Into the depths of shadows

By swade5

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Student by day, Huntress by night. Finley's life has never been dull. In a world where monsters roam free sta... More

Chapter 1 - The secret life of a Huntress
Chapter 2 - The Uncovered truth
Chapter 3 - A step in the right direction
Chapter 4 - The werewolf bar
Chapter 5 - The beginning of a friendship
Chapter 6 - A Fairy's Tale
Chapter 7 - The Depths of Shadows
Chapter 8 - Playing the part
Chapter 9 - The untold secret
Chapter 10 - First clue
Chapter 11 - The fight
Chapter 12 - Flying Solo
Chapter 13 - Arlin Shade
Chapter 14 - The calm before the storm
Chapter 15 - The storm
Author's note

Chapter 16 - Final sacrifice

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By swade5

Finley met Arlin's cruel cunning gaze, her face in disbelief. Out of everything he could have asked for, this was something she hadn't anticipated. Giving up her own life to save Kade's. She could hear him in the background, fighting to get free and screaming at her, urging her not to do it. But her heart ached at the thought of him dying for her.

She looked over at him meeting his green eyes that were filling with tears.  His face was bloody, his chest rising and falling quickly and there was a terror in his eyes that she couldn't help but notice. He looked like he was in so much pain. She could read the message in his eyes as he begged her not to do it. But her mind was already made up. She couldn't lose another person that she loved.

She turned back to Arlin his gaze waiting for an answer. She took a deep breath to calm herself and nodded. "Yes," she said firmly, "Yes, I will give up my life to save his."

Arlin's grin intensified and a terrifying look crossed his face. For a moment Finley thought that he was just going to kill them both. But then he laughed, a wicked and harsh sound that echoed around the room. "Well my dear, it looks like your boyfriend will live another day."
She sighed in relief. "Can I say goodbye?" She asked softly.

Arlin regarded her intently before nodding in agreement. He snapped his fingers and her restraints opened. She didn't hesitate to dash across the room and into Kade's arms. He clutched her tightly despite his restraints. His hands gripped her waist and she buried her head against his shoulder, willing herself not to cry. She closed her eyes for a few moments trying to memorize everything about him in that moment. She stood like that for a second before pulling back just enough to meet his eyes. The pain and desperation reflected in his gaze was enough to make her heart crack as she looked at him. She could see the tears in his eyes and it made her feel like bursting into tears herself. But she held back her sobs and looked at him.

His black hair was thick with sweat, his face was battered and bruised, and his beautiful lips had a cut on the corner. He almost looked unrecognizable but despite his appearance she couldn't look away. She needed to keep the image in her mind.

"Please Finn, don't do this," he begged her, his voice cracking with emotion.
She had never seen him like this before and for a second she almost considered doing as he asked. But she couldn't bear to watch him die. She couldn't lose him. "I can't let you die," she whispered.

"Tell Tate and Harley that I love them. Tell them to live their lives and forget about me. Promise me you'll tell them," she asked.
He shook his head, "No Finn, you can't do this."

"I don't have a choice!" She said softly. She could feel the tears in her own eyes but she refused to let them fall. She had to be strong.
He ran his hand along the side of her jaw, tenderly almost barely touching. She shivered under his touch. "Do you love me?" He asked.

She looked at the beautiful boy standing in front of her. He looked broken and beyond repair but he was asking her if she loved him. The boy who she had fought and argued with. The boy she had hated and loathed. The boy who had stolen her heart with kindness. The boy who had kissed her and held her like she had hung the moon in the sky. The boy who looked at her with all his soul and loved her with all his heart. The boy that she had fallen madly in love with.

His gaze was so intense as his beautiful eyes watched her every move. After everything they had been through, this was by far the hardest thing she had ever had to do. This was the moment she was going to leave him forever. The thought that she might never see him again was worse than any pain she could ever endure.

Her breath caught in her throat as she answered him. "Yes," she breathed, "Yes I love you."
Tears filled his eyes as she watched a tear fall down his cheek, "Then don't do this."

