
By BananaMilkAddict

721 8 2

Graduation is just around the corner for the two seniors Byun Baekhyun and Park Chanyeol. Being best friends... More

twenty one
twenty two


28 0 0
By BananaMilkAddict

By the same both Luhan and Baekhyun returned from meeting with Mrs. Byun, the sun had set and a cool winter breeze was blowing. With linked arms, Baekhyun tugged his chinese friend through the frigid air to the coffee shop.

Luhan quickly ordered them two cups of hot chocolate while Baekhyun remained mute, His lips were set in a tight line and his brows furrowed tightly together.

"You know, B, if you keep frowning you'll get wrinkles," Luhan quietly mused, sliding the two cups of piping hot liquid on the table.

Baekhyun finally snapped out of his thoughts, "Oh. Yeah. I'm just surprised that's all." Luhan hummed in response, sipping his drink before sharply pulling away.

"Ah! Ith hoth!" he poked his tongue out of his moth, wiggling the muscle around. Baekhyun let out a snort and grabbed his friend's drink, twisting the top off. "There, that should cool it down. But like I was saying, I can't believe my mom asked to meet us-"

"Well, yeah, she once caught her son dating her business partner's song and now he's pretty close to his chinese friend. I'm not surprised they thought we were dating," he said nonchalantly with a shrug. Baekhyun's jaw dropped at his friend's bluntness, as if he has not just been interrogated and threatened by his very own mother an hour ago.

"So what are you going to do about Chanyeol and the others?" Luhan wondered, "Since we did walk out on them, I'm pretty sure they still have questions."

With a sigh, Baekhyun pinched the bridge of his nose, "I have no idea, Lulu, I'm still stressing over the fact that I just told them everything."

This time, Luhan set dow his mug and furrowed his brows, "What do you mean, B?" Don't you want ot be friends with them still? Or even be with Chanyeol-"

Baekhyun cut Luhan off with a dry laugh, "Well, I wasn't lying when I said I'm not the same person I was a few years ago. I've changed and been through shit. Fuck! I'm even on pills! You've seen all that first hand," he paused taking an angry sip of his hot chocolate. "But I think I have to talk to Chanyeol, and answer his questions. I do love him, I want to be with him. But for his future, I can't Lu."

"Oh, B, listen to be. Chanyeol accepted you even after you crushed his heart" Baekhyun cringed at his choice of words, "Sorry... but what you two have is special. And you wanted to talk to Chanyeol, right?"

The shorter nodded as Luhan glanced past him, "Well, now is your chance, there's Park."

"What are you-"

"HEY CHANYEOL!" Luhan stood up and shouted. The tall red head whirled around with a bewildered expression, blinking when he saw the boy screaming for his attention. He hesitantly waved.

"Come sit here!"

Baekhyun groaned and hid his face in his hands at his embarrassing friend. So many people were looking, dow this boy not have any shame!? A scarlet color dusted his cheeks when Chanyeol made his way over to their table.

"Luhan you better not leave me alone-" Baekhyun threatened. Luhan quickly stood up with a wink, snatched his hot chocolate off the table and hurried out the shop.

Baekhyun was on the verge of getting up just to chase and throttle his friend when a voice pulled him out of his thoughts.

"Um.." the deep voice startled Baekhyun. He looked up to see Chanyeol, who had already taken a seat in front of him. His nose a cherry red from the chilly air outside. A very puffy scarf wrapped tightly around his neck. Cold weather be damned, but Baekhyun thought he looked cute in those layers.

In all his years of knowing Chanyeol, Baekhyun never expected them tm to be this awkward. They used to be so open with each other and Baekhyun could feel his heart ache to be like that again.

But as quick as the thought came he dismissed it. It's Impossible. Although Baekhyun wasn't sure whether he was trying to convince himself that.

"I'm not sure why your... friend called me over," Chanyeol hesitated. "I mean, are you okay, Baekhyun? You two ran out after... yeah."

Baekhyun knew Chanyeol was still uncomforable with the news after a month of acting like a jerk. With a clear of his throat and with red ears, he plucked up his courage and nodded, "I'm fine. Th-thank you, Chanyeol" he whispered the younger's name.

