Regona City: Tempest (BK3)

By voif1d

217K 14.5K 3.1K

Given the chance to return to Regona, Sahara takes it. Times, however, have changed. Lithium City has stumble... More

The Return
A New City
A Fleeting Moment
Unwanted Reunion
Double Trouble
Just Like Old Days
A Moment Together
A Troubling Question
A Seed Planted
A Forced Hand
An Offer of Help
Decision Point
A City Awakes
A Phantom Intrudes
Gain and Loss
A Sacrifice Made
No Boundaries (final)
Author's Note

The Calm

10.9K 660 201
By voif1d

Voices mixed together, rising into an almost unbearable sound. Students yelled each louder than the one before in order to try and get heard. A long line had formed as they waited to get their food. It was mac and cheese today. In one corner sat a group of girls all dressed in their cheer uniform, chatting as they ate. Near them were a bunch of kids dressed in such colorful clothes that it almost hurt one's eyes to look at them. In another corner was a silent group, each reading a book and not even pausing to look up as they shoved a forkful of mac and chees into their mouths; all at the same time.

"Have I ever mentioned how creepy they are?" a girl with cropped brown hair said as she watched.

Sahara lifted her brown eyes from her plate to see who was being referred to. The cafeteria had never been a silent place. Before, it had intimidated her, now Sahara felt more than comfortable with it. As she caught sight of the group reading books she saw them all reach for their glass of water at the same time. Her face split into a grin.

"They're almost like the twins, doing things at the same time..." the words slipped out of her mouth before she could stop herself.

"What twins?" the girl next to her asked as she gave her a quizzical look.

"Oh, just some people I once knew," Sahara waved the question off. It was odd at how easy it had become to brush off the past. At first it had been unbearable to suddenly find herself back in her own world. Yet, as time went on her memories of Regona faded more and more. It felt more like a dream than anything else. Still, there was something inside her that tugged now and then, telling her she was trying to forget in order to not have to feel the pain. Did she want to go back? Perhaps; but she had finally found her place here. She had made friends, had a was everything she had always wanted. Or so she told herself.

A plate thumped down across from her. Sahara turned her attention to the newcomer. With tussled blond hair, piercing grey eyes, and a defined jaw, the guy looked intimidating. There was a fading bruise right under his eye.

"Hi, Hecate," Sahara greeted him warmly.

Hecate grunted in response as he plopped himself down in the chair across from Sahara.

He picked up a fork and began to push the food on his plate around. "I hate caf food," he commented with a scowl.

The girl beside Sahara was watching him carefully. "Doesn't look like any new injuries. You been behaving this week?" she asked.

"Haha, Lena," Hecate replied dryly.

"At least the other one is almost healed up," Sahara pointed out the bright side.

Hecate only grunted in reply before shoving a large forkful of mac and cheese into his mouth. He chewed it once before making a face. Closing his eyes, he made a great show of swallowing it.

"Ech," he made an unidentifiable sound as he washed it down with water.

Sahara hid a grin. She didn't know why she had been so terrified of Hecate in the past. He was one of the kids who had been at the same home she had been before the Kane's adopted her. The rumors about him at the time had made her keep her distance. Yet, things had changed. After actually trying to get to know him, Sahara found that he was really a big softie. Unfortunately for him, he seemed to attract trouble wherever he went and often found himself involved in a fight he wanted no part off.

Just like a certain someone, Sahara grinned at the memory.

"You're always playing with that," Hecate's voice pulled her from her thoughts.

Sahara was surprised to realize she had pulled out the chain around her neck and was playing with the ring at the end of it. "Oh," she let go of the ring at once. "It was a gift from a special friend," she said.

"Special, huh?" Lena leaned closer to take a look at the ring. "Just how special?"

Hecate was shoving another spoonful of food into his mouth. He looked regretful as soon as he did.

Sahara shook her head. "Just someone I used to know," she replied. She felt a stab go through her as memories threatened to surface. I didn't even get to say goodbye... she shook her head. What's wrong with me? Why am I getting so sentimental? She didn't understand why she was thinking so much about the past today.

"You all eating without me?" a girl with big brown eyes and matching brown hair asked as she plopped down beside Hecate.

"And we were enjoying it," Hecate told her.

His reply was a slap on the shoulder. "Ouch," Hecate complained.

"You're a horrible boyfriend," the newcomer told him as she made a move to get back up.

