Hidden Thoughts

By XxQueenNo1xX

1.9K 281 67

There are more and more depressed people every day and it's about time someone starts talking about it. Since... More

1. You
2. Fear
3. A Ship
4. Trying
5. Romantics
6. Expecting
7. Thoughts
8. Be Yourslef
Author's note
9. Boredom
10. Inner Demons
11. A Mind
12. Convince
13. What?
14. A Class
15. A Monster
16. Sorry
17. School
18. You know?
19. A Curse
20. They
21. Care
22. A Broken Soul
23. Demons
25. A Poem
26. A delusion
27. Different
28. The Reality
29. Darkness
30. Tears
31. Truth
32. To The Policeman
33. Poetry
34. What is a Day?
35. A hymn for my father
36. A World
37. A Breakup
38. New
39. OK
40. Cold
41. Love-hate
42. Change

24. People

24 4 1
By XxQueenNo1xX

This world is so big
Yet it is so small.
You can be anybody
But you can't be you.
People like fake
Yet fake is too fake.
We can't decide
What we really want.
We can just hide
The pain away from their eyes
Because once they see
That you are broken
They'll break you even more.
There's nothing people enjoy more
Than watching someone else hurt.
People truly are heartless
Nobody cares about you.
Yourself is the only one
You can trust and rely to.
But what to do when you can't?
When you are you enemy,
Your prison and burden,
The only thing you can do
Is bury that burden.

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