Chapter 4

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Two days. Two days until my death, two days until Cato wins and goes home. My interview with Ceaser is today, and I die tomorrow. I just hope it's quick, that Junes and Fi don't suffer to much. I stay in bed, not wanting to get up. I don't want to talk to Ceaser about why I think I should win, because if I do, I'll be winning for Mom, for Dad, For Fi.

I head to the kitchen to see Brutus sitting at the breakfast bar, eating some granola. He scans me up and down like he did on the train. 'I don't think you are here for the right reasons, Clove.' He says, picking at his granola. 'What are the right reasons?' I quiz. 'To win, to be recognised' he says. He knows I'm gonna die, he knows Cato will win. 'You don't like me do you?' I say, leaning against a wall with folded arms. 'No not really, ever since you threw that knife at my head, I've liked you less and less.' Good, I think. I'm not here to impress him. 'I threw it at you because you were rude.' 

'And I ignore you because you almost killed me.' 

'You don't think I'm gonna win, do you'

He shakes his head, 'Your odds are 7-1 so the Capitol think you might, no matter what the odds I don't.' I walk out and slam my bedroom door


Errisus sits me in a chair to do my hair. He does it similarly to how Junes did it on reaping day. He does it in loose buns cascading my hair. As he does it, I stare at the ground, Brutus' words still ringing in my ears. 'What's up? You seem down.' He says grabbing my shoulders. I look in the mirror and say 'Cato kissed me.' He gasps, 'THIS CALLS FOR A CELEBRATION!!' He gets out champagne and pours a glass for each of us. 'Cheers!' He says. I laugh as I take a sip. It's strong  and I spit it out. Errisus laughs 'Too strong?' I wipe the back of my mouth with my hand and nod. Errisus takes me to the same  ressing room for the chariot and I see my dress. It's orange, and has a sweetheart chest. Strapless and made of tule and silk, it's the most beautiful dress I have ever seen. 'You've done it again!' I say. 'It's beautiful'. He smiles 'I do have a good muse!' I laugh and get in the dressing room. I come out and all of the makeup artists, hair stylists and tributes gasp. I look like a princess. I twirl for Errisus and he smiles 'Cato will DIE when he sees you'. I look down, ' That's not the only thing that's wrong' I say, 'one of my mentors don't think I can't win.' Errisus grabs my shoulders 'You can!' He says 'I believe in you.' He hugs me tightly. 'You look like a tangerine' someone says. I turn and see the volenteer girl from District 3. 'And you look like a screwdriver' I say to her bitterly. She's dressed in a sliver dress with a giant head piece. I hear gasps as I walk out of the dressing room. 'That was some comeback' Errisus laughs. 'I hate rude people.' I reply. He points to Cato, who is with his stylist. He's dressed in a black suit. 'Go get him girl!' Errisus says pushing me towards Cato. I land in front of him. 'Hey' he says. 'Hi' I respond. The next thing I did was something I didn't even think about. 'I love you too' I blurt, covering my mouth and I widen my eyes. Cato takes my hand and walks me to the line for interviews. I can't believe I just said that! He takes me aside and kisses me again. 'Good. So let's just be more than friends, yeah?' I nod 'Yeah' I say back. And we walk hand in hand to the interview line. 


'Please welcome, Clove!' I walk on stage, putting on the same evil smile  as I did when I saw Peeta. I shake Ceasers  hand and sit down. 'Now Clove, i hear that your a knife thrower.' Says Ceaser. 'I'm the best' I say arrogantly, ' I could kill you clear across this stage.' A roar of encouragement comes from the crowd. I grin and wave to the audience as they wave to me and shout my name. 'I don't suggest you do that' says Ceaser, the crowd laughs. And before I know it my interview is done and the audience cheers my name as I walk off stage.

I see Katniss' interview. She looks beautiful in an orange dress, but the orange was darker than my dress. She seems really nervous, I wish I could help her! Ceaser asks her about the fire and the chariot. 'In fact I have them with me today, would you like to see?' The audience roars and she stands up. She twirls and the bottom of her dress is on fire! The audience throws roses at her, and I now know why she's the Capitols daughter. Cato places a kiss in my hair and puts his hand around my waist. I look up at him, his face is red with anger and envy. 'She'll be the first to go' he growls, and walks away.

When we return back to the appartment, Cato and I head straight to bed. When I reach my door and Cato reaches his he turns to me and says 'The next time we see each other, we'll be killers.' He shuts the door to his room and I slip in to mine. Little does he know that Katniss won't be the first one dead. I will.


I wake to vomit reaching my mouth. I run to the bathroom and throw up. I only vomit when I'm scared. Figures. I see my tribute outfit on my dresser when I leave the bathroom, the taste of last nights dinner still in my mouth. I get changed. Brown shirt, cargo pants and brown boots. When I leave my room I walk to the elevators, Enobaria is waiting for me. 'You ready?' She asks. I nod unsurely and get in the last elevator ride of my life. 

'There is a vest of knives at the cornicopia for you. Put that on over your shirt and grab all the knives you can see.' Enobaria tells me. I nod as she encloses me in a hug. 'Good luck, Clove. Your mom would be so proud of you.' I pull away, 'Thank you' I say. I walk to the hovercraft. As I get on I see Katniss. I smile at her and she returns it grimly. A lady approaches Katniss 'Give me your left arm.' She barks. Katniss does so 'What's this?' She asks 'Your tracker' the lady says, I see Katniss scrunch up her face in pain. I give the lady my arm and I wince in pain as my tracker is being inserted into my arm. The hovercraft takes off and I can imagine that this is the hovercraft taking my body home to 2.

I'm in a room with Errisus. We've been hugging for what feels like forever. He lets go. 'Here' he puts something in my hand. My locket. He puts it on my neck. 'Thank you, I hope I see you again' I say, tears in my eyes. He puts on my brown wind cheater. I walk in the capsule across the room. It closes fast and I feel the ground rise up beneath me. I rise up and a white light hits my eyes. They adjust and I see the cornicopia, and other tributes on their pedistools. All of us are up now and a timer begins. I see Katniss eyeing off a bow and arrows. I hope she gets them. A gong sounds to signal the start of the games. I run as fast as I can to the cornicopia. The girl from 7 tries to tackle me but I push her and she falls to the ground with a thud. I see my vest. I rip off my jacket and put it on. It's so heavy! It weighs as much as me. I quickly put on my jacket and zip it up and run to the bucket of knives. I grab them all and store them in my belt. I run out of the cornicopia to see the boy from 9 with a machete about to slice Katniss who tripped over. He raises it and I pull a knife from my belt and throw it at his back. He falls next to an afraid Katniss. 'Go' i mouthe to her. And she runs away.  The girl from 3 sees me and runs. I throw a knife at her shoulder and she falls to the ground. 'That's for calling me a tangerine' I thought. I see Cato stabbing the boy from 5. He sees me and grabs his stuff and runs towards me. We catch up with Glimmer and Marvel and run into the woods.

'Where's 12?' Asks Glimmer. Marvel shrugs 'She's probley hiding with lover boy' I didn't know that Katniss and Peeta were together. Looks like Cato and I aren't the only couple in the arena. It's starting to get dark and we all are hungry. 'I'll get the food' I say. I leave my jacket with Cato and I run to the centre of the woods. I see some lizards and I throw my small knife at them, killing them instantly. I walk back to camp to see that a fire was already going. We cook the lizards and eat them 'Chewy' says Glimmer. The Fallen presentation plays and I see the girl from 3, boy from 4, boy from 5, both from 6&7, boy from 8, both from 9 and girl from 10. Cato looks enraged 'She's gotta be out here somewhere.' He says. I know where she is, but I don't dare tell. Because she's hiding in the bushes in front of me.


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