Percy Jackson Champion of the...


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I SUCK AT SUMMARIES DONT JUDGE ME Highest I know about it being in Fanfiction is #214. COMPLETED Percy Jack... More

Chapter One
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
A question
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Not a chapter I am just rambeling
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Thee End

Chapter 19

1K 13 4

All writing belongs to black wolf   All your Naruto fans well here's a picture.
Tyler POV

"The invasion has started." I said as everyone's eyes widened. "What's that you got there Annabeth?" Travis said as Annabeth kneeled on the floor. "It's a video shield." I said in shock while she nodded. "One of Daedalus's idea," she said. "I had Beckendorf make this before-" She glanced at Silena. "Um, anyway, the shield bends sunlight or moonlight from anywhere in the world to create a reflection." She said as the Statue of Liberty came into view.

"You can literally see any target under the sun or moon as long as natural light is touching it." She said while we crowded around her and watched as the image zoomed and spun around at first making me dizzy. We were in Central Park Zoo, then zooming down East 60th, past Bloomingdale's, then turning on Third Avenue. "Woah," Connor said. "Back up. Zoom in right there." "What?" Annabeth said nervously. "You see invaders?" She said but he shook his head.

"No, right there-Dylan's Candy Bar." Conner grinned at his brother. "Dude, it's open. And everyone is asleep. Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" "Conner!" Katie Gardner scolded. She reminded me of her mother, Demeter. But instead of scolding everyone to eat cereal. She's scolding someone who was trying to raid a candy store.

"This is serious. You are not going to loot a candy store in the middle of a war!" "Sorry," he muttered, but he didn't sound very ashamed. "This will let us see what's going on across the city." Annabeth said waving her hand across the shield as another scene popped up: FDR Drive, looking across the river at Lighthouse Park.

While Annabeth thanked Argus for the shield, I whistled for Mrs. O'Leary. "Hey girl," I said as she bounded over."Do you remember Grover? The satyr we met in the park?" "WOOF!"

I hope that meant Sure I do! And not Do you have more hot dogs? "I need you to find him," I said. "Make sure he's still awake. We're going to need his help. You got that? Find him!" I said as she gave me a sloppy kiss, (Which seemed completely unnecessary) as she raced off north while Pollux crouched beside a sleeping policeman. "I don't understand. Why didn't we fall asleep too? Why just the mortals?" "This is a large spell," Silena said.

"The larger the spell, the easier it is to resist. If you want to put millions of people to sleep, you've got to cast a very thin layer of magic." She said while I stared at her. "When do you learn so much about magic?" I questioned while she blushed. "I don't spend all my time on my wardrobe." "Tyler," Annabeth called, her eyes still trained on the shield. "You'd better see this." she said while I walked towards her to see the bronze shield shimmering.

Once it stopped, it showed Long Island Sound near La Guardia. A dozen speedboats raced through the dark waters towards Manhattan. Each boat was packed with demigods in full Greek armor. At the back of the lead boat, a purple banner emblazoned with a black scythe on it. It didn't take a genius to figure out who it symbolized.

"Scan the perimeter of the island," I said. "Quickly." I said as the scene shifted to the south of the harbor. A Staten Island ferry was plowing through the water near Ellis Island. The deck was crowded with dracaenae and a whole pack of hellhounds. Swimming in front were a pod of sea mammals. At first, I thought they were dolphins till I realized their doglike faces and the swords strapped to their waists and I immediately realized who they were.

"Telekhines," I muttered with distaste as the scene shifted to the Jersey shore, right at the entrance to the Lincoln Tunnel where a hundred assorted monsters were marching through the tunnel. Past lanes of stopped traffic: giants with clubs, rogue Cyclopes, a few fire spitting dragons, and just to rub it in, a World War II-era Sherman tank, pushing cars out of its way as it rumbled into the tunnel.

"What's happening with the mortals outside Manhattan?" I said. "Is the whole state asleep?" "I don't think so," Annabeth said frowning. "From what I've gathered from these pictures, Manhattan is totally asleep. Then there's a fifty-mile radius around the island where time is running really, really slow. The closer you get to Manhattan, the slower it gets." She said showing me another scene.

It was a New Jersey highway. It was a Saturday evening, so the traffic wasn't as bad as it might've been on a weekday. The drivers looked awake, but the cars were moving at about one mile per hour. Birds flew overhead in slow motion. "Kronos," I said. "He's slowing down time." "Hecate might be helping," Katie said. "Look how the cars all veering away from the Manhattan exits, like their getting a subconscious message to turn back." "I don't know," Annabeth said frustrated. She hated not knowing something.

"But somehow they've surrounded Manhattan in a layer of magic. The outside world might not even realize something is wrong. Any mortals coming towards will slow down so much they won't know what's happening." "Like flies in amber," Jake murmured while she nodded. "We shouldn't expect any help.

I looked towards my friends. They looked stunned and scared and I couldn't blame them. The shield had shown at least three hundred enemies on the way. They were forty of us. And we were alone.

