Dance Hall Drug (Draco Malfoy...

Par narwhallover299

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Kimber had her whole life planned out. She was a street dancer who dreamed of becoming the next big thing. Bu... Plus

Dance Hall Drug (Draco Malfoy Love Story)
Chapter 1: Not Caring, That's What I Do Best
Chapter 2: My New Dragonlady... Umbridge
Chapter 3: Familiar
Chapter 4: Questions and No Answers
Chapter 5: A Sweet Kiss Goodnight
Chapter 6: Eternal Lovers... About Dang Time
Chapter 7: Nightmares and Realizations
Chapter 8: The Lost Possibility
Chapter 9: He Blames Himself
Chapter 10: Fights and "Schemes"
Chapter 12: Better Off Dead
Chapter 13: You Have My Word...
Chapter 14: I'm Clinically Insane
Chapter 15: New Discoveries... Good and Bad
Chapter 16: Drunken Fascinations
Chapter 17: Hangover in Wonderland
Chapter 18: I Choose You
Chapter 19: Uncomfortable Family Greetings
Chapter 20: Triggers
Chapter 21: No One Can Help Me Now
Chapter 22: Trust Issues
Chapter 23: Blood Quills Short Lived

Chapter 11: Catch and Release

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Par narwhallover299

      A/N: Hey guys! (waves) Well, this is the eleventh chapter in my story. I want to tell you all something... some bad news. I won't be writing any this whole next week because I will be on vacation with my sis and parents at the beach, so I want to relax. Not that this story stresses me out or anything, but... Anyway, I hope you guys liked the chapter. Let me know what you think in the comments! Please guys! I really really really LOVE it when you give me feedback. Oh, and I highly recommend listening to the song on the side. It's by Angels and Airwaves... they are AMAZING!!!! :) Okay, now...... LETS GET READIN'!!!!!

      - Jess

      Chapter Eleven

      Catch and Release

      My mother has never been the type to tackle me with a hug when I come back from some long trip or something, she is the type who will ask questions and babble on and on about some of her own experiences with school and such. Let me tell you that as soon as I walked into my house, she was right up to my face, her mouth moving a million miles a minute. It was so funny, even though I had only been gone for just a few weeks, I felt like it had been forever since I have been home. It was nice that I could just stay home for a few days to think. To be away from everything else, to just relax.

      "Are you listening to me, Kimber?" my mother said impatiently, taking my suitcase from my hands. 

      "Yes ma'am," I replied, snapping back into reality. That is when my father came around the corner of the hallway, in his hand the latest copy of The Daily Prophet. I had to bottle up my laughter. That was so like my father to always be reading the news on everything. Makes sense since he is a Death Eater. But he is the nicest father I could ever ask for, you would never be able to tell that he was working for the Dark Lord. He let me live the normal Muggle life for a long while because he thought it would be safer for me in case if he ever got into trouble with Voldy. Pretty smart of him, if you ask me. 

      "Hey, dad," I said, pulling him away from the headlines. His face brightened as soon as he looked at me.

      "There's my girl!" he placed the newspaper on the table and hugged me tightly, swinging me around in the air, laughter breaking through my lips. "Oh, your mother and I have missed you! How's school going?" his deep brown eyes were so full of warmth and comfort.

      "It's alright, I guess. I told the both of you that I made Slytherin, right?" both of their faces gleamed, their smiles showing through.

      "Oh, that's great, sweetheart!" my mother exclaimed, running her fingers through my hair. My father's face seemed to be proud. I couldn't bare to tell them my destiny now... not while they are so happy for me. It would break their hearts, especially my mother's. I'm her only daughter and knowing that I will die for two people I love (Draco and Scorp) would just crush her without a doubt.

      My face must've shown my debate within myself because my mother shook my shoulder lightly. "Are you alright, sweetie? You seem... I don't know... distant. What's going on?" her voice was filled with concern. My father's face then changed as I gave him a look. He knew. 

