Percy Jackson Champion of the...


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I SUCK AT SUMMARIES DONT JUDGE ME Highest I know about it being in Fanfiction is #214. COMPLETED Percy Jack... More

Chapter One
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
A question
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Not a chapter I am just rambeling
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Thee End

Chapter 20

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That's my doge
Tyler POV

"Tyler," someone said gently shaking my shoulder while I groaned and slowly opened my eyes to reveal Thalia. "Thalia," I muttered rolling my neck around to get the stiffness out. "What are you doing here?" "You need to get some rest," she said softly. "I'm fine," I said but she shook her head. "I'm fine, really. I'm just waiting for Percy to wake up." I said looking at Percy's sleeping form.

I never studied Percy. Despite all he's been through, he doesn't act or seem like it. He has high cheekbones, the skin stretched but not too much to make it look too thin or ghastly. His features were usually always stern, but now, all that is gone. Percy actually looks peaceful for once in his long and hard life. "Like the primordial said Tyler, he'll wake up on his own time. You're our strongest asset right now." "No I'm not," I said shaking my head. "Percy is." "But Percy isn't awake yet. You've been doing so good. Don't let your emotions get in the way right now. Hyperion is still out there, everyone needs you in good shape."

I thought about her words. What she said is true, Chronos did say Percy will wake up on his own time but I wanted him to wake up now. "But-" "I'll watch him. I'll wake you up if he starts stirring." She said while I reluctantly nodded and stood up from the chair I was in, only then did I realize how stiff I really was. "I guess it wasn't the best idea to sleep in a chair," I said while she snorted. "You just now realizing it?" She said while I headed to the door.

"There's a spare room down the hall Tyler. The door is open so you'll know which one it is."


"Tyler," Alexander said handing me a bottle of water which I gratefully accepted. "Alexander," I greeted. "How is everyone?" "Doing pretty good," his cousin, Kyle said walking up with the others. "I think everyone's just anxious to see Percy. Zoe and Jennifer the most." "Yeah I know how they feel," I said standing up and putting the water bottle in the trash.

"One of my scouts reported a massive army. The Hunters, Annabeth, the Athena cabin, Grover, Crystal, and a group of my men are setting up a defensive line on 37th, three blocks north of Olympus. To the east on Park Avenue, the Hephaestus cabin leader and his cabin along with a few other cabins are attacking right now-" "The battle has already started?!" I said but he put a hand on my shoulder.

"Everyone agreed you needed as much energy as possible. Fighting Percy drained you and him. It just started, you aren't missing much." I nodded, although I was still slightly mad they didn't wake me up. "To the west, the Demeter cabin along with your friend Grover turned Sixth Avenue into a jungle." "How about the south?" "The south is clear for now, but the flanks of the enemy army are already circling around to our flank. I sent the remaining of my men to cut them off."

"How many men do you have?" I said. "We started with one twenty five, over these past few days we have eighty seven men left. Eighteen wounded leaving us with sixty nine fighting. I sent most of them to the flank, leaving fifteen with the Hunters." "So we're basically surrounded?" I questioned while he nodded grimly. "Any sign of Hyperion and Kronos?" I said strapping on my armor. "No, which makes me quite suspicious. Me, Kyle, and the others were bringing wounded back here," he said gesturing to a few campers being tended to.

"We were getting ready to head back and help the Hunters, their taking the brunt of the assault." "I'll join you," I said uncapping Shadowslayer. "Where'd you get that?" Alexander said slightly surprised while I stared at him confused. "From Percy. Why?" I said while he shook his head, chckling slightly. "I'll let him tell you. Just surprised he gave that up." I was confused as to what he was talking about but decided to let it go for now.

"Come on, let's go help the Hunters," I said while they nodded as we headed to the door.

When I opened it, everywhere I looked I saw pure chaos. "Come on!" Alexander said gesturing me forward as we cut through the monsters. After what felt like an eternity of fighting, I made out silver and white blurs moving through the endless hordes of monsters. "Come on, we have to help the Hunters," Kyle said running ahead. "If we don't, they'll get outnumbered." He said jumping right into the mix and wasted no time slaughtering the monsters while we followed his lead.

