Kinetic (complete)

By vanessapiccolo

1.1M 40.7K 2.8K

Sequel to Stalked Two guards ushered the prince in the room and I damn near fell out of my seat. This couldn'... More

Quick note


28.4K 1.4K 81
By vanessapiccolo

I froze.

I didn't know how to respond to his confession.

He was my mate and the process was complete so it wasn't like I could ever break the bond. I did love him but I had never said that to anyone before. The words sounded foreign to me and I realized I had taken too long to respond to him. He still wasn't looking at me though. Was he even expecting a response from me or was he just saying it?

"You love me?" I asked. I couldn't have asked a more ridiculous question. Who the hell else would he be talking to?

"I do," he responded simply, "and I know you love me too. Even if you won't admit it yet."

"How do you know that?"

"I just do."

"I've never said that to anyone," I admitted.

"Neither have I."

I frowned in response. Of course he had. He must have said it to Alex at some point. He said he was going to marry her so he must have loved her.

"No one?" I asked skeptically.

He finally met my gaze with a serious expression, "No."

I was surprised by his answer. I knew he wasn't lying. I would have been able to tell.

"You never said it to her," I asked. I knew the way I said her was full of distaste but I couldn't help it. Even the thought of Alex disgusted me.


"But you said-"

"I said I was going to marry her. I never said I loved her."

I traced the definition of his chest absently thinking about what he said.

"I love you too," I finally said.

He looked down at me, "I didn't think you would say it."

"Why not?"

"I just didn't think you would."

"Think I'm that heartless?"

"No. I think you're that stubborn."

I laughed lightly at him as I continued to trace his perfect stomach.

"I can't believe we're fully mated," I mused.

"Me either. I was shocked you let me bite you."

"I was caught up in the moment. I would have let you do anything," I said.

He shifted so he could look at me better, "Do you regret it?"

"Nope. You're exactly what I want."

"Good because now you don't have a choice."

"I always have a choice," I replied coyly.

"Think so?"

"You wouldn't force me to be with you if I didn't want to be."

He shrugged, "I might be too selfish to let you go."

I shook my head, "Might be selfish but you wouldn't force me into anything."

He laughed lightly, "Probably not."

I could still tell something was bothering him but I didn't want to ruin the moment we shared. I was still shocked I had finally lost my virginity.

"Will?" I asked softly.

He glanced down at me as he stroked my hair, confusion still deep in his eyes.

"You look lost."

He stopped stroking my hair and pulled my head closer to him. His lips firmly planted a kiss on my forehead.

"I am."


"I didn't expect to love you this quickly," he admitted.

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"It means exactly that. I have never been more sure or more confused at the same time."

"That's not exactly promising," I responded as I sat up.


I scoffed, "Because I don't want you to tell me you love me but that it confuses you."

"You can put whatever spin you want on it. Doesn't change the fact that I do love you."

A soft knock at the door pulled our attention. I sighed in annoyance.

"What do you want," I called.

"Your Majesty, Prince William is needed in witch territory immediately," Edward called.

I met William's eyes curiously.

"Thank you," I called back.

"What's that about?" I asked.

"No idea but I should go," he said as he started to stand.

I watched as every muscle in his body moved with him. I quickly reached over and grabbed his hand. I pulled him back to the bed and straddled his lap. His hands gripped my hips; I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled myself close to him.

"I don't want you to go," I said quietly.

He smirked, "I can tell."

"Don't go," I said.

"I have to. I'll be back."


"As soon as I can."

"Another month?"

"No. I'll be back as soon as I'm done. I promise."

I sighed, "Okay."

I slid off his lap enjoying the low moan that came from his lips as I moved. He gripped my wrist and pulled me back on top of him.

"Maybe I can leave later," he suggested.

I smirked as I kissed him deeply. His hands tangled in my hair pulling me impossibly close.

Another knock at the door had me in full irritation mode.

"Not now," William said to whomever was on the other side.

"Now, William. Scarlett is being attacked," Micah called.

Damn. I slid off his lap and let him dress in a hurry. I slipped my own clothes back on and walked toward the bedroom door. I pulled it open to reveal an ever stoic Micah looking every bit as regal. He regarded me with a simple lift of his brow but I knew he was looking at the fresh mark on my neck. He couldn't do anything about us now so his only choice was to accept it or force William to abdicate.

"I hope you know what you're doing," Micah commented to me.

"I could say the same for you."

William walked up and placed his hands on my shoulders. He kissed my temple and followed his father down the stairs. I couldn't deny that I already missed him but I didn't worry about his safety. I had never seen William in battle but I had heard stories and I knew he was an extremely accomplished and skilled warrior.

I started to close my door when a hand stopped me. I looked at the offending hand then let my eyes fall to Edwin and Edward.

"What," I asked coldly.

"Lilith," Edwin started. I cocked an eyebrow at such an informal address.

"We really must insist you stop this with the prince."

I crossed my arms, "I see."

"I don't think you do. We are prepared to take you from power by force if need be."

I laughed lightly, "I would love to see you try."

"Lilith, all we ask is for your cooperation. You will be allowed to be the face of the kinetics but the council will run the show."

"While we are on the subject of power, why don't we discuss where my father's body really is," I suggested.

Edwin shook his head slowly, "He is being held. If you want to keep him alive, you will relinquish power."

My father was alive? They wanted my power but I couldn't give it to them even if it meant keeping my father alive. He would be ashamed of me if I gave up my power to save him but what choice did I have?

"I just have to let you run the kingdom and you let my father live?"


"I want to see him first," I said.

