream. It was Radly but 100 times more awful!!

                         More screams crowded around her. Sophie tried to get out of the way, only to stop floating and land on the ground, hard. She rubbed her back, but as she stood up, she heard a growl. Sophie whipped around to see a big gray wolf behind her. She silently shrieked and ran. 

Sophie saw the Hort guy and followed him. Sophie ended up getting pushed into a line of other kids. One look at them made Sophie ever more sure she did not belong in this school. She had spotted a girl with sicking green skin, and almost choked when she saw someone with only one eye. 

                  Mabey if Sophie had been thinking straight she would've run out of there, or at least question the wolves, which is what she thought afterwards. But at the time she felt like fainting. 

As she walked she didn't notice the columns that had a letter on each one as she walked, spelling out NEVER. She also didn't notice the design on each letter. They were all pictures of witches, warlocks, potions, and people turning into frogs and lizards. Sophie didn't notice anything until she realized the line stopped moving. She heard oos and ahhs. Sophie thought that was an odd sound coming from them when she realized what they were looking at. On the wall, there were murals on the wall of kids. The ones that looked the oldest had things on them like:



The Wicked Queen

Had a picture of an old hag, laughing while hunched over, a half-eaten apple lying on the ground next to a lifeless arm.

James Hook


Captain Hook

Had a picture of a tall boy who had short black curly hair, and a mischievous smile.

There were others like Bluebeard, The Enchantress, The Big Bad Wolf, and many more villains that Sophie knew too well. But as she noticed these murals, she saw the faces of the other kids. They had a look of admiration. That's when Sophie realized that everyone here was born to be a villain, and she well..... Shouldn't be here. 

The line kept moving again. Sophie started to think, Agatha would love this place! 

CLOP! Interrupted her thoughts. Sophie saw that everyone was spread out looking at a pile of books and a piece of paper. Sophie looked down and saw a pile of books and a piece of paper underneath her to. She picked up the paper. It said:

(Just put Special Talent as 2 and Curses & Death Traps as 6)

                          Sophie almost shrieked in horror. This sheet of paper, Sophie thought, is for villains only! Not me! Not beautiful princess Sophie! 

Sophie picked up the books and shuddered at the titles. Then Sophie saw a clump of black cloth. Then she realized as she looked around the room, that it was a dress as the uniform! The girls had a black sagging dress, that reminded Sophie of Agatha's black sack. The boys were horrible too. They had a long baggy black shirt and black pants. The clothes looked like they were hand-me-downs from someones great great great great great grandparents.

 As soon as Sophie lifted up her black dress, she shrieked in horror at the sight of it close up. What she didn't realize was that she had shrieked so loud that everyone in the room looked at her. As their eyes bore into her, she heard whispering. 

"Who is that?" 

"Pink dress, blonde hair, no witch." 

"Puny Ever?"

"Definitely an Ever."



Sophie got over her fears and said in the sweetest voice she could muster. "Keep going doing what you're doing, you're embarrassing me with all the attention." At that, the students of Evil picked up their things and kept walking, but constantly sending looks back at her. Looks that told her she didn't belong.

                          After a while, she saw 3 different staircases. They said things like Malice, Vice, and Mischief. Sophie saw that her room was in the Malice Tower room 66. 

My room? Sophie thought. Since when did I think that the school for Evil is my home? My home should be over there! In the nice beautiful tower, of pure Good! 

As she headed up the steps she looked down at the so-called uniform. I'm never wearing this. Sophie looked down at her pink dress. It was dirty from when she was dragged to school. 

At that time she was reminded of Agatha. Poor Agatha. She must be freaking right now. But Sophie didn't know that Agatha was freaking, but maybe not because of the same thing as Sophie. I wonder who that Ally girl was... Suddenly Sophie realized she was lagging behind everybody, so she hurried up the stairs.

                 When Sophie got upstairs she heard the sound of doors slamming. She walked down the hall looking for the number 66. As she walked she found signs on the doors that said things like,

Room 13. Archane, Mona, Kuchma

Room: 20. Lester, Zaotha, Nian

Room 29. Ath, Kyn, Ashlen

                    What odd names. Sophie thought. As she walked she caught a reflection of herself. Even though her dress was dirty it stuck out against that dark hallways.

Still a Princess. Sophie thought.

                  Sophie eventually found #66. Without looking at the names of her new roomies, she took a deep breath and opened the door.


She looked up to hear a voice.

"I told you we get her!" A girl said, sitting on a bed. The girl had dark brown hair with red highlights and pale skin, an evil glint in her eyes. The door slammed shut to reveal another girl. 

"Tell me about it," she said. That girl had pale white skin, almost as pale of her white hair.

 "Oh please, you guys are so rude." Sophie whipped around to see another girl on a different bed. She was plump and short with chocolate brown hair and brown eyes. "Hello there!" The girl said. "My names Dot, and that is Hester." Dot said, pointing to the girl on the bed. "And the cheerful one over there is Anadil." She said pointing to the girl who slammed the door.

"uhh..." Sophie said. "My name is Sophie." Hester huffed. 

"Of course we know your name is Sophie we saw your name on the door, duh." Anadil just scowled at Sophie.

"Probably an Ever right?" Anadil asked. 

"Yes definitely," Hester replied. 

"Umm, can you please tell me, what is an Ever exactly?" Sophie asked, confused. Hester stared at her and laughed. 