      "Nothing. sorry, I am just really worn out from school. I think I will go unpack. I'm just staying for a couple of days, nothing major," I grabbed my suitcase from my mother and headed to my room, tears filling my eyes. For a moment, I almost regretted coming because the fact that I will die seemed much more brutal now.

      Coming back into my room was comforting. It wasn't dark and evil looking like my dorm at school, but warm and welcoming. My suitcase found its spot on the floor next to my bed. My eyes landed on my pet in the corner cage, chirping and biting at the metal rods to get out.

      "Hey, Snowball! Gosh, I have missed you!" I unlatched the cage and he came up on my arm, giving it loving nips. I stroked his feathers affectionately as he rubbed his face against my cheek, much like a cat does to your legs to get your attention. "Ha-ha! I love you too, Snow!" he chirped for a moment, his black eyes searching inside my green ones, like he was investigating me. It was like he really was worried for me. Frankly, I was worried about me too.

      My bed dipped down as I sat cross legged on it, Snowball wrapped his talons around the bed frame right above me. There really wasn't much that I wanted to do. I didn't want to practice, I was too tired for that, I didn't want to listen to music, write, do anything. I just sat there on my mattress, staring at my comforter much like I did back at school.

      Snowball gawked at me a few times, like he was trying to tell me to write a letter so he could get out of the house for a little while. Turning around, I took his chirps for it, pulling out parchment, my quill and a bottle filled with my usual purple ink. Taking a deep breath, I dipping my quill in the ink, my hand trembling as I started to write down a letter. Snowball encouraged me by flying down so he was sitting right above my hand. A few more deep breaths and I got control again over my brain.


      Let me just start off by saying that I am sorry about earlier. I should've told you about what I was doing. I know that both of us are in some sort of shock from having our fates clashed like this. I know you are really overwhelmed by this whole thing. I just want you to know that I am doing this so that the both of us can think things through. It's only for a few days so maybe we will warm up to this idea of us being together for all eternity. 

      I'm safe... for now anyway. I have only been home for a few hours, yet I haven't done squat. I just don't want to do anything right now, especially sleep. I'm so scared that when I close my eyes, Scorpius's face will show up again along with yours. Draco, I'm just plain scared in general. I'm now wishing you were here to talk me through this so I wouldn't have to write it all down, so I now hate you for that. Lucky for you, I can't stay mad at you forever.

      Don't worry about me, okay. I'm fine. I'll see you in a few days, Dray. Can I possibly get an owl back from you? Please. I know you're pissed at me, but just hearing from you would make these few days seem less..... suckish.



     I sealed the letter in an envelope, writing Draco's name on the front, tying it to Snow's foot with a spare ribbon that was tucked away underneath my bed. Snow was happy to deliver it, gawking for me to open the window.

      "Remember, Snow, Draco Malfoy in Slytherin. Don't lose it now, alright? And be careful," my fingers wrapped around the window sill as I thrust up the glass, Snowball gawking one last time before taking off in flight. I watched him until his silver wings disappeared into the sunset. I stared for a long moment, thinking. All that is left for me to do now... get answers.

      Rounding up every ounce of courage I had left in me right now, I marched into my parent's room. My father was on the bed, reading the newspaper while my mum continued on with her cross-stitching she had been working on for the past few weeks. It was turning out beautiful.

      "Um, Mum, Dad? Mind if I talk to you... about something?" I felt my knees grow weak like they would give way any minute now. Both of them look up from their activities and nodded, setting everything down in front of them neatly. I crossed the room and sat at the foot of the bed, much like I did when I was a child. "Um, there is no easy way for me to say this."

      I was interrupted by my mother who gasped, "Oh no, honey. Are you pregnant?" I flinched at the word, not even wanting to THINK about that.

      "Mum! No! Of course not!"

      "Did you get expelled?" my father jumped in.

      "No, the school would've notified you of my expulsion. So you can strike that off of your list," I rolled my eyes. "Look, um, do you guys remember the legends you used to tell me as a kid? The ones about the eternal lovers?" both of them nodded their heads, smiling as they thought of the memory. I would always lie in bed while they sat on wither side of me, whispering the story until my eyes closed for the night. "Well, um... I'm one of them," I shut my eyes, expecting yelling and screaming of confusion to bolt about the room, but an utter silence took its place.