She couldn't bear to look at him any longer. She kissed him, feeling his soft lips as they met hers. She wound her hands in his hair and kissed him like it was the last time she would ever see him. Perhaps it was.
She savored the taste of his lips, the feel of his hands on her and the strength in which he clutched her. She savored every single second before she abruptly pulled away. His eyes flew open, the panic and fear clear in his expression.
"I'm sorry. It's because I love you that I have to do this," she said sadly.

"Please Finn!" He begged her.
She took a deep breath and turned away from him. He was screaming her name and it took all her strength not to look back. She finally let a tear leak from her eye as her heart broke into a million pieces.
Arlin was watching her curiously as she stopped in front of him. His smirk was sickening. "Ready to go, my dear?" He questioned.

She nodded, not trusting her voice and took his outstretched hand. She was walking away from the ones she loved, leaving her life behind and entering a life with the devil. Her future was unknown but as long as she had the memories of her family, Tate, Harley and Kade, she would survive. Her love for them would keep her alive and fighting. She took a deep breath as they reached the door and headed towards her new life. One that she could only imagine was full of torment. She was falling down a rabbit hole and getting lost in the depths of shadows.


The cell was beginning to be all to familiar to Finley. For weeks she'd been Arlin's prisoner, tortured and punished into submission. But she hadn't given in. Her will was still going strong. She knew he wanted her to break and do what he wanted but she wouldn't. She'd agreed to stay with him not work for him. As far as she was concerned she owed him nothing. Kade, Tate and Harley were free and that was all that mattered.

The cold stone walls were the only thing that stared back at her as she sat in the corner. The room was dimly lit by a single swinging light bulb that flickered on a constant circuit. The dusty mattress where she slept sat in one corner and a small toilet in the other. Otherwise, the room was empty. Finley had counted the stains on the ground so many times she felt like she was going insane. She was living a nightmare and all she had to amuse herself was her own mind. Her memories of her brother, Tate, Harley and Kade were the only thing that kept her going. She was doing this for them and as long as she stayed here, they were safe.

Her body ached, her mind was tired and in truth she felt like collapsing right there and then just to get some food. But she wouldn't ever bow down to Arlin. She would rather starve. She'd lost weight over the last few weeks and she was always hungry.  It was bad enough that she was starving but the thirst was the real killer. She was just so thirsty. She'd even considered drinking her own pee, despite how disgusting that would be. But she figured that if she died of thirst at least it would be over.

Suddenly the huge heavy door opened and Arlin walked in. His dark eyes looked at her and a cruel grin crept across his face. "Hello my dear, how are we today?"

She didn't bother answering. She didn't want to waste what little energy she had left, talking to him. Her silence only seemed to irritate him more and he scowled before marching across the room. He grabbed her and pulled her to her feet pushing her up against the wall. "I'm done playing games Finley. Agree to work for me or I'll take your choices away from you. I'll make you do everything I want."

She met his eyes and smirked at him. She would never agree to do anything. "What's the matter Arlin? Angry because you can't make me break?" She questioned.

She could see the rage building, the demon side taking over. She knew she was pushing his buttons but what could he do. She was already a prisoner. "Last chance Finley, agree or I'll-" he started.

"You'll what? Kill me. Go ahead, do you think I care if you kill me. You can punish me, torture me, or kill me but I will never submit to you. You will never control me," she spat.

He gripped her arms tighter as he shook with anger. His eyes burned like a raging fire. "You think that you've won but you haven't.  Maybe you will never willingly agree to do as I ask but there are ways of making you. And you think I can't hurt you but there is something I can do. I can make you forget."

Finley froze at his words and stared at him. She saw the flicker of triumph in his eyes before he continued. "I can take away your memories of how your parents and your brother died. I can make you forget about your friends. I can make you forget that you ever loved Kade. He would become nothing more than a stranger. You forget who you're talking to. I own you now."

Finley was speechless. The thought of forgetting everything terrified her more than anything. The last thing she wanted was to lose her love for Kade. Or the memories of her family or the reason for all of this. But she could see in his eyes that he had already decided her fate. No matter what she did he would do it anyway. But she couldn't go down without a fight. "Even if you take away everything that I am I would never willingly help you. You're a monster who deserves nothing more than to rot in hell and one day I'm going to send you there. So do your worst Arlin because you will always be the cruel ruthless murderer who is all alone. That's the difference between you and me. I have people who love me, who care about me and who will stop at nothing to save me. But you, you are alone. You have nothing."