"You must be from Rainbow Gale, all the worst Evers come from there." Sophie just looked bewildered. Dot piped up.

"Oh, how do you know that she's not a Never?" She asked. Hester glared at Dot. 

"We just do". 

"Wait a minute," Anadil said. "If you don't know what a Never is.... and you look so confused at the names of places where Evers come from..." Anadil groaned.

"What? What is it" Dot asked. Hester took one glance at Anadil and groaned too. Dot looked between them. "What? Oh please tell me!" Sophie joined in too. 

"Yes... please tell us". Sophie asked as politely as she could. Hester glared at her. 

"You're... You're a Reader." She said through gritted teeth.

"And what's wrong with that?" Sophie asked. Anadil scowled. 

"It's not necessarily a bad thing.." Dot started. 

"But that means we have the worst possible roommate ever." Hester finished. 

"How do we know she's our roommate?? For all we know, she could be an Ever and a Stymph could've accidentally dropped her." Anadil said. 

Hester and Anadil gave Sophie two withering glares when she asked, "What is a Reader, an Ever and a Never?" Hester sighed and told Sophie that Ever and Never was just short terms for Ever after and Nevermore. One is a happy ending for each. Good gets a kingdom and stuff, and Evil a land of there own where they rule alone. Hester also told her that a Reader is a person from beyond the woods, where they read the fairytale books. The schoolmaster believed in balance, so he handpicked two children from each land, including Sophie's. While Hester was explaining, they didn't here Dot mumbling, they never make a mistake never...

Hester stopped talking and Dot stuffed chocolate in her mouth that came out of nowhere. She munched on it while everyone was staring. Dot looked at them. 

"What? Want some?"


                      Sophie eventually got a chance to look at the room. It looked like it was once nice, but went through a flood, fire, and hurricane and any more natural disasters. 

Sophie picked a bed that was near the only window. She looked through it. On her right she could see a beautiful blue forest, then a dark black one. In front of her was a mucky gray river that leads right up to a bridge. One half of the bridge was all mossy and looked old, the other half looked new and clean. The river went under the bridge and seemed to change into clear as glass water.

She looked up to see the same castle she saw when she Agatha, and that girl who came outta nowhere, Ally, the School Of Good. Sophie at once started having questions in her mind.

Why hadn't she'd been taken to the other school? And why does this castle smell like dead animals? But one question stood out of them all. 

Why did that stupid bird of bones drop me here and dropped Agatha there? No, Sophie! Birds are not stupid, even if they're made out of bones, you are a princess and a princess treats all others like she wants to be treated!!

Sophie looked to the right of the bridge to see a very tall tower, which reminded her of Rapunzel.

"You better put your uniform on." A voice said. Sophie looked up to see Dot with a brown smudge on her face (from the chocolate). Sophie looked at her uniform beside her bed and grimaced.  

"Nonsense! I am a princess I refuse to put this... This retched thing on!" 

"If you are a so-called princess then why hasn't any fairies come for you?" Hester seethed. Sophie was lost for words. 

"That's what I thought," Hester said, with a smirk. 

"You better put that uniform on though," Anadil said. "We have the first assembly." 

"My mom said that the assembly was full of hogwash," Hester stated. Anadil snorted. 

"No kidding, my mom said the same thing too!" Dot shrugged. 

"My dad said he ignored the whole thing and said it was fine..." Dot said, lost in thought.

Mom? Dad? Who were these people parents... Sophie noticed a model of a gingerbread house next to Hester's bed. She gasped. No can't be... She then noticed a bracelet of small bones on Anadil's arm. The witch... and finally, she saw a picture of a dashing man with a bow saying:

(Look at the picture above)

Hester said menacingly, "Got all of her villains figured out, eh?" Dot then finished her thoughts out loud. 

"Although, daddy did say that there was one thing that ruined it..." 

"What"? Sophie asked, not wanting it to be worse. Surprisingly it was the best thing she had heard that day. 

"Evers." Everyone except Sophie shuddered.

Sophie walked out with everyone else as they walked to the assembly room which was also the Circus Of Talents room. Dot told her that it hosted near the end of the year a talent show. Apparently Good always won, which ended up having the Circus Of Talents always in the Good castle. So they had to walk there. 

Sophie lagged to the end of the VERY long line. Sophie didn't see all the strange looks she was getting from the Evil teachers and students. She didn't notice the teachers of Good stares. She didn't see the fairies who were all wondering, why is this beautiful young girl in with Evil? She didn't even notice a figure turn to turn from a shadow to solid. Float up to that tall tower. She didn't see that same figure looking at her from the tower, wearing a blue mask. All Sophie was thinking about was the Evers she was going to meet, and if she was going to meet her prince...

All Agatha was thinking about was trying to escape a certain castle...

Authors Note:

right now I'm gonna mentally yell at the dishes. I blame them for not letting me update faster... why dishes why?? anyway, I will update soon keep reading and all that other stuff...

Authors Note #2:

Sorry for not updating! You wonderful guys have been waiting for a little bit. I am sorry I have stopped the chapter here, but I wanted to stop giving you tiny updates and just give you the full chapter.

Thx to all who have voted and commented. Thx to the silent readers who just read the book. Thanks for reading so far. How good is my first fanfic so far anyway?

NOW ON TO They Meet PART 2!


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