Dysfunctional |Sasuke Uchiha|

By Illusae

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By Illusae

Saturday, September 29th cont.

Hinata and I drove downtown and met the other girls at the diner. It was a greasy little retro 50s style diner. When we walked in they called us over to the booth they they had commandeered as their own.

“What took you guys so long? We were going to start without you.” Temari says as I slide in next to her.

“Oh, not much. I had to bail a friend out of a jam and Hinata was spending some time with her loverboy.” I smile over at Hinata while everyone chuckles.

“Oh whatever guys. Jeez, it’s not that big a deal.” Hinata said blushing, “Besides Al, I think everyone would be much more interested in which friend you bailed out, and how you bailed said person out.” She smiled impishly at me. She had effectively gotten everyone’s’ attention, and directed it towards me.

“Whatever, not like I’m embarrassed by it.” I said confidently, hoping I could keep up the façade. “The friend was Mr. Popular himself, he got mobbed by his usual girls as well as the other team. I simply latched myself to his back and we walked away calm as day. Easy peasy.” I started to blush. I looked over and saw that our food was coming out of the kitchen. Thank god.

“Oh my god.” Temari looked at me in disbelief, with a side of horror, “You like him.”

“What?” If none had been paying full attention before, they were now.

“You so totally do!” TenTen chimed in grinning.

“No.” I said taking a bite of my chilidog. I took a few moments to slowly, carefully chew, while trying to calm my frayed nerves. “I don’t like him.”

“Then why are you blushing?” Hinata poked my cheek.

“I admit that he is good looking, but there is no way that I want to be anything more than friends. I have a boyfriend.” I say matter of factly. The girls giggled at my lame defense, but decided not to say anything more on the subject.


After we left the diner, Hinata drove me home. She lived in the same neighborhood as well. Sweet! If I ever run away from home or get my car taken away, I can walk to her house.

I walked in the front door and noticed how quiet it was. On further examination, I determined that no one was home. I went up to my room and called Travis.

“We won!” I yelled into the mouthpiece as soon as he answered.

“Really? That’s awesome!” He yells back at me, chuckling.

“So, I take it things are going well? You know with school and everything. Work and whatnot.” I ask sitting down at my desk.

“Yea, things have been going well all around. Oh, I’m going to be free the week before Christmas. I was thinking of getting a plan ticket and coming to see you, or you could come here. Your friends miss you I’m sure.”

“Snap! You know what? I’ve been so busy with volleyball and everything else I haven’t had time to call anyone. I guess I should do that.” I say sheepishly, suddenly feeling very guilty.

“Well, how about I get off the phone with you, so you can start the groveling. I’m sure Crissy is pissed.” He laughed his deep laugh. If nothing else, that laugh is what always made me realize why I fell for him in the first place.

“Sounds good. Love you!” I hang up the phone quickly without hearing his reply.

I turn on my computer and open up Skype. I wait patiently hoping for Crissy to answer.

“You don’t call, you don’t write. What the hell man? I’m beginning to forget what your voice sounds like, and what your beautiful face looks like.” My flame haired friend declared when she signed on. She hadn’t changed one bit. Her hair was still as short and red as ever. Her eyes a vibrant green. We were practically polar opposites in everything. We had grown up together. Always inseparable, practically sisters. She had always been the outgoing athletic one. She participated in every sport our school had to offer, while I was the bookworm, the geek. We got glasses at the same time, but she traded hers in for contacts the summer before our 9th year, along with a bottled red that disguised her natural chestnut. She had cut her hair into a short pixie style sometime last year. I never cut my hair shorter than mid-back.

“Well, ya know me, busy.” I smiled, suddenly embarrassed by her compliment, “I’m not beautiful. I doubt I’m average. Honestly, how did I ever score a boyfriend? You’re the hot one.” 

“Babe! Don’t do this to me right now!” She reprimanded me, “You are beautiful. You just don’t realize it because you hide under your hair and all those dark clothes. Honestly, Sweety, you should wear colors. They look so much better on you.”

“Yea, I know.” I perked up, “Check out my jersey.” I turned around in my chair so that she could clearly see the Fellina 19 on the back.

“Holy shit! You’re on the VB team? And what a coincidence, it’s your old number.” She smiled, “That’s awesome, but you’re not forgiven. I’m your best friend and you haven’t bothered to contact me since you moved.”

“I know, I’m sorry. It’s been crazy. Travis and I keep going back and forth like before, only its hella worse. I have been making friends with people he doesn’t approve of, and I’m just frustrated. I’m so tired of being tired.” I throw my hands up, “It’s only been a month for chrissake!”

“I’m sorry babe. I told you though. Maybe it’s better if you break up. I mean, long distance relationships are hard, and you’re about as long distance as you can get without moving to a different country. And you guys weren’t on solid ground to begin with.

“To make matters worse, I have a bio partner and Travis feels threatened by him. He hasn’t even met him, so he has no reason to think that.”

“He drew the short stick just by being male.” She sighs at the same time my phone rings.

I glance down at it, turning pale then bright red. “Speak of the devil.” I murmur, and then answer glancing at Crissy.


“I want to study.” Well, he sounds just chipper. Note the sarcasm.

“Right now? You can’t wait until Monday?” I blush deeper.

“We have a test on Monday.” Do I detect a hint of amusement?

“Crap, I forgot about it.” I sigh, “Alright.” I glance at the clock, “I’ll be over in like five.”

I hang up the phone and start gathering my things.

“You could have at least said goodbye. God you can be so rude.” Crissy teases me, “Bio partner I’m assuming.”

“Yea.” I say distractedly as I continue to collect my scattered books. “We tests in both bio and calc on Monday and he wants to have a cram session. I swear he is the last person I want to see again today.”