"All right," I said. "We're going to hold Manhattan." "Um Percy," Silena tugged on her armor. "Manhattan is huge." "We are going to hold it," I said. "We have to." "He's right," Annabeth said surprising me since she never agrees with me. "Don't act so surprised Seaweed Brain." She said turning towards the campers. "The gods of the wind should keep Kronos's forces away from Olympus by air, so he'll try a ground assault. We have to cut the entrances to the island."

"They have boats," Michael pointed out as a electric tingle went down my back. Suddenly I understood Athena's advice: Remember the rivers. "I'll take care of the boats," I said while Michael frowned. "How?" "Just leave it to me," I said. "We need to guard the bridges and tunnels. Let's assume they'll try a midtown or downtown assault, at least on their first try. That would be the most direct way to the Empire State Building." I said grabbing a map and setting it on the ground.

"Michael, take Apollo's cabin to the Williamsburg Bridge. Katie, take Demeter's cabin to the Brooklyn-Battery Tunnel. Do whatever you have to do, but keep them out of there! Connor, take half of the Hermes Cabin and cover the Manhattan Bridge. Travis, you take the other half and cover the Brooklyn Bridge. And no stopping for looting or pillaging!" "Awww!" The whole Hermes cabin complained.

"Silena, take Aphrodite's cabin to the Queens-Midtown Tunnel." "Oh my gods," one of her sisters said. "Fifth Avenue is so on our way! We could accessorize, and monsters, like, totally hate the smell of Givenchy." "No delays," I said. "Well...the perfume thing, if you'll think it'll work."

Six Aphrodite girls kissed me on the cheek in excitement. "Alright enough!" I closed my eyes, trying to think of what I'd forgotten. "The Holland Tunnel. Jake, take the Hephaestus cabin there. Use Greek Fire, set traps. Whatever you've got." I said while he grinned. "Gladly. We've got a score to settle. For Beckendorf!" The whole cabin roared in approval.

"The 59th Street Bridge," I said. "Clarisse-" I faltered. Clarisse wasn't here. The whole Ares cabin, curse them, were sitting back at camp. "We'll take that," Annabeth stepped in, saving me from an embarrassing silence. She turned towards her siblings, "Malcolm, take the Athena cabin, activate plan twenty-three along the way, just like I showed you. Hold that position." "You got it." "I'll go with Tyler," she said. "Then we'll join you, or go wherever we're needed."

"No detours, you too." Someone said from the back of the group. There were some giggles but I ignored it. "Alright," I said. "Keep in touch with cell phones." "We don't have cell phones." Siilena protested as I reached down and picked up a snoring lady's blackberry and tossed it to her. "You do now. You all know Annabeth's phone number, right? If you need us, pick up a random phone and call us. Use it once, drop it, then borrow another one if you have to. That should make it harder for the monsters to zero in on you." Everyone grinned, as if they like this idea.

Travis cleared his throat but I already knew what he was going to say. "No Travis, if you find a nice phone, you can't have it." "Aw man." "Hold on Tyler," Jake said. "You forgot the Lincoln Tunnel." I managed to bite back a curse. He was right. A Sherman Tank and a hundred monsters were marching through that tunnel right now, and I'd positioned our farces everywhere else.

"How about you leave that to us?" I heard and to be honest. I don't think I've ever been so happy to hear someone in my entire life. I turned around to see thirty adolescent girls crossing Fifth Avenue. They wore white shirts, silvery camouflage pants, and combat boots. They all had hunting knifes strapped to their waists, quivers on their backs, bows at the ready. A pack of white timber wolves milled around their feet, and many of the girls had hunting falcons on their arms.

The girl in the lead had spiky black hair and a black jacket on. She wore a silver circlet on her head like a princess's tiara, which didn't match her skull earings or her Death to Barbie T-shirt showing a little Barbie doll with an arrow going through its head.

"Thalia!" Annabeth cried, throwing her arms around the daughter of Zeus while she grinned and spoke. "Hunters of Artemis, reporting for duty."

"Where have you been the last year?" I asked Thalia. "You got like twice as many Hunters!" "Long story." She said looking at the campers. "Small group." Jennifer said looking at me and I immediately knew her thoughts were going to the dream where we encountered Ananke. "It's all we got." I said looking at the campers, who looked scared but were also determined.

"If you lose campers, we don't have enough to reinforce," Serenity said while I nodded. "That's why I decided to lend you a hand." We heard as a flash of light appeared beside the Hunters.

Once it died down, it revealed Aether and a small fighting force of about one hundred and twenty five soldiers in pure white armor. "Aether," I said while everyone's eyes widened. "Remember when I told you I would send help?" "No." "Anyway," he said gesturing to the soldiers behind him. "These are soldiers from my army." "We appreciate the help greatly Lord Aether," Annabeth said bowing while everyone followed her example. "But will it be enough?" She said unsure while he laughed.

"Do not fret dear, these are my best fighters. It'll take more than a couple hundred monsters to kill even one of them. It's like you have a army of Percy's." He said smiling till it faded and he looked at me. "They deserve to know." He said while I nodded and looked towards the confused campers. "What's he talking about Tyler?" Annabeth questioned. "It's about Percy," I said looking at Zoe.

