Desperate for Love - Harry St...

By desperately

27.6K 258 49

The blonde beauty herself, Essie Lynn; a college student who's studying and perusing her dream of becoming an... More

Desperate for Love(Harry Styles Fan-Fiction)
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14:
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17:

Chapter 1

1.7K 24 2
By desperately

This chapter is going to be a little long because I had fun writing it for some reason :) hahah enjoy xoxo! Read some of xSnowkiss's stuff! She's so talented! xx

Chapter 1:


The elevator stopped on floor thirteen, where Lolo's apartment room was. I digged through my black bag looking for the spare key Lo has gave me. Once I grasped on the key, I pulled it out of my purse and unlocked the apartment door.

I opened the door and saw a sleeping Sampson on the white leather couch next to a glass coffee table. The telly was still on, so I grabbed the remote next to Sam and turned the television off. I heard a creak coming from the hallway. Looking to my left, I noticed that Lo is awake.

"When did you get back?" Lo yawned out with a groggy feel.

"Just a few moments ago," Lo turned around, and proceeded to go back into her bedroom. Well that was quite pointless. I placed my purse on the counter in the open loft kitchen and walked into the guess room where Sam and I shared. It was a evergreen colored room, quite big. It had a nice view of some city since the room was very open with large windows. There was two twin beds with a cream colored bedset, complimenting the greens on the wall. A dark brown, circle shaped rug was in the middle of the room, surrounded by Indian style pillows. The room was cozy.

I started to strip down my jeans and blouse. I picked out a pair of baggy, grey sweat pants and a pink cami to sleep in. I quickly throw my hair in a bun and proceeded to the bathroom which was to the right of the guest room.

I turned the light on, and started to wash my face. Moments later, my phone started to ring.

Apple bottom jeans, jeans

Boots with the fur, with the fur

The whole club -

"Hello?" I answered my phone. Yes, my ringtone is Apple Bottom Jeans. It's an inside joke between Lo, Sam and I.

"Hey Es- SHUT UP LOUIS," I just sat there on the phone, confused. Who the hell is calling me? "Sorry Essie, it's me, Harry,"

"Oh hey Harry," I was smiling through the phone. It was nice to hear from him over the phone. His voice sounds so soothing. Is that odd to say?

"Did you get in your house safely?" He asked with a lot of interruption in the background. Sounds like a bunch of boys. Probably his band mates.

"Uh, yeah I did. I'm about to go to bed now actually, so I'll text you tomorrow. Goodnight Harry," I said.

"Goodnight Essie. Sleep tight," I giggled then pressed the end call on my iPhone. I finished washing up my face and turned the bathroom light off once I was done.

I climbed into the cream satin sheets of the bed, and snuggled up into my teddybear and started to doze off.


Harry's Point of View

"Who is she Harry! WHY ARE YOU CHEATING ON ME?" Louis shouted from the couch, from where I was in the kitchen fetching up a snack.

"No Louis, I just met her at that, uhm, club thing today," I yelled back to Louis, coming out with two bowls of popcorn and two sodas.

"One for me, one for you," I said as I handed Louis the soda and the bowl of popcorn. He thanked me and we sat on the couch and watched some movie about animals, typical.

Louis looked over at me from what I see at the corner of my eye.

"Who is she, is she cute?" Louis asked. I just rolled my eyes.

"Louis, she's no one, just a friend," I adjusted myself in the couch, trying to get more comfortable.

"Then bring her over tomorrow," Louis paused the movie, and looked straight at me in the eye.

"Fuck no,"

"Why!" Louis whimpered, acting like a little kid who can't get something they want.


"BECAUSE WHY. BECAUSE YOU LIKE HER!" Louis screamed, probably waking up everyone in the house. Niall ran out of the hallway.

"Did someone say food? OOH POPCORN!" Niall runs over and grabbed the bowl of popcorn from my hands. I just laughed at Niall.

"I don't like her Louis, and I guess I'll invite her up. She has friends you know," I added. Niall looked at me and stopped eating, shocking. 

"Wait, whose this girl and she has friends? How old? Are they cute?" Niall asked, while grabbing another handful of the movie theatre popcorn and shoving it into his mouth.

"Is this twenty questions?" I asked, sarcastically. What a 'punny' joke, eh? Louis just rolled his eyes and then got in my face.

"Make sure she comes over tomorrow, and tell her to bring her friends."


Essie's Point of View

"Yo! Essie! Get the hell up!" I woke up to Lo shaking me by my shoulders. I tried to swat her away, but she didn't resist. "Dude we need to go shopping for tonight, we have dinner plans with your family, remember?" 

I shot out from my bed and realizing the time. Two in the fucking afternoon. Holy shit, I slept late. I unplugged my iPhone from it's charger connected to the outlet in the wall and noticed I had a new message. It's from Harry.

Harry =) : Hey, would you like to come over? You can bring your friends if you'd like :) xx. Harry.