      "We know, sweetheart," mum said. I gave her a confused look. "We have known since the day you were born, we have just been waiting. We knew that you wouldn't understand at a young age, so we were planning to tell you on your sixteenth birthday if your mate didn't find you by then," she explained calmly. Well, that was much easier than I thought. 

      "So, you know about my future then? That I am destined to... die?" they nodded once more. "Well, I'm at least glad that you knew ahead of time," my tears spilled over. It must've been so hard for them to know that their only daughter would die. It would explain why they never yelled at me or anything.

      "Oh, sweetie, please don't cry. We have wanted to make your life the best because we knew you would leave it. We still want you to live life to the fullest," mum said as she pulled me into a tight hug.

      "So, who is the lucky guy?" Dad joked, nudging my arm. 

      "Oh, he is just kidding, dear. We know who it is," Mum replied, stroking my hair.

      "You do?"

      "Of course, ever since you were born. We have become close with them because Mr. Malfoy works with Dad," Mum continued. I couldn't believe anything they were saying. They have known for fifteen years that I am going to die in a horrible way, with Draco by my side and a newborn who will never see me past his birth.

      "Yes, he does. We have met Draco as well, and you have met his parents before. Of course, you were so little, not even a year old yet when you met them and Draco," Dad seemed content. 

      "So, they have met me before? I don't remember," my voice seemed rasped, my throat was dry... it hurt.

      "Like we said, you were so tiny. We haven't had you and Draco together for years. They are enthusiastic about all of this," mum continued on and on, but my mind was somewhere else. 

      "I'm sorry, guys. I just... I need to think," then I left the room, eager to get away from everything. It had been about an hour and a half since I entered Mum and Dad's room. Maybe Draco wrote back, I could really care less if he wrote back an angry letter. All that would matter to me was that he replied. That's good enough for me.

      As I walked down the hall to my room, I silently prayed that Snowball would be back with a letter from Draco. The corridor never seemed so long before. As I opened my door with a slight squeak, I was greeted with not only Snowball, but another owl I had never seen before. It was beautiful, with the black feathers and golden eyes, Snowball seemed jealous as I looked in awe at the owl. 

      "Thanks, Snow," I took the letter from his leg that was tied around it with the same ribbon I used before. Sure enough, the handwriting on the front was Draco's. My name written in his hand seemed to make it look so beautiful. With shaking hands, I opened the letter slowly, receiving a deep paper cut in the process, some of the blood dripping onto the perfect ivory colored envelope. My eyes scanned the page.


      I'm glad you're sorry. Frankly, I could care less if you were safe or not. And as for the eternity thing, that is just a bunch of rubbish. You are just trying to get in my knickers. Who knew you would be the new Slytherin whore? Well, we all learn something new every day. 

      Since I am writing this, even though I could be off shagging Pansy right now, I think I should tell you this. I hate you. Always have and always will.

      Draco Malfoy

      Tears brimmed in my eyes until they spilt. A horrible pain ran through my insides sending me toppling to the floor. The pain continued on, like someone was cutting out my inner organs. It was like my brain just shut down, my body might as well have been lifeless. His words were pure hate, and they seemed legit too. Sobs ripped through my chest as I lay sprawled out on the floor, the letter still clutched in my hands.

      Slytherin whore.

      I could be shagging Pansy.

     I hate you. Always have and always will.

     His words rang in my ears, playing over and over again like a broken record. I heard a gawk from beside me. Turning my head, my tears now flowing down the side of my face as I glanced at the unknown, yet stunning, owl. It still had the letter attached to its leg. I almost forgot it was here.

      Using every last speck of energy I had, I grabbed the letter from the bird as it gave me a loving rub on my arm with its head as if to say, it's alright. Sniffling, I opened the letter, seeing my name in fancy print on the front.