And from there, I told them what I saw and Percy fighting Kronos for control. "So Percy's being controlled by Kronos?" Annabeth said while I nodded. "And you said he's fighting Kronos for control?" Again, I nodded. "Then Luke must be doing the same." She said. "Let me stop you right there sweetheart," Aether said, all traces of his kindness gone. "The son of Hermes had plenty of chances to stop the path he's on. But he didn't. He offered his own body,hosted the Titan Lord himself. Percy is controlled, yes but unlike the son of Hermes, he has a small essence of Kronos in him, not even a quarter, but just enough to control him. I think everyone here is tired of hearing that. If you truly think he's in there, go up to him. Let's see if he's really in there." He said turning towards me.

"They will listen to your command. Their original commander is unavailable at the moment." Something tells me Percy is their commander. "Good luck!" He said glowing as we closed our eyes.

When we opened them, he was gone. It was silent till one of Aether's soldiers walked towards me and took off his helmet. "Alexander?!" I heard as a blur moved past me and tackled the man in a hug, who looked genuinely shocked till it morphed into a smile. "Crystal, I must admit. I missed you." He said wrapping his arms around her.

"That's why you never entered the Underworld," she said looking at Alexander in shock. "Yes, Percy couldn't afford losing another loved one so he brought me with him. After that, I've served lord Aether for the last three hundred years." He said smiling at her till he looked at me. "I know you are suffering. Everyone else is but you must put this behind you and focus on the task at hand." He said while I nodded.

"We're ready whenever you are," he said staring at me as did everyone else till I realized he was waiting for orders. "Um, could you send about twenty of your men and support the Apollo cabin at the Williamsburg Bridge?" I said but it sounded more like a question than it did a statement. "Of course, Sean," he said gesturing forward a boy who looked eighteen with black hair and emerald eyes. "Take a group of soldiers and support the Apollo cabin." He said while Sean nodded till a embarrassed look appeared on his face. "Where is the Apollo cabin?" He questioned while I gestured for Michael to raise his hand.

"Will the cabin leaders put up their hands when called?" I questioned as the cabin leaders nodded as it drifted back into silence. "Put us wherever you need us," He said. "We won't get mad," he said easing my worries. "Can you lend the Demeter and Hephaestus cabins a hand at the Holland and Brooklyn Battery Tunnel?" "Kenny, Davis," he said looking at me. "Want twenty for those also?" "Yes, that would be helpful." I said thinking of the remaining tunnels and bridges. "I need twenty at the 59th Street Bridge and twenty at the Queens-Midtown Tunnel to support the Athena and Aphrodite cabin. No flirting." I said giving the Aphrodite cabin a look when I said this.

"Can you give twenty to the Hermes cabin, but split them up." I said confusing him till Connor and Travis raised their hands. "What about the Lincoln Tunnel?" Travis said. "We can handle it," a Hunter said, not even trying to hide the annoyance in her voice. "No you can't," we heard as all eyes turned Sean. "And why not?" She said glaring at him. "As you know, Percy is not himself. He has multiple methods of travelling." Alexander continued. "He can travel by shadows, light, fire, water, lightning and even earth," he said gesturing to the map. "Let's say he attacks the Williamsburg Bridge, then once we move forces, he'll travel to a different position and wipe out everyone there, then move on to the next. If you wish to survive the first day, you need us at every position." He said.

"Hunters," I said as they all looked at me. "Everyone needs to cooperate right now. Kronos will no doubt send Percy to the Lincoln Tunnel along with that tank. It's simple tactics right now. Send our strongest asset against their strongest asset." "And what makes you think he'll be there?" Another Hunter said. "He will," Alexander said. "Kronos doesn't care how he gets Olympus. He just wants it." "And he knows your here, but not them," Annabeth said gesturing to Alexander. "He knows you'll go to the Lincoln Tunnel and he'll send Percy to destroy you." "Plus, Percy seeing us may jog his memory," Alexander said gesturing to Aether's army.

"Maybe it'll give us a chance to knock him unconscious. But if you do encounter Percy, do not fight him." Alexander said. "Leave it to us. It'll be me, David, Cameron, Derek, and Kyle with you. We won't even speak to you, if that makes you feel any better." He said.

"And you're positive about this?" Thalia asked. "Yes, if you think we need help, we don't. Don't try to help." "Why?" Jennifer said rather angrily. "If Percy sees you, or any of you for that matter. Kronos may use that to his advantage, allowing memories from the past, encounters with the Hunt that hurt him will only enrage him. Making it impossible to defeat him." Sean said.

"Our goal is to tire him out, then subdue him. His drainage in power has weakened him." "And if you tire out before he does?" Thalia said while Alexander looked at her. "Let's pray that doesn't happen."

Alexander POV

After moving all the mortals safely out of the way, we stood at the entrance, waiting for Kronos's forces to show up. "So," one of the Hunters said while I exchanged glances with Kyle, but we both had the same thought. Since when did the Hunters talk to boys? "Are you sure you'll be able to sundue Percy when it comes to the point?" She asked while I looked at her.

