Jace Norman Imagine Forever a...

By leone_bakker

48.9K 587 157

you got dumped by your boyfriend and bump into Jace Norman he tries his best to impress you and you have a cr... More

part 1: the meet
part 2: So we meet again.
part 3: Maybe
part 4: More than friends?
part 5: finally
part 6: The nightmare
part 7: the nightmare 2
part 9: Recovery
Forever and always
The End❀️

part 8: the nightmare part 3

2.9K 41 3
By leone_bakker

This is also gonna be a long chapter but plz read it it's great. Promisr this is the last ine of the nightmare.

Y/M/N= your mom's name
Y/F/N = your father's name

Jace's P.O.V

It's been hours since we started to look for Y/N. Her father and mother are staring to get anxious. I'm losing my mind I try to think of places her ex would take her but I can't think of any. I get interrupted by a phone call on her father's cellphone. He answers," Hello, yes, okay we're on our way." He says," dis they find her?" I ask, " yes they did, she is in a abandon house on the other side of the city." I turn around the car and drive as fast as I can while her dad gets all the details of the house. I'm so relieved we found her, I hope she is okay, just a few minutes and she'll be safe in my arms.

Y/N's P.O.V

I open my eyes, I fell asleep. My head hurt my shoulder is in pain aswell as my right cheek and hand. Y/E/N left me here in his bedroom handcuffed. I call him and he answers in a happy mood, " aww is my baby girl awake." He comes into the room and lays next to me. He starts to get to touchy and I ask him if I could go to the bathroom. He takes the handcuffs off and leads me to the bathroom.

I need to make a plan to get out of here. I put my ear against the door, try to hear if he's still behind the door,nothing. I get into the shower, put the water on and flsuh the toilet to make as much noise as I can, I break a piece if the mirror hoping he wouldn't hear it with tha watwr that running. I put the piece of glass from the mirror in the bra of the black dress he made me wear and make sure that it isn't noticeable and that he would use the piece of glass against me. I close the water open the door and head back to the room. He sits there waiting for me. I walk over to him, he smiles at me with a devilish look on his face. He puts his arms around my waist and tries to take my dress off, I slowly pull out the pieces of glass and stab his back with it. He screams in pain and I run away locking myself in a closet.

I start to cry as I hear him cursing under his breath. I cover my mouth with my hand not wanting any sound to come out of it, " where are you Y/N I'm not angry, I just want to give you all my love I have." He walks right past the closet stoping only a few feet away from me. He turns back and I hear him getting something out of a cabinet, making it sharp, it's the pocket knive that he left on the counter last night.

I hear footsteps again coming closer and closer by the second. " Oh come on Y/N you know we are meant for each other, I'm just a few years older than you, I can take care of you for the rest of our lives. You can bring me children into this life and we can go on vacations, you doing everything I make you do." Just then he opens the closet I'm in grabbing me by my leg and dragging me to the kitchen. He lifts me up puts me on the counter. I start to cry, he covers my mouth and put his right hand on my upper thigh. He then takes the knive and slides it over my leg, " if you're not going to do as I say you're going to end up like your best friend, and it's not a pretty ending."  I Start to cry even harder, he puts the knive right under my chin playing with it. He whispers in my ear, " this won't hurt a bit." He strokes my thight with his index finger and I look around trying to find anything near me that I can use against him. Just then I hear a car outside, he stops with what he was about to do and picks me up and puts me in a closet and tapes my mouth closed.

I didn't fight back at this moment, because I didn't have any strength left in me. I feel something underneath my feet, I look down and see a corpse laying there, I couldn't scream, I'm so scared I just froze up, with tears streaming down my face. I hear him cursing again, knowing that something is wrong. I hear sirens going off and then a gun shot... I hear voices talking to each other, but I can't get any words or sound out of my mouth, I just sit there, eyes wide open and tears rolling down my cheeks.

Jace's P.O.V

We arrive at the house where the police are already waiting. They go to the front door, trying to be very quite. The man in the window of the house looks familiar, it looks like someone that Y/N showed pictures of, I realised that it's her ex boyfriend.

The police open the door and then the shoot the guy. I run up to the front door knowing that the guy is now injured, I would've been there first but the police men stopped me and said that it's not safe for as a civilian to be that close to a killer. But now I don't care anymore he can kill me if he wants to but I want my girlfriend back.

I run into the house looking for the man who kidnapped my girl, he's laying on the ground in pain, the police man handcuffs him and takes him to the car. I start to search the house calling out for Y/N, but no one answers. I start in the bedroom, I see het clothes on the floor and that's when I knew she must be here somewhere, I start to look in the kitchen, I open the closetnin the kitchen seeing Y/N sitting there with tape on her mouth and scars on every inch of her body. She sits there with wide eyes and tear streaming diwn her face, I pick her up taking the tape softly off her lips, she starts to cry and hugs me tight I keep whispering in her ear, "You're okay now, everything's gonna be okay." I take her out of the house and her parents come running towards us, she didn't speak at all, she was in shock.  The peramedic comes towards us and starts to examine her. I'm just relieved she is now here with us and safe.

I sit with her the whole time kissing her forehead and telling her everything is going to be okay. That's when she turned her head towards me and say, " I love you."

We take her to the hospital to get some stitches and put her arm in a sling, her arms was broken and her shoulder had a cut and her hand, her were blue from all the hitting and fighting back. She was very strong. I wish I was there to keep her safe.

She turns to me and I ask her if she is okay and she smiles and says she is fine now, her parents went back home to get her some new clothes. They asked me to stay here untill they're back, I would've stayed any way. I wil never leave her side again.

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