Alexandria Part Two

By fandommfanficss

677 25 1

We were neck deep in Walkers, we didn't have many choices. We were coming to the end of our ammunition and th... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Twelve

Chapter Eleven

52 2 0
By fandommfanficss

I came to my senses quicker than Enid and told her to stay put while I go get help. I ran out the house and came across Carl and Rick. "Rick!" I screamed and he turned in alert.

"What's wrong?" He asked concerned.

"It's Maggie. She collapsed screaming in pain. I don't know what to do." I sobbed.

"We've got to get her to the doctor at Hilltop. We'll get going as soon as possible." Rick said and stood up immediately.

"I'm coming too." I said and he nodded, I don't think he expected anything less than that really.

"Me too." Carl said standing up. "I'm going to get us some supplies. You get Maggie into the Motor home." He instructed and I looked at Rick impressed. He really was his fathers Son.

I headed back to Maggie to make sure she was okay and the minute I stepped through the door Enid was calling Carls name and she was gone. I bent down next to her and gave her a small smile as she continued to groan in pain.

"You'll be okay. I know you will be." I reassured her, but at this point I didn't know if I was trying to reassure her or myself. I was scared she was going to die and I was going to loose my best friend.

"I know. I want Glenn." She whispered hoarsely and I nodded in understanding.

"We don't know where he is, he hasn't come back off his run yet. But I'm sure the minute he hears about this he'll come to Hilltop to be with you. I know it. He loves you." I told her stroking her now short hair.

"I love him too." She mumbled and closed her eyes.

"No Maggie!" I screamed. "Stay awake, don't close your eyes." I told hr and she opened her eyes and smiled slightly.

"I'm tired." She said and I nodded.

"I know, but you have to stay awake. I need to know that you're alive." I told her seriously and she nodded.

Rick came through the door all loaded up and he looked at me. I held her hand. "We're going to move you to the bed in the RV. You'll be comfortable until we get to Hilltop okay?" She nodded and I helped him carry her gently into the RV and place her onto the bed without pressure or any jumps. Everyone who wanted to come was on the RV just in time for the departure. Maggie laid at the back on the bed and I was with her holding her hand the entire time. I needed to know she was okay. She's the only person I really have left that I see as my family.

I had tears falling from my eyes as she laid there, I watched as her chest pumped up just to make sure she was still breathing. Rick walked back to us and stood in the door way. "The doctor at Hilltop will be able to help." He told me and I nodded. "As long as it's all of us, we can do anything." I smiled at him. He was right. We've always got each others backs and that's the way it should be. We've come so far as a group and a deranged family.

He left when the RV came to a stop. We were running into trouble as usual. We always do. But we needed to get Maggie to Hilltop as soon as possible. I looked out the window and there was a blockade on the road waiting for us with en stood on top. Rick stepped out of the RV while we all watched out a window.

Just then Maggie woke back up and groaning in pain. "Are you okay?" I asked and she nodded.

"I'm fine. It just hurts. What's going to happen Lexi?" She asked.

"We're going to get you help at Hilltop and you'll be fine. This baby is a fighter just like it's Mom and Dad." I told her and she smiled slightly.

"I don't want it to die." She whimpered and I shook my head.

"None of us is going to let that happen Maggie. We're a family." I told her and she nodded. Somewhere between our conversation we had began to move again and then there was even more commotion at the front of the RV when we came to another stop.

"What's going on?" She asked.

"Nothing you need to worry about." I told her, running a hand through her hair.

"Please, tell me." She said and I sighed.

"Okay, the Saviours are blocking the roads with a huge blockade to stop us from going anywhere." I explained lightly. "But don't worry, we'll get you to Hilltop soon. You know Rick will have a plan."

There was a huge fire like a gunshot as we started to move for the second time. I looked out the window and they were firing with a rifle at us.

"I'm going to talk to Rick, find out what's happening and I'll be back okay?" I told Maggie and she nodded.

"Okay, I'm going to go back to sleep for a while." She told me and I nodded kissing her forehead before heading out to Rick and find out what was going on and how much longer it would be until we managed to break the blockades.

"Hey, whats going on?" I asked Rick sitting next to him.

"The saviours are blocking the roads, they won't let us past. We're trapped. We can't get through to get to Hilltop." He said and I sighed.

"We need to figure something out. She's not doing too well in there." I told him and he nodded looking over my head into the room Maggie was laying in.

"I know and we'll get her there ut we just have had a step back." He said and then we came to another stop.

"Again?" Carl said with a roll of his eyes and I smiled at him. I looked out the window and saw a huge line of walkers all chained together across the road.

"Aaron, can you stay with Maggie?" I asked him and he nodded squeezing my shoulder as he passed me. I headed out with the others and we just looked around. How the hell had they done this? And why were they like this? It wasn't long after that saviours were firing at us from the woods on both sides of the road. Rick cut the chain and let the walkers free and we quickly dispatched off them which would let us through. We quickly get back into the RV and drive on. This was a good thing, we finally got through a blockade.

Once we were all back into our seats and we were on the move, we all managed to take a huge breath. "They were only firing at our feet. They didn't want to kill us like they could have. They want us going in this direction." Rick realised.