Shit, I can't go and I'll feel bed if I decline the offer. I have an idea.

Yeah sure :) What time?

"LO, SAM, COME HERE" I shout from the guest bedroom.

"What do you want?" Sampson asked in a groggy voice. She looked like shit, let's just say she looks green so she must be sick.

"Wanna go out tonight after the dinner?" They both nodded their heads.

"Where?" Lo asked, all concerned, thinking we're going out drinking. She loves to party and get drunk all the time, no wonder why she can't go to college. She's just lucky her parent's are rich enough to buy her a car, and get her this beautiful apartment right outside of London.

"You'll see, and no, it's not a club just to let you know. So just a casual, comfortable kind of look," Sam had a huge grin on her face and Lolo looked pissed. "Or Lo can be a bitch and not go," 

"I'm going, don't worry," She said, with a slight fake giggle. She probably doesn't like the fact that I'm not telling her where it is.

My phone lit up from another text from Harry.

Harry =) : Around 9 or 10 is good xx.

Perfect. My dad is an old man, so we'll probably finish eating around 7, so that'll leave enough time to get ready and straighten up my bedroom a little. I went through my contacts to find my Mom's number to call her.

Ring, ring, ring.

"Hello?" She answered.

"Hey mom, it's me Es," I responded. She should've known it was me calling, but she is kind of slow on the new technology I should say..

"Oh hey baby girl! We can't go dinner tonight, but we can tomorrow. I was just about to call you. I have an emergency meeting tonight at the hospital and your father is being an asshole right now saying he's 'too tired'." I giggled after my mom said that.

"No problem mom, see you tomorrow?" 

"See yah, love you bunches. Tell the girls I said hello." I hung up the phone and texted Harry.

How bout we go out for dinner, and then your place after? Lolo and Sampson are coming as well. xx

"GIRLS GET READY," I shouted since they were in the living room watching the telly, taking their precious time.

"Guys, we're not going out for dinner. My mom can't today, but we are tomorrow so get ready now!" Sam and Lo huffed. They are literally like two teenage girls and I'm the mother. Shit, they will be so happy when they know what I'm doing. They are huge fans of these guys but they aren't the fan girls so they won't scream because we met Demi Lovato and they were pretty chill. Lo and Sam are HUGE fans of Demi, like bigger than One Direction, so they should be fine.

I plugged in my flat iron and began to apply makeup. I put on a limited amount of foundation on. I put a smokey brown eyeshadow with a cat eye effect eyeliner and some mascara. Once my flat iron was heated up, I started to flat iron my hair completely pin straight. I put a tan hat on that just covered the very top back of my hair, it's kind of like a beanie. I put on a baby blue blouse with some high waisted shorts. I topped my outfit off with some sandals that matched my bag and jewelery. I looked pretty damn good. I brushed my teeth, put deodorant on, and topped it off with some Love Spell body mist by Victoria's Secret.

I walked out of the hallway to the living room to grab my phone. One text message.

Harry =) : Meet me at the bbq down the road from your house.

"You girls ready?" I somewhat yelled down the hall. Sam walked out and she had a blue sundress on with black Dr. Martens and had her hair in a fishtail braid.

"You look smoking girl," I told Sam.

"Oh, you too bitch!" Sam jokingly said. I nudged her in the arm with my elbow laughing. Lolo walked down the hallway and was wearing a high waisted floral skirt with a plain black t-shirt and black sandals. Her hair was naturally curly, so she did nothing. I complimented on her look and she did the same to me.


We walked to the barb-e-que, and once we got there, I saw Harry from afar. The girls still don't know who we're going with so this ought to be fun.

"Holy shit, Lo! It's Harry Styles! Oh my god they are all here!" Lo whisper yelled to Sam and they started to hesitate. I started to walk over to Harry and waved at him.

"Es what are you doing!" Lo said, in complete shock. I went to Harry and he gave me a huge bear hug.

"Hey Harry!" I said to him while he was strangling me from the bear hug.

"Hello Essie," Harry finally let me down and I turned around to Lo and Sam with their jaws completely dropped. They eventually walked over and were dead silent.

"Harry, this is Lolo and Sampson. You can call them Lo and Sam," I introduced him to the girls and pointed to which one I indicated. He shook their hands and I swear to god, their faces were priceless.

"Would you like to meet the other boys Essie?" Harry asked me, knowing I don't know the band too well. Lo and Sam followed behind us, still in silence.

We sat at one of those party tables. All the boys were incredibly gorgeous, Jesus. No wonder why they were so popular, I mean look at them. They are like sex icons.

"Essie, this is Niall, Louis, Zayn, and Liam," He pointed to each one. Niall had beach blonde hair with sapphire blue eyes and was quite the pale one. But hey, I shouldn't judge. I'm white as hell. Louis was in between Niall and Zayn. Louis had hazelnut brown hair and sun kissed skin with blue eyes. Zayn had a darker complexion and with dark hair and dark eyes. His eyes were breath taking even though they were only brown, but damn. Liam sat at the head of the table and he had brown hair, tan skin, and brown eyes as well.

