The Secret

By orsinoslady

36.3K 1K 88

What if throughout AYITL Rory and Logan had a secret they kept from everyone but a few select people? How wou... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18

Chapter 17

1.4K 42 3
By orsinoslady

A week later, Rory sat at the small desk in the living room working on the thank you cards for all the gifts she and Logan received for baby boy. While she knew she needed to get through the notes, especially since she was getting closer to her due date and the doctor said she would probably go early since she was measuring ahead by several weeks. However, she couldn't seem to get her mind to cooperate and she was constantly staring out the window, thinking over the baby's room, her to-do list, and anything besides those cards.

Sighing, Rory decided to take a break and slowly stood up. While last week she might have been complaining about her size, this week she suddenly felt every day of of her pregnancy. It seemed like overnight she suddenly blossomed and looked pregnant and she was unsteady on her feet all the time. She was also to the point that she was ready for the baby to be born. She definitely wanted her body back.

She waddled around the living room for a few minutes, trying to work some feeling back into her legs and debating getting something to eat since she was already up. Deciding food was a good idea, she made her way into the kitchen and looked through their cupboards to see what was available. Here she was, pregnant and hungry, and there wasn't a single thing that sounded good to her.

Rustling through their menu drawer, Rory discovered a Chinese menu to one of her favorite restaurants and decided to order in. After a bit of debating, she decided to order enough that she and Logan could also eat it for lunch. She quickly made the call and ordered more than enough food for both of them. Knowing it would take them almost an hour, she made a promise to herself to get more of those cards written.

End game in mind, she settled at her desk with renewed vigor. As she wrote the cards, she found herself trying to figure out who the majority of the people were. She obviously knew the family members and the people of Stars Hollow, but the majority of the cards were of people that she didn't know. She recognized some of the last names, but she couldn't pick them out of a crowd if she tried. That thought was rather depressing and made her pause again. Did she really not know anyone in Hartford? Did she now know anyone around her in the neighborhood? Was she so caught up in everything with her life that she didn't bother to meet new people?

Rory was roused from her rumination by the doorbell ringing. Heaving herself up, she grabbed her wallet and opened the door. She smiled and thanked the delivery guy. She signed the credit card slip and tipped him handsomely before closing the door and moving back into the living room. She sent a quick text to Logan to let him know she'd ordered enough Chinese for him whenever he got home. That done, she spread everything on the coffee table and tried to figure out where to sit. Normally, she would sit on the floor. But, there was no way she'd be able to get herself back up until Logan came home. And she didn't know when that would be.

Rory sighed as she realized she'd have to get inventive. She remembered a small card table in their pantry and went to get it. She got it out and moved back into the living room. She popped the legs out and set it to the side, but close enough she could eat her food on it also. She then moved the food to it. Pleased with the product, she settled down on the couch and turned the TV on. She decided she wanted to enjoy another guilty pleasure: Sabrina the Teenage Witch. Logan didn't understand her love of the show, but she continued to watch it anyways.

The episode started and Rory loaded her plate up. She happily munched until Logan got home about an hour later and joined her.

"Ace, you weren't lying when you said you ordered a lot of food," he laughed as he leaned down to kiss her.

Rory blushed. "I couldn't help it. I was hungry, but couldn't decide what I wanted. I then thought about you and how much you'd like it also. So, I just ordered whatever caught my fancy and that I thought you'd like."

"Ace, it's fine. I'm just teasing you. Give me a few minutes to change into some sweats and I'll join you in your," Logan started and then grimaced, "Sabrina the Teenage Witch marathon."

Rory laughed as he walked away. By the time he returned, Rory stopped the show and changed it over to Logan's side of Hulu for him to pick something. They settled on the couch and watched the movie Logan picked in silence for a bit. Eventually, they started talking about their days and Rory brought up the thing that had been niggling at her for a bit.

"Logan, do you think I close myself off?"