"Tyler!" I heard as I ducked under a swing from a dracaenae and decimated a group of rogue Cyclopes. My sixth sense that Percy unlocked three years ago started to buzz like crazy. I spun around and swung my sword, thinking it was a enemy and nearly ended up beheading Jennifer. "I'm not your enemy," she said glaring at me.

"Sorry," I said finally noticing the golden dust that stopped at my ankles. "Yeah, we made sure to make way for you. You carved a path though," she said while I looked back and saw she was right. "I got carried away," I said watching as the monsters started to retreat while everyone cheered.

That was when Kronos revealed his surprise that he mentioned from my dream.

REEEEET!" The squeal echoed through upper Manhattan. Demigods and monsters alike froze in terror. "What was that?" Jennifer said in shock while Grover shot me a panicked look. "Why does that sound like...It can't be!" I knew what he was thinking. Two years ago we'd gotten a "gift" from Pan-a huge boar that carried us across the Southwest (after it tried to kill us). The boar had a similar squeal, but what we were hearing now seemed higher pitched, shriller, almost the boar had a angry girlfriend.

"REEEEET!" A huge pink creature soared over the reservoir-a Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade nightmare blimp with wings. "Sow!" Annabeth cried. "Take cover!" Demigods and Hunters alike scattered as the winged lady pig swooped down. Her wings were pink like a flamingo's, which matched her skin beautifully, but it was hard to think of her as cute when she about stomped Serenity to death, luckily Kyle tackled her out of the way.

The pig stomped around and tore down half an arc of trees, belching a cloud of noxious gas. "Don't tell me that thing is from Greek mythology," I complained. "Afraid so," Annabeth said. "The Clazmonian Sow. It terrorized Greek towns back in the day." "Let me guess," I said. "Hercules beat it." "Nope," she said surprising me."As far as I know, no hero has beaten it." "Perfect," I muttered.

The Titan army roared and attacked us with renewed vigor, forcing us a block back. They must've realized the the pig wasn't attacking them.

"That pig has to go." I said picking up a grappling hook. "I'll take care of it. You guys hold the rest of the enemy. Push them back!" "Tyler, we're running on fumes here," Kyle said, the dark blue aura surrounding him slowly dying out as was Alexander's and the others. I didn't want to leave my friends. Especially when their in such a bad shape, but that pig was the biggest threat to us right now and if it wasn't stopped, it would destroy everything.

"Retreat if you have to," I said. "Just slow them down, I'll be back as soon as possible." Before I could change my mind, I swung the grappling hook like a lasso. When the sow came down for its next pass, I threw with all my strength. The hook wrapped around the base of the pig's wing. I grinned victoriously but it quickly vanished when the pig squealed in rage and veered off, yanking the rope into the sky and me along with it.

Percy POV

I was jolted awake by the sound of explosions.

I bolted upright, looking around wildly to see I was in a hotel. "What happened?" I muttered, the events from the last few days still fuzzy. "Once I get my hands on Kronos, I'm going to make him fade." I said swinging my legs over the side of the bed and stood up, only for my legs to give out on me.

I tried to stand on my own will but failed till the shadows slowly wrapped around me and pulled me back onto the bed. I felt so drained, like I could go back to sleep and not wake up for a eternity. I stood up again, more slowly and using the wall to help me stand and headed to the balcony.

When I got there, everywhere I looked, war and death was at every corner. Kronos's forces were slowly pushing everyone back. I was still tired, but not tired to the point I can't fight, just can't use my abilities till I have more energy. If we don't get help soon, we'll be pushed back. I thought looking around to see ambrosia and nectar sitting on a table, plus a what looks like a small breakfast.

Perfect. I thought making my way over there and quickly wolfed down the breakfast in mere seconds. "That's better," I said grabbing a few squares of ambrosia and ate them, feeling my strength return. "No need for nectar. If my memory serves me correctly, I have the curse of Achilles." I said looking back at the ambrosia. If a normal demigod ate past their limit on ambrosia, it would burn them alive but I'm not the average demigod, plus with me being a son of Hestia, I should be able to eat a few more. Just in case Kronos or Hyperion show up I'll have a little access to my powers. I thought grabbing a few more ambrosia squares and ate them.

