
By emisonendgame19

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What would have happened if Ali had come home sooner? When Alison finally reveals to Emily that she is alive... More

You Have No Idea How Much I Missed You
What Are We?
Did You Miss Me?
Welcome Home
I Just Want To Be With You
Home Is Where The Heart Is
You're Stuck With Me
The Library- Take Two
The Kissing Rock
The First Time
A Noel Kahn Cabin Party
Thank God, I'm Yours
What Does This Mean for Us?
We're Actually Doing This
Five Years Later


315 4 3
By emisonendgame19

This girls are still sleeping off their adventure from the night before. Alison has finally told the police why she disappeared two years ago and decided to come home...for good. Hanna is sleeping next to Spencer and Aria on the floor, while Emily and Alison are cuddled up on the couch. Alison has her arm draped over Emily's stomach with her head nuzzled into the crook of her neck. Emily has her hand on top of Alison's, with the other behind her head; she's been awake for hours, thinking about what life is going to look like in Rosewood now that Alison is back.

Emily's POV

I woke up a few hours ago, I was too warm and then I remembered why... I have Alison snuggled up next to me. I can't help but smile as she lays there, sleeping on my shoulder with her arm around my waist. My mind starts to wander and I start to think what it would be like to wake up to this every morning. My hand is resting on Alison's and I start to draw small circles on the back of hers. She starts to stir and makes the cutest little grunts that I have ever heard. I start to giggle and place a kiss on her forehead and whisper, "Good morning." At this, she squeezes me tighter like she doesn't want to move, but I can feel her smile into my shoulder as she opens her eyes and shifts to bring her face to mine, "Good morning," she whispers back. I wrap my free arm around her and look down to the most beautiful sight I have ever seen, "You're so beautiful in the morning,". She shakes her head with a smile on her face and brings her lips to mine for a good morning kiss. God, I missed her.

Alison's POV

I've been awake for about an hour now, but didn't dare move from Emily's arms. I can't remember the last time I slept that well. I can honestly say that there is nothing better than waking up in the arms of Emily Fields. I start to think what it would be like to wake up to this for the rest of my life and imagine what our life would look like. I know for a fact that when I think of my future, it's Emily that is standing next to me... it's always been Emily. When little girls imagine what their weddings will look like, they usually picture Prince Charming; for so long, I tried to picture Prince Charming as the person I was walking towards but I soon realized that it never felt right. It always felt like the wrong ending to my story, and I know why. There was one day when I was away that I started to think of how I wanted my life to play out when I decided to come home and who I would spend the rest of my life with and for some reason, my subconscious knew better than I did. I pictured being a teacher or a writer and coming home to my significant other, and the person that greeted me with a kiss at the door was Emily. Emily is who I wanted to come home to. I feel Emily start to draw circles on the back of my hand and a smile finds its way to my lips; I snuggle up closer to Emily and make sounds as if I'm still sleeping. I feel her chest shake as she giggles and places a kiss on my forehead and whispers "Good morning," in the sexiest voice I've ever heard. Does she realize that she doesn't even have to try, to make me go weak in the knees? I feel her wrap her arm around me and bring me closer to her and decide to open my eyes and say "Good morning." I don't think I will ever tire of the image of Emily in the morning. Her gorgeous brown eyes stare into mine as she says, "You're so beautiful in the morning." I shake my head and smile and bring my lips to hers for the sweetest good morning kiss that is sure to wake any human up, even from the deepest of sleeps.