Blonde hair, grey eyes. Daughter of Athena. I thought slightly amused. "Can you keep a secret?" I said while they looked confused but nodded. "You see Kyle and David over there?" I said pointing to the twins. "Yes." "Their twins. Both sons of the Titan Krios," I said as their eyes widened. "Known for their immense strength and hot headed attitude. Cameron over there is a son of Koios, like Athena's children, very smart but also powerful. Derek is a son of Perses, hard to defeat when he's in his element, destruction. I'm a son of Hyperion so Percy's fire wil be useless." I said while they stared at us in shock.

"And don't take this as an insult children of the gods," Cameron said. "But the children of the Titans are much more stronger than you." "What's that supposed to mean?" A Hunter demanded while he sighed. "I just said don't take it as a insult." He muttered. "What he means ladies," I said as they looked at us. "Is the Titans were the most powerful group to lead earth. Us demi-Titans are special, unlike you." "How so?" The daughter of Athena said.

"Our skin and muscles are slightly stronger, meaning it takes more than a few hits to break our bones." "We have more stamina and better senses." Kyle said. "It's like how y'all have a blessing from Lady Artemis, we are like that." "Just without the blessing," I said. "Make sense?" Cameron said while they nodded.

"If you children of the big three want a different challenge beside Percy. Fight us," I said gesturing to everyone behind me. "If you can defeat us, you truly are powerful." I said looking at the daughters of Hades and Zeus. "Plus, I think its better," Kyle said. "Not that Percy isn't a great challenge. Fighting us, you will learn everything that a Titan uses so when you encounter a Titan, it shouldn't be hard." David said.

"Most of the soldiers in lord Aether's army are demi-Titans. Most have been in the army for years," "And by years, he means when the Titans ruled." David said grinning till Cameron jumped up, looking down the tunnel. "What is it?" I said grabbing my spear and shield. "Do you hear that?" He questioned as I nodded, much to the confusion of the Hunters. "Hear what?" One said. "Listen." Derek said.

"It sounds like footsteps," Cameron said while I looked at the Hunters. "Can you shoot some arrows?" I questioned. "Why?" "Because if judging by what I'm hearing and seeing, this might be Percy." I said as multiple arrows sailed down the tunnel but just as quickly, throwing knifes cut each arrow in half. I summoned fire and hurled a large column down the tunnel as water met it, erupting steam.

"Please, don't help us," Derek said summoning twin swords. "This is already tough, don't make it any more harder than it already is." "Jennifer, Zoe." I said as both looked at me. "Leave this to us." I said while they nodded, neither looking happy about it. "Oh that's not good." I heard Kyle say as Percy came into view, wearing black shoes, black camouflage pants, and a black muscle shirt but what had me worried was the sword in his hand.

"What?" Jennifer said, trying her hardest not to look at Percy while I watched the sword drip black fire that was burning holes into the ground. "We can't let that touch us," Kyle said. "It'll burn through our armor in mere seconds." "What are you talking about?" A Hunter said annoyed. "Shadow Fire." I said pointing at the sword with black fire. "Only Nyx and Erebus know of it, plus Percy but he never uses it." "It's more deadlier than Greek Fire. If it touches us, our armor will melt till it meets the flesh." Kyle said. "After that," David shook his head.

"He's wearing no armor, we have to be careful on where we hit him, don't want to hit his Achilles heel." I said as he vanished suddenly while we backed up. All I heard was the breathing till a clash was heard, making us spin around to see Percy and Derek locked in combat while Kyle, Davis, and Cameron joined him. "No," I said grabbing Jennifer's hand. "Focus on the monsters." I said pointing at a small force heading towards us then running towards Percy.

Jennifer POV

"Focus on the monsters."Alexander said running toward Percy while I watched the five demi-Titans and Percy fight. "Jennifer!" I heard but I couldn't pull my eyes away from Percy. His expression was one of hate, a sneer on his face, he looked nothing like how he usually does. He didn't even look like that when he showed us memories from World War II and it hurts me to see him like that.

"Jennifer!" I was suddenly pulled to the ground as a spear sailed over my head. "Come on," I heard as Serenity came into view. "Snap out of it." She said pulling me up and handed me my bow. "They'll be fine." She said as shadows wrapped around Derek's leg and threw him into the wall of the tunnel while we ran towards him.

"You okay?" I said helping him up while he nodded. "Keep focusing on the monsters." He said running towards Percy while Serenity ran towards the monsters to help our sisters while I shot from a distance, not trusting myself in close combat because I might head towards Percy. "Girls duck!" We heard as a body smashed through the wall of the tunnel, causing it to tremble slightly.

Alexander and the others came up, but they each had a glow around them. Alexander had a fiery orange, David and Kyle had a dark blue, Cameron had a light blue, and Derek had a blood red. "Think that knocked him out?" Kyle said eying the hole in the wall. "How about you go find out?" Alexander said easily disposing of a group of Cyclopes.

"That was a pretty hard hit you gave him." David said finishing up the last of the monsters. "You hit him?!" I demanded, glaring at him. "Hey, don't glare at me, besides, he has the Curse of Achilles. He's fine." He said as a rock the size of a car smashed into him, throwing him back as Percy jumped out of the hole, his golden eyes burning with hate.