Despite looking so put together, Chanyeol was internally melting. It felt great to have Baekhyun not push him away for once. However, he also knew that if he wanted to make Baekhyun his again, he would have to take baby steps. No matter what he'd protect his beloved.

"I'm glad. Did everything go okay?" Chanyeol wondered, looking down at his coffee container, "I'm sorry, am I making you uncomfortable?"

He looked like he was about to leave, when Baekhyun was quick to respond, waving his hands in front of him.

"No! No! It's fine. I'm- No, we're okay. I'm just... still surprised it's you..." he blushed, "I waited quite some time to see you again. I'm also sorry for everything I said and did these past few weeks. I'm really sorry-"

"Baekhyun" Chanyeol cut in, "You never have to apologize, if I was in your place and wanted to protect you, I'd have done to the same," he ended with a small smile lighting up his features, "I also missed you as well."

With that, Baekhyun became silent as his blush spread to his ears. Words running away from him, he opted to sip from his hot chocolate to cover the silence. He watched Chanyeol as the taller nibbled on his bottom lip.

Without thinking, Baekhyun leaned across the table and tapped his nose, "Chanyeol, stop biting your lips."

Chanyeol's eyes widened and he turned red, Baekhyun mirroring him as he just realized what just happened.

"Old habits die hard"

That they do, Baekhyun thought.

"Should we go? It's getting late, maybe we can walk back together and I can answer some of your questions?" Baekhyun offered.

He could see the hesitation in Chanyeol's eyes. He couldn't blame the boy, after all it was just three hours ago where he confessed his reasoning for acting the way he did recently.

"If you want to" he quickly added. To his surprise, the red head actually nodded before sliding out the booth, waiting for the older to follow. With their cups of coffee in hand, they fled the shop as the chilly air of November welcomed them.

As the breeze nipped at their skin, Baekhyun's cheeks turned into a rosy color. Noticing, Chanyeol took it upon himself to unwind his scarf from around his neck and gently shove it into the older's hand. With wide eyes, Baekhyun refused, mumbling that he was fine.

Chanyeol raised a brow and stopped walking completely, "Listen I know everything is a bit hectic between our group of friends. Between us," he began, "But it's chilly. You're shivering and you're not even wearing a jacket."

Baekhyun glanced at Chanyeol's face and sighed at the pointed look. Unable to come up with an excuse, Baekhyun wrapped the thick wool around his neck with a shy thank you.

The two walked towards their dorm building with an uncomfortable silence enveloping them. The leaves under their feet were the only form of noise as Chanyeol kept glancing at the shorter.

It was surprising to say, at least to Chanyeol. The boy beside him practically crushed his heart a few years ago but despite all that, his heart still longs to be with Baekhyun. He was completely understanding of Baekhyun's situation and why he did what he did, but that didn't mean Chanyeol didn't suffer.

With all the hustle going on between them, he felt that there might not be another chance for the two of them to be together. Baekhyun was right, he had changed. But he still loved him, change or not, Chanyeol strongly believed they were soulmates.

While Chanyeol was lost in his thoughts, Baekhyun was doing everything in his power not to slip his hand into the one swinging next to him. A part of him was still scared that Chanyeol's future was at stake. He did not want to be the reason Chanyeol's future would be ruined. Neither did he want to be just friends with him.

Soon enough, the silence became deafening to Baekhyun and he had to say something.

"So... um, " Baekhyun started, a bit flustered and still very much shy around Chanyeol. But before he could open his mouth to say something Chanyeol started chuckling.

Baekhyun gave him a flabbergasted look as the taller doubled over in laughter. He couldn't understand what was so funny but Chanyeol's laughter was contagious and found himself laughing as well.

They both took a seat on the bench outside their dormitory, as Chanyeol wiped a few stray tears from his eyes and Baekhyun tried to stabalize his breathing after laughing so hard.

"I'm sorry!" Chanyeol wheezed out, "It's so ironic to me." When Baekhyun didn't respond he continued with a grin, "We dated for years, you left to protect me, you come back acting as a jerk but here in front of me you're just as shy as you were when we first started dating!"