I noticed my skin started to turn slightly red, which signaled I had enough. "I think six ambrosia squares are enough," I said to myself, feeling a whole lot better but I know it won't last long. I headed to the door till I stopped and looked in the mirror and realized I was wearing the same clothes from Kronos. "No thank you," I said taking the shirt and pants off, leaving me in my boxers.

"Well, I can't go out there in my boxers but I don't want to go out there in those either." I said as a sudden bright flash appeared around me.

When the light died down and I looked in the mirror, I didn't even try to fight the smile that appeared on my face. "Only you, Aether," I said smiling at the armor that I haven't worn for nearly sixty years. The armor itself was white, like the armor of the soldiers that Aether created. "After all these years, I thought you would've destroyed this," I said. "Of course not Percy. Can't let the Army of Light forget their brave commander." Aether said while I moved my body around, getting used to the feel of the armor again.

"I'm glad you're back Percy," he said in a calmer, more soothing voice. Very different than the Aether I've lived with for the past eight hundred years. "Me too, Aether," I said focusing on the shadows to form my hunting knifes and my sword since I don't have Riptide anymore. "Flash me to wherever help is needed the most." I said as a bright light enveloped me.

Jennifer POV

"We have to retreat," Alexander said dodging under a wild swing from a Cyclopes. "We can't Alex," Kyle said destroying a group of dracaenae. "If we do, they'll enter Olympus." He said as the endless wave of monsters continued to come at us. "Where's Tyler at?!" Crystal shouted. "I thought he said he'll be back!" "He's trying to reinforce our defenses," Cameron shouted. "We're losing ground fast." "I don't think we got a choice but to fall back," Thalia said. "We'll have to hold them at the door or die trying." She said while everyone slowly started to fall back.

The monsters must've sensed defeat and started to push us back till we were half a block away from the entrance to Olympus.

My arms were sore. I could barely lift up my hunting knifes. "Jennifer, watch out!" Someone yelled as I spun around to see a Cyclopes bring down his spear. I barely put my hunting knifes up to block but the sheer power knocked me down while he raised his spear. "Goodbye, little Hunter," he said smiling, revealing his yellow teeth.

I closed my eyes, ready to accept death but I didn't receive it.

I slowly opened my eyes to see him still towering above me, but his eyes were focused on whatever was behind me. I slowly inclined my head to see shadows moving towards us. No, not us, them.

I looked back to see the shadows were moving past us and towards the monsters, who were scrambling back in fright and were throwing their weapons as the shadows started to rise and form a wall. "What's happening?" I said as Serenity pulled me up. "I don't know," she said. "Maybe Nyx and Erebus are giving us time-" She was cut off by a scream but not from us, but the monsters.

I looked back to see swirling black fire. Is it possible? I thought hopefully as the shadows slowly dispersed to show golden dust while the rest of the monsters looked around. Just as I went to speak, fire came out of nowhere and destroyed a quarter of the monster army while everyone looked at Alexander but I looked around, my hopes slowly rising by the second.

"Wasn't me," he said shaking his head. "I'm too tired to even summon a spark," he said as the monsters started to dissolve into golden dust. I frantically searched through the enemy ranks and saw a white blur moving through the ranks as my heart dropped till I noticed a very familiar sword in the figure's hand. A sword that I saw not even a day ago.

Percy. I thought in happiness as the monsters snapped out of their shocked state and attacked the mysterious figure while I ran towards them. "Jennifer!" I heard but I ignored it and ran towards Percy.

When I got to him, I saw the monsters retreating while he extended his hands as fire lit up and started to form a wall between us and them while he put his hands on his knees, breathing hard. "I'm already tired," I heard him say. "I was just getting started." I would've laughed at the situation if I weren't so exhausted. "Jennifer, what are you thinking?" Thalia demanded once everyone caught up but I kept my eyes on Percy.