"Maggie's fever is getting worse." Aaron said as he oked his head through the door frame leading into the bedroom.

"We'll get her there." Rick said and I could see he was adamant about getting her there. The only thing making this worse was that Glenn wasn't here to help Maggie or be there for her when she's in a time of need.

This time we came to a stop with a larger blockage. There were about 40 saviours, once again without thought we turned around again. We couldn't take on all these when Maggie was so ill.

I went back into Maggie's room to see her awake and she smiled at me. Her skin was pale and she was glistening with sweat. She really was getting worse. I didn't speak to her, there were no words that I could express how much she meant to me as a friend and a sister. Rick came in not long after and sat on her bed.

"The saviours are gone. We'll get you there soon. I promise." He said to her and she nodded.

"I believe in you Rick. You've already done so much for everyone here. You'll do this for me too." Maggie told him and he leaned down to give her a slight hug without causing too much pain..

"Thank you Maggie. I will get you there and you and the baby will be fine okay?" She nodded and smiled again. I kissed her forehead.

"I'm really proud of you, you know." I told her and she furrowed her eyebrows.

"Why?" She asked.

"Because you're such a strong women, you've lost so much and you never let that stop you. You'll be the best Mom ever." I told her and she laughed softly.

"Thank you but I'm only still going because I have Glenn and I have you. If I lost either of you I don't know if I would be able to go on. But I guess the baby will help me carry on." She said and I nodded.

"Thats the way it should be. You'll be fine even if you lose one of us. You've got so many people that care about you." I told her and stopped talking to her once we came to another stop. I went back out to the front and saw a wall of giant logs blocking the road.

"This took a lot of manpower and vehicles to do this. You can tell by the tire marks on the road." Eugene concluded.

"I don't think any of us are safe anymore. We need to get Maggie to Hilltop and we need to keep everyone safe." Abraham said.

"We do and we will, we just have to find a way around this, we've been up against something similar before. We'll do it again." Rick said.

We got out the RV and went to investigate, we saw a man hung from an overpass just ahead. Aaron went to shoot the noose to realease him. "No," Rick said putting a hand on his arm. "We need as much ammunition as possible if we're all going to survive this." He explained and the man chocked to death.

What we didn't expect was the logs to burst into flames, it startled us to run back onto the RV and drive in the other direction. What were the saviours playing at? We were so screwed. We needed a plan to overcome this and we had to think it out carefully but quickly, we had to get Maggie to Hilltop and then find Glenn.

"The Saviours are going to be looking for this vehicle, they won't be expecting us to be travelling by foot." Eugene brought up and it was quite logical, they wouldn't, they've seen the RV at every blockage so far.

We thought through the plan until nightfall where Eugene planned on driving the RV to lure the saviours while the rest of us walk on food to Hilltop with Maggie on a makeshift stretcher.

The group of us all walking carried Maggie through the woods and Eugene drives away in the RV. I really hoped this plan worked, we needed it to. We didn't even get very far when we heard whistles. The same whistle the saviours do when they're leaning in for their pray. I looked at Rick, we were surrounded by saviours, we were in huge trouble now. Maggie didn't have long left if we don't get her to Hilltop as soon as possible.

We tried to turn around and run but we were enclosed in a circle of what must have been over 100 Saviours and vehicles. "On your knees." One of them said and none of us moved. "Put down the women and get onto your knees." He repeated and I helped Rick get Maggie onto her knees between us both.

"Come on can't you understand that she needs help?" Rick tried but all his pleas were ignored. Eugene hd been caught and thrown to the floor too. Glenn, Michonne and Daryl were also thrown out of her van and Glenn ended up on the other side of me. I saw him look to Maggie and his eyes became scared.

"She's okay. Complications with the baby." I whispered to him and squeezed a hand slightly before pulling back and helping Maggie stay knelt up. She looked like she was about to fall and collapse again.

A man wearing a tight leather jacket and a scarf stepped out of the RV. In his hand was a baseball bat wrapped in barbed wire. The man then greeted Rick and revealed himself to be Negan. He berated Rick for killing a load of Saviors. Negan went on to explain his proposed New World Order, "You work for me now. You have shit, you give it to me." He explained that he was letting us live so that they can work for him but warns that he had to "beat the holy hell" out of one of them as punishment for killing his men. "This is Lucille," he said of the bat. "And she is awesome." He revealed that the entire set up, including the roadblocks, was simply to decide "who gets the honor" of dying. He eyed up the group, and seemed impressed when Abraham squares up to him. When Negan threatens Maggie, Glenn and I screamed and lunged at Negan but we were pulled back in line. After more taunting, Negan claims to have an idea on who to pick to be killed. He starts a game of "eeny, meeny, miny, moe".

"Eeny... meeny... miny... moe," he began, pointing Lucille down the line of survivors. As he recited the rhyme, he continues pointing Lucille. "And you... are... it," he finished he had his victim picked. Negan warned the group not to move or say anything, threatening to have Carl's other eye out and fed to Rick. "You can breathe, you can blink, you can cry," he said, raising the bat. "Hell, you're all going to be doing that."

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