      Dear Kimber,

      Hello, I don't recall if you remember me at all, my name is Narcissa Malfoy, I am Draco's mother. I would love for you to come over to our manor, you and I have important things to discuss my dear. I hope to see you tonight at eight. 


      Narcissa Malfoy

      Well, her letter was much less... hateful. I sniffled again before wiping my eyes free of tears. The clock in my room said 7:45. Sighing, I pulled on my boots once again, lacing them up. Grabbing my wand, I apparate to Malfoy Manor.

      When my feet hit the ground, I was standing in front of an iron gate, tall hedges on either side, stretching around the entire estate. The manor itself was amazing. A long driveway just after you enter the gates, the hedges curved with them. A brief rustle sounded in my ears not too far away form me. Whipping my head around, I almost gasped at the sight of a pure-white peacock, strutting along the top of the hedge. There was no kind of lock on the gates, making me wonder how I am supposed to get in. My hand reached out to grab the cold iron, but my hand slipping right through, almost as if I was a ghost walking through a wall. My eyes widened as my arm was pushed all the way through, the iron gates now up to my shoulder. Moving my feet, they passed with ease as well through the iron, my head now through on the other side. Before I could turn back, my entire body passed through the gates.

      "Wicked," I said, smiling as I turned my head once more to take in the entrance of the manor. The foyer lead off at first in darkness, only to be lit up by diamond-shaped windows. The hallway itself was large, dimly lit, elegantly decorated, a massive carpet covering most of the beautiful stone floor. As I walked down the corridor, I saw the many portraits of past Malfoys. My hands clasped together in front of me as I continued nervously down the hall. It felt strange being here, but then it felt... right. It was almost like I belonged here or something.

       I walked on, glancing at the portraits in awe. Each Malfoy had the same looks, blond hair and blue eyes. Draco's were different though. His were a unique gray with light blue streaks around the pupil. I then saw a portrait of Lucius Malfoy, seeing him stand with that dumb walking stick with a snake head on the top. I knew Draco's portrait would be next. I was right.

      In the painting, Draco looked so... proud and content. He wasn't smiling, but his pose said that he was the superior. He glanced down upon me, my hand reached out to touch his portrait face when I heard footsteps coming closer to me.

      "Kimber? Is that you, dear?" it was Narcissa. Her voice seemed to be thrilled. My hand drew back, returning to my side as I continued to stare at Draco's painting. Even though he looked so serious here, he still looked so incredibly handsome.

      "Um, yes, Mrs. Malfoy. I'm Kimber," I called out. The figure came closer to me, her hair giving herself away. It was black on top, pinned  back to show off the white ends. She wore a green dress coat, the pattern seemed to be snake skin. Her shoes were Mary Jane, black. I could see Draco in her. 

      "Oh, Kimber, come now, let's go to my study," she held out a slender hand for me to take and I accepted. She led me down the corridor back to the main entrance where we went up the stairs, coming to a large loft with a few more hallways branching off from it. She took the first hallway, turning to the third door on the right. "Merlin's beard, Kimber! You sure have grown since the last time I saw you!" she hugged me tightly, like a mother would to a daughter.

      "When exactly was that, Mrs. Malfoy?" I asked as she pulled away.

      "Well, you were still carrying around a binkie," that pretty much summed it up. Gosh, it really had been a while.

      "So, you said we have matters to discuss? About Draco and me?" There really wouldn't be anything else for us to talk about. She sat down on the sofa in the corner of the room, motioning me to join her.

      "Kimber, we have known for a long time that you and Draco would be together," she started, folding her hands in her lap as she crossed her ankles. "and we have known about your own death. We could just never bring ourselves to tell Draco how it will end. We thought it would be better for him to meet you and then find out. But obviously it didn't make any difference. Kimber, I just want you to know that there are possibilities that we can stop your death," my face dropped at the last word. I awkwardly tucked my hair behind my ears.

      "Like what? I'm not going to not have children with Draco. I don't care if it kills me. If I do die, I want him to have a part of me with him to love so that it won't be as hard when I am gone," my eyes started to water a bit, but I distracted myself by describing three items in the room. Black book, green quill, red ink well. Done.

