she threw the knives| cloves...

By jogdana

640 9 5

clove is 15 and from district 2, she is reaped to compete in the 74th hunger games is she deep down the pers... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9

Chapter 7

68 1 0
By jogdana

'Attention tributes, a feast will be held at the cornicopia. There will be a table with bags with your district number on the front with everything you will need to survive for 3 days. Happy Hunger Games'. It wakes me up. I'm still in Katniss' arms. Hollister is on the other side of her. They stir and wake up. Katniss grabs her bow. 'We All start at the edge of the cornicopia, we each grab our bags and meet here' says Katniss. I nod in agreement 'Sounds good'. Hollister agrees to it too. Because I'm from 2, I start. I wait until the coast is clear and run. There's a K for Kentwell on my bag. I get it and run back. 'Nice job!' Says Hollister. I put it on my back. He runs to the table, gets his bag and runs back. Then it's Katniss' turn. She runs to the table and gets her bag. She lets out a scream as the boy from 11 sees her. 

I run out from the bushes 'CLOVE!' I hear Hollister call to me. But I have to save Katniss, for Prims sake. The boy sees me and slices my leg with a sword. I howl in pain as I grab a knife from my belt and throw it at him. He dodges, a spear still in his hand. I run behind him and throw it. He falls to the ground and his cannon fires. But it's too late. Because as he falls I see a spear in Katniss' stomach. 

She looks at the spear, and looks at me. She falls to the ground, blood gushing out of her mouth. 'Katniss, stay with me' I say. Hollister runs to us, tears in his eyes 'Katniss, please stay with us'. Katniss hands Hollister her bow. I'm sitting next to her, holding her hand. She opens her jacket to reveal a pin. A bird with an arrow going through it. She gives it to me 'For Prim' she whispers. I nod with tears streaming down my face. Her breathing slows 'Katniss please' I say. 'Please stay, Katniss' says Hollister. She breathes one last time. Her eyes become glassy. Her cannon sounds and I see a tear fall from Hollisters cheek. 'KATNISS WAKE UP' I scream, 'PLEASE KATNISS PLEASE KATNISS'. 'She's gone, Clove' says Hollister, his voice shaky. He turns her over and gets her sheath full of arrows. He puts it on his back as he cries silently. I close her eyes. I press a kiss on her cheek. I grab her bag. I turn to the sky where I know Prim and her mother are watching. 'I'm sorry' I say crying. I catch up with Hollister who has red eyes from crying. We walk together, leaving our best friend behind.


We haven't said a word since Katniss died. It's night now and I'm still reaplaying her death over and over in my mind I start to feel insane. The Fallen presentation plays again. Thresh and Katniss' pictures are in the sky. I open her bag. Inside are more arrows. 'Here' i say as I hand them to Hollister. 'Thanks' he says as he puts them in his sheath. I see a water bottle, that has water in it, something I've been craving for ages 'Oh my god' I say. I open the bottle and it pours down my throat. I let out a breath and hand it to Hollister. He drinks the whole bottle down. 'Thank you Katniss' he says. And we drift off to sleep.


She looks at me 'Why didn't you save me, Clove? We were best friends, remember?'. 'I'm sorry Katniss, I killed thresh' I say. 'I did everything I could'. 'It wasn't enough' she says 'I'm dead because of you'. I start to cry 'Katniss, please forgive me I told you I'm sorry'. She shoots an arrow into my leg, right where thresh cut it open. I scream and fall to the ground. 'Your done for, Clove' and she puts another arrow in her bow and shoots.

I wake up screaming, looking at my leg. It's red and the cut is deep. Hollister rushes over 'Its okay it's okay' he hugs me. I'm breathing heavy 'It was Katniss'i say into his shoulder. 'She thinks I killed her'. Hollister pulls away 'Thresh killed her, not you'. I nod. He's right. It was a dream. 'Lets go get food yeah?' He says. 'Okay' I say, my heart still racing. We walk down from camp to the stream. Hollister sees a bird. He puts a arrow in his bow and shoots. The bird falls to the ground. He grabs it 'Didn't know I could shoot like that' he says. 'Your a natural' I say. We are in the bushes waiting for another bird or fox that we can eat. We hear a rustle in the bushes. The girl from District 4 appears. She looks around and fills her water bottle in the stream. Hollister looks at her with indisisveness. 'Do it' I whisper 'It'll be your first kill'. Hollister puts a arrow in the bow and waits. He lets go of the string and the arrow hits her back. She falls in the stream and her cannon sounds. He looks down, then looks up smiling 'That was kinda fun' . I smile at him 'Come on, lets see what she has'. I say. We walk out of the bushes and see the girls body, soaked in water. We pull her out and search her pockets. She has some knives that I take and some rope in her jacket 'I could use this as a trap' says Hollister. We put her body back in the water. 'MARINA!' I hear a shout from near the stream. I pull my smallest knife from my vest and hold it ready to throw. Hollister puts a arrow in the bow. The boy from 10 runs out from the bushes. He sees us and runs towards us. Hollister fires the arrow and it hits him in the head. His cannon fires almost immediately. 'Lets go' I say 'Before Cato and Foxface find us'. I realise it's only the four of us now. Me, Cato, Hollister and Foxface. We make our way back to our camp. Hollister twists the rope with the coil. I'm sitting down looking through my bag. Inside are more knives, crackers, dried beef and a water bottle with more water inside. I take a small sip, savouring each drop. I then hear the most harrowing sound. My boyfriend calling out my name in fear. 

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