"Percy, is that you?" I said hopefully as everyone looked at Percy. He stood up and turned around, revealing sea green eyes. "Do you know another Percy Jackson?" He said smiling.

Before anyone could react, I had my arms around him, unable to stop the tears. "You're here." "I'm here," he said releasing me and looked at everyone else, who stared at him in shock.

"Alexander," he said frowning. "What are you doing here?" He questioned while Alexander snapped out of his daze and went to speak but someone spoke first. "JACKSON!" We heard as the flames suddenly dispersed, like the life was sucked out of them.

I looked past him to see a warrior in golden armor running towards us, eyes blazing with fury. "Hyperion," Annabeth said in awe. "Lord of light. Titan of the east." "No time to be staring in awe Annabeth," Percy said looking at Alexander. "I need you to stay here and help the Hunters alright?" "Alright, but why-" "No time for questions. Kyle, you and David go grab the campers on Park Avenue and bring them here. Derek, go grab the Demeter cabin from Sixth Avenue and bring them here, Cameron, find Tyler. We need everyone here. Kronos is making his final assault." Percy said quickly while I looked and saw he were right, Kronos's forces were regrouping.

"I'll deal with Hyperion, and before anyone protests, I can. Just get everyone here and keep our forces together." He said running towards Hyperion, his body slightly glowing.

When they clashed, a light so bright erupted and made me feel like I lost my eye sight.

Percy POV

"How does it feel to be useless Hyperion?" I mocked as the battle raged around us, well aware of Kyle and David returning with the campers from Park Avenue. "We are far from defeat," he snarled. "This is only the beginning." He said as the light growing brighter around us. "Your light doesn't affect me Hyperion," I said ducking under his attack and thrusting forward, my sword piercing his armor.

He roared in pain and swatted me back like a fly, sending me three hundred yards away from the battlefield and right in front of the Hunters. If not for the curse of Achilles, I would've broken every bone in my body. "If there's one thing I hate about Titans," I said standing up with the help of Jennifer. "It's they love to punch." I said glaring at Hyperion. "You want to punch Hyperion," I said making a fist as the earth followed my movement. "Two can play that game." I said bringing my fist forward as the earth smashed into Hyperion, throwing him back into his own ranks.

Immediately after, I realized I shouldn't have done that because I fell to a knee, already feeling drained. "Percy, we can take Hyperion," Thalia said, gesturing to herself and Bianca. "We can-" "No I got it," I said looking at Hyperion to see him slowly getting up. "If I can get him to that lake," I muttered, looking at the lake then back towards Hyperion. "I can probably form a hurricane." I said taking Jennifer's hands off me.

"Hey Hyperion!" I yelled as he looked at me, eyes blazing with fury. "You Titans are about as bright as my gym socks." I said smirking as his eyes erupted into flames, literally. I'm going to make you suffer!" He yelled, running towards me, killing every poor monster that got in his way. Good, anger will block his thoughts, making it easier for me to defeat him and help out the campers. I thought turning towards Zoe and looked at her.

"Why are you looking at me for?" She questioned till I found what I was looking for. "You don't mind if I borrow this do you?" I said taking Riptide out of her hair as it changed back into a pen.

Putting it in my pocket, I took out my spear and uncapped it and ran a full sprint towards the lake. "I know what you're up to sea spawn," Hyperion spat as I neared the lake. I knew Hyperion would catch me before I reached the lake so I threw my spear into the ground and used it as a pole vault, sailing through the air, twisting and turning.

Hyperion brought his sword up to skewer me alive but I pulled out Riptide and blocked his attack and landed on the lake, feeling my strength return. I won't be able to keep this up forever. I thought forming a hurricane and moved toward Hyperion, unleashing attacks left and right that he could barely defend but I knew my strength was fading fast because the hurricane was losing its powerful winds and Hyperion's light was slowly returning.

I managed to summon a few powerful winds and bring Hyperion's light back down for now. "Percy!" Grover shouted. "Bring him over here!" I let my instincts take over, forcing Hyperion over to where Grover was waiting.