“Really? You could have fooled me.” She said smirking at me, “And what do you mean again?”

“He was at the game today.” I blush as I zip up my bag. “I would love to talk more, but I did tell him five minutes.”

“Yea, yea.” She waves. “Bye, I’ll talk to you later.”

I clicked off my computer and ran downstairs, out the door, and to my car.


After I parked on the curb in front of Sasuke’s house, I ran up to the front door and rang the doorbell. I waited a few minutes, no answer. I ring it again, and still no answer. I sigh as I pull my phone out of my pocket and dial his number.


“No need to snap. I’m at the door. Keep it up and I’ll leave you to struggle by yourself.” As I hang up the phone, I hear him scoff.

He opens the door looking peeved. Guess he’s still sore about earlier. He steps aside to let me in.

“Ass.” I shoot to him as I head into the living room.


“I can already tell this was a bad idea.” I mumble to myself as I shut the door behind her. Why did I call her? Not like I need help cramming for the tests. I follow her into the room and sit in the chair. She already pulled out all of her books and spread them on the couch. She does this every time she comes over.

“Why are you staring at me like that?”

“Hmm? What?” I say, snapping to attention.

“You were looking at me. With your eyes all glazed over.” Alexis wasn’t looking at me. She was focused on her biology book. She suddenly glances up at me with her piercing eyes. “It’s fucking creepy.”

“Well excuse me for staring.” I scoff as I pull my bio book out of my bag. “I was trying to remember why I bothered to ask you to come over. Honestly, I can study by myself. I suppose I thought you could use the help.”

She moved to sit on the floor with her back against the couch, and put her book on the table. “Yes yes, we both know you just wanted my company.” She pats my foot, smiles up at me, and I falter. I suddenly want to kiss her. Not because I think she looks hot in her volleyball jersey and baggy jeans or because her disheveled bun is begging someone to take it down and run their fingers through her thick blonde hair. It isn’t even her slightly chapped lips that are calling to me, but her eyes. Those cold calculating grey eyes are locked with mine, and instead of indifference, or the anger and hurt that have become common as of late, they look warm and happy. I want to capture that warmth and build it into heat.

Suddenly she looks down at her book and every fiber of my being panics. At first I’m frozen, my body and mind unable to comprehend the feelings I just had, or the lack of reaction my muscles suffered from in that crucial moment. Then I’m flooded with thoughts, all of them rushing at me at once. She has a boyfriend. She loves her boyfriend. Would she have considered it cheating if I initiated? What would she have done? What about our friendship, as tumultuous as it is? Would she leave him? Do I want to be with her? What if my parents came home and found us here doing…doing what? What exactly would we…

“You okay Sasuke? You’ve been staring at the wall, white knuckling the chair for some time. Shouldn’t we study some?”

My eyes flick to hers then down to my knee, where one of her hands is resting; the other on my hand. She is far too close for comfort. I realize that I’m turning pink, possibly scarlet. My stomach turns as I realize the familiar feeling building in my stomach at her touch. If I don’t get out of her proximity, I’m going to do something reckless.


I’m sitting in front of Sasuke, far closer than normal. He hasn’t been responding to anything I’ve said for the past few minutes when suddenly he bolts out the chair, nearly kicking me in the face. “What the hell!”

“Sorry! I’ll be back down in a bit!” He thunders up the stairs.

I’m totally confused. “What’s his problem?” I turn my attention back to my book and hear a shower turn on. “Really?” I roll my eyes and focus on studying.

About fifteen minutes goes by and I hear him coming down the stairs at a much slower, more normal pace. I smile to myself thinking about the few reasons for his unexplained action. I don’t look up from my book as he sits back down in the chair.

“So, what was so embarrassing you blush, bolt up the stairs, and take a shower for?” I watch his reaction sidelong as he picks up his book.

“Nothing. Just felt the need.” He smirks his famous smirk, but it’s ruined by him turning pink.

Hit the nail on the head did I?

I put my pen down and look intently at his face. He is completely avoiding eye contact. I sigh, carefully wording my next sentence, “Well, if you ask me, I being a female, would assume you, being male, were thinking something inappropriate.” I pause and smirk, my heart beginning to beat faster, as his face turns a shade darker. “But I honestly doubt that could be the case.” I quickly and quietly start packing my books away, waiting for his reaction, readying myself for leaving if the need should arise. I turn to look at him and he looks away gripping his unopened book tightly.

“I, I think that uhh, you should l-leave Alexis.” He stammers out.

“Yea, it’s probably for the best.” My heart drops, and I feel slightly crestfallen. I stand up, “See ya Monday.” I add cheerfully, despite the discontent in my heart. Why am I sad? I should be happy! He finds me attractive! And you caught him in the act Alexis. I start to feel a giddy sort of accomplishment as I walk to the door.

As I shut the door behind me, I run into his parents coming up the walkway.

“Hello and good night Mr. and Mrs. Uchiha.” I say grinning from ear to ear.

“Hello Alexis.” His mother nods to my jersey, “Did we win?”

“Of course we did!”

“That’s great!” His father says, “Sorry we couldn’t make it this afternoon. We’ll be at the next one for sure.”

“We definitely will. Have a wonderful evening dear.” Mrs. Uchiha beams at me.

“Good night.” They disappear as I open my car door.

“I wonder what they’ll think of their son’s appearance.” I start the engine and sit there a minute letting the effects of my recent discovery settle in.

Nick was in the kitchen making some popcorn when I walked in. “Well don’t you look proud of yourself?” He says grinning.

I hadn’t noticed I was still grinning, so I started to blush. “I just feel very accomplished today.” I take a handful of popcorn and head upstairs.

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