Logan looked at her, confused. "What do you mean?"

Rory explained the thoughts she had earlier. "I just feel like I'm realizing that we have this whole life here now and I haven't even bothered trying to get to know people or anything."

Logan stopped her before she could continue. "Ace, take a breath. Listen to me. You have closed yourself off a bit, but I think it's understandable. You're pregnant, we've just announced our marriage, moved into a new house, and are settling down in general. I think they'll cut you some slack considering what's going on in your life."

Rory released a breath, feeling better, but not totally. "Are you sure? I didn't recognize most of those people and I feel completely terrible about it! I'm a terrible wife!"

"Rory, stop. You are not a terrible wife. Your are distracted and pregnant, so it's fine! Take a calming breath and think for a minute."

Rory took the breath and calmed slightly. "I'm sorry. I'm just neurotic I guess."

"I can see that. What brought this on?"

"I told you. I was writing thank you cards for the people from the shower last weekend and I just realized that since I've been in Hartford, I haven't bothered to go out and meet anyone. I don't know a single person around us and it's lonely coming from Stars Hollow."

After that statement, Rory clammed up, realizing the truth of her words. For as long as she could remember, she always had the townspeople around her, acting as a second family for her, guiding her through her stages, and watching her every move. She was always surrounded by people that, while annoying, loved her and wanted her to be the best she could be. But, now she didn't have that. She was on her own, hypothetically speaking. She obviously wasn't alone because she had Logan, her grandparents, and her mom (she thought). But, it wasn't the same.

Rory felt herself tear up at the thought. While she was happy with her life with Logan, she couldn't help but be sad at the end of an era for her, an era she hadn't even acknowledged was done. Logan wiped the tears from her face. "Want to fill me in on what's making you cry?"

Rory sniffled, answering, "I just realized that the Stars Hollow part of my life is over."

Logan pulled Rory to him. "Ace, listen to me. It's over, but not really. You don't live there, but you're still their princess. Or, was it Ice Cream Queen?"

Rory laughed at that, remembering Taylor's attempt to get her to be the queen at his Soda Shoppe's opening day. "Yeah, I guess you're right."

"I know I'm right. Now, why don't we settle back into the movie and you can call you mom later to see about a visit?"

Rory nodded and snuggled into his side, trying to concentrate on the movie and not on her thoughts.


The next day found Rory sitting at her desk again, attempting to write the thank you cards. She wasn't having much luck, however, same as the day before. She was interrupted by a knock on the door. She furrowed her brow, not sure who would be there since she obviously didn't know anyone in the neighborhood. She slowly made her way to the door and opened it to find Lane on the other side.

"Lane!" Rory shouted, pulling her into a hug.

"It's so good to see you!" Lane returned, hugging her back just as tight.

Lane stepped back and looked at Rory. "You've gotten so big since I saw you last! And you still look amazing. Do you remember how big I was at this point?"

Rory laughed and stepped back to let Lane in. "So, not that I'm not happy to see you, what brings you by?"

Lane shrugged. "Nothing much. I just thought I'd drop by and see if you wanted to spend a day with me."

Rory squinted at Lane, not quite accepting her reasoning, but also not wanting to fight it too much. "Alright, hold on. Let me grab my purse."

Rory quickly gathered her things and sent a text to Logan to let her know she'd be with Lane for a bit. Lane helped her down the stairs and into the car. They kept up an easy banter in the car and Rory felt her spirits lifting. She also found herself not paying attention to where they were going, so she was rather surprised when the car stopped. Rory looked around and realized she was in Stars Hollow by the town square. She also realized it was decked out for a massive festival.

"What festival is going on today?" she asked Lane.

"Well, funny you should ask that. This is the Lorelai Gilmore Festival."

Rory looked at her askance. "The Lorelai Gilmore Festival?"