With a yell, I propelled Hyperion across the field, straight to where Grover was waiting. That's it. I thought, the hurricane dying out as I fell to the ground. "What's this?" I heard Hyperion say. I looked up to see Hyperion trying to shake off roots but they thickened until it looked like he was wearing wooden boots. "Stop this!" He shouted. "Your woodland magic is no match for a Titan!"

Woodland magic? I thought confused till I saw Grover, Leneus, and other satyrs around the grove playing their reed pipes. It seemed the more he struggled, the faster the roots grew. They curled around his body, thickening and hardening into bark. His golden armor melting into the wood, becoming part of a large trunk. He stretched out his arms and they became branches, from which smaller branches shot out and grew leaves. The tree grew taller and thicker, until only his face was visible in the middle of the trunk. I watched in slight horror and fascination as the Titan of light slowly became a maple tree.

"You cannot imprison me!" He bellowed. "I am Hyperion! I am-" The bark closed over his face. Grover took his reed pipes from his mouth. "You make a very nice maple tree." I grinned at Grover. "Percy!" I heard from behind me.

"Turning around, I saw Tyler running towards me, Alexander and the others behind me. "It's good to see you Tyler," I said taking his arms off me. "The pig?" Annabeth questioned while I frowned. What did I miss? "Pork chops." "Hyperion?" Annabeh said while I pointed at the giant maple tree. "Imprisoned in a maple tree."Everyone stared at me like I was crazy.

"No time to explain, we need to push them back." I said running towards the monsters.

Tyler POV

The next hour was a blur. I fought like I'd never fought before-wading into legions of dracaenae, taking out dozens of telekhines with every strike, destroying empousai and knocking out enemy demigods. I was well aware of Percy beside me, causing twice as much destruction.

We moved from block to block, trying to shore up our defenses. Too many of our friends lay wounded in the streets. Too many were missing. "Tyler come on," Percy said slashing through the enemy ranks. "The Hermes cabin needs our help." He said while I followed him through to the Hermes cabin.

We managed to carve a path to Connor, who was fighting a Hyperborean along with a few of his siblings. "Tyler!" He shouted dodging the Hyperborean's swing. "We got this under control, go help the Hunters. That's where the monsters are heading." "He's right Tyler," Percy said disposing of a group of telekhines. "If they get past the Hunters, we'll be overwhelmed." He said running down the street while I followed him.

"We have to hold them here," Percy said picking up a shield from the ground and hitting a dracaenae so hard she dissolved into golden dust. "We're surrounded on all sides. If even one defense falls, we all fall." He said cutting through several dracaenae while I knocked out an enemy demigod. "Where are the Hunters Tyler?" "They should be on 37th street but they might be breaking apart." I said while he nodded.

As the night wore on and the moon got higher, I expected to be so drained I wouldn't be able to stand but I felt fine. Not fine, but better than everyone else. "There!" I said pointing to the Hunters who were not even a half a block away from the Empire State Building while Alexander and the others stood at the entrance, defeating any monsters who get past them.

I spotted a small puddle of water and saw Percy staring at the puddle of water. Immediately, we both had the same idea. I pulled the water to us while Percy pulled water from the air. Together, we formed a massive wave and turned it into solid ice, splitting it up and forming over a hundred spears. "Hunters, duck!" Percy shouted, and thankfully, they all dropped to the ground as we sent the spears in their direction while the monsters stared at them confused till they saw the spears sailing towards them.

"Uh oh," one of the giants said before turning into golden dust along with hundreds of other monsters. Immediately after, a column of fire sailed over the Hunters, destroying hundreds of monsters. "Let's give the Hunters some breathing room," Percy said running past the Hunters with me behind him as we jumped right into the midst of the monsters.

One day one of us is going to get the other killed. I thought as we ended up back to back as hordes of monsters came at us. Unlike with Annabeth, I don't know Percy's fighting style.

Now I don't know if it was because we're brothers but we somehow worked in perfect sync. My heart was pumping, from excitement of fear, I don't know. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a telekhine sneaking up on Percy, who was busy fighting a couple Hyperboreans. I don't know what made me do it, but when Percy ducked under a wild swing, I used his back as a springboard and cut the telekhine in half before it even had time to react.