"Time to end this." Percy said, but his voice was filled with confusion and uncertainty. "He's fighting Kronos," I said as everything around us stopped, me included as Percy ran toward us.

Just as he brought the sword down at Sarah's neck, he slowed down and shadows wrapped around him and threw him back while I could move again. "What just happened?" Sarah said in shock as lightning formed in his hands till it suddenly died down to a mere spark, making him growl. "The primordials," Kyle said. "Their stopping him from using his powers." He said as he made two fists while the earth copied his movement till it slowly sank back into the ground, making him yell.

"I'll end you the fun way!" He snarled, but this time, the voice was one I remember from last year. The cold, metallic voice of the Titan Lord.

"Now's the time to subdue him now." Thalia said as a blur moved past us and smashed into Percy, throwing him into the wall. "Cameron, Davis, Derek, help Kyle," Alexander said as Kyle landed in front of us. "I forgot he's still a champion of Hades, Hestia, and Apollo." He said standing up as black fire started to swirl around him while we slowly backed up as it got bigger and bigger. Enveloping the tunnel in pure darkness. "Oh that's really not good." Davis said as he moved toward us, the hurricane of death destroying everything in its path.

Just as it neared us, it suddenly vanished much to ours and his confusion. "Thank you Nyx and Erebus." Derek said tackling Percy into the wall again as he and the others pinned Percy to the ground while he cursed and yelled, struggling out of their grip. "What can we do to help?" I said. "Nothing," Alexander said tappiing a vial that had a blue liquid in it. "Once we get him to drink this, it should knock him out cold for a while." He said moving towards Percy.

Once Percy saw the vial, he struggled even harder, hitting Derek in the head. "Oh, he's lucky he ain't himself or else I'll hurt him." He growled as Alexander kneeled next to him. "Say goodbye Kronos," he said bringing the vial to his lips. "Goodbye," he said smirking till I saw Percy's lower body turning into water. He's trying to escape. I thought opening my mouth but someone beat me to it.

"Stop him!" Zoe said as Percy dissolved into water, slipping out of their grips and heading towards the entrance while Alexander quickly summoned fireballs and threw them at Percy. But he avoided them and made it to the entrance and solidified.

"Till next time nephews," he said smirking till he disappeared, leaving us alone in the tunnel. "Come on," I said. Trying to keep the tears from spilling. "We should get going." I said making out the devastated looks on Zoe and the other demi-Titans faces. "I should have known," Alexander muttered. "There's nothing we could do Alex," I heard Kyle say. "We tried our hardest, now it's the son of Poseidon's turn." I heard as we exited the Lincoln Tunnel.

"Too bright," I heard Thalia say as I blinked rapidly to adjust. "This feels great." David muttered as a flash appeared beside us. "Sean," Alexander said as it revealed the boy who was helping the Apollo cabin. "What brings you here?" "The Williamsburg Bridge collapsed," he said while our eyes widened. "Percy's brother destroyed it to prevent Kronos from crossing. The leader of the Apollo cabin is missing. We're still looking for him." "And what of Tyler?" Alexander questioned.

"He took a girl to a place he called the Plaza Hotel. It's where we're treating wounded." "A girl?" Thalia said worried while he nodded. "Did she have blonde hair and grey eyes?" "Yes, she received a wound on the shoulder that would killed him but she took it for him. It was aiming for the small of his back. Poison." He said while she paled. "We have our best on it, she'll be fine." "The Plaza is in the cennter of town." Serenity said. "It'll take us a while to get there." "I'll flash us there since I already know where it is." He said as Alexander and the others gathered around him as did I, Thalia, Zoe, and a few others.

"Are you coming?" I said looking at my remaining sisters. "We'll meet you there." Megan said while I sighed. "Just come on," Thalia said but they still didn't move. "That's an order." She said while they hesitated, then one by one walked toward us. "New girls," I said looking at Alexander while they nodded. "Understandable." David said as they gathered around us.

"Make sure you close your eyes and-" "Just go already." Megan said annoyed. "Alright, if you go blind don't go crying to your patron, don't say I didn't warn you." He said as their eyes widened as light enveloped us.

Alexander POV

"Do you know where Tyler is?" I asked a son of Apollo who was giving nectar to a camper. "Over there somewhere," he said pointing to where a cluster of campers were talking with a couple satyrs and Hunters. "Thanks," I said walking towards them but he stopped me. "Thank you," he said confusing me. "For what? I didn't do anything." "One of your men saved my little sister. I don't know what would have happened if he wasn't there." He said gratefully while I smiled and nodded.

After the discussion with the son of Apollo, I met up with David, Cameron, and Derek. Together, we walked towards the campers to see it was Thalia, Jennifer, the daughter of Athena, Tyler, Zoe, Crystal, a satyr who was speaking with Tyler, and then a really fat satyr who looked very proud of himself. "Who are you?" David questioned as everyone looked at us.

"Who am I?" The fat satyr said indignantly. "I am Leneus," he said proudly turning away from us. "You said bring Grover back and I brought him back." As he continued to boast over stupid things, the other satyr was making gagging faces from behind Leneus.

Seeing the scene made me smile.