"Paula!" Hecate reached out to grab her hand to stop her.

Sahara couldn't help but giggle at the look of panic on Hecate's face. He had only just mustered the guts to ask Paula out two weeks ago and would panic at every joke she made referring to their relationship. It was as if he was afraid she would slip out of his grasp.

"I was just kidding," Paula told Hecate as she sat back down and grabbed her fork.

Sahara grinned as she watched relief flood the boy's face. She had to admit, she was thrilled that he and Paula had finally gotten together. Hecate had been confiding in Sahara, trying to get her to ask Paula how she felt about him. Sahara had flatly refused, telling him he needed to man up and just ask her out. She was happy it had worked out, for Hecate still lived in the home and she knew how difficult life could get there. Dating the bubbly Paula was good for him if anything.

"Can I eat your cake?" Hecate asked Paula as he stared hungrily at her desert.

Paula shoved it towards him without a word of protest.

A bunch of the school's basketball players walked past, their girlfriends in tow. Lena let out a sigh from where she watched, her hand pressed up against her cheek. "I need a man," she moaned. "Why are all the good ones taken?" Her eyes followed the basketball players.

"You'll find one," Paula told her.

"Says the girl who already has one," Lena replied.

Paula shrugged as she took a sip of her water.

"Sahara," Lena whined as she turned to Sahara. "Help me find a man!"

"To what? Place him on your mantel and look at?" Sahara replied.

Hecate snorted.

"Oh come on," Lena replied. "Surely there's someone at school you're interested in."

"Not in the least," came Sahara's calm reply as she too, reached for her water.

Lena's eyes narrowed. "You're lying," she announced. Then, her eyes widened. "There's one outside of school!"

Sahara choked on her water.

Both Hecate and Paula looked up from their food.

"Bingo!" Lena exclaimed. She leaned closer to Sahara. "So...who is he?"

"No one," Sahara muttered, regretting the fact that her face was turning red on its own.

"Awe, she's blushing," Paula commented. It didn't help Sahara's situation in the least.

Hecate's eyes narrowed. "Is he nice?" He seemed to have taken the role of a big brother lately.

"Guys, it's no one," Sahara told them.

"Is he cute?" Lena asked. She didn't look like she about to let this go.

An image flashed through Sahara's mind. Sparkling emerald green eyes, dark black hair...features that made girls everywhere swoon...just the memory made her heart beat quicken. Sahara quickly blinked the image away. "Can we just drop it?" she pleaded.

"Why?" Lena asked.

"Look...things didn't work out, I don't want to talk about it," Sahara replied.

Hecate scowled. "Did he make you cry?"

More than he'll ever know, Sahara thought as she remembered the tears she had shed the first month she had been back. "He moved, it couldn't work with the distance," she simply said.

"Love knows no bounds...including distance," Lena replied as she clutched her heart.

"Says the one with as much experience as a penguin has with flying," Paula muttered.

"Hey!" Lena protested. "I have tons of experience!"

"Such as...?" Paula challenged.

"I just want to say that this explains why Sahara is so disinterested in the male population," Lena quickly changed the subject.

"How so?" Paula asked.

Hecate had turned his attention to his phone. Sahara just sat in silence, wondering how to best change the conversation. She didn't like this. It brought up memories of good times...and it hurt to remember what she had left behind without a choice.

"It's because she found her true love," Lena began dramatically. "But he had to leave and now she's destined to wait for him forever!"

Paula rolled her eyes.

Sahara felt the words sink into her mind. Was that really it? Am I still holding on to the past? She couldn't help but wonder. Am I hoping that I'm going to see him and the others again?

"You're ridiculous," Paula told Lena.

Lena stuck out her tongue in response.

"Did you guys hear?" an excited voice asked.

Sahara looked up to see that Rick, the last of their group, had appeared at the table.

"Why are you so late?" Lena asked.

Rick waved her off. "Chris Tucker and John Yaz are getting expelled."

Hecate looked up from his phone at that one.

"Seriously?" Paula asked. "What did they do?"

"Well..." Rick leaned forward. "Rumors are that..."

And so the topic changed. Yet, Sahara could only half listen to the rest of the conversation. The bell for classes to resume went soon after and the friends split ways to go to their classes. The rest of the day passed with little more happening before Sahara found herself on the school bus heading home.

She was dropped off at the bottom of a familiar hill. Adjusting her backpack, she watched the school bus turn away before she headed up the hill towards her home.