When I stood up, I about came face to face with a sword but a shield blocked it. It wouldn't have killed me but it definitely would've hurt. I decided to let my instincts take over. Riptide protecting my blind side while Shadowslayer did the same for Percy. Riptide and Shadowslayer were no longer swords but were an arc of destruction, literally.

I don't know how long we fought but when I came back to reality, the first thing I noticed was the monsters were all gone and everyone was staring at me and Percy in shock and awe. "Tyler," Annabeth stuttered out, eyes wide. "You just-how-" Annabeth was in such shock she couldn't even form a sentence.

I went to open my mouth but a bright flash to the east caught my attention. I thought it was sunrise till I realized it was Kronos riding a golden chariot towards us. A dozen Laistrygonian giants bore torches before him. Two Hyperboreans carried his black and purple banners with another army behind him but what really had my attention was Kronos himself.

He looked freshed and rested. With a sudden horror, I realized he was at his full strength while me and Percy looked like we were about to collapse any minute. I looked at Percy and saw the white armor he wore was smeared with golden dust and monster grime, his face was covered in sweat and he looked like he was about to pass out from sheer exhaustion.

Of course he would be. I thought. The battle with me probably drained him, plus he probably didn't even have a full sleep. Then his fight with Hyperion now here, of course he'll be tired. I thought as the monsters ran past Kronos and towards us.

Just as I went to summon a small wave to buy us time, I felt my remaining energy leave me as I collapsed to my knees while Percy did the same. "We have to retreat," Annabeth said grabbing my arm. "No," Percy said trying to stand up on his own but couldn't. "Percy's right," I said gripping Shadowslayer. "We have to hold them here." "Tyler, we can't," Alexander said putting his hand on my shoulder but I shrugged him off.

"We don't got a choice!" I said whirling on him. "Tyler, you and Percy defeated a whole army by yourselves, you two can't even stand. We have to retreat," Jennifer said. "Weather you like it or not." She said while I bit my tongue as the Athena cabin held off the monsters. "Fine," I said looking at Percy.

Just as I went to order a retreat, a hunting horn was heard.

I looked at Thalia but she shook her head. "Not the Hunters, we're all here." "Then who?" Percy said standing up with the help of David and Kyle. As the horns got louder, I was afraid it was more of Kronos's forces but judging from the dracaenae hissing and the uneasy looks from Kronos's honor guard, I knew it wasn't their allies.

Then suddenly, to our left, a hundred monsters cried out at once. Kronos's entire left flank surged forward. I thought we were doomed, but they didn't attack. They ran straight past us and crashed into their southern allies. A new blast of horns shattered the night. The air shimmered and in a blur of movement, an entire cavalry appeared as if dropping out of light speed.

"Yeah, baby!" A voice wailed. "PARTY!" A shower of arrows arced over our head and slammed into the enemy, vaporizing hundreds of monaters but the arrows were different than what we use. They made whizzy sounds as if they flew, like WHEEEE! Some had pinwheels attached to them while others had boxing gloves rather than points.

"Centaurs!" Annabeth yelled while relief flooded my system as hundreds of the Party Pony army filled the entire block. I knew if I were the enemy, I would be running.

"Tyler," Chiron shouted while I capped Shadowslayer as he made his way towards us. Dressed in armor from the waist up, his bow in his hands while he grinned in satisfaction. "Sorry we're late." He said while I slumped to the ground. "Glad you showed up," I muttered looking as the Titan army fled while the campers managed to push them back a few blocks, giving us some breathing room.

"Hold! On your promise, HOLD!" Chiron yelled as the Party Ponies started to let them flee. "The wounded," I said jumping up even though my body protested. "What wounded?" Percy said. "At the Plaza Hotel, we left them there," I said but Alexander shook his head. "Their fine, we got them out but we had to set up our medical supplies on Olympus," he said while I nodded and looked at Percy. "I'm glad your back." I said while he shot me a tired smile. "Me too Tyler, he said looking at the Titan army disappearing. "Me too."