      "I know, dear. I'm not asking you to give that up. I am just saying that maybe it would be better if you didn't. But if you do end up getting pregnant, there are things we can do to help you," she said, her bony hand grasping my own.

      "I understand, Mrs. Malfoy."

      "Oh, please, dear. Call me Narcissa," she said politely. 

      "Okay, Narcissa. I just want to get into a real relationship with Draco first. We were very overwhelmed when Dumbledore showed us visions in the Penseive. It was a lot to take in for me and Draco. He has... doubts, shall I say. He isn't sure that I am really his soul mate. I actually took off a few days of school right now because we got into a fight about it," I felt guilty, telling Narcissa that Draco and I had a fight. I know she thinks our relationship will be perfect, but right now, it is looking like a big mess.

      "Trust me when I say this, Kimber. After you get over this fight, the bond between you and Draco will be so powerful that the two of you will be inseparable. The only bad thing about that bond is that when you are apart, the both of you will be worried about the other, leaving you much more vulnerable in dangerous situations. My parents were soul mates, like in the legends. Lucius and I knew we would produce another one of the generations that follow them." she grabbed my hand again. "Kimber, you should know that Draco really does have strong feelings for you. The first week of school he sent me an owl saying that he found you and that he was already falling for you." I held back a scoff. "Just tell him how you feel, tell him everything will be alright." 

       "Narcissa, I can't lie to him. I don't want to make him believe that I can survive what I am destined to die from."

      "But, Kimber, we have to at least have some sort of hope. Especially for you and Draco. Nothing is set and stone my dear." I flinched at her words. Draco said that to me right before I left. 

      "For right now, yes it is. Until we can find a way to stop the tragedy, I'm afraid I am as good as dead," Narcissa gave me a sad look. I rose from the couch, anger boiling inside me. "Tell Draco that when I get back to school, we are having a serious talk," and with that I apparated away, back to my own house. Just as I lost sight of Malfoy Manor, Narcissa gave me a disappointed look, one that made me feel slightly guilty. Maybe she was right, maybe there are ways to put a halt to the tragedy. But, for right now, all Draco and I can do is worry.

      Getting back to my house, I found my parents asleep. I had been at the Manor for a couple of hours without realizing it. Anger still ran through my veins, slowly consuming my body like poison. Slamming my wand onto the night stand by my bed, I storm into my closet, shutting the door tightly. Grabbing a sleeve from my deep green wool coat, I press it hard against my mouth, letting out a scream of frustration. It felt good against my throat, rattling it, making it sting. My eyes shut themselves as my vocal chords continued to let out a screech, my mind not worried about anyone hearing it because of the sleeve. Nothing had ever felt this.... releasing. My anger poured out of me through my mouth like a waterfall. The sound was needed to make me believe that it was being let out and not just bottled back up again.

      When my throat became too sore, my mouth abruptly stopped, my hands setting the sleeve back down. I still needed some sort of release. Tears came into my eyes and I was happy to invite them as they tumbled down my flushed cheeks. Leaning up against the wall of my closet in the darkness, crying, never seemed so relaxing. With each tear that dripped out of my emerald green eyes, the anger dripped away with it. Another release. Waves of relaxation rolled over me, my abyss seemed less painful as the minutes tore on.

      My eyes now closed again, tears seeping from my lids. My eyelashes were wet and heavy as I opened my eyes to a tapping noise on my window. I was in no mood to talk to anyone, let alone answer an owl. Another tapping. Flinging my door open, I step out into the moonlit room, everything covered in a silver blanket. The owl at my window was one I didn't recognize, but it wasn't the one from earlier. This one had deep gray feathers that looked almost blue in the nights aura. It's eyes gleamed a striking color of caramel with swirls of gold around the pupil. A letter was attached to its leg with some deep ocean blue colored ribbon.

      Opening the window, the owl flew in, resting itself on Snowball's cage. My fingers carefully made their way to its leg, untying the ribbon, the letter falling into my hand. My name was written in fancy hand, one I recognized. 