Baekhyun nodded as the blush returned to his cheeks, "I can't... I can't control it, you know?" Chanyeol's eyes glittered as Baekhyun stuttered cutely.

"What were you trying to say earlier? Before I turned into a maniac and laughed?" Chanyeol smiled softly.

"Oh, I was trying to say I love the hair. You used to be so against... dyeing it," Baekhyun reached out to touch his fiery locks before thought about it and retracted his hand.

Chanyeol hid his disappointment but nodded nonetheless. "This old color? It's fading a bit and my roots are starting to show again" he scratched his head, "I saw this kid in the crowd. That might be my next style."

The shorted bobbed his head and took a large sip of his hot chocolate, "I agree, a lot of kids here have crazy ideas and styles to pull off. There was a boy with rainbow hair at the welcoming ceremony thing from before."

"Oh yeah! That's the kid! It was like pastel colors with-"

"Blond roots!" Baekhyun chimed in, showing off his rectangular smile. Unknown to him, Chanyeol's heart skipped a beat or two.

Deciding it was getting way too late, they made their way into the building and up the stairs to their floor. Topics spewed out between the two, topics ranging from new places to eat in the area, to how Chanyeol's parents were doing to when Kai and Kyungsoo has gotten together.

Needless to say, all the hard work Baekhyun put in over the years was thrown out the window as he comfortably conversed with Chanyeol. His wish had finally come through, and no matter how much he wanted to jump the giant right then and there, he knew he couldn't.

Arriving at Baekhyun's door, Chanyeol waited like a gentleman as the other fumbled with his keys before inserting them into the slot and turning around facing the giant.

Very quickly the two became very aware of how narrow the hallway was and how close they were standing. They could feel the pull between themselves, and could practically feel the sparks as they accidentally brushed hands.

Baekhyun was also very aware of Chanyeol's intense gaze on his lips.

No.. we can't, Baekhyun quickly thought. But before he could step away the door behind him flung open and an agitated Kyungsoo was revealed.

Startled, Baekhyun let out a yelp and jumped into Chanyeol's arms.

"Yah! Do Kyungsoo!" he shouted, clutching his chest where his heart should be. Chanyeol stood frozen as his arms subconsciously wrapped around the small figure - the gesture going unnoticed by Baekhyun.

"Park Chanyeol!" Kyungsoo hissed and yanked the taller into a choke hold. Chanyeol coughed and thwacked the shorter's arms.

"Y-yah! Kyun-gsoo! Ack!"

"How dare you get time with Baekhyunnie before me!" the wide eyed boy screeched - sounding like something in between a pterodactyl and an ostrich. His hand shot out as Chanyeol's body crumpled to the floor and pulled Baekhyun into the room.

"But- Chanyeol!"

"I'm cough fine! Baek!" Chanyeol wheezed. Kyungsoo smirked down at him, "Don't think I didn't see your arms, Yeol" and then slammed the door in his face

The red head flushed a bright red crawling over to his door and leaning his back against it. With a hand over his heart as it thumped wildly in his chest. He thought about how Baekhyun felt so small and warm in his arms. It brought back hundreds of memories from their high school days and a bright smile lingered on his face.

For the first time in 3 years, the two felt relaxed and free. Alone in bed thoughts of "what ifs" swarmed their minds. Kyungsoo continued to hover over Baekhyun about how he left with Luhan but came back with Chanyeol. Kai tried to help his friend escape his boyfriend's clutches, but when Kyungsoo shot him his "try-it-and-you-die" look, he whimpered and left to their shared bathroom.

Chanyeol in the room just next to theirs, has to deal with Sehun continously poking him and wondering what he did with Baekhyun. Luhan, having already known, peeled a whining Sehun away and made the boy get ready for bed.

"But Hyuuuung~" Sehun pouted. Luhan momentarily wavered but shook his head.

"No, now. And leave Chanyeol alone."

"Fine, I'll just go ask Baekhyun Hyung then!" Sehun quickly fled the room, escaping from Luhan's wrath. Chanyeol let out a hearty laugh and flopped back down on his bed. Luhan sighed and shook his head.

Baekhyun was definitely going to have a long night.

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