Percy POV

After many warm greetings from the campers and Chiron, me and Tyler were sitting on the edge of the railing at the top of the Empire State Building. Right now, Tyler was telling me about his dream from Dionysus. "I expected that," I said as he turned towards me. "Expected what?" "Dionysus being one of the first gods to be defeated by Typhon." I said while he laughed.

"I'm actually surprised Aphrodite is still fighting," he said while I nodded. "You seen Zoe anywhere?" I said but he shook his head. "Haven't seen her ever since Chiron got here," he said while I nodded and looked out towards the sleeping city. "How did you do it?" He said. "Do what?" "Stay sane. I mean, I felt like I was losing my mind in the beginning. How did you stay sane through all those years of fighting and death?" He said while I sat there, trying to think of a way to put it.

"I don't know Tyler, maybe it had something to do this prophecy," I said shrugging my shoulders. "The prophecy stated a half-blood of the eldest gods shall reach sixteen against all odds. Maybe I had to endure such things, but in the end, I have to reach sixteen." "But you're way over sixteen," he said while I nodded.

"Maybe its the Fates way of trying to kill me." I said looking at him. "They never did like me anyway." I said looking back at the Apollo campers treating the wounded. "Jennifer once told me she wonders what would've happened if she didn't accept Artemis's offer," he said. "She said would everything be like it is now." "You mean me being a killer?" I said while he looked away.

"Yes," he said quietly. "You can't intefere with someone's fate Tyler," I said looking at the silver glows down below us, knowing it's the Hunters. "Not even a god," I said softly as it drifted back into silence. "They knew, didn't they?" I looked at him confused. "What are you talking about?" "Your fate," he said looking at me. "They knew that you would endure hardships in the future and tried to help you," I gave him a small smile. People underestimate Tyler's knowledge.

"But instead of helping-" "They only made it tougher." I said nodding sadly. "I'm not supposed to be the prophecy child Tyler," I said looking at the moon. "You are." His eyes widened. "I was not supposed to defeat Ares, you were. You were supposed to hold the sky Tyler, not me. When I saved Zoe and Bianca, I altered their fates and mine. If I would've let them die, my fate would not be tougher than it is now. When I first became Ananke's champion, I decided to test out her powers. As Apollo's champion, I gain the gift of foresight, being the champion of Ananke and Apollo allowed me full sight into the future. All this," I gestured around us.

"I already saw it. I saw myself killing, falling in love with Crystal, World War II, coming here. Everyone's death. I already saw it. I made a vow to never use Ananke's powers like that again and I haven't. I could look into a person's eye and see their entire fate. For each time I altered fate, my fate changed too." "How?" "Take Ares for example. When I defeated him, I foresaw me having to hunt down powerful monsters with the Hunters but I didn't see Echidna bringing up Crystal and having me break down emotionally and mentally. When I saved Zoe and Bianca, I foresaw me joining the Titans but I never saw me being controlled by Kronos. Do you see where I'm headed?" He nodded.

"Does that mean you foresaw Beckendorf and Michael's death?" He said while I nodded, guilt worming its way into my heart. "The Fates are very powerful Tyler, they control the fates of mortals and immortals. They have no control over their mother, Ananke and of course, the creator, Chaos. Despite how powerful I am, my threats do not scare them, merely amuse them. When I looked into the future, I decided I wouldn't let anyone suffer. The Fates knew of my intentions and threw everything at me, not trying to kill me but merely cause me enough pain. So much pain to the point I would never help the Olympians again, despite what it was." I said while he nodded.

I expected him to yell at me, curse me for not doing anything but he didn't. "You aren't mad at me?" He chuckled, amusement clear on his features. "Why would I be mad?" "Because I let-" "It wasn't your fault, if it's anyone's fault, it's the Fates. I know everyone else would agree with me if they heard the whole story. You could only do so much Percy, you're still in the Fates hands but I know this." He smiled. "I know for sure you're a thorn in the side. I know their aggravated you haven't given up yet, mad that even after eight hundred years of suffering, you continue to fight them." He put his hand on my shoulder.