"Hi, I'm Essie!" I said while waving my tiny baby hand. They all said hi individually and I noticed Niall was the Irish lad.

"This is Lolo," I indicated Lo who waved and said hi, "and this is Sampson," then I indicated Sam.

"You can call me Lo," Lolo said. "And you can call me Sam," Sampson added. All the boys said hi again. Harry sat at the other head at the table and I sat across from Niall on the length of the table which was right next to Harry, who was on my left. Sam was in the middle, and Lo was at the end next to Liam.

"So are you girls fans?" Louis asked while eyeing the menu.

"Yeah, big fans!" Lolo said while pointing to herself and Sam. I just looked around all awkward like.

"I don't have time to listen to music on my free time," I added, giggling a little. Niall giggled too.


We all ate and it was a fantastic dinner. We took a cab to the boy's hotel and holy shit, this hotel was huge, and the hotel room was huge, it's ridiculous.

Once the girls and I walked into the huge ass hotel room, we took off our shoes and headed for the black leather couch that was in the living room of the hotel. All the boys were sitting on the couch except Niall, who was getting food.

 "Come sit!" Louis gestured his hand to come over. Awkwardly, I started to walk towards the boys with Lo and Sam. Sam sat in between Zayn and Louis. Harry was sitting next to me, and Lo who was on my right next to Liam.

Liam lifted himself up from the couch and over to a bookcase that had video games, books, and movies.

"What movie lads?" Liam asked, while skimming through the movies.

"Something romantic!" Louis said in a girlie or gay voice. Whichever he preferred.

"How 'bout something funny?" Niall asked, carrying out a sandwich. 

"Didn't we just -" Zayn said, but getting interrupted.

"Sh Zayn! I don't care i'm still hungry" Niall pointed out and we all laughed together all Niall being hungry.

"How 'bout Toy Story! Everyone loves that movie!" Liam asked, taking the DVD out of the case and placing it into the DVD player.

"Liam, you know you always cry like a little boy during that movie," Harry said, and I started to chuckle. Once Harry noticed me laugh, he smiled big and blushed.

"So, you three," Louis gestured to Lo, Sam and I.

"Uh, yeah?" Lo said with a faint blush on her cheeks. She literally blushes at anything because I swore one time a cute boy coughed and she blushed. Like really?

"Where are you from?"

"Lolo and I are from London," Sampson said and then looked over at me, waiting from my answer.

"I'm from Cheshire," I said faintly, a bit nervous to be around 5 gorgeous guys. Once I said that, Harry gave me the 'o' face and gasped.

"My god! I'm from Cheshire!" Harry said, all shocked like.

"Oh goodness Harry. You guys are so made for each other," Louis said sarcastically, and Zayn smiled at the joke.

"Hey shut up! It's coincidence!" I laughed and so did Harry.

Once the movie started, Liam cuddled on Niall's arm kind of. At first, I thought they were in a relationship together until I asked Harry and he said no. Awkward much?


After the movie was over, Liam cried a few times leaving me in with laughter.

"I got to get going, Harry." I told him looking at my iPhone for the time that read eleven. I wanted to get a lot of sleep for tomorrow since I'm going to be with my family. If I looked 'too tired,' they would tell me to come live with them again, and I wouldn't want that. Oh nono.

"Oh, okay Essie," Harry said with a dissapointed tone. I feel like he doesn't want me to leave. "Will I see you again?" He asked me, looking over to me with his emerald green eyes.

"Yeah," I said smiling wide, probably blushing because I can feel my whole body heat up and shiver.

"Good," He shot a smile back.

All three of us left the apartment of their's with a wave. 

"DUDE. I GOT ZAYN'S NUMBER," Lo shouted out as we walked down on the sidewalk in pitch black.

"I got Niall's bitches!" Sam said laughing. I'm glad they had a fun time, and got to know the boys. It's really nice to know that they didn't fan girl, or do anything so outrageous they wouldn't want them to see us again.

"I got all their numbers, so suck on that," I said and then laughed histarically, starting to cry of laughter.

"Do you like Harry?" Lo said, looking at me while I walked in the middle of the two girls.

"I don't know, is it to soon to say I do?" I wondered if I did fancy Harry. It's only been two days, but I already know so much about him..

"Obviously not!" Sam added, nudging me in my arm with her shoulder.

"Eh, I don't think I do yet,"


Once we got to Lo's apartment, I changed into my pajamas, and hopped into bed.

I didn't sleep one bit.

My whole mind was floating on one thing, and one thing only.

Do I really fancy Harry Styles?

Ahhhhhhhh, so there you have it folks! Chapter 1! It's kind of moving fast, so I don't really like that I'm moving super duper fast, so next chapter it's going to go in slooowwwww mode. Hahaa.

So anyways, vote and comment :)! xoxoxoxoxo

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