"I like these demigods," Cameron whispered. "Maybe we could stay here." He said as the smile melted off my face. "Not possible Cameron," David said disappointed. "They'll see us as outcasts. We're demi-Titans. We don't belong here." Derek said sadly while I nodded.

"Tyler," I heard as he looked at a camper who I realized was the cabin counselor for the Hephaestus cabin. "Sup guys," I heard as Kyle walked up with a plate full of pizza. "The Demeter cabin sure does know how to cook." He said taking a bite out of a piece of pizza while Tyler, Thalia, and the campers all spoke in a hushed tone. "Hey!" Kyle said as David stole a few pieces of pizza from his plate. "Get your own." He said glaring at David while I smiled.

For the first time, Kyle noticed Leneus. "Who's the fat satyr?" He questioned while the Hunters snorted. "Never mind, I don't want to know," he said looking away from Leneus, who looked shocked. "Are you sure you can eat all of that?" Jennifer questioned but Kyle wasn't looking at her. "What are you looking at?" Derek said following his line of sight as did I.

The campers that Tyler was talking to were now staring at us suspiciously. "You're right Derek," Kyle said setting the plate down on the table. "We'll never find a home," he said bitterly, walking past the Hunters who stared at him confused. "I'm not really hungry anymore." David said softly, putting the half-eaten pizza on the plate and following his brother out the door. "Why are we even here?" Derek spat, glowing a vicious red aura as he stormed past the campers, who must've sensed his anger and quickly got out of the way.

"You offer help to someone and they accept it, but when they find something out that you want no one to know, they suddenly think you are their enemy." Cameron said walking away. "What's wrong with them?" A Hunter said, "why are they so...sad?" "We never really had a home," I said. "We never really knew our parents, we lived by ourselves or in a foster care. Lord Aether gave us a home but we don't see it as home, we see it as a place we rest and train till the Fates are done toying with us, finally ready to kill us. We're children of the Titans, or as the Olympians and the children of the gods call us. Titan spawn." I said walking towards the door, feeling everyone's eyes on me.

"They risk their lives for us and this is how you repay them? Until you stop acting like jerks, come find me. Fight the Titans alone." I heard as I walked outside to see Derek and everyone else asleep on benches in Central Park. I didn't want to wake them so I just sat down on the ground beside the bench Derek was sleeping on.

"Will we ever find a home?" I muttered, closing my eyes. "Will it ever stop?"


"Alex," I heard. "Alex, get up," the voice said shaking me. "Ugh, go away," I muttered. "Move," I heard someone else say as ice cold water seeped into my bones, making me jump up in surprise and shock. When my eyes finally adjusted, I saw Cameron staring at me appolegtically while Kyle was grinning at me, a bucket in his hands. "What was that for?" I demanded. "You wouldn't get up," he said shrugging his shoulders. "So I decided to do things my way." He said while I growled. "Where did you even get the water from anyway?" All he did was point behind him.

Confused, I looked behind him to see the Hunters standing there. "Oh," I said surprised. "I said the same thing when I saw them." Kyle said gesturing to the Hunters. "I take it they shoved you off the bench to wake up?" Expecting a smart remark from him or the Hunters but surprisingly, I got none. "Nope, they woke us up by shaking us, but the daughter of Zeus shocked Derek awake. You know how heavy a sleeper he is." He stated while I nodded as he and Cameron pulled me up.

"You need to lose weight big boy," he said while I glared at him. "What brings you here?" I said looking at the Hunters. "One of my scouts saw Kronos and his forces moving towards Central Park." Thalia said. "And you came here, why?" Kyle questioned. "The campers are preparing for battle." "That still doesn't explain why you're here." David said walking up with Derek, whose hair was up in all sorts of places.

"The others sort of refused to do anything till you come back." "Told you," Cameron said looking at Kyle. "Their only here to get us to help." He said. "We're here to help, Cameron. Despite how we feel about it. Once this is over, we'll either be dead or back in the Void." I said standing up to see the sky was purple and red.

"Let's go," I said walking toward the Hotel Plaza with everyone else. "Tyler said he's sorry," Thalia said. "For what? The boy didn't do anything." Cameron said rubbing his shoulder. "The campers." That's all it took for the conversation to go south. "What about them?" I said, "Tyler was really mad when they tried to accuse you of being spies. He stormed off and didn't return but Annabeth finally managed to convince him to come back about twenty minutes ago." "He's still mad." Jennifer said, like that would cheer us up.

"He said you didn't have to fight, he doesn't blame you." The daughter of Athena said. "It's okay, nothing but a little suspicion." Cameron said waving it off. "You would think they are smarter than that," Kyle said chuckling. "We've never touched earth for years. This is the first time I touched earth in five thousand years." He said smiling while they stared at him in shock.

"Kyle and David are the oldest in lord Aether's army. They were the first half-bloods to be sired from a immortal so they have a special place in lord Aether's heart." Cameron said as we entered the Plaza and walked over to where the cabin counselors were being given orders from Tyler but it didn't take a genius to figure out he was still blowing off steam.