"And I bet, on my life, they have tried to kill you, but you overcame it. I think, they have no power over you and they know it, but you think their still powerful than you and they use that to their advantage." He said pulling out Shadowslayer. "When Alexander saw this Percy, he was surprised and asked me where I got it. He said he was surprised you gave it up," I smiled. "What is he talking about?"

"Like Riptide, Shadowslayer was given that name for a reason. During my time in the universe, I ran into a woman. I didn't know who she was but she knew who I was, she gave me that sword. She said it is a beacon of hope for my allies, but a symbol of fear to my enemies. It will light up even the darkest corners in the universe. When I first saw it, I will admit, I wasn't impressed. The blade for one thing was rusty, the leather on the grip was coming off and to top it off, the blade wouldn't leave a scratch on even the softest surfaces. I threw it away but when I reached into my pocket, it was there. Much to my annoyance. In a war, I lost my sword and on instinct from trying to get rid of it, I pulled it out and immediately wished I didn't. I expected the sword to break on impact but when it made contact with the blade. It started to shimmer and change." I said looking at Shadowslayer.

"When it stopped, I was holding probably one of the most beautiful yet deadliest weapons in the universe. With that sword, I toppled many empires and kingdoms singlehandly. But then one day, it reverted back to its original form, much to my disappointment because I became very fond of the sword. I then realized the sword was no longer for me." "So you gave it to me?" He questioned while I nodded.

"You are its owner Tyler." "But that doesn't explain its name." He said while I smirked. "That's for you to find out," I said as he went to speak but the elevator dinged.

Turning around, I saw Zoe, much to my surprise. "I better go," he said looking between me and Zoe. "I need to check up on Grover and the rest of the campers." He said leaning towards me, a smirk on his face. "Don't do anything inappropriate now," he said while I lunged forward to grab him but he jumped off the railing and dissolved into a sea breeze.

"I shouldn't have taught him so much," I muttered before turning towards Zoe and hopping off the railing. "How are you doing-" I got cut off as she wrapped her arms around me.

Getting over my shock, I wrapped my arms around her waist.

We just stood there, no words were exchanged. I went to speak till I felt water on my shirt. "Hey, what's wrong?" I said worriedly, tilting her face up to mine to see tears in her eyes. "Nothing Percy," she said shaking her head. "I'm just glad your back," she said putting her head on my chest while I nodded. "Never knew the famous Zoe Nightshade would cry over a male," I said as a thought entered my head, making me smirk slightly.

We just stood there in silence till I started to sway from side to side. "Percy, what are you doing?" She said while I looked down at her. "Dancing," I said while she snorted. "You? A dancer? I don't see that," she said looking back up at me while I stared at her in mock hurt. "I'll let you know, me and Tyler spent a lot of hours learning how to dance." I said while she rolled her eyes, but didn't resist as we swayed from side to side.

"Why would you want to learn how to dance?" She questioned while I shrugged my shoulders. "I honestly don't know, Tyler asked mom is she knew how to dance. She asked him why but he wouldn't tell her but I think it had something to do with impressing Annabeth." "Then why are you doing it?" She said raising an eyebrow. "Who are you trying to impress?" She said while I stared at her shocked.

"I'm not trying to impress anyone. I just thought it would be nice to learn something new since I never had the time too." I said but she shook her head, a smile on her face. "Who managed to catch Percy Jackson's heart?" She said but I sensed the hope in her words. "Is it Crystal?" "No," I shook my head. "We talked and thought it would be best we remained friends. It feels better." Plus I'm in love with you. I thought looking into her eyes.

It never ceased to amaze me how beautiful Zoe is, even though she doesn't try. Almost like it's natural beauty which I find amusing, since she was probably Artemis's most loyal follower. Slowly, we leaned towards each other, both of us deciding to take our chances.

When we were meters away from each other till I realized I forgot about my plan. "I really hope you'll forgive me," I said apologetically while she looked at me confused. "What are you talking about?" She said as I tightened my grip around her waist, making sure I had a good grip but not one tight enough it would hurt her. "This," I said smirking as I jumped over the railing, Zoe clutching onto me.

"Percy!" She screamed. "I'm going to kill you!" She yelled while I laughed till shadows swallowed us.

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