      My fingers tore open the letter, careful to not reopen my now scabbed over cut. The paper was a magenta color, the ink black. Yup, definitely Luna.


      Moose and I just wanted to check in with you. I hope everything is well at home. Owl me back when you get this.


     A final tear fell from my cheek down onto the paper with a SPLAT. The irregular circle pattern colored the paper a deep shade of red. I grabbed my parchment and ink well. Dipping the tip of the quill into the purple liquid, I smoothed the parchment over readying myself to write.


      Everything is... well, I would be lying to you if I said fine. I went to visit Narcissa Malfoy earlier this evening and I found out more about the tragedy. She says there are possible ways to stop it, but I am being skeptical. Draco sent me an owl this afternoon. I will just sum it up for you. He told me he hates me. I am probably in self denial thinking those words were fueled by his anger and that he doesn't really mean them. 

      I will have to owl you tomorrow again. Tell Moose that we all need to talk tomorrow after the both of you are finished with classes. Meet me tomorrow at the playground. Moose will know what you're talking about.


     I sealed the note in the envelope, tying it back around the owl's leg. As soon as the knot was tied, it took off through the glass, disappearing in the night sky. It was getting late but I knew better than to fall asleep now. Just seeing another nightmare would make me want to run back into Hogwarts and kiss Draco into oblivion. Well, if he wants to put up some sort of fight, so be it.

      A stinging pain hit my palm as I closed it tightly, my fingers forming into a fist. Looking down at my now open hand, I saw that a few of the cuts had opened up again, blood slowly leaking from the slits in my skin. Closing my eyes, I remembered Draco holding my bloody hand in his, trying to comfort me in a general way. The feeling of his skin against mine, the tingling sensation it gave me to be in contact with him in a sensual manner. I already missed it. Remember what he told you in the letter. He hates you. I scolded myself for having such... poor self control. This is what he wants me to do. He wants me to debate this in my head, he wants to drive me crazy. Maybe I already was crazy... going insane just because of him--how he was affecting me.

      Sleep tried to consume me, but I banished it away. My eyes would droop begging for me to just lie down and rest for a while. I knew what would happen then. I would fall asleep completely and a nightmare would be there to greet me. I won't let that happen. As long as I can stay awake, I will be fine. Caffeine will help. Only one thing comes to mind... coffee. Trudging off into the kitchen, I find the instant coffee maker that my mother got for my father and me last year as a joined Christmas present.I use it more than Dad, but right now, I needed some caffeine.

      The smell of coffee runs throughout the kitchen within three minutes. It was ready. I found my favorite mug, placing it underneath the nozzle as I pressed the button, dark brown liquid flowing into the cup. As soon as the last drop fell into the mug, making a slight dripping sound, I took it in my hands, ignoring the searing pain it sent to my cuts on the palm of my hand. Creamer was next as well as a touch of sugar. I watched as the dark turned to light, my hands moving the creamer bottle at an attempt to make designs in the liquid, watching them ripple out. Placing a spoon inside the mug, I twirled my finger around as I looked for the sugar packets my father always brought home for us in case if he needed extra and ended up not using them. 

      The spoon moved with my finger as I found two packets, tearing them open, watching the sugar dissolve in the hot coffee. A few more stirs and it was ready for a tasting. A sip was just enough to perk my mind up now that it was close to two in the morning. The taste was okay, but I was too lazy to perfect it since I was only drinking this for the energy to stay awake. Not that it makes any difference, but whatever.

      I down the rest of the hot coffee, burning my tongue in the process. I don't really care though, the searing pain distracts me from my thoughts. Thoughts that are plagued with Draco Malfoy. This is going to be a long night.

      By around ten in the morning, I had made about twenty cups of coffee to keep me awake, of course it came with a price. My body was so jittery that one move from the corner of my eye made me jump up. My sentences were all jumbled and made no sense, my hair was probably a mess, my breath reeked of coffee and chocolate. Mum and Dad went to work a few hours ago, not wanting to even make a comment on my appearance. I probably looked like a crack addict or something like that. 