"That leaves the rest of you with a job just as important. Guard the other entrances to Manhattan. You know how tricky Kronos is. He'll try to distract us with this big army and sneak another force in somewhere else. It's up to you to make sure that doesn't happen. Has each cabin chosen a bridge or tunnel?" He questioned while they all nodded with a grim expression.

"Tyler," Thalia said as he turned toward us. "Alexander," he said with a guilty expression on his face. "I'm so sorry. They had no right-" I put my hand up to stop his rant. "It's okay Tyler, really." "No it's not okay." He said clenching his hands, obviously trying to contain his anger. I'm actually starting to feel sorry for Kronos's forces. I thought. Its never good when a child of the big three need to release anger. Destruction happens. I thought as a flash appeared beside us, revealing Aether.

"Milord," I said bowing my head in respect as he gestured for me to rise. "No need to bow old friend," he said smiling. "Tyler," he said as Tyler looked at him. "You don't need to fall apart now. Today will decide the fate of the world." He said while Tyler looked pained. "Is he coming?" He said dreadfully while Aether nodded grimly. "Along with all the other Titans. You must defeat him." "Who's coming?" Thalia said confused while Aether looked at her.

"Percy," he said turning back towards Tyler, a frown evident on his face. "What's wrong?" "Your armor," Aether said while Tyler looked down at his armor. "There's nothing wrong with it." He said looking back at Aether. "Milord," David said. "If Tyler is to fight Percy, he'll need something else. Percy used Shadow Fire against us, he'll no doubt use it again." He said while Aether snapped his fingers, smiling. "That's what it was." He said clicking his fingers as a light enveloped him.

Once the light died down, Tyler was wearing the same armor like us, except he had a cloak that drifted to the floor. "That's more like it." He said smiling while everyone looked at Tyler in shock. "We saw the battle Alexander. I created this along with Nyx and Erebus's help. If the Shadow Fire touches him, it won't melt through the armor. Plus its indestructible. Not even Percy will be able to put a dent in it." He said while Tyler pointed at symbols right above his heart that formed a circle with one in the middle.

"What are these?" "Those are who you represent. The symbol in the middle is your father's symbol. Those surrounding it are the primordials symbol along with Chaos and Artemis." "Artemis?" A Hunter questioned, "lady Artemis?" She said while he nodded. "Why is her symbol is on there?" She questioned. "Your guess is as good as mine girl." He said turning back towards Tyler.

"Good luck Tyler," he said glowing while we closed our eyes. Once the light died down, Aether was gone. "Everyone head to your positions. Happy hunting everyone."

Tyler POV

We heard the army before we saw it.

The noise was like a cannon barrage combined with football stadium crowd-like every Patriots fan in New England was charging us with bazookas. At the north end of the reservior, the enemy vanguard broke through the woods with six warriors in lead who I recognized immediately. Hyperion, Phoebe, Koios, Mnemosyne, Kronos, and Percy.

Percy. Even from over a hundred yards away, I could still see his golden eyes observing me, the frown on his face. "Positions!" Annabeth yelled as her cabinmates scrambled to their positions while Kronos stopped about a hundred yards away from us. "You fought bravely grandson," he said impressed. "But look around you," he said gesturing to the massive army behind him, then to us. "No more of your friends have to die. All you have to surrender."

When no one answered, he nodded. "So be it." He said smirking as his eyes glowed golden as Percy moved forward till he hesitated. His eyes yet again filled with confusion. "Fight him Percy," I muttered as Kronos growled. "Kill them!" He roared as Percy shook his head and started to jog towards us. "Focus on the monsters, I'll take care of Percy." "Tyler, you can't be serious," Annabeth said as Percy's jog turned into a sprint.

"I am. Just focus on keeping our forces together." I said uncapping Shadowslayer and my shield from Chaos and ran towards Percy. "Bring it on, brother!" He spat as our swords clashed together. He's not himself. I thought ducking under a swing and getting under his guard, but he wanted me to as a hunting knife appeared in his hand, dripping with black fire that he brought down at my chest but it bounced off, much to his surprise.

"Surprise," I said turning a small puddle into ice and propelled it toward him as it threw him back. "Tyler, how are you doing that!" I heard as Percy stood up, "Percy, I know you're in there. Fight him." I said as fire erupted in his hands but it immediately died out, much to my confusion. "Fine, let's play with water." He said appearing in front of me as we continued to exchange blow after blow.

"Are you really going to let Kronos win?" I said as he kicked me back, but instead of hitting the ground like I thought I would, I realized I was falling. "I got you!" I heard as arms wrapped around me then I was back on the ground.

When I looked up, I saw a hurricane was in the middle of Central Park. "How did you create that?" I heard Alexander say in shock but I ignored it and saw the hurricane was heading towards the Hunters. I quickly vapor travelled back into the center as a blade came toward me. On instinct, I put my sword up just in time as Percy's sword made contact.

"Are you really going to give up on everyone?" I said as he shadow travelled away. I quickly spun around and block his attack. "I need you Perce," I said as he froze. "Zoe needs you." I said but he still didn't move. I thought I managed to get through to him but he suddenly tackled me out of the hurricane as we fell to the ground.