Emily's POV

Here I am, holding the most beautiful girl in the world in my arms and I could not be happier. I look down at Alison and ask, "Do you want some coffee?" She looks up at me like a little kid on Christmas, "Yes please! I don't know if I'd be able to handle a cup of Spencer's version of coffee," I laugh and give her one last kiss before I untangle myself from her. I make my way across the yard and make a pot of coffee for the five of us; as I stand there and watch the coffee percolate, I feel a pair of arms wrap around my waist from behind. I smile as Alison brings her head to my shoulder, "I decided I missed you too much to let you come over here by yourself. Also, I wanted some time to ourselves before the girls wake up." I smile and turn to face her, "Oh really? And what did you want to do before the girls wake up?" A devilish grin finds its way to Alison's lips, "I was thinking we could finish what I started last night." I definitely was not expecting Alison to be so seductive this early in the morning, "Oh? And what did you start last night?" I play coy as I tilt my head and try to look confused, this is gonna be fun. "Hmm... I think we left off about... here," as she leans forward and begins leaving kisses from my jawline down to my neck. I tilt my head to the side to give her better access, "Mmmm... I think I remember that..." I can feel her smile into my skin as she brings her head back up to face me, "I think there was a little of this too..." as she leans forward and brings my lips to hers. I bring my hand up to her cheek and brush the hair from her face. Our lips move together in perfect sync, I run my tongue along her bottom lip for permission and she instantly deepens the kiss. I walk Alison backwards so that her back is against the counter. I find myself lifting Alison so that she is sitting on top of the counter and I rest myself between her legs. Her hands find their way to the back of my neck, pulling me closer and running her hands through my hair. I honestly don't know if life gets any better than this, my heart is pounding out of my chest. My hands slide from Alison's hips and start to stroke the tops of her thighs; as if the contact is too much, I feel Alison moan into my mouth. Before I can take things any further, because God knows I want to, I remember that we just got together and I want our first time to be special... not in Spencer's kitchen with our best friends next door. Before I get carried away, I pull apart and rest my forehead to hers, "Now that, is what I call a good morning." I open my eyes and stare into the most beautiful shade of ocean blue that I have ever seen, "I could do that all day. I love you."

Alison's POV

My head is still dizzy from the make-out session Emily and I just had. If that's how I could wake up for the rest of my life, I would be the happiest girl alive. Just the thought of us taking this further makes my heart race. I stare back into those gorgeous brown orbs and find a smile making its way to my lips, "I love you too, Em. I could wake up to that every day." Emily smiles and helps me down off the counter, and as if on cue our three best friends make their way into the kitchen. Hanna looks from me to Emily and has a smirk on her face like she knows what just happened, "Good morning lovebirds! Did we just interrupt some Emison sexy time?" I can't help but laugh, "Emison? What the heck is that?" She makes her way over to the coffee pot to pour herself a cup, "You know, Emily and Alison...Emison? It's your ship name." I look to Emily who laughs and shrugs her shoulders as she takes the coffee pot from Hanna to pour two cups of coffee. I watch as she makes my cup and I'm dumbfounded that she remembers how I take my coffee. It's the smallest things she does that amaze me; I've been gone for two years and she still remembers something as simple as I take my coffee with milk and two tablespoons of sugar. As she makes her way over to me to hand me my mug, I smile and give her a quick kiss, "Thanks, Em." She blushes at the act, like she still can't believe that I'm ok with letting other people see this side of me, the side that she brings out of me. Aria breaks me from my Emison daze, "So, what do we do next guys? Monday we go back to school, Ali are you going to come back with us? I know you haven't seen your family yet, but do you want to come back?" I haven't really thought about it yet. I knew that coming back to Rosewood would mean going back to my normal life, which meant going back to school. I take a sip of my coffee as I let the thought of walking the halls of Rosewood High wash over me. The last time I was there, I was the Queen Bee; I was also a bitch who made everyone in her wake fear for their lives. "I mean, I want to go back, but I'm a little scared. The last time I was there, I was a terrible person. I know going back will be a big change but I think it's needed. First, I need to see my family. I need to let them know I'm alive before I tackle the halls of Rosewood High." I look to Emily and I can see the fear in her eyes, "Em, don't worry. Just because I'm going back to school doesn't mean that anything is going to change between us. I meant it when I said that I want everyone to know that I'm yours. I'll be proud to walk to class holding your hand and embarrassing you when I kiss you in between classes." She laughs and reaches for my hand, "You're funny if you think you're going to be the one embarrassing me." This is what I wanted, my life back; I know the next step is going to be telling my family, I wonder how my mother is going to react?

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