      By the time I got to the bathroom, the contents of my stomach had been heaved into the toilet. Good thing too, I didn't really feel like having all that crap in my system anymore. Once I finished vomiting, I let m head rest on the side of the toilet bowl, the cool surface helping my sweaty skin. Using the back of my hand, I wiped my mouth and went to the sink to rinse out my mouth and brush my teeth three times. The toothpaste tasted so good against my raw tongue, washing away the essence of coffee and chocolate. Spitting out the foam, I rinsed my mouth, happy to have my breath be fresh and not all disgusting. 

      My hair was a much more challenging concept. I didn't feel like showering right now for fear that the hot water would make me sleepy, as it usually does. Sleep was the last thing on my mind right now but my body was asking for it. My eyes had purple rings below them, no bags yet. My face seemed so pale, the skin looking lifeless. 

      As soon as I was done in the bathroom, I walked back to my bedroom, my hair up in a ponytail. Never in my life had I been so tired. I was never one to pull all-nighters. I didn't like them, and for good reason, because when I would look in the mirror, I was shocked at my appearance. The only thing my body wanted to do was take a nap, but I refused. I couldn't and wouldn't sleep. Scorpius's face came into my mind like a soft breeze against my skin. He looked so much like Draco, the same hair, eyes, face, everything. I put on my Beats headphones and blasted some upbeat music in my ears, distracting my mind from one thing I didn't want to think about. Draco Malfoy.

      The next few hours were... unproductive and lazy. I listened to music for a couple hours, stopping only to grab a green apple from the kitchen. Then I started to read and got caught up in the book so I read three fourths of the entire novel. Then, finally, it was time for me to leave so I could meet Moose and Luna. 

      I changed into a T-shirt and skinny jeans, slipping on some Converse high-tops. My wand was in my back pocket, hidden by the shirt. My favorite hoodie was wrapped tightly around my waist. The walk to the playground wasn't that long for me, just a few blocks. I wanted to meet up there because Moose and I liked to hang out there sometimes after school. You know, two teenagers playing on the playground. It seems weird to some people, but for me and Moose, we couldn't think of a better way to spend our afternoons. Plus it's where I go to think, the swings helped me with that, the slight fall and rise as you lifted yourself into the air. Nothing seemed to calm me better... well, that and Draco.

      The view of the park came after about seven minutes of walking down the long streets. It was your typical playground I guess, swings, jungle gym, that sort of thing. Nothing too special. As I turned the corner to go to the small gate, I saw Moose and Luna sitting on the slide, talking. It was so adorable, Moose took hold of Luna's hand softly as the conversation went on. I tried not to disturb them, but the gate squeaked slightly as I opened it, sending both of their heads up at me. I smiled and waved at them. 

      "You look dreadful, Kimber," Luna stated as I walked closer. 

      "I know. I didn't sleep last night. Bad dreams," I lied, but Moose knew what I was talking about. He gave me a sad look, one filled with pity. 

      "Oh, well maybe it was Nargles. they are always trying to keep me awake. Here, take this," she clutches the charm on her neck, pulling it back over her head. It was a beautiful necklace. She steps forward and holds out her tiny hand to take my own.

      "Luna, I can't take that. It's yours," I protested as she placed the charm in my trembling hand. She smiles at me.

      "Oh, I have plenty more. I gave Moose one as well," she gestured her thumb past her back towards Moose who was holding out his own necklace. I smiled and nodded.

      "Thank you, Luna."

      "So, what was it you wanted to talk to us about?" Moose jumped into the conversation.

      "I got a letter from Draco yesterday. He said..." I trailed off, not wanting to think of it anymore. Moose gave me a look as if he wanted me to continue. "He told me he hates me."

      "I'm sure he doesn't hate you, Kims. Maybe he is just... angry," Moose stated, shoving his charm back inside of his Ravenclaw shirt. I felt bad that they didn't have time to change out of uniform before coming.

      "Well, he must be pretty damn furious," I snapped, tugging the charm over my head, pulling my ponytail out of it.