Lane nodded. "Yeah, seems your husband got it in his head that you were feeling a bit down and could use a bit of cheering. So, he called Taylor and your mom and, between the three of them, they got this festival set up. Notice that it seems like it's a collection of all the festivals we've ever had in Stars Hollow. We have that weird psychic, SnoCones, all the fair games, some kid rides, and all sorts of things."

Rory was silent for a few beats as she took it all in. She felt herself beginning to smile. "You mean to tell me that Logan, Taylor, and my Mom all managed to make this happen today? In only like 12 hours?"

Lane nodded. Rory continued. "I can't believe it."

"Well, believe it. Come on, lady of the hour."

They both got out from the car and Rory's face felt like it was going to split in two she was so happy with everything. She they walked through the square and into the festival, Rory found herself thinking back to all the different festivals she attended in the town growing up: the crazy Hay Bale Maze, Harvest Festivals, Summer festival, and so on. This was a mash-up of all these.

She slowly walked around, waving at people, but not stopping to talk to anyone. After she finished her circuit, she started to look for her mom or Logan. It took her a few minutes, but she finally found Logan standing by one of the kid games. She made her way over to him. "Hey you."

Logan looked at her and smiled. "Well, if it isn't the guest of honor!"

Rory tilted her head up to accept Logan's proffered kiss. "So, what do you think, Ace?"

"I think this is pretty amazing. I just can't believe that you apparently worked with my mom and Taylor? I'm trying to imagine this in my head."

"Well, it's amazing what a little bit of money will do. Throw enough money at someone and they'll do just about anything they want you to. And, a perk, is that now, this is an established festival. That means that each year on this day, you will have a festival dedicated to just you. And your mom. She was pretty insistent it be Lorelai and not Rory. I think she was a little jealous actually."

Rory laughed. "I don't doubt it. I should find her, actually. Do you know where she is?"

"I think she was over by the psychic."

Rory rolled her eyes. "I should have known that."

She pecked him on the cheek really quick and walked towards the psychic. She saw her mom hovering outside the tent and said, "Hey Mom. You know, for her to tell you your fortune, you have to go inside."

"Kid! How are you?"

They embraced as Rory answered, "I'm doing well. So, you helped organize this."

Lorelai laughed uncomfortably. "Yeah, with some help from Taylor."

Rory cocked an eye at her. "Just Taylor."

Lorelai sighed and rolled her eyes. "Fine. Logan helped too."

Rory giggled. "Was that so hard?"

"I want to gag, so I'd say yes."

They linked arms and looked over the festival. "So, what do you think, kid? Good?"

Rory nodded. "Very good. I can't believe you three were able to pull this together so quickly."

"Neither am I. I can't believe it either."

"It's pretty amazing that he was able to make it happen."

Lorelai muttered, "Yeah, only because he has a lot of money."

Rory stiffened. "Mom, did you just say what I think he did."

Lorelai grimaced, realizing she'd been caught. Sighing, she said, "I just said it's because he has a lot of money."

Rory stepped back from her mom. "I'm not going to deny that it's probably because Logan has a lot of money. But, I'm also not going to deny that the meaning behind this trumps that. Sure, he probably wouldn't do this if we were poor. But, I can't believe you would try to cheapen this with your own opinions."

With that, Rory walked up, steaming and unable to believe her mom would say something like that. Yeah, this wouldn't happen if they didn't have the money. But, they did. So, Logan decided to do something nice. She eventually found a bench and sat down, trying to cool off, but feeling unable to. If anything, she was starting to feel worse and she didn't know how to stop it.

She texted Logan where she was and said she wasn't feeling too great. He texted her would be there for her soon and to wait. As she sat there, her stomach started to cramp and she felt like she couldn't move. She placed her hand on her belly and could feel it rhythmically tightening and loosening. It seemed like ages, but Logan finally came up to her with a look of concern. "Is everything okay, Ace?"

"Ummm," Rory said, with a look of pain. She suddenly gasped as she felt a slight gushing. "I think I'm in labor."

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