"Of course, Your Majesty. We wouldn't assume you would relinquish power without proof."

"So let's see your proof," I prompted.

"Show her the video," Edward prompted.

I laughed lightly, "A video won't cut it. I want to see him in person."

"Out of the question," Edward responded.

I frowned. I was done playing games but I was also outnumbered. All it would take would be one blast of kinetic energy and these two would be dead but I didn't know how far this went. I didn't know who I could trust. My entire race could be against me for all I knew.

Suddenly, it clicked.

"There was no emergency on witch territory, was there?"

"Oh, there is. We sent part of the army out to destroy the castle."

"You are certainly confident. What makes you think I won't just kill you now?"

"You want your father back."

I scoffed and rolled my eyes, "You truly underestimate my ability to disconnect. My father would want me to kill you. He wouldn't want me to go on a search and rescue mission for him."

Edward nodded absently, "We thought you might say that."

Before I could react, something pierced through my neck, instantly erupting my veins into fire. I reached up and ripped a silver dart from my neck. I threw it away from me when it started to singe my skin.

"That is pure silver running through your veins. Let's see how resilient you really are," one of the men mocked.

I fell to my knees with the debilitating pain coursing through me. I had never been shot full of pure silver and I couldn't believe how bad it actually hurt. It was horrible! I couldn't believe I had punished people this way!

I felt myself growing dizzy but I fought against it. I couldn't fall asleep with these two men so close to attacking me.

"Grab her," one said.

I felt my muscles tightening and freezing while one of the men grabbed me. I felt them carry me somewhere but I couldn't concentrate on anything except the silver in me. I wondered if I would survive this. I knew how much silver it took to kill a vampire and I assumed they pumped me just over that limit. If my muscles were freezing, I was close to death. I had to focus on anything besides the pain.

Couldn't William feel how much pain I was in? Couldn't he sense that I was in trouble? Maybe he was so focused on getting to Scarlett that he couldn't focus on me right now. Maybe he thought I was tough enough to figure it out on my own. But that wasn't true. I needed help. I couldn't get myself out of this one and that scared the hell out of me.

I was carried into the depths of the castle, down past the dungeons and into a hidden room.

I was thrown haphazardly onto the cement floor, forcing my limbs closer together. The act of moving my frozen muscles far exceeded the agony of the silver in my body. I wanted to cry out but I couldn't. I didn't dare move a single inch until I absolutely had to.

I heard the men shuffling around but I couldn't pay attention to them. I tried to move my eyes around the room but I wasn't able to see much.

"Your Majesty, would you like to see your father before you die?"

I wouldn't have responded if I could have. I refused to negotiate with traitors.

"Bring him in."

I couldn't believe my father had been right under my nose for months. How could I have been so oblivious? I should have been able to sense my father just under my feet. What kind of queen doesn't know the things going on in her own castle? I had never felt more inadequate in my entire life.

My hair was gripped roughly and I was dragged into a seated position. My father was placed in front of me, heavily bound in silver and badly beaten. A gruesome, jagged line connected his head to his body and it looked infected. Infections in a vampire were rare but not unheard of especially if the vampire was not allowed to heal properly. The sewing around his neck was poorly done and looked incredibly painful but he was definitely alive.

"Lilith," he managed to choke out. I had never heard my father sound weak so it was unsettling to hear him sound that way. I was so used to his strong, powerful aura and I hated to see him reduced to this.

I couldn't even respond to him but I tried to convey my thoughts through my eyes. I couldn't use any sort of telekinetic abilities which frustrated me beyond reason. I should have been able to communicate through my mind but I was completely incapacitated.

"Well, now that we have your attention Lilith, let's get on with the paperwork."

I heard some more shuffling and papers moving before Edward knelt in front of me with a pen and some paperwork. I knew they were decrees probably stating the new powers of the council but I wasn't going to sign them. I knew my father would be ashamed of me if I gave up power to save him and I wanted to make him proud by sacrificing everything I could to keep my power.

"So, if you will just sign right here, we can end this."

I glared at him the best I could but made no move to sign anything.

"Come, Lilith, we don't have the time for your pigheadedness. Sign the paper and we will let you both go."

"No," I managed to ground out.

I knew they would never let us leave either way. The sooner I signed over power, the sooner our lives would end. I needed to hold on as long as possible to try to form a plan of action. I needed to somehow get ahold of William but I knew the chances of that were slim to none. He was off defending the witch queen and wouldn't be able to feel me anyway. I didn't know how I was getting out of this but I knew I had to.

"Okay, you need more incentive. I get that," Edward sympathized, "How about we throw in a princess?"

Evelyn was paraded in the room just as beaten as my father and just as weak. I knew I had to be careful with this one. If they harmed Evelyn further, Micah would blame me and I would have a full scale annihilation attempt on my hands. He would make my life a living hell if anything happened to Evelyn.

"Sign the papers and you all go free."

"No," Evelyn managed to say, "Don't do it, Lilith."

"I won't," I responded painfully.

"I see. Okay, we will give you some more time. Let's do it this way. Every hour you refuse, we lay a strand of silver down your back. My guess is by the fifth or six hour, you won't be alive to sign."

I was pushed to the ground and the back of my shirt was ripped open. I felt every excruciating inch of the strand resting on my back. I tried to keep from crying out but I couldn't hold it in. Between the silver in my veins and the silver on my flesh, I couldn't think straight. I wanted it to end but I refused to sign the damn papers.

"Second thoughts?" He asked.

"I won't," I cried out.

"So be it. See you in an hour, Lilith."

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