      "Do you want me to talk to him for you?" Moose suggested.

      "No. I don't mean that in a disrespectful way or anything, Moose. But... Draco won't talk to you... and not for the reason you think," I felt guilty. Moose was trying to help but I am shooting down his ideas. I just know that Draco won't talk to him since Moose is.... Muggle-born.

      "So, what should we do?" Moose asks as we head over to the swings. I plopped down on one, shrugging as my feet scraped across the wood chips. 

      "At this point, I have no clue," I glanced at both Luna and Moose. They both nodded and looked back at the ground. "Look guys, right now I am dealing with stuff that I could care less about. I am supposed to die during childbirth. And it will be Draco's baby no matter what. He and I are eternal lovers. I just... I'm lost."

      "Well, we want you to know that if you ever need anything, we are here for you," Moose said confidently. Luna smiled and nodded. I returned the gesture. "Well, we should be heading back. Umbridge now has the prefects doing double patrols."

      "I thought prefects were "controlled" by Dumbledore?" 

      "Not anymore. Umbridge is... being Umbridge."

      "I don't want you both to get in trouble. Thanks for coming guys."

      Luna and Moose gave me hugs and bid me goodbye. Then Luna grabbed Moose's hand and they apparated back to Hogwarts. The wind started to pick up, sending goose bumps up my arms. Thank Merlin for the hoodie. I aggressively threw my arms in it, pulling it forward, pulling out my ponytail as I snatched the hood up on my head, zipping it up. 

      The swing moved slightly as I plopped onto it once more, my feet moving back and forth. I didn't want to go really high, I just wanted to swing gently, letting the swift movements take my mind away for a while.

      The sky was pitch black when I decided to head back home, the owls hooting as I lifted my numb body off of the swing, making my way across the wood chips, loving the crunch sound they make as I  step on them. It was a comforting sound to me, since I have been coming here since I was a kid. It brought back happy memories of my father pushing me on the swing as I laughed, begging for him to go higher. My mother would stand close by and watch, laughing with us. Another time my father went down the slide with me, my mother taking pictures. We were all so happy and everything seemed so much less complicated... for me anyways. My parents knew the entire time what I would face, knowing that when they shipped me off to Hogwarts I would find Draco. That all felt like a lifetime ago, because it was. I'm not the same as I was a few weeks ago. I seemed to have changed, living every second of life to the fullest because I know that mine will be cut short. 

      As I walk on the pavement, I stuff my hands in my hoodie pockets, my hair whipping out of the hood. A sudden chill ran over my entire body and an uncomfortable feeling cascaded over me... like I was being watched. A twig snapped and I bolted around, fear pouring into me. My fingers have never been so happy to feel my wand as I touched it, wrapping my entire hand around it. The leaves in the trees danced in the wind, the fallen ones swirling around my feet. To my left was the now fading playground and to my right was the forest. The trees kept moving around causing shadows to kiss the sidewalk. My breathing became heavy as the pitter patter of steps came closer to me.

      "Who-who's there?" I stuttered, trying to sound somewhat contained. A WHOOSH came from behind me, moving to my left. A gasp of fear came over me as I watched the black "string" move all around me. A scream erupted from my throat as it bashed into me, sending my straight into the ground, my back slamming down on the hard pavement. Pain rippled through my body. Then a horrible sting came across my face as if it was struck with something hard. My hand immediately went to my cheek, cradling it as I moved on my side, curling into a ball. Tears came down my face. I have never been hit like this before. Then, as I opened my eyes, I caught a slight glimpse as to what this thing was. They widened at the black cloak, hood, and silver mask.

      A Death Eater.


      A/N: Sooooo, cliff hanger! Well, sort of. I thought I could've done a bit better on this chapter, but it is what it is. PLZ leave comments guys! I really appreciate it and it makes me happy when you guys do cuz I then get motivated to keep writing the story. So plz be generous and leave a comment. (Plz don't make me go all five-year-old again cuz that was REALLY embarrassing). I will see you all next chapter!

Continuer la Lecture

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