Her words were like acid and she smiled at his surprised face. She knew that he was going to take her memories but she hoped that those words had hurt him more than any weapon ever had. His face turned murderous and his eyes flashed, the magic awakening.

Her time was running out. As each precious minute ran out her heart became more and more lost. Buried beneath a mountain of thorns, slowly and painfully being lost forever. And she knew that no matter what she did, it would kill the only love she had left. The only piece that kept her sane. Her love for Kade slowly ebbed away into nothingness.
Her eyes widened as she felt the magic working in her mind as the memories flashed before her eyes  and then disappeared like ash in the wind.

Two months later

It was a miserable day, the clouds were black rolling across the sky line like a wave. The wind was cold as winter began to set in and Finley wished she was wearing something warmer. But she knew how Arlin liked the black dress so she wore it for him. She was sitting on the park bench waiting patiently for him to return with their coffees. The smell of freshly baked breads filled the air and she took a deep breath, remembering a time when her brother and her had gone down to the local bakers early one morning. She missed those days, especially the times with her brother. He had died tragically in an accident although the case was never solved. Sometimes Finley dreamed of finding answers but she didn't want to waste her life looking for them.

Movement from the corner of her eye caught her attention and she turned, expecting to see Arlin. Instead a stranger stood in front of her. Her eyes widened at his attractive appearance. His striking green eyes looked at her in amazement and his dark hair blew softly in the wind. His tanned skin looked so warm and comforting in the bleak winter landscape. His strong muscular body stood confidently, a certain amount of arrogance evident. His soft pink lips yeaned for her to kiss them and she had to remind herself that he was a stranger. His mouth opened in surprise and he exhaled a breath as if he was waking up from a dream.

Finley frowned in confusiom as he continued to stare at her like he knew her. He came towards her and he seemed so familiar and yet so foreign at the same time. She raked her mind trying to remember if she had ever met him before but she couldn't think of anything.  He was just a stranger.

The minute he stood in front of her his arms wrapped around her in a tight hug. She was too caught off guard to react and instead stood tense in his grip. His arms were strong and his body warm as he hugged her and she heard the slight sob leave his lips. She didn't understand and she was even more confused when he pulled back and tears were in his eyes. She opened her mouth to speak but he beat her to it. "Finley," he whispered so quietly she thouht she might have imagined it.

She stared at him in complete disbelief. How did he know her? Suddenly it was like reality set in and panic crossed his face. He glanced around anxiously before meeting her gaze once again. "Is he here? Is Arlin here?" He asked.

Finley nodded slowly still trying to piece the information together. Maybe Arlin knew this guy? His green eyes darkened and he grabbed her wrist and started to pull her. "We need to get out of here!"

She frowned in confusion and glanced around. What the hell was happening? She began to panic and she stopped walking pulling her arm free. He turned around in surprise and frowned. "What are you doing?"

For the first time Finley found her voice and she could hear the annoyance and confusion in her words. "I'm sorry, I think you have me confused. I don't know you."

Now it was his chance to look confused. His brows furrowed together and he stared at her. His eyes racked her face as if looking for something. "What do you mean?" He finally answered, "Finley it's me. It's Kade."

His name sounded familiar but she still couldn't pinpoint who he was. She was spared replying when Arlin returned. His eyes were darker than usual as he looked over at Kade. But he just smiled handing the coffee over and wrapping an arm around her waist. "Everything alright dear?" He questioned.

She nodded a little hesitantly, aware tha Kade was watching her every move. He was speechless but she could feel the tension between the two guys. "What did you do to her?" Kade asked angrily.

Finley was shocked and still completely oblivious to what was happening. Arlin smirked slightly, "I'm not sure what you mean.  Finley just had a change of heart."

Kade clenched his jaw tightly almost like he was trying to control his anger.
But Finley could see his rage. She knew he was close to snapping. And she knew Arlin well enough to know that he would win a fight. So she intervened before they had a chance to start. "Arlin, we should go. We're going to be late."

He nodded in agreement, "It was awfully nice catching up Kade but we have somewhere to be. Come along dear."

Finley glanced at Kade one last time before leaving with Arlin.

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