He grabbed me by the shoulder and threw me to the ground, where I hit the ground and slid in the dirt. I managed to pull myself up to see the hurricane only grew larger but it was directly in front of me while Percy was in the middle, smirking. How can I defeat him when he's in the hurricane? If I fought him for control, the hurricane will only grow bigger and hurt someone. I have to get him out of the hurricane and on the ground. I continued to think for possibilities till I felt a huge power rush enter my body.

"Figure we ought to make it fair. You have every ability he has, bring him home." I heard a female voice say. Alright, let's try lightning. I thought pointing my hands at him as lightning stronger than Zeus's master bolt hit Percy square in the chest, throwing him out of the hurricane and into the dirt. Now all I have to do is keep him out of the hurricane. I thought as Percy slowly stood up. I thought of appearing behind him and suddenly, I was behind him. I brought my sword down but he spun around, shock evident on his face as I forced him on defense.

I never used the same methods. I always kept him guessing but I mostly stuck with my water abilities. I vapor travelled behind him, but this time, he predicted it and caught my sword arm and twisted it, making me drop my sword. He kicked my knee out from under me and flipped me over his shoulder, his sword at my neck while sweat poured down his face.

"Kill him!" I heard Kronos yell. I noticed that it was dead silent, like nothing was alive. "I said KILL HIM!" Kronos roared as a pen appeared in my hand. I glanced at my sword hand and saw it was a black and white pen. Percy's spear.

I looked into Percy's eyes and saw they were still a golden color but what I didn't expect was the wink he gave me. I wanted to hug him right there but I glanced past his shoulder and saw Mnemosyne walking towards us. "Didn't you hear him?" She said grabbing his shoulder and spinning him around as I clicked the cap and lurched forward.

"No!" Someone screamed as the spear pierced her stomach the same time Percy's sword pierced her stomach. "NO!" Kronos roared while Mnemosyne eyes were wide with shock and disbelief as she dissolved into golden dust while Percy pulled me up.

When I looked into his eyes, I saw they were sea green. "You're back." I choked out, barely able to hold the tears back. He smiled. "I'm back." He said turning towards the monsters who shuffled back nervously. "Koios, Phoebe, kill them." Kronos snarled as Koios and Phoebe moved forward. "I'll take Koios, you take Phoebe?" He questioned while I nodded. "Deal." I said runnning towards Phoebe while Percy ran towards Koios while I looked out the corner of my eye and saw the campers and Alexander tearing through the monsters.

"You've lost." I said blocking her savage attacks with ease. "Your plan failed." I said as she yelled in anger and swung wildly at me as I shadow travelled away behind her and brought my sword down into her chest. "Never let your opponent get to you." I said as she dissolved into golden dust. I turned toward the campers and saw them finishing up the remaining monsters.

I turned back around and saw Percy breathing hard. "Percy," I said as he turned towards me and opened his mouth till his eyes rolled to the back of his head and he started to fall to the floor. "Woah!" I said catching him before he hit the ground as footsteps neared me. "Tyler," I heard someone say. "You did it." They said in shock as Zoe kneeled next to him, moving his bangs away from his eyes.

"Let's go," Alexander said picking him up. "We need to leave, get Percy all fixed up before we do anything else." He said while I nodded and stood up. "Tyler," I heard Zoe say as I turned towards her and saw tears were in her eyes, but she was smiling. Something I haven't seen on her face for a while. "Thank you," she said but I waved it off.

"Ain't me you should be thanking," I said looking around to see Central Park was a mess, very few trees still stood. "We made quite a mess didn't we?" I said while she laughed and nodded. "You certainly did." She said while I put my hand on her shoulder. "Let's go see him." I said vapor travelling us to the Hotel Plaza.


"They should be here any minute now." Alexander said as a golden flash appeared beside Percy's sleeping form. Once the flash died down, it revealed a man with golden eyes. Everyone jumped up, thinking it was Kronos but he put his hands up. "Don't worry, I'm Chronos." That certainly didn't help the situation. "The Primordial God of Time." He said while everyone slowly put their weapons down.

"Fix him," I said pointing at Percy while he nodded and turned toward Percy and held his hands over Percy's body and started to mutter something under his breath.

As he continued to muttered whatever he was saying, Percy's body started to glow. After a few minutes, he stopped and turned toward us. A glolden essence in the form of a ball in his hand. "He's fine," he said while everyone sighed in relief. "Is that it?" Katie said while he nodded. "Once this is destroyed. Kronos will be weakened. But beware, Kronos and Hyperion are still out there. Hyperion is Titan of the East, the most powerful out of the four Titans who held Ouranos down. Let Percy rest, he'll wake up on his own time which should be soon." He said getting ready to flash away. "Wait!" I said as he stopped and looked at me.

"Yes?" "Thank you." I said while he smiled, "It should be the other way around. You saved him, not me." "But-" "We gave you powers? Yes, we did but you didn't really use them to your advantage like you could of. You're more powerful than you think." He said smiling. "I must go. Percy's birthday is in two days. Kronos will throw everything he has at you, be ready." He said flashing away.

It was silent till I grabbed a chair, pulled it up beside the bed. "I'll inform everyone of when he wakes up."

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