It took a while, but she soon caught sight of the blue double story farmhouse that waited for her at the top. Chickens ran around outside it, pecking at anything that they thought looked remotely edible. A goat stood to one side, munching on a hat that looked suspiciously familiar.

There must be a hole in the fence again, Sahara thought with a sigh.

She reached the top of the hill just as there was an excited bark. A black shape sprang up from the porch and charged towards her.

"Hey boy!" Sahara dropped to her knees, arms encircling the young black Labrador.

The response was to have her face licked while the dog's tail wagged so hard it looked like it would come off.

"Calm down, Blue," Sahara laughed.

Blue didn't stop.

"Alright," Sahara pulled herself away and got to her feet. "It's good to see you too," she petted the dog's head. The Kane's had gotten her Blue not long after Sahara had returned. It was Mr. Kane's idea, an inside joke of him having mistaken his wife's idea of adopting a girl for a puppy. Sahara had been the one to name the dog, and she hadn't hesitated in using the name she did. Now she was beginning to wonder if she should change it.

"Alright, let's go inside," Sahara told Blue as she resumed her walk. Blue trotted along beside her before charging forward and making the chickens scatter. He made a move at the goat but thought the better of it when the animal lowered its head threateningly and took a step forward. The dog at once changed direction and galloped up the stairs. There he paused and turned around to wait for Sahara, his tail wagging.

Sahara made it to the bottom of the steps when a noise coming from the blue barn made her pause. She shot a glance over at the familiar building. She heard another bang followed by a string of inappropriate words, and then another bang and then what sounded suspiciously like some sort of explosion.

Samuel's at it again, Sahara thought with a grin. She turned and sprang up the stairs. "I'm home!" she yelled as she walked through the door, Blue at her heels. A delicious smell of something baking wrapped itself around her.

Mrs. Kane appeared, wiping her hands on a towel; her brown hair was pulled into a messy bun. "How was your day, honey?" she asked, her grey eyes twinkling as usual.

"Good," Sahara replied with a smile.

"Well, you came back just in time. The chocolate cookies are just about done."

Blue's ears perked up.

"None for you," Mrs. Kane scowled at him. "Honestly, sometimes I think that dog understands what I'm saying," she added. "Much homework?" she asked Sahara.

"The usual," Sahara replied as she took off her shoes and dumped her backpack on the ground. "Some kids got expelled today."

"Oh really?" Mrs. Kane walked towards the kitchen and Sahara followed, her stomach grumbling. She really wanted one of those fresh cookies.

"Yup," she replied as she slipped into a chair to watch Mrs. Kane walk towards the oven.

Blue shoved his head under Sahara's hand, begging for attention. She complied by scratching his head.

Mrs. Kane opened the oven. Grabbing a towel, she pulled out a tray of cookies. Sahara's mouth watered as she eyed them.

"Let them cool," Mrs. Kane warned as she placed the cookies on the table before Sahara.

There was a 'bang' from outside. Mrs. Kane flinched and then just shook her head. She turned to the sink and began to wash her hands.

"What's he working on now?" Sahara asked, referring to her step-father. He was an inventor and sometimes quite good at it. Unfortunately, he had more failures than successes.

Mrs. Kane shrugged. "Last I heard he was talking about a dog walker of some sort. I think he gave up on that after it caught fire...I don't know what he's doing now. He didn't say. But he's been working for a while on it." She switched off the tap. "Let's hope something good comes out of it. Our bills are piling up again."

"He'll make it in time, he always does," Sahara replied as she reached for a cookie. Blue watched her every move.

Mrs. Kane smiled. "I'm glad you have so much faith in him. I think he should go get a real job."

"But then who would we have to burn the place down?" Sahara replied. She successfully grabbed a cookie and was proceeding to take a bite.

"Very funny," Mrs. Kane replied.

Sahara grinned. She bite off a large chunk.

"How is it?" Mrs. Kane asked.

"Mmm," Sahara replied as the cookie melted in her mouth. She closed her eyes, savoring the taste. "I could live off your chocolate chip cookies."

"Now that would be something worth seeing," Mrs. Kane replied.

Sahara didn't reply, her mouth too full.

"Right, how about you get your homework done?" Mrs. Kane told her.

Sahara rolled her eyes. Mrs. Kane always insisted she do her homework as soon as she got home. She grabbed another cookie before she got up and headed back to where she had left her backpack. Blue was right on her heels.

Grabbing her backpack, Sahara headed for the porch. She loved to do her homework outside, it somehow made her head clearer. No sooner did she sit down than something landed on her lap. There was a loud 'purring' sound as a cat rubbed up against her. "Hey there, Mo," Sahara murmured as she scratched his head. Mo's purring got louder.

Grabbing her math book from her bag, Sahara opened it up. She pulled out a notebook and a pencil. Mo, called Mr. Whiskers by the Kane's, jumped onto the table, stared lazily at her, and then promptly proceeded to curl up on top of her book.

"Jeeze," Sahara muttered. She reached out and pushed him off. Mo ignored her, sleeping right where she placed him. Blue watched before he too, curled up and fell asleep, his head resting on her feet. With a smile, Sahara turned her attention to her math.

She spent the next hour and a half trying to work through it. She hated math. It always took her three times as long to grasp things compared to the rest of her class. The teacher just would go through it too fast for her brain to take it all in. Sometimes Mr. Kane would help her. He was a genius at this stuff, yet once he got working on an invention he would disappear for days at a time in the barn.

"Dinner!" Mrs. Kane's voice pulled her from the problem she was currently working on. Realizing that she had been chewing her pencil with one hand while rubbing the ring on the necklace with the other, Sahara stopped doing both at once. She dropped the pencil and got up. Mo stayed where he was, yet Blue rose and followed her inside.

The table, set for three, had a gigantic pot on it from which a mouthwatering smell was coming. Sahara skipped over to it and peeked inside. She smiled as she saw her favorite beef stew.

"It looks like it'll just be the two of us tonight," Mrs. Kane told her as she walked in. "From the sound of it I don't think Samuel will be obliged to part from his work for dinner." She sat down with a sigh. "Honestly, what to do with that man."

Sahara didn't reply as she sat down.

"Shoo," Mrs. Kane swiped a hand to move Blue from where he stood near her, nose in the air as he sniffed for the source of the smell.

They said grace and then the two ate dinner alone. It was the usual, Mrs. Kane asking all about Sahara's day and Sahara telling her everything that had happened. The soup was so good that Sahara had three servings only to regret at how stuffed she felt after.

That was when the phone began to ring.

"Now who could that be?" Mrs. Kane wondered aloud as she excused herself.

Sahara watched her walk over and pick it up.

"Hello?" Mrs. Kane asked. "Ah, Matilda!" she exclaimed. She turned and walked towards the living room. "I was just thinking that I needed to call you some time...yes, I would say the same..." she disappeared.

Sahara sat where she was, her elbow resting on the table with her chin in one hand. She let out a sigh as she scratched Blue's head. Closing her eyes she could felt the drowsiness begin to settle in. A hot bath and then bed, she thought with a smile. That would be the best was to end the day.

Footsteps pounded and the door burst open.

"I did it!" an excited voice yelled.

Sahara turned to see Mr. Kane standing in the doorway. His black hair had greyed considerably and his eyes were hidden by the glasses that sat on top of them...soot coated on their lenses. His face was smudged with black and Sahara could only assume it was grease of some sort.

Blue had gotten up and was prancing around Mr. Kane, tail wagging as he sniffed his legs, taking in all the interesting smells.

Mr. Kane pushed the glasses up onto his head.

"Sahara!" he exclaimed as he saw her sitting by herself. He hurried towards her. "Sahara I did it!" There was excitement written on his face.

Sahara had gotten used to his eccentric behavior not too long ago. She had become quite fond of the man, and he of her, the two getting along ever since Sahara had come back.

"It's done!" Mr. Kane added as he placed a hand on her shoulder.

"The dog walker?" Sahara asked.

Mrs. Kane peeked her head into the room before disappearing again, still on the phone.

"Dog walker?" Mr. Kane replied. He shook his head. "No...that one didn't work out. The gears weren't what they were meant to be...miscalculated..." he muttered to himself. Seeming to realize he was going off topic he shook his head again. "No...the machine, I fixed the machine!"

Sahara furrowed her forehead. Mr. Kane had so many machines in the barn that it was hard to tell which one he was referring to.

"Good for you," she finally said.

"You don't understand." Mr. Kane scowled. He took a deep breath. "Sahara, how would you like to go back to visit that place?"

"What place?"

Mr. Kane's eyes sparkles. "The one you call Regona City."

Sahara felt her heart drop.

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