Rosana (Jacksgap Fanfic)

By ElisbethBello

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Ahh the beautiful MIss Rosana Collin. Her life is forever changing, its hard to tell what will same the same... More

Chapter 1 | Choices are the hinges of destiny - Edwin Markham
Chapter 2 | No love ever came without great struggle - Unknown

Prologue | Life is the sum of all your choices - Albert Camus

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By ElisbethBello

“Why are you sitting here alone its a party Rosana, come on get up lets go get a drink in the kitchen.”’ Finn asks me “I don't drink Finn”” hes laughs “don't laugh!” i yell as i punch him.“ I'm not la-” Finn stops at mid sentence then turns to the door. Jack walks in searching the environment “come on” Finn tells me as he grabs my hand and leads us  to Jack “Finn!” Jack yells excitedly then they both go in for a hug “Jack!” Finn finally yells back “oye whos this” Jack asks as he looks at me “This is Rosana”” he says. “Hi im Rosana” is all i can manage to say.“im gonna go back in the kitchen would you mind if i leave you with Jack” Finn looks at me and tells me.  “Not at all  go i wouldn't want to stop you from having fun”” i lie to him “”well see ya later”” Finn tells me then lets go of my hand. No dont go i say in my head hes the only person i know at this party. He left me with Jack oh gosh im nervous. Jacks a social butterfly and i can't even say hey confidently. “Hey” i finally say “Hello” he says “so you Finns brother, obviously”” we both laugh “yeah, do you wanna go outside and get away from the loud music and sweaty people” he asks me. “sure”i agree. He leads me outside “wow its so beautiful out today”” “well Rosana tell me about yourself”. “Well, hmmm, i don't know where to start” i tell him. “Just start with your name” he tells mes with a smile. “My full name is Rosana Corsica Collins. I have two parents and an older brother named Julian Corsica Collins. I also love indie music and food” we stay silent for a second that feels forever lasting “i don't know what else to share” i finally finished. “Corsica, thats an interesting middle name” he tells me “yeah its my mothers maiden name her full name is Isabel Reyes Corsica and my dads full name is Davis Elswood Collins; actually my moms mexican american but after my grandparents death everything changed for her. She told me she met my father at a party in LA they hit it off. Then my dad had to go back to the u.k they kept talking but it was a long distance relationship. One day my mom found out my grandparents aka her parents died thats when her world changed forever. After the funeral she quit her job and left to the u.k with my dad. She realized that she loved my dad and didn't want to be far away from him so she just left and hasn't talked to her other family since. I feel there is something more she isn't telling me. Who just leaves the country and does not contact their cousins or aunt and uncles ever again; You know? Enough about me, now what about you jack” i ask. “I have a youtube channel with my twin brother Finn. I have a little sister named Emmy two parents Rebecca and Andy, i hate tomatoes and thats pretty much all i can think of” he says then we both laugh “i actually watch some of your videos they’re really good” i compliment him. “Thanks, things are going really good”. “Jack i feel like i really opened up to you, i told you my life story for christ sakes”. “You wanna leave this party and go back to my place” he asks me. “Jack i came with Finn hes my ride”. “im sure he wont mind if i take you for the rest of the night”. “i mean sure i guess let me just go find him and tell him”, “sure i wait for you out in the front”. We both head inside Jack says goodbye to some friends then leaves while i'm finding Finn. I go straight for the kitchen hes with some friends. “Hey Finn” i yell over the music “i'm leaving with Jack”” still yelling. “Alright text me when you get home or something so i know you're safe” he yells back then we both say bye. I walk out and find Jack standing by his car. He opens the car door me and we drive back to his place listening to my music from my playlist. He turned it down and asks me “so whats up with you and Finn”. “Oh nothing were just friends we met at a street all i was with my now ex boyfriend and he was being...really rude and Finn was just there to stick up for me.” i awkwardly say. “What happened with the boyfriend if you don't mind me asking””. “well it happened a year ago i was just looking at Finn im since i recognized him from your guys videos and my boyfriend mistaken it as checking him out since he was just a random guy on the street to him. He started yelling at and yells oi you checking other guys out now is that how it is you slut then i just stood there speechless.He yells at me, so were checking another guy out i see how it is you whore do that again and slap the whoreness out of ya. After he yells that at me he  takes me by the hair it hurt so much i dropped my coffee. No one was helping me Jack i was there in nearly tears and everyone is just fast walking avoiding eye contact. Even the ones that do say something he scares them off. Then Finn comes in and nearly knocked him out. I  left with Finn i don't know what happened to my boyfriend; i guess since he's a spoiled rich kid he didn't like his property looking at other guys. Sometimes he would call me his property why didn't i notice the signs Jack i loved him”. i started crying since this is a touchy subject i didnt tell anyone about. “im so sorry for asking Rosana” he pulls over  to a parking lot “its okay i just never told anyone this my dad set me up with him since he was a family friend and i never told anyone not even my best friend’ i say sutterling. “Jack just take me home i live near here” i stop crying so i can give him directions when we arrived to my house i tell him “Jack dont leave i dont wanna be alone”. “of course not Rosana i will never leave you”. We walk into my flat “my flatmate is gone for the week so its just you and me. Can you spend the night Jack i don't wanna be alone”. “Of course Rosana” he tells me. “thanks can you sleep with me in my bed, just sleeping please”. “as long as you don't mind i will” we both fall asleep in my bed, just having his strong around me i felt safe and